Daily Archives: January 9, 2012



Extreme individualism: a side effect of zero sum economy

Extreme individualists are individuals who seek for maximizing their benefits, have the necessary justifications to do so and need to exert power to achieve their purpose. They behave as “stagnant survivors” whose actions are a consequence of a personal attitude or the influence of the standards of an environment.

“The attitude of individuals is defined by the concept they have of what they are doing, the true intentions of their attitudes is defined by their ethics.
Extreme individualism in politics, economy and business is the consequence of zero sum environments and simultaneously generates them.
It produces a vicious circle that is paid with growth and the wellbeing of future generations.”

Excerpt from the book “Zero Sum vs. Value Adding Economy –
Opening the Pandora Box of Social Evils” by Peter Belohlavek

Extreme individualism is sustained by the human complexes triggered by fallacious perceptions and decisions. That is why extreme individualists cannot listen to what is different to their beliefs and needs. The open boundaries implicit in the adaptive aspects of businesses, represent a threat to their power exertion and the objective of maximizing their benefits.

Extreme individualism drives towards an over-adaptive behavior which implies that individuals, in order to avoid the responsibility of facing an adaptive process, deal with reality by submitting, opposing or dominating it. This is the essential behavior of extreme individualists.

They are harsh competitors who cannot deal with cooperation and consider that all those who cooperate are weak and should be disregarded. They need to destroy any technology that allows dealing with the adaptive aspects of businesses.

They are outsiders everywhere. That is why they can only deal with simple problems that allow an external observation to be solved. Their approach to them is subjective, intuitive and empiric.

They do not work with people; they use them for specific purposes. They manage naturally an authoritarian and/or manipulative approach to make this possible.

Stagnant survivors are idols for survivors who consider their capacity of appropriating value as a goal to be achieved to abandon the surviving role. That is why they are surrounded by them.

You do not have to worry about identifying them. They will identify you.

Diana Belohlavek
VP Global Markets
& Market Labs

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became the major research organization in the world in the field of human adaptive systems. More than 4,200 unicist ontological researches were developed since 1976 until December 2011 in the field of individual, institutional and social evolution. They included the development of the unicist ontogenetic maps (DNA) of institutions.
