Unicist Objects



Scientific Breakthrough: the Unicist Ontology of Semiosis

The discovery of the Unicist Ontology of Semiosis allows developing “signs” as adaptive systems to produce predefined results.

The unicist ontological research led by Peter Belohlavek began in 2001 and integrated both the development of Peirce, based on logic, and Saussure, based on linguistics, to develop an approach to signs considered as complex adaptive systems to produce results.

As it is known, Charles S. Peirce structured the triadic nature of signs and Ferdinand de Saussure developed their dualistic operational structure.

As stated by this research, signs are cognitive objects, which are adaptive systems, driven by the need of communicating a predefined meaning based on the integration of a signifier and a signified.

Therefore, their functionality requires being measured in the mind of people and their behavior.

The structure that was discovered allowed defining the corresponding ontogenetic maps and algorithms transforming the abstraction of signs into a manageable object driven technology.

This breakthrough opens the frontiers for social communication in general and business communication in particular to influence markets, design products and other multiple uses. The final validation of this discovery was its use in business to develop three “Sales” laboratories.

Diana Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.


Unicist Benchmarking: an approach to business innovations

Benchmarking was fully associated with copying before the Unicist Ontological Benchmarking was developed. It produced paradoxical results in most of the cases.

The Unicist Approach to benchmarking requires understanding the ontological structure of the business aspects that are being compared. It allows apprehending the nature of the activity and widening the possibilities of the expansion of the functionality of the value proposition.

“There are three different points of view to benchmark business activities.

1) The point of view of the leaders who need to ensure that the differentiation with the followers is still there and the confirmation that innovators cannot materialize their threat.

2) The point of view of the followers who need to know their positioning to take advantage of their role.

3) The point of view of innovators who intend to install new paradigms in niches, segments or markets and benchmark to confirm and/or build differentiation.

The battle for leadership is about who establishes the standards of a market. In other words, the battle is about “Who is the benchmark?” considered as such by the rest of the competitors.

But there is another point of view we do not consider part of the business establishment. It is the role of the survivors who use benchmarking and reverse engineering to copy competitors’ products, services, processes, technologies etc.

Some of them may become cost leaders in low-cost countries in the world, but most of them are “butterfly companies” that live and die copying.”

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NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a global decentralized world-class research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. https://www.unicist-school.org/complexity-sciences/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/turi.pdf


What did the unicist approach to business change?

The unicist approach established a new starting point in businesses. It is fully focused on business expansion having changed the paradigms to diagnose, develop strategies and design business architecture.

What Was Not Possible in Business Before the Unicist Approach?

 1)      The development of diagnoses beginning with the nature of a business and ending with its operation.

2)      The development of ontology based, reasonable, understandable and reliable global, country, market and business future scenarios.

3)      The design of synergic maximal and minimum strategies for business growth

4)      The building of business objects to work as drivers, catalysts and entropy inhibitors of business processes.

5)      The management of businesses as unified fields taking advantage of the possibilities while saving energy.

6)      The segmentation of markets including the hard, functional, psychological, conceptual and life-style aspects to influence buying processes.

7)      The integration of fundamental analysis and technical analysis to develop reliable knowledge.

Diego Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a global decentralized world-class research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. https://www.unicist-school.org/complexity-sciences/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/turi-3.pdf


The Unicist Option Pricing Model has been developed

The Black-Scholes Option Pricing Model has been accused of causing the crisis of the financial markets. This is like accusing the bullet for having killed J. F. Kennedy.

The model is correct, but only considering financial behavior as a systemic system.

Peter Belohlavek, at The Unicist Research Institute, researched this field validating the formula when integrated with the mathematics provided by the unicist logic in order to transform the systemic solution into an adaptive system solution.

This will help to reopen some doors of the financial markets to sustain growth.

The unicist model was added to the Black-Scholes formula transforming it into an adaptive model that establishes the “possibilities” as a limit for the validity of pricing.

This mathematical solution will be open to the market after its application to decision making in several financial institutions had been developed.

Press Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became the major research organization in the world in the field of human adaptive systems. More than 4,200 unicist ontological researches were developed since 1976 until December 2011 in the field of individual, institutional and social evolution. They included the development of the unicist ontogenetic maps (DNA) of institutions:


Discovery of the complementation of Ontogeny and Phylogeny

The research in anthropology discovered the unicist ontological structure of human activities where phylogeny replicates ontogeny. This discovery allows influencing institutions and cultures. This research was led by Peter Belohlavek.

What it was discovered was that when phylogeny replicates ontogeny, the genotypes and the phenotypes of the two aspects of evolution are complementary and are integrated by a common ontogenetic intelligence.

In plain language phylogeny can be described as related to the evolution of species and ontogeny as related to the evolution of a living entity.

Collective unconscious, learning, institutionalization, industrialization and ideologies are examples where the phylogeny replicates ontogeny.

The discovery of the fundamentals of this replication process allows for a conscious approach to social and institutional evolution.

South Korea is an example of this type of actions to foster social evolution. The cure of crises, at a micro or macro level, instead of only palliating them, is another field of application.

This discovery opens the possibilities of influencing the evolution of societies and institutions through the influence on individual behavior.

Press Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became the major research organization in the world in the field of human adaptive systems. More than 4,200 unicist ontological researches were developed since 1976 until December 2011 in the field of individual, institutional and social evolution. They included the development of the unicist ontogenetic maps (DNA) of institutions.


Discovery of the Ontology of Consciousness

The ontology of consciousness to deal with personal development was discovered after 35 years of research at The Unicist Research Institute.

The research was led by Peter Belohlavek and the final confirmation process included participants in the United States, Germany and Argentina.

This knowledge allows helping people to expand their possibilities avoiding the esoteric, rationalistic and subjectivist approaches. It also allows defining the limits of these possibilities.

We would like to acknowledge the Universität Heidelberg and the University of Minnesota for their empirical and physiologic researches in this field.

This establishes a new starting point to deal with human behavior. A book on this subject will be published in December 2011.

We invite you to be our guest at the Unicist Library: http://www.unicist.com

Diana Belohlavek
VP Global Markets
&  Market Labs

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became the major research organization in the world in the field of human adaptive systems. More than 4,000 unicist ontological researches were developed since 1976 until July 2011 in the field of individual, institutional and social evolution. They included the development of the unicist ontogenetic maps (DNA) of institutions.


Market-Lab launching: Unicist Virtual Selling Platform

Time for using the power of Internet has come. The virtual selling platform is now available after almost three years of global applications that ensure its effectiveness.

High value, ethical or innovative products and services can now be sold using “Unicist 3D emulators” that allow prospects to participate actively, be able to truly experience a commercial proposal and make a pre-decision.

The use of emulators is followed by an object driven marketing process that allows the potential customer to confirm her/his decision or reopen new alternatives.

The core of the success of the platform is the use of sales catalysts and entropy inhibitors in the buying process.

The catalysts are based on the knowledge of the conceptual structure of the solution that is provided and the entropy inhibitor is the micro-segmentation of the potential clients in order to cover their particular needs.

These concepts and micro-segments are part of the solutions included in the Unicist Market-Lab that sustains the virtual selling platform. We want to point out that this technology can be easily managed by any sales-pro.

Request more information at: malvaro(at)unicist.net

This technology is now available as part of the Unicist Marketing Platforms. To learn about the unicist marketing technologies we recommend accessing the Unicist Library: www.unicist.com

Diana Belohlavek
VP Global Markets
& Market Labs

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute is a pioneer in complexity science research. More than 4,000 ontological researches were developed since 1976 until July 2011 in the field of individual, institutional and social evolution. They allowed describing the “DNA” of institutions, defined by the ontogenetic algorithms of their functions, and manage them using ontology based and business object driven solutions.


Dealing with solidity in architectural design

Every system that is supposed to adapt to some changes in the environment needs to be designed in a way that ensures its utility, aesthetics and solidity.

The moment to deal with solidity comes when utility and aesthetics have been defined. Solidity is the energy conservation function of the architecture of a building or system.

It has to be considered that it needs to integrate both flexible aspects and rigid aspects in order to be stable and provide the solidity the building or system requires.

Integrating flexibility and rigidity is extremely complex because the nature of the functionality of the system needs to be respected.

Therefore we propose an enigma (riddle) to find out what this integration is about.  The objective is to find the structure of solidity building.

Unicist Enigma: Honoring bricks

Somewhere in Central Europe in the XVI Century there was an artisan who became famous in his region because of the bricks he built.

When visitors asked him what he was doing, he always responded with the same word: bricks.

The bricks he built had different shapes and were made with different materials. Among others there were flat, hollow, concave, convex and triangular bricks. When somebody asked why he built them in different shapes, he just looked up and smiled. Just a whisper could be heard back: rigidity and flexibility.

Astonishingly, on the place he worked there were only the bricks he had prepared during that day.

Day after day, the same work. Every morning there was no stock left. It seemed as if the bricks had disappeared over night.

He had a secret young admirer who spent hours trying to learn from him. When the young apprentice asked: why?, the answer was always the same: rigidity and flexibility.

Although he became old he was still enthusiastic building bricks.

But suddenly he disappeared. As he was an icon in the region, people began to look for him until they abandoned the effort, considering that he had probable passed away.

Years later, his young admirer had become a famous architect known because of the solidity of his constructions.

What is your secret? was the question everyone posed to the architect.

The bricks, was his answer, and people inevitable laughed.

He always smiled back as an answer and continued his way.

One day there was a terrible earthquake in the region. All the constructions but the buildings of the architect were damaged.

When the reconstruction began people said that they needed to learn from this architect to rebuild secure houses.

I agree, said one of the leaders in a group of neighbors, but it is said that there is a small town, across the Black River that suffered no damages at all, he emphasized.

Following the rumor, they decided to visit that town. A group of neighbors, including the architect, began to walk trying to find the town crossing the Black River. But in those days the Black River was considered a sacred place. Although the river was not deep, no one dared to cross it because it was said that the one who tried to cross it walking, would die in the attempt.

They had to find a natural bridge to cross the river. After several hours of walking, they found a bridge but it was not a natural one, it was hand made. It was a very narrow bridge but a very solid and flexible one.  So they carefully began to cross it. The journey continued. Very soon they found a pathway and followed it. It drove them to the small nice town that was totally undamaged.

As soon as they approached the first buildings someone said that they were using the bricks developed by the architect.

They are not mine! responded the architect while he began to scratch his head.

This cannot be happening was the only thought he had in his mind.

The visitors were welcomed as soon as they approached the church.

Why did you have no damages produced by the earthquake? was the immediate question.

A neighbor of the town pointed his finger to a small house: Go there! he said.

And there they went.

As soon as the door was opened a very old man appeared.

Master!!! said the architect…How come?
Rigidity and flexibility was his only answer… And they embraced in a hug.

Question: what is a brick?

Enigmas have many solutions. In the Far East, riddles are used to develop internal freedom and responsibility. Next week one of the answers will be published in this blog.

We invite you to be our guest at the Unicist Library to access the book: “Unicist Business Architecture”:  http://www.unicist.com

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute is a pioneer in complexity science research. More than 4,000 ontological researches were developed since 1976 until July 2011 in the field of individual, institutional and social evolution, including the development of ontology based and business object driven solutions for businesses.


Expanding the boundaries of businesses in order to grow

The expansion of the boundaries of a business implies that those who manage it need to expand the unified field of the business they have in their mind.

Businesses need to be envisioned in their processes and results in order to be managed. The expansion of boundaries can only be managed by those who have a precise vision of the new boundaries that need to be achieved.

Every individual has boundaries in her/his mind that provide the security framework to adapt to the environment. Time to adapt is necessary for an individual to expand the boundaries of a business.

Therefore, the expansion of boundaries of businesses, which is a condition for growth, requires a strategy in which companies need to have the people to make it happen.

The starting actions require the implementation of a “Special Operation Force” (SOF) that has the capacity to deal with the new boundaries having no pre-concepts driven by the preexisting limits.

The natural way to do so is by integrating to this force, members of the company that have the capacity but were not involved in the preexisting boundaries. This avoids change resistance and innovation blindness. An external SOF is needed as a palliative to save energy.

As a transition, for the starting point, an external SOF, provides a minimum strategy that establishes a safer environment for the internal SOF. It is a price that needs to be paid in all the cases in which the new boundaries imply an extension of the concept of the products, services or solutions sold.

We invite you to be our guest at the Unicist Library:  http://www.unicist.com

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute is a pioneer in complexity science research. More than 4,000 ontological researches were developed since 1976 until July 2011 in the field of individual, institutional and social evolution, including the development of ontology based and business object driven solutions for businesses.


35th Anniversary of The Unicist Research Institute

June 1976 was the beginning of the research of evolution in the field of complexity science. It was focused on approaching the nature of reality which required an ontological approach to the basic research and an object driven approach in the field of application.

The research drove to the discovery of the ontogenetic intelligence of nature, the unicist ontology, the unicist logic, the complexity science research methodology and the human ontointelligence.

This provided the basic knowledge to develop more than 3,500 applicative researches in the field of individual, institutional and social evolution that were finished until September 2010. The research work is still ongoing.

We would like to share with you this celebration giving you access to the book on:

Unicist Ethics: The Ethics of Doers

We consider it will allow you to expand your boundaries in work and businesses.

You can access the book at: http://www.unicist.org/deb_doers.php

This anniversary is a very special one, because it follows a turning point in our global expansion that took place during the last year.

Executive Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute is the major research organization in the world in its specialty based on more than 3,500 ontological researches in complexity sciences, developed since 1976 until September 2010, applied to individual, institutional and social evolution. The applicative researches are based on the discovery of the Ontogenetic Intelligence of Nature and the consequent Unicist Ontology of Evolution.
