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Thought Experiments in Complexity Science Research

People can manage those problems whose solutions they are able to emulate in mind. Different functional intelligences allow emulating different types of solutions. This process was named “Thought Experiment” and has be come a popular domain through Albert Einstein’s work.

Thought Experiment – Gedankenexperiment: Albert Einstein, one of the greatest minds of the 20th century, forever changed the landscape of science by introducing revolutionary concepts that shook our understanding of the physical world. One of Einstein’s most defining qualities was his remarkable ability to conceptualize complex scientific ideas by imagining real-life scenarios. He called these scenarios Gedankenexperiments,which is German for thought experiments. (Ali Sundermier) – Nikola Tesla’s researches and developments are also paradigmatic examples of this approach to science and problem solving.

The unicist approach was developed to build structural solutions in adaptive environments. This requires emulating reality in mind.

Unicist Solution Thinking

This emulation is materialized in the building of a model that has to be homologous to the real world. This model must allow envisioning a specific functional reality and also experiencing it.

The unicist approach to the emulation of reality is homologous to the thought experimental approach.

The unicist approach implies an action-reflection-action process that requires finding the root causes of facts and emulating in mind the solutions that upgrade the previous stage.

Unicist reflection requires the use of destructive tests to define the limits of the validity of knowledge or solutions. The unicist destructive tests are based on self-criticism, which fosters personal improvement, and includes a spontaneous amending attitude and the capacity of laughing at oneself.

The unicist reflection process is a sort of thought experiment, that basically deals with finding or managing the root causes of real problems and the root drivers of real solutions. This reflection process is a destructive and non-destructive tests driven process.

The unicist approach, that is homologous to the processes used by Albert Einstein and Nikola Tesla, integrates the development of destructive and non-destructive tests with the unicist reverse engineering method and the unicist reflection methodology to develop solutions.

This needs to be sustained by a solution thinking focus that uses an ontological approach to apprehend the concepts involved.

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute has been, since 1976, the pioneer in complexity science research to deal with adaptive entities and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of adaptive systems and environments. It was one of the precursors of the Industry 4.0 concept


The Critical Mass of Business Objects

Having a critical mass in business actions is a basic condition of every element that is used to influence human adaptive systems. Business objects follow this rule and need to have a critical mass in order to be inserted in work processes.

A business object works as a critical mass when it is able to produce the results that have been planned. To do so it has to be extremely aesthetic, fulfilling the needs of the environment, and having an absolute influence based on an extreme and synchronic added value within a context of full credibility.

Simplified: something has a critical mass in the business field when it is extremely aesthetic, has a high level of influential power and is fully credible.

The adaptive aspects of businesses need to be managed having critical mass in each action to avoid degrading the business by just developing over-adapted actions. The use of business objects, including entropy inhibitors and catalysts, allows making this possible.

Without the use of business objects the critical mass depends fully on the critical mass of the individuals who manage a business process. The Unicist Standard defines the aspects that need to exist in an object with critical mass.

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became the major research organization in the world in the field of human adaptive systems. More than 4,200 unicist ontological researches were developed since 1976 until December 2011 in the field of individual, institutional and social evolution. They included the development of the unicist ontogenetic maps (DNA) of institutions:


The Unicist Critical Mass Method

The Unicist Approach requires the use of critical masses in the adaptive business processes. A Unicist Critical Mass is the smallest amount of force that is needed to generate the integration of the elements of the unified field of a human complex adaptive system to produce results.

The Unicist Critical Mass Method (UCMM) is a design process that allows integrating the business architecture with the necessary synchronicity to be able to have a critical mass to add value and take advantage of opportunities. It requires a natural object driven organization with an adequate quality assurance process.

The quality assurance process that is included in the Critical Mass Method is based on having secure knowledge, on the use of destructive and non-destructive pilot tests to define the limits and validity of the solutions and on the existence of plans A, B, C and D to ensure results.

The UCMM is a strategic approach to define the processes established by the business architecture in a way that ensures the results to be achieved.

The UCMM is included in the Unicist Standards to manage adaptive systems.

Diana Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became the major research organization in the world in the field of human adaptive systems. More than 4,200 unicist ontological researches were developed since 1976 until December 2011 in the field of individual, institutional and social evolution. They included the development of the unicist ontogenetic maps (DNA) of institutions:


Overcoming Scarcity sustains the strategy for growth

The concept of economic growth, at an operational level, implies the need to integrate a superior technology, monetary circulation, competitiveness and the overcoming scarcity.

Overcoming scarcity is what sustains the minimum strategy for growth. It implies the integration of social capital with competitiveness and cooperation in order to achieve this goal.

That is why it can be said that growth is not a regional matter, it is a national or institutional matter.

Competitiveness and cooperation are concepts that can be easily understood. That is why we would like to clarify the meaning of social capital defining it as the integration of a communitarian identity with a context that makes people feel valued and gives them a sense of superiority.

Without a strong sense of identity there is no possibility to generate social capital which is basic for growth. That is why when crises, at an institutional or social level, are just palliated and not cured, there can be no sense of superiority which is necessary to build social capital to generate growth.

Reactivation can be generated by managing monetary circulation, but structural growth requires having a minimum strategy which implies social capital, competitiveness and cooperation.

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became the major research organization in the world in the field of human adaptive systems. More than 4,200 unicist ontological researches were developed since 1976 until December 2011 in the field of individual, institutional and social evolution. They included the development of the unicist ontogenetic maps (DNA) of institutions.


Discovery of the complementation of Ontogeny and Phylogeny

The research in anthropology discovered the unicist ontological structure of human activities where phylogeny replicates ontogeny. This discovery allows influencing institutions and cultures. This research was led by Peter Belohlavek.

What it was discovered was that when phylogeny replicates ontogeny, the genotypes and the phenotypes of the two aspects of evolution are complementary and are integrated by a common ontogenetic intelligence.

In plain language phylogeny can be described as related to the evolution of species and ontogeny as related to the evolution of a living entity.

Collective unconscious, learning, institutionalization, industrialization and ideologies are examples where the phylogeny replicates ontogeny.

The discovery of the fundamentals of this replication process allows for a conscious approach to social and institutional evolution.

South Korea is an example of this type of actions to foster social evolution. The cure of crises, at a micro or macro level, instead of only palliating them, is another field of application.

This discovery opens the possibilities of influencing the evolution of societies and institutions through the influence on individual behavior.

Press Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became the major research organization in the world in the field of human adaptive systems. More than 4,200 unicist ontological researches were developed since 1976 until December 2011 in the field of individual, institutional and social evolution. They included the development of the unicist ontogenetic maps (DNA) of institutions.


The Unicist Approach and the Third Industrial Revolution

From an anthropological standpoint, the first industrial revolution was given by the mechanical approach. The second industrial revolution was possible because of the systemic approach and the third industrial revolution implies the approach to reality as a unified field.

The  industrialization level is homologous to the personal industrial maturity level which implies that the phylogeny of industrialization replicates the ontogeny of industrial maturity.

This means that individuals have to make their own personal “industrial revolution” to upgrade.

The unicist approach structured the third industrial revolution making human adaptive systems reasonable, understandable, predictable and manageable as unified fields. That is why it is a new starting point for businesses.

An industrial revolution is such when it changes structural paradigms and produces a breakthrough in energy saving/optimization.

All the solutions, technologies and knowledge provided by TURI generate huge energy saving effects sustaining this revolution. You can find the Unicist Standard at:
Access a visual synthesis of the unicist approach at: http://unicist.net/clipboard

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became the major research organization in the world in the field of human adaptive systems. More than 4,200 unicist ontological researches were developed since 1976 until December 2011 in the field of individual, institutional and social evolution. They included the development of the unicist ontogenetic maps (DNA) of institutions.


Invitation: Lecture on Ontogenetic Maps for Personal Use

We invite you to participate in the lecture on “Ontogenetic Maps for Personal Use” on November 25, 2011 at 2:00 pm Eastern Time. This is the first lecture of the cycle organized by the Unicist Goodwill Network. It will be held by Peter Belohlavek, whose scientific developments opened the possibilities to manage the nature of things.

The integration of the ontogenetic intelligence of nature, the anthropological invariables and human ontointelligence made the development of the ontogenetic maps possible. These ontogenetic maps are timeless meaning that they are valid as long as the function they represent exists. For example, the ontogenetic map of a lifeboat exists and remains unchanged as long as its function exists. Technologies change, cultural contexts are different but the ontogenetic map of the lifeboat remains the same.

Watch live streaming video from unicistgoodwillnetwork at livestream.com

The lecture will begin 11/25 at 2:00 pm Eastern Time sharp. At this time please enter here.

Ontogenetic maps are cross-cultural because the integration of the ontogenetic intelligence of nature with the anthropological (cultural) invariables defines the nature of a function in synthetic language.

On the one hand, this makes the unicist ontological structures self-evident in any culture and, on the other hand, it makes the ontological algorithms that define the ontogenetic maps, be perceived as logical because they follow the natural way something needs to be developed.

Access information about Peter Belohlavek at:

Press Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became the major research organization in the world in the field of human adaptive systems. More than 4,000 unicist ontological researches were developed since 1976 until July 2011 in the field of individual, institutional and social evolution. They included the development of the unicist ontogenetic maps (DNA) of institutions.


Discovery of the Ontology of Consciousness

The ontology of consciousness to deal with personal development was discovered after 35 years of research at The Unicist Research Institute.

The research was led by Peter Belohlavek and the final confirmation process included participants in the United States, Germany and Argentina.

This knowledge allows helping people to expand their possibilities avoiding the esoteric, rationalistic and subjectivist approaches. It also allows defining the limits of these possibilities.

We would like to acknowledge the Universität Heidelberg and the University of Minnesota for their empirical and physiologic researches in this field.

This establishes a new starting point to deal with human behavior. A book on this subject will be published in December 2011.

We invite you to be our guest at the Unicist Library: http://www.unicist.com

Diana Belohlavek
VP Global Markets
&  Market Labs

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became the major research organization in the world in the field of human adaptive systems. More than 4,000 unicist ontological researches were developed since 1976 until July 2011 in the field of individual, institutional and social evolution. They included the development of the unicist ontogenetic maps (DNA) of institutions.


European Crisis: Fundamental Analysis is coming back

The European Crisis demonstrated a lack of risk management in the wide sense. Fundamental analysis has been left aside. Fundamental analysis is based on the ontological structures of a functional entity and allows forecasting its behavior. When it is integrated with technical analysis it provides fully reliable information for risk management.

Fundamental analysis was an early technology to manage opportunities and risks, but mathematical solutions were consistent enough to displace and transform it into a subjective and perhaps intuitive approach to opportunity/risk management.

It has to be considered that human adaptive systems have a three dimensional structure following the ontogenetic intelligence of nature: http://www.unicist.org/deb_uoin.php

An ontological approach is necessary to deal with opportunities and risks in the field of adaptive systems in order to manage their three dimensional ontogenetic algorithms.

As it is known, mathematical models for adaptive systems are necessarily based on “ceteris paribus” or empirical solutions that are based on historical information with sophisticated projections.

That is why we consider that time has come to integrate technical analysis with fundamental analysis to provide reliable diagnoses and prognoses to the markets. This will surely prove a security framework that will bring relief to them.

We invite you to be our guest at the Unicist Library: http://www.unicist.com

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became the major research organization in the world in the field of human adaptive systems. More than 4,000 unicist ontological researches were developed since 1976 until July 2011 in the field of individual, institutional and social evolution. They included the development of the unicist ontogenetic maps (DNA) of institutions.


What are unicist ontogenetic maps in business for?

Business growth requires dealing with businesses as adaptive systems in order to be able to extend their boundaries.

Example of ontogenetic map for negociation design

Ontogenetic maps are a conceptual GPS to generate solutions in the field of businesses considered as human adaptive systems.

Ontogenetic maps describe the ontological algorithm of a function or the whole system. They describe the steps that have to be followed to influence businesses.

Ontogenetic maps are timeless and cross-cultural but their applicative content varies based on the available technologies and the characteristics of the environments.

The use of ontogenetic maps and their implicit unicist ontological algorithms is the input for business architecture making the building of a solid structure possible.

Business growth requires managing the ontogenetic map of the specific business and the ontogenetic map of economic growth.

We invite you to be our guest at the Unicist Library to access the collection of books on Unicist Business Architecture: http://www.unicist.com

Diana Belohlavek
VP Global Markets
& Market Labs

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute is a pioneer in complexity science research. More than 4,000 unicist ontological researches were developed since 1976 until July 2011 in the field of individual, institutional and social evolution. They included the development of the unicist ontogenetic maps (DNA) of institutions.
