Daily Archives: January 18, 2010



Transistors emulate the unicist ontogenetic intelligence of nature

The notorious functionality of transistors is based on their emulation of the functionality of nature. The discovery of  semiconductors was needed to make this “invention” possible.

See the history of the transistor at: http://nobelprize.org/educational_games/physics/transistor/history/

This implies that the knowledge of the fundamentals of transistors, which is beyond their mechanics, is what makes them expand the boundaries of their functionality and their “mutations”.

If you want to access the basics of the unicist ontogenetic intelligence of nature you can access it free at: http://www.unicist.org/deb_uoin.php

Unicist Business Objects are also based on the ontogenetic intelligence of nature. Thus transistors and unicist business objects are homologous.

One of the functionalities of unicist business objects is to work as “transistors” of business processes.

This is not easy to apprehend; it requires a double dialectical thinking approach.

You can find information on Unicist Thinking in the Unicist Business Search Engine: http://www.unicist.com

Request more information: n.i.brown@unicist.org

Your comments are welcome.

Peter Belohlavek

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Unicist Pilot Testing and Unicist Thinking to confirm business decisions

Pilot testing is necessary to confirm the accuracy of business decision. But when problems are complex, pilot testing is a “must” in order to avoid mind traps.

The fundamentals of Unicist Pilot Testing were developed by Peter Belohlavek at the Unicist Research Institute.

Pilot testing are not trial and error activities. They require a precise design defining both destructive and non-destructive tests. Destructive tests allow defining the limits of a specific knowledge and non-destructive tests define its validity.

Pilot testing must begin with destructive tests in order to define the boundaries to develop the non-destructive tests. Unicist thinking proves the supplementation and complementation laws that allow designing these pilot tests.

People who do not do spontaneous pilot tests when focusing on a complex problem are not prepared for assuming the responsibility for producing results.

Pilot tests allow confirming the knowledge of the fundamentals of a problem. They are actions that promote actions.

You can find information on Unicist Thinking in the Unicist Business Search Engine: http://www.unicist.com

Request more information: n.i.brown@unicist.org

Your comments are welcome.

Diana Belohlavek
VP Unicist Knowledge Bank

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