Biology: The Unicist Logic Explains the Functionality of Biological Entities

The Unicist Logic allows managing the functionality, dynamics, and evolution of biological entities. This logic is an emulation of the ontogenetic intelligence of nature, based on a triadic functionality of the fundamentals of nature’s entities that drive their evolution and survival. This logical structure defines the adaptability of living entities and, therefore, applies to the construction of artificial adaptive systems.

The intelligence of nature is defined by the functionality of natural entities. The discovery of this functionality as triadic, which will be explained later, establishes the limits of the human brain in simulating nature’s intelligence due to the dualistic functionality of neurons, which are either on or off.

This required the development of an “intelligence”, the unicist logic, which allows for the emulation of nature’s intelligence based on the use of a double dialectical process. This process emulates the triadic structure of nature to construct artificial adaptive systems. It required the substitution of the unique actions of natural functions with binary actions to achieve results.

The discovery of the ontogenetic intelligence of nature has allowed for an understanding of the functionality, dynamics, and evolution of the real world. This led to the development of unicist logic, which explains the functionality of nature’s adaptability and how to manage adaptability in the real world when dealing with adaptive environments. The research on biological entities was led by Peter Belohlavek at The Unicist Research Institute.

The Functionality of Enzymes

The application of unicist logic to enzyme functionality highlights a broader view where enzymes are seen as key components in the adaptive systems of biology. This approach not only enhances our understanding of enzyme mechanisms but also provides insights into their evolutionary significance. By viewing enzymes through the lens of unicist logic, we can appreciate their role not just in the context of individual reactions but as pivotal elements in the grander scheme of life’s complex biochemical networks. Learn more 

The Functionality of Motor and Sensory Nervous Systems

By viewing the nervous system through the lens of Unicist Functionalist Principles, we appreciate the sophisticated balance and interdependencies within this complex adaptive system. This perspective not only enriches our understanding of biological processes but also offers insights into developing more effective approaches in fields such as neurology, psychology, and even artificial intelligence, where understanding complex, adaptive systems is crucial.. Learn more    

The Functionality of Axons

The Unicist Logic’s portrayal of these functions as inherently complementary shows an appreciation for the subtleties of biological regulation, where the key to complex functionality lies in the balance and interdependence of seemingly simple binary actions. This model underscores the elegance of nature’s designs, where the balance of activation and inhibition ensures that systems do not just operate but do so in an efficient and sustainable manner. Such insights could be pivotal not only for understanding biological and neurological processes but also for designing artificial systems that mimic these natural efficiencies. Learn more   


Unicist logic is based on a triadic structure of fundamentals, where there is a central value that defines the purpose of a function, an antithetic value that defines its active function, and a homeostatic value that defines its energy conservation function.

Unicist logic defines the functionality of each of the fundamentals by establishing that the relationship between the purpose and the active function is supplementary, and the relationship between the purpose and the energy conservation function is complementary. Supplementation and complementation are defined by homonymous laws that regulate the functionality of any entity in the world.

In unicist logic, there are also laws of evolution and devolution that define the evolution of adaptive entities of any kind. The evolution of entities is driven by the prevalence of their active functions, while devolution is driven by the prevalence of their energy conservation functions.

The rules of unicist logic provided the structure for abductive reasoning, previously nonexistent, and facilitated the creation of Unicist AI, a rule-based approach to managing adaptive environments.

You can learn how to manage biological entities’ functionality by using the Multilingual Unicist Virtual Researcher

The Unicist Research Institute
