Daily Archives: September 21, 2011



Global Expansion of the Unicist Confederation

September 23, the 35th equinox of The Unicist Research Institute, was chosen to be the day for the launching of the new stage which consists of the worldwide multiplication of the Unicist Confederation. We invite you to toast on September 23, at 7:00 pm New York time (sharp).

The launching of the collection for business architecture is what allows now the participation of clients in the field of the businesses of the Unicist Confederation: http://unicist.com/ontologies/architecture/

The next stage is the final structural stage. The following stages will deal with conjunctural aspects.

Finally we are, in the Unicist Confederation business, where we needed to be. I would like to make a synthesis of the next business growth period.

Our goal is to build corporate partnerships with the major clients. That is what will expand the business. We will start dealing with 40 corporations. Partnerships are only possible between peers. This is what TURI, the Unicist Confederation and the Unicist Corporate University are about.

We have the major gravitational force that can be available for a business, which is the research of The Unicist Research Institute (4,100 until September), which continues growing. http://www.unicist.com/

We also have a live gravitational force which is Peter Belohlavek who might be one of the major scientists in the history of humanity because of the depth of his discoveries and the width of his research in complexity sciences. The discovery of the ontogenetic intelligence of nature, the unicist ontology of evolution and human ontointelligence are a demonstration of the depth of the researches that changed the world forever.

The Unicist Business Architecture is now the participative bridge between science and business, it allows everyone to influence with a grounded or groundless opinion.

From now on Peter Belohlavek will be only participating as a scientist to sustain the Unicist Confederation.

We have to become world leaders in the commercial field in six months using the power of the technologies applied to business expansion (including both growth and improvement). March 2012 is the deadline. It has to be the demonstration of an “avalanche”.

Considering the ontology of growth that is in the book of the Crisis 2008, we can say that we have all what is needed to “multiply”. Growth is the most difficult problem to be solved in business. That is why we are there, and the unicist research found the solution for it.

We invite you to toast and participate in the new stage.

Diana Belohlavek
VP Global Markets
& Market Labs

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute is a pioneer in complexity science research. More than 4,000 ontological researches were developed since 1976 until July 2011 in the field of individual, institutional and social evolution. They allowed describing the “DNA” of institutions, defined by the ontogenetic algorithms of their functions, and manage them using ontology based and business object driven solutions.
