Monthly Archives: May 2009

33rd Anniversary of The Unicist Research Institute

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The Unicist Research Institute invites you to toast on its 33rd Anniversary.  We invite you to light a candle for one minute on Monday, 1st of June at 1:00 pm New York time for the new era that began in the field of complexity management after the discovery of the ontogenetic intelligence of nature.


We are celebrating this anniversary having installed the countdown of the first ontology based knowledge building search engine available in the world:

We are making a business knowledge building engine available for the business world. It includes the technical, analytical and fundamental knowledge to make reliable decisions. The factual and analytical knowledge-base is provided by the existing search engines. The fundamentals knowledge bank is provided by The Unicist Research Institute based on almost 3,000 ontological structures, including the archetypes of 51 countries,  researched and discovered during the last 30 years in the field of individual, institutional and social evolution. The unicist ontology based fundamental analysis made the approach to complexity reliable and a cybernetic approach to business possible. This participative knowledge building technology will expand the technical, analytical and fundamental knowledge bank ad infinitum.

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Executive Committee
The Unicist Research Institute

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Future research implies an extreme adaptive capacity of individuals

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The future does not exist. Humans can only infer the future based on the ontological structures forecasters have, and on the logical inferences based on these logical knowledge. To be able to access these unicist ontological structures it is required that individuals be adapted to the reality they are forecasting and have an extreme learning capacity.

The knowledge on how to expand these capacities can be found at:

The Editor

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Crisis, cultural change, evolution and corruption

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Cultural change is promoted by the change of habits. The change of habits threatens cultural cohesion and is therefore inhibited by the dominating myths of a society. If habits change myths change. It myths prevail, no changes occur.
Considering the functional concept of a culture, habits are the ultimate goal of a culturalization process.
From a functional point of view cultures are defined by the ethics and customs that sustain and put into action the habits that underlay.
Habits are useful automatic behaviors which are put into action by the automatisms that are socially accepted to produce the necessary actions that confirm the usefulness of the habits.
The change of habits is promoted by the change of ethics in a culture. Ethics change when they lose their functionality. Cultures evolve based on the evolution of their ethic.
Ethic evolves when it is driven by scarcity. Scarcity promotes evolution. Abundance and poverty provoke involution.
Consumerism is an artificial way to create scarcity. It makes the evolution of wealthy societies possible. Abundance would provoke involution if it were not sustained by consumerism. This has its prices, as all artificial evolution drivers or catalysts.
The purpose of ethics is to sustain functionality of individuals, groups or cultures. It is driven by the dominant morality and sustained by its functional ideologies.
To understand evolution it must be considered that ideologies sustain ethics. There are ideologies implicit in ethics. While ideologies are able to sustain the functionality of a particular ethical approach, no change happens.
Therefore it is necessary to influence ideologies to change the dominant ethic of an environment.
Ideologies are beliefs that are put into action by specific technologies and sustained by the interests of the individual, group or society.
Ideologies change naturally when the technologies evolve. That is why individualistic and conservative cultures avoid technological changes. They are threatened by them. Hindering technological changes sustains the functionality of their ideology.
Operationally cultural change begins when the change of its ethics produces a change in the customs of a society.
That implies, in case of evolution, a higher level of conscious behavior. Culture changes when these new conscious behaviors prove to be functional to produce the necessary actions to provide added value and obtain the counterpart. Then they will be socially accepted and habits begin to change.
Corruption is the natural “tool” to avoid cultural changes. Corruption is defined as a simple way to gain consensus disregarding the rules of cooperation and competitiveness that are basic in cultural cohesion. Corruption, while hindering cultural changes, provokes involution.

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Germany: Its structure to face the global crisis

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Adapting the paradigm to foster growth

Germany has been and remains a model of efficiency in the development of all its economic, social and “ecological” activities.
It is a unique model like the Japanese, that many admire and that few can follow since in fact, other cultures find it difficult to keep up with its social discipline and  social and “ecological” responsibility.
All this efficiency, however, bears a price that the German culture pays for in each cycle. The efficiency and discipline, basis for any institution and for collective operation, requires an individual relief that calls for a creativity crisis.
As far as social evolution goes, Germany appears clearly oriented toward expansion, which says much of the strength of its society’s institutional axis. The social axis appears to be today, and relatively speaking, “always” was, very strong and very national.
A member of the German culture belongs to it whether in his own country or elsewhere in the world. The individual axis in Germany is much geared toward giving precedence to the group rather than to the individual.

Technology is the basis of economic growth

Technology expands the economic growth but automation brings about an over-expansion that ends up posing a threat to expansion itself (unemployment).
Technology also requires, given the level of automation in force in Germany, a level of efficiency much larger than the efficacy of men who are in charge of.
This brings about, no doubt whatsoever, a loss of creativity unless the culture generates alternative development systems of the said one.

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The Editor

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The USA Lifestyles

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Unicist Lifestyles

Lifestyles are the archetypical behavior patterns of a society and its members. These archetypes serve a group as automatisms to carry out their everyday activities functional to that society’s purpose.
Hence, lifestyles are the result of the integration of a society’s collective unconscious with its archetype, which define different ways of facing reality.
Archetypes resolve the weaknesses of a social group by turning uncertainties into assertive answers which guarantee the success of individual and social purposes.
An individual’s lifestyle makes him/her acceptable and functional to the society’s needs. It also allows the individual to find groups of identification across different cultures or communities.
There are four main lifestyle types: “Artisan”, “Expert”, “Doer” and “Innovator”.
These four lifestyles have two sub-styles:
1)    One sub-style for stable or evolution stages
2)    One sub-style for unstable or involution stages

Whether a society is in a stable or unstable situation, or in an evolution or involution process is ultimately subjective, and results from the perception of the collective unconscious.

The description of each lifestyle depends on the ultimate goals underlying each cultural archetype.
American lifestyles can be illustrated as follows:


The USA Archetype

The American archetype is defined by the integration of three expansive values and three contractive values.

Expansive Values:

Contractive Values:

The three expansive values define the verbal function of their culture –  its action. The contractive values define the adverbial function, or the energy conservation of that culture.

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The Editor

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