Unified Field



Lecture on the Unicist Theory of Functionality

This is an introduction to the Unicist Theory of Functionality, developed by Peter Belohlavek at The Unicist Research Institute, that introduced a simplification in the development of solutions in adaptive environments. It allows making a logical approach to the real world, developing the functional structures of solutions and the operational processes to make them happen.

The Unicist Theory of Functionality affirms and demonstrates that there is nothing in the universe, that is part of a system, that does not work with a purpose, an active and entropic function, and an energy conservation function. This triadic structure works through binary actions that produce the functionality of any entity or process, whatever its kind.

The following discoveries were the milestones of the development of the theory of functionality: complex systems research method (1980), functionality of human ontointelligence (1984), the ontogenetic intelligence of nature (1998), the unicist ontology of biological systems (2012) and the unicist ontology of wide and restricted contexts (2017).

This breakthrough provided the epistemological structure for functional knowledge that gave birth to functional design, binary actions, and the use of catalysts to expand the functionality of things.

Unicist Press Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute (TURI) is a world leader in its segment. Since 1976, it has been specialized in complexity sciences applied to the research on the roots of evolution and its application to social, institutional, business and individual evolution.


The Unicist Institutional Maturity Model for Businesses

The maturity of an organization defines the company’s capacity for growth.

The Unicist Institutional Maturity Model (UIMM) has been developed to define the type of strategies and architectures that can be used in a company. The higher the maturity level the more expansive a business can be.

Unicist Institutional Maturity Model – UIMM

There are two entrepreneurial approaches, level A and B that are considered the initial maturity stage of a company.

A) Money driven organizations

Their goal is to profit from the environment in a materialistic way. They are driven by individual monetary goals and manage the business driven by their cash-flow.

B) Power driven organizations

Their goal is to obtain profits following the subjective rules of their owners. They are entrepreneurial organizations driven by the need to follow the non-structured orders of the entrepreneurs.

1) Materialistic driven institutions

Their everyday activity is driven by the guidelines that are strictly followed to ensure the operational results.

2) Ideology driven institutions

Their everyday activity is driven by strict rituals and methods that materialize the ideology. They establish a defined path to behave within the rules.

3) Value driven institutions

Their everyday activity is driven by the methodologies they have. They are strict in the application of their methodologies, which implicitly include the vision of their activity.

4) Transcendence driven institutions

In a transcendence driven institution the institutional vision is used in everyday activity. It has flexible methodologies to apply the vision but strict methods to follow the operational rules.

The maturity of an organization evolves based on the functionality and success of its rules and procedures. The flexibility of its business processes is a consequence of having achieved an adequate reliability level in the application of the methods.

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became the major research organization in the world in the field of human adaptive systems. More than 4,200 unicist ontological researches were developed since 1976 until December 2011 in the field of individual, institutional and social evolution. They included the development of the unicist ontogenetic maps (DNA) of institutions:


The Critical Mass of Business Objects

Having a critical mass in business actions is a basic condition of every element that is used to influence human adaptive systems. Business objects follow this rule and need to have a critical mass in order to be inserted in work processes.

A business object works as a critical mass when it is able to produce the results that have been planned. To do so it has to be extremely aesthetic, fulfilling the needs of the environment, and having an absolute influence based on an extreme and synchronic added value within a context of full credibility.

Simplified: something has a critical mass in the business field when it is extremely aesthetic, has a high level of influential power and is fully credible.

The adaptive aspects of businesses need to be managed having critical mass in each action to avoid degrading the business by just developing over-adapted actions. The use of business objects, including entropy inhibitors and catalysts, allows making this possible.

Without the use of business objects the critical mass depends fully on the critical mass of the individuals who manage a business process. The Unicist Standard defines the aspects that need to exist in an object with critical mass.

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became the major research organization in the world in the field of human adaptive systems. More than 4,200 unicist ontological researches were developed since 1976 until December 2011 in the field of individual, institutional and social evolution. They included the development of the unicist ontogenetic maps (DNA) of institutions:


The Unicist Option Pricing Model has been developed

The Black-Scholes Option Pricing Model has been accused of causing the crisis of the financial markets. This is like accusing the bullet for having killed J. F. Kennedy.

The model is correct, but only considering financial behavior as a systemic system.

Peter Belohlavek, at The Unicist Research Institute, researched this field validating the formula when integrated with the mathematics provided by the unicist logic in order to transform the systemic solution into an adaptive system solution.

This will help to reopen some doors of the financial markets to sustain growth.

The unicist model was added to the Black-Scholes formula transforming it into an adaptive model that establishes the “possibilities” as a limit for the validity of pricing.

This mathematical solution will be open to the market after its application to decision making in several financial institutions had been developed.

Press Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became the major research organization in the world in the field of human adaptive systems. More than 4,200 unicist ontological researches were developed since 1976 until December 2011 in the field of individual, institutional and social evolution. They included the development of the unicist ontogenetic maps (DNA) of institutions:


Social Communities: The vehicle for cooperation

Communities are social entities integrated by people who share a differentiated entity that allows them to grow based on feeling valued and belonging to a superior group.

The building of a community requires having a superior ethics in some field, which implies centrally a differentiated functionality, a strict moral code, according to what is necessary to be done, and an adequate ideology that sustains the group.

All communities belong to a visible segment that makes them recognizable by the environment. Sects are extreme communities that foster a functionality that belongs to a parallel world.

Those who lead a community need to share its ethics. Their core responsibility is to expand it because they are convinced of the values they are adding to the environment.

The origin of Free Masons and the Rotary Club was being a community that belonged to the segment of “unions”.

Religious and political communities do not pertain to any of these categories although they are homologous.

When business communities exist, they belong to the Institutional or Avant-Garde segments. The first business community built by us was installed in Diners in 1981.

Diana Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.


Overcoming Scarcity sustains the strategy for growth

The concept of economic growth, at an operational level, implies the need to integrate a superior technology, monetary circulation, competitiveness and the overcoming scarcity.

Overcoming scarcity is what sustains the minimum strategy for growth. It implies the integration of social capital with competitiveness and cooperation in order to achieve this goal.

That is why it can be said that growth is not a regional matter, it is a national or institutional matter.

Competitiveness and cooperation are concepts that can be easily understood. That is why we would like to clarify the meaning of social capital defining it as the integration of a communitarian identity with a context that makes people feel valued and gives them a sense of superiority.

Without a strong sense of identity there is no possibility to generate social capital which is basic for growth. That is why when crises, at an institutional or social level, are just palliated and not cured, there can be no sense of superiority which is necessary to build social capital to generate growth.

Reactivation can be generated by managing monetary circulation, but structural growth requires having a minimum strategy which implies social capital, competitiveness and cooperation.

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became the major research organization in the world in the field of human adaptive systems. More than 4,200 unicist ontological researches were developed since 1976 until December 2011 in the field of individual, institutional and social evolution. They included the development of the unicist ontogenetic maps (DNA) of institutions.


The Unicist Approach and the Third Industrial Revolution

From an anthropological standpoint, the first industrial revolution was given by the mechanical approach. The second industrial revolution was possible because of the systemic approach and the third industrial revolution implies the approach to reality as a unified field.

The  industrialization level is homologous to the personal industrial maturity level which implies that the phylogeny of industrialization replicates the ontogeny of industrial maturity.

This means that individuals have to make their own personal “industrial revolution” to upgrade.

The unicist approach structured the third industrial revolution making human adaptive systems reasonable, understandable, predictable and manageable as unified fields. That is why it is a new starting point for businesses.

An industrial revolution is such when it changes structural paradigms and produces a breakthrough in energy saving/optimization.

All the solutions, technologies and knowledge provided by TURI generate huge energy saving effects sustaining this revolution. You can find the Unicist Standard at:
Access a visual synthesis of the unicist approach at: http://unicist.net/clipboard

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became the major research organization in the world in the field of human adaptive systems. More than 4,200 unicist ontological researches were developed since 1976 until December 2011 in the field of individual, institutional and social evolution. They included the development of the unicist ontogenetic maps (DNA) of institutions.


Peter Belohlavek’s Lectures on Opening the Pandora Box of Social Evils

Social chronic problems need to be cured and not only palliated. Paradoxically, opening the “box” of these problems allows curing them while closing it only palliates them and increases their destructive power.

The Unicist Goodwill Network invites you to participate actively in the opening of the discussion between “Zero Sum vs. Value Adding”.

The discovery of the drivers of human attitudes and human intentions opened the possibilities of influencing the environment at an individual level to foster sustainable development and wellbeing. While the concepts individuals have drive their attitudes, their ethical intelligence defines their true intentions.

The world is in a transition stage in which many of the role models became reverted towards a “stagnant survivor” stage. In this context, the value adding attitude was substituted by a justified appropriation of value, using the necessary power to foster “survival” as a necessary attitude in society. This ended in a massive identification with the victims replacing a solidary behavior.

Human needs sustain their values and define their functional ethics. That is why it is necessary to open the Pandora Box to cure the influenceable environment instead of palliating it by closing the box.

You are welcome to build a better future by fostering evolution.

The next lecture will begin 01/12 at 10:00 am Eastern Time sharp.
At this time please enter here: http://www.goodwillnetwork.net/opb.php

Press Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became the major research organization in the world in the field of human adaptive systems. More than 4,200 unicist ontological researches were developed since 1976 until December 2011 in the field of individual, institutional and social evolution. They included the development of the unicist ontogenetic maps (DNA) of institutions.


Extreme individualism: a side effect of zero sum economy

Extreme individualists are individuals who seek for maximizing their benefits, have the necessary justifications to do so and need to exert power to achieve their purpose. They behave as “stagnant survivors” whose actions are a consequence of a personal attitude or the influence of the standards of an environment.

“The attitude of individuals is defined by the concept they have of what they are doing, the true intentions of their attitudes is defined by their ethics.
Extreme individualism in politics, economy and business is the consequence of zero sum environments and simultaneously generates them.
It produces a vicious circle that is paid with growth and the wellbeing of future generations.”

Excerpt from the book “Zero Sum vs. Value Adding Economy –
Opening the Pandora Box of Social Evils” by Peter Belohlavek

Extreme individualism is sustained by the human complexes triggered by fallacious perceptions and decisions. That is why extreme individualists cannot listen to what is different to their beliefs and needs. The open boundaries implicit in the adaptive aspects of businesses, represent a threat to their power exertion and the objective of maximizing their benefits.

Extreme individualism drives towards an over-adaptive behavior which implies that individuals, in order to avoid the responsibility of facing an adaptive process, deal with reality by submitting, opposing or dominating it. This is the essential behavior of extreme individualists.

They are harsh competitors who cannot deal with cooperation and consider that all those who cooperate are weak and should be disregarded. They need to destroy any technology that allows dealing with the adaptive aspects of businesses.

They are outsiders everywhere. That is why they can only deal with simple problems that allow an external observation to be solved. Their approach to them is subjective, intuitive and empiric.

They do not work with people; they use them for specific purposes. They manage naturally an authoritarian and/or manipulative approach to make this possible.

Stagnant survivors are idols for survivors who consider their capacity of appropriating value as a goal to be achieved to abandon the surviving role. That is why they are surrounded by them.

You do not have to worry about identifying them. They will identify you.

Diana Belohlavek
VP Global Markets
& Market Labs

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became the major research organization in the world in the field of human adaptive systems. More than 4,200 unicist ontological researches were developed since 1976 until December 2011 in the field of individual, institutional and social evolution. They included the development of the unicist ontogenetic maps (DNA) of institutions.


Invitation: Lecture on Ontogenetic Maps for Personal Use

We invite you to participate in the lecture on “Ontogenetic Maps for Personal Use” on November 25, 2011 at 2:00 pm Eastern Time. This is the first lecture of the cycle organized by the Unicist Goodwill Network. It will be held by Peter Belohlavek, whose scientific developments opened the possibilities to manage the nature of things.

The integration of the ontogenetic intelligence of nature, the anthropological invariables and human ontointelligence made the development of the ontogenetic maps possible. These ontogenetic maps are timeless meaning that they are valid as long as the function they represent exists. For example, the ontogenetic map of a lifeboat exists and remains unchanged as long as its function exists. Technologies change, cultural contexts are different but the ontogenetic map of the lifeboat remains the same.

Watch live streaming video from unicistgoodwillnetwork at livestream.com

The lecture will begin 11/25 at 2:00 pm Eastern Time sharp. At this time please enter here.

Ontogenetic maps are cross-cultural because the integration of the ontogenetic intelligence of nature with the anthropological (cultural) invariables defines the nature of a function in synthetic language.

On the one hand, this makes the unicist ontological structures self-evident in any culture and, on the other hand, it makes the ontological algorithms that define the ontogenetic maps, be perceived as logical because they follow the natural way something needs to be developed.

Access information about Peter Belohlavek at:

Press Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became the major research organization in the world in the field of human adaptive systems. More than 4,000 unicist ontological researches were developed since 1976 until July 2011 in the field of individual, institutional and social evolution. They included the development of the unicist ontogenetic maps (DNA) of institutions.
