Ontogenetic Intelligence of Nature

Introduction: Evolution is Purpose Driven

This research began in 1976 with the hypothesis that in nature there are mutations that are random but others that are driven by a purpose. If this hypothesis was confirmed and there were a purpose, Peter Belohlavek concluded that there would have to be an intelligence that defined such purpose.

For this reason, Belohlavek researched on the essential structure implicit in nature’s intelligence to be able to predict and exert influence on the evolution of complex adaptive systems when possible.

Darwin Finches

Charles Darwin demonstrated the adaptation process of species that, having the same structural constitution, developed adaptive changes to live in a certain environment. The hypothesis of Belohlavek’s research was that these changes were driven by an intelligence that underlies nature.

He concluded that each living creature’s evolution is ruled by its ontogenetic intelligence, that defines it as unique both in its species and individuality and that the essential structure of this intelligence is integrated by a purpose, an active principle (entropic function) and an energy conservation principle.

The following information contains an excerpt from Peter Belohlavek´s research works published with permission of the author.

The research was focused on the unified field of living beings. The basic assumption that sustains this development is that the evolution of living beings, their behaviors, actions and deeds are driven by the same logical structural framework.

This implies that there is an intelligence that defines the structural behavior of any entity that integrates this framework that allows predicting the behavior of all the entities where this intelligence is known.

The Ontogenetic Intelligence of Nature

The objective of this research was to develop a technology that allowed predicting the evolution of specific aspects of complex adaptive systems and developing solutions to exert influence on such evolution.

The Unified Field of the Ontogenetic Intelligence of Nature

The research dealt specifically with complex adaptive systems such as living beings, their behaviors, actions and deeds.

It is necessary to accept that dealing with the intelligence that underlies nature is a complex problem that is extremely abstract and can only be understood by using it in the real world.

This discovery made complex adaptive systems reasonable, understandable and predictable in those cases in which the structure of the intelligence that underlies their nature has been found.

This research process that began in 1976 was a step by step approach. It began with the development of what has been called the “three dimensional multivariable analytical methodology” – that allowed apprehending and managing the nature of human actions and deeds – and ended when the Theory of Evolution was completed and the emulation of the organization of nature became possible.

The research began in the field of social, economic and behavioral sciences.

Then it evolved, driven by homologies with confirmed knowledge, towards life sciences and ended with physics to confirm the validity of the unified field. This process demanded almost 40 years and is still ongoing.

Ontogenetic Intelligence of Nature, Unicist Ontology and Concepts

You will find that this document deals with the ontogenetic intelligence of nature named concept and its structure, defined by the unicist ontology.

Ontogenetic Intelligence of Nature

The ontogenetic intelligence of nature defines the nature of an entity. As such, its structure was named unicist ontology and the name given to this intelligence was concept.

The name concept was used because if “the concept of a concept” used in philosophy is studied, it becomes evident that the idea of something pretends to define its nature.

It has to be considered that the research of the intelligence that underlies nature needs to be measurable, that is why this could only be done in the unified field where the results were measurable.

This research has been developed using the methodology of complex adaptive system research where all the elements are integrated by the conjunction “and” and there are no univocal cause-effect relationships.

The ontogenetic intelligence of nature discovered defines that there are only two types of relationships in the world: a complementary relationship and a supplementary relationship, integrated in a triadic function.

This drove to the development of the unicist double dialectical approach that allows dealing with complex problems using a logical approach. The unicist double dialectical approach is a rational emulation of the ontogenetic intelligence of nature that allows apprehending the dynamics of evolution. This made the development of the Unicist Logic possible.

The Evolution

The unicist ontology of evolution explains and predicts the evolution of living beings, their produces and their actions in a unified field, ruled by concepts and their natural laws. These natural laws have been named as “Ontogenetic Intelligence”.

The research of the unicist ontology of evolution did not enter the field of the origin of life or the origin of the universe. The purpose of the research was to discover the origin of the rules of evolution, to diagnose and influence it.

The most relevant application fields are future research, strategy, institutional evolution and Man’s individual development and his learning process.

This theory enables the analysis of and influence upon complex realities. Its reliability has been proven in its application during the last three decades.

The development of this theory started in 1976 and ended in 2003 with the discovery of the origin of fallacies. Fallacies have been and remain a major obstacle to overcome for the understanding of institutions, countries and individuals.

The discovery of the structure of concepts ruling the evolution of living beings set the grounds for The Unicist Ontology of Evolution.

The theory fathoms into the most censored aspects of human behavior: into his own evolution. That is why it is a taboo, and must be treated as such.

The consideration that concepts define the ontogenetic intelligence of living beings is recent. The consequence of this statement is that the intelligence of living beings is necessarily based on the double dialectic self-organized approach to reality.

Dysfunctionalities of the ontogenetic intelligence endanger the evolution of the living being.

The lack of the conservation principle fosters “explosion”, the lack of the action principle promotes “implosion”.

The applications of the unicist ontology of evolution to biological, individual, institutional and social forecasts were the fields were this theory was validated and falsified (at the level that is falsifiable).

This ontology approaches evolution in the world of possibilities to discover concepts and operates in the world of probabilities to influence them.

The basic principles

Ontogenetic intelligence defines the basic laws of evolution. It is a set of what can be called natural laws which rule the evolution of living beings.

It was researched in order to find an approach to forecast and influence evolution.

Ontogenetic intelligence is defined by two principles of nature:

  • The action and entropic principle that sustains growth and evolution. It is driven by freedom.
  • The energy conservation principle, which sustains survival and avoids involution. It is driven by security.

In the field of human behavior, the action principle gives birth to the verbal function, which makes the fulfillment of purposes possible. The entropy produced by action produces changes in the goal of purposes.

To avoid changes and sustain the purpose, the energy conservation principle produces a homeostasis. The homeostatic value complements the purpose and ensures that action occurs within the established limits.

But the consequence of this interaction is never deterministic. The change produced by the interaction of the living being with the environment produces evolution or involution.

In nature, both principles sustain the evolution of living beings. Their effects can be observed in bacteria, viruses, cells, and other living beings.

At a more operational level, besides the expansion and contraction principles, there are functions that provide security and functions that provide freedom to living beings. These functions are implicit in the upper level functions (expansion – contraction).

Ontogenetic intelligence provides the basic rules to adapt to an environment. It sustains the living being’s unstable equilibrium. When, for any reasons, the ontogenetic intelligence is inhibited, the living being loses its equilibrium and its survival is endangered.

These principles are active in individual beings and in the live environment they are part of.

The Unicist Research Institute
