Introducing the Functionalist Principles in the World
To manage the Roots of the Functionality of Things
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The Unicist Functionalist Principle
To Manage the Root Causes of Problems
The Unicist School works as an unincorporated non-profit association fully sponsored by The Unicist Research Institute. It fosters the management of the roots of the functionality and the root causes of problems in the social, economic, business, and personal fields, using functionalist principles.
The functionalist principle defines that there is nothing in the universe, which is part of a system, that does not work with a purpose, an active function, and an energy conservation function, integrated by the use of binary actions.
This is managed using the ontogenetic maps of things that define and describe their functionalist principles and are shared with the community in the Unicist Collaboration Center.
The functionalist approach to science built a bridge between operational knowledge and metaphysics, developing the category of functionalist knowledge, which defines the functionalist principles that drive the functionality, dynamics, and evolution of things.
It is based on the use of functionalist knowledge to manage the real world that integrates the know-how and the know-why of things.
Evolutionary Constructivism
The Next Stage in the World
The unicist evolutionary approach was developed to foster adaptability and expansion in adaptive environments.
The unicist constructivism establishes the restricted context of the unicist evolutionary approach, and makes it possible, by managing the possibilities of what can be achieved in a given environment.
Unicist Collaboration Center
Partnering with Companies & Professionals
This is sort of a club for those who are interested in expanding in the world through partnering, based on the use of functionalist principles and the use of a functionalist approach that ensures the generation of value.
The 4th Industrial Revolution is introducing a social revolution based on the use of adaptive automation to enhance adaptability, which made binary actions necessary to ensure the functionality of processes.
Program for Teenagers
To expand the mindset of the next generation
It is a non-profit program that has been designed for 14 to 17 years old teenagers. It consists of an introductory micro-clinic where the root causes of the functionality of a computer-game is developed in a participative work with the students.
The objective is that the participants learn to envision the root causes of their functionality which demystifies games, diminishes their addictive power, and provides a framework for abductive reasoning.
Unicist Golden Eagle Awards
Fostering an evolutionary approach
The Unicist Golden Eagle is an award that is given to all those who have developed a notorious case of a solution using binary actions to generate value in business environments.
Binary actions are implicitly part of a functionalist approach to business that fosters evolutionary constructivism. Participate