Complexity Science: Foundations for Adaptive Automation in Businesses
Adaptive automation implies dealing with complex adaptive systems and developing operational solutions that can be managed by everyone to expand businesses and save energy.
It requires using predictors to deal with the adaptive aspects of the reality that is being managed. The more adaptive a system is, the less energy it consumes to generate a predefined value.
This requires using a complexity science approach to define the rules that regulate adaptiveness and allow designing the architecture of the system. Complexity science can be defined as the scientific approach to complex adaptive systems.
There are three main organizations in the world that are fully focused on complexity science and its application in the field of human complex adaptive systems.
We strongly recommend comparing their approaches to choose the one that is functional to introduce adaptive automation. We suggest beginning by accessing their institutional page to apprehend the concept of adaptiveness they manage:
Santa Fe Institute – Empirical approaches
New England Complex Systems Institute – Empirical approaches
The Unicist Research Institute – A unicist logical approach (based on a pragmatic, structuralist and functionalist framework)
What is the Unicist Logical Approach to Complexity Sciences?
The unicist logical approach manages the adaptive aspects of business as unified fields based on the knowledge of their ontogenetic maps.
The knowledge of the ontogenetic map of a business, its market and the context allowed managing the fundamentals that define the possibilities of business actions.
The future scenario building became possible based on the knowledge of the ontology of evolution and the ontogenetic maps of a business and its restricted and wide contexts.
This knowledge allowed defining synergic maximal strategies, to expand beyond the boundaries of a business, and minimum strategies to work within them.
Adaptive business processes became reliable based on the use of ontology based business objects. The use of objects upgraded the role of human work in business.
The integration of fundamental analysis and technical analysis allowed building reliable business knowledge, transforming uncertainty into risk and integrating the knowledge of the possibilities of success with its probabilities.
All the solutions, business objects, technologies and knowledge provided by The Unicist Research Institute are based on the unicist logical approach and generate significant energy saving effects.
You can find the Unicist Active Library at:
We appreciate the discussion/debate on the groundings of the different approaches to introduce adaptiveness in organizations in order to increase productivity and quality.
Peter Belohlavek
NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems.