Business Diagnosis

Adaptive behavior assessment: the Unicist Japanese Park

The Unicist Japanese Park is a method that has been used since 1976 to evaluate the natural behavior when people are part of adaptive systems. It has been used to validate cultural archetypes, institutional cultures and personal behavior.

The purpose of this method is to find the natural organization that is used by people that demonstrates how they deal with their functionality to add value and to earn value.

It is based on building an emulation of a real adaptive system to integrate people in it and evaluate the functionality of their behavior. The emulation of the adaptive system needs to be defined knowing the operational and fundamental aspects that are included.

The first aspect that needs to be evaluated is how people focus their energy towards the generation of added value and measure how they assure the results. This allows defining the starting point of the value adding actions.

The second aspect to be assessed is how people deal with their efficacy, efficiency and quality assurance. This allows defining how people deal with their minimum strategies to be reliable.

This method provides reliable information of what happens naturally in an environment.

Diego Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.


How do Business Viruses Work? – The case of the Virus Type A

Viruses are installed in organizations when the personal goals of their members prevail over the goals of the group in the case of entrepreneurs and of the mission and vision of institutions.

RNA virusViruses can be cured or palliated. When they are cured they strengthen the company and the immune system of the company.

When they are palliated but not cured they generate a chronic syndrome in the company.

Chronic syndromes of companies are considered as characteristics by butterfly companies and by those members of institutions that despite the fact that they are working in such institutions, they do not “belong” to them.

We have identified two different types of viruses in companies: Business Virus Type “A” and Business Virus Type “B”.

The virus type “A” is the virus in which the purpose of an activity is substituted by the achievement of personal benefits for the participant.

The virus type “B” is the virus in which the energy conservation function of the activity is substituted by the personal goals of a participant.

An example: The Structure of Object Driven Management

Object Driven Management implies managing the integration of the hardware, software and peopleware of a company.

This implies that the peopleware is the purpose of management. The active function is exerted by the software and the energy conservation function is given by the available hardware. Unicist Business Objects are part of the hardware.

The operational perceivable aspects are the existence of hardware and software. Peopleware is not evident, it implies intentions that cannot be observable and can only be measured by results.

As biological viruses need to be accepted by the body, business viruses need to be accepted by the organization. Therefore, in order to be accepted, business viruses need to show the same observable aspects that are already within the organization. In this case viruses necessarily show the existence of the hardware and the software of the company.

About Business Virus Type “A”

It is the virus that substitutes the purpose of a concept by a personal benefit from it.

Unicist Business Virus Type A

In the case of Object Driven Management, Virus “A” is shown as follows:

This generates the inexistence of the integration between software and hardware.

This produces anarchy or inaction within the organization and the need of an authoritarian leader to manage the conflicts produced.

This lowers productivity, quality and reliability and therefore the value generation is diminished.

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems.


The Use of the Unicist Pilot Testing Method (UPT)

The objective of the UPT is to confirm the validity of a knowledge, methodology or adaptive system. The method was designed to deal with the adaptive aspects of businesses in order to make their design reliable.

Unicist Pilot Tests are a core aspect of any market or organizational laboratories in order to design commercial or organizational processes.

Its purpose is to confirm the functionality of an adaptive system. It requires having the ontogenetic map of the system. What needs to be validated is the functionality (or credibility) zone of the system that has to be defined using its operational and fundamental knowledge.

Their first step is to develop destructive tests, which are homologous to destructive tests in the field of engineering, to define the limits of their functionality. To achieve this it is necessary to experience in homologous fields in order to find the limits of their reliability.

The second step is the development of non-destructive tests to confirm their functionality in the predefined specific field. It requires experiencing in analogous fields which requires having a sound operational knowledge in order to measure the validity of the results obtained.

The use of this method guides the Unicist Reflection methodology to manage complex adaptive systems.

Diego Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a global decentralized world-class research organization in the field of human adaptive systems.


Unicist Turnkey Solutions for End-Users in Business

From August 2012 on, only turnkey solutions will be provided to end users in business. This implies that the unicist ontology based and objects driven technologies will be only provided to Corporate and Professional Partners. No technologies will be sold to end-users.

This implies that end-users only need to manage the operation of the business objects / business units / business processes that are installed.

The partners who participate in the development of solutions will have the Unicist Knowledge Object Manager, the Unicist Fact-book and the Centralized Quality Assurance Services available.

As the Unicist Confederation deals with the adaptive aspects of businesses, the core aspect is the definition of the actual possibilities of a business defined in its diagnoses. Therefore we recommend that you access the book on “The Unicist Standard for Ontological Business Diagnostics” at the Unicist Library:

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a global decentralized world-class research organization in the field of human adaptive systems.


The Unicist Critical Mass Method

The Unicist Approach requires the use of critical masses in the adaptive business processes. A Unicist Critical Mass is the smallest amount of force that is needed to generate the integration of the elements of the unified field of a human complex adaptive system to produce results.

The Unicist Critical Mass Method (UCMM) is a design process that allows integrating the business architecture with the necessary synchronicity to be able to have a critical mass to add value and take advantage of opportunities. It requires a natural object driven organization with an adequate quality assurance process.

The quality assurance process that is included in the Critical Mass Method is based on having secure knowledge, on the use of destructive and non-destructive pilot tests to define the limits and validity of the solutions and on the existence of plans A, B, C and D to ensure results.

The UCMM is a strategic approach to define the processes established by the business architecture in a way that ensures the results to be achieved.

The UCMM is included in the Unicist Standards to manage adaptive systems.

Diana Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became the major research organization in the world in the field of human adaptive systems. More than 4,200 unicist ontological researches were developed since 1976 until December 2011 in the field of individual, institutional and social evolution. They included the development of the unicist ontogenetic maps (DNA) of institutions:


Work: Lazy minds live in parallel realities

The Unicist Standard for human behavior defines that “Lazy minds” create fallacies to avoid assuming responsibilities.

It has to be considered that:

1) humans need to minimize their energy consumption;
2) the brain is the most energy consuming organ of the human body;
3) fallacies are the less energy consuming thoughts of individuals.

“Lazy minds” generate personal attitudes to minimize the commitment of individuals with their environment. For lazy minds, work is not a value adding activity, just a pastime activity to earn money. Therefore fallacies become the natural response. To avoid measuring the value they add they measure their intentions.

The motto “Time is Money” was invented for them. It justifies their earnings without considering their added value. Time is not money in the real world, just a cost. The added value produced is what is worth money.

“From now on” are the most used words by lazy minds (some cultures prefer saying “tomorrow”) and “the need of change” is their excuse. Focusing on what they can produce is their solution.

But… Who can focus on work in a parallel world?

It is up to you! – We all need to live some time in parallel worlds.

Another but… Work is Work!

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Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute is the major research organization in the world in its specialty based on more than 3,000 researches in complexity science applied to individual, institutional and social evolution. The applicative researches are based on the discovery of the Ontogenetic Intelligence of Nature and the consequent Unicist Theory of Evolution.

Unicist Strategy

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Reliable Knowledge: The Unicist Standard in Diagnostics

Businesses are an example of adaptive systems and require dealing with their integrity in order to influence them to achieve objectives. A paradigmatic case is to “make” an adaptive system grow, e.g. a business.

It is necessary to have an integrated knowledge to influence the evolution of adaptive systems. Changes in adaptive systems cannot be pulled nor pushed. Evolution needs to be catalyzed in order to achieve possible goals.

Catalyzing implies installing objects in the processes that work as “strange attractors” to produce the results they were created for. To do so it is necessary to develop a conceptual design of the problem in order to integrate all the elements that are part of the system.

To achieve the goal of having reliable knowledge of an adaptive system it is necessary to have both the fundamental knowledge and the technical analytical knowledge.

Fundamental knowledge

The knowledge of the fundamentals of a reality is basic for individuals’ actions. It is stored in the long term memory and allows spontaneous actions in real-time.

The conscious knowledge of the fundamentals of a given reality has the following characteristics.

1) Defines possibilities
It defines the field of what is possible to be achieved.
2) Allows front-view
It makes the perception of the final picture of actions possible.
3) Destructive tests
It requires making the necessary destructive tests of their validity in order to measure the limits of their functionality.
4) Sustains maximal strategies
It allows going beyond the boundaries of the present situation because it works in homologous fields.
5) Backward-thinking: Pert thinking
It is based on seeing the solution and starting from the conceptual output when developing taxonomic action plans.
6) Future oriented
In the short or the long run all living beings will act according to their nature. Understanding the nature, defined by the fundamentals,  allows forecasting the future.
7) Systemic & Conceptual thinking
Systemic and Conceptual thinking are necessary to apprehend the fundamentals using conceptual thinking to develop taxonomies using systemic thinking.

Synthesis: Fundamentals are action driven
Fundamentals are necessary to develop activities in real time having the needed speed and acceleration to influence reality.

Technical-analytical knowledge

1) Defines the probabilities
It allows making the analysis of the experiences to define the probabilities of occurrence of facts.
2) Allows rear-view
As it is based on facts and theories it is necessary to analyze the past in order to learn from it.
3) Non-destructive tests
Technical-analytical knowledge works within predefined boundaries. Therefore the knowledge is only valid within these limits. There is no need for destructive tests.
4) Sustains minimum strategies
Minimum strategies require a strict procedure to make things happen without depending on external elements. Technical analytical knowledge allows developing these procedures within the boundaries individuals can manage.
5) Forward-thinking: Gantt thinking
It defines the elements that need to be built and integrated following a step by step approach. It implies dividing reality into “independent” objects to integrate them afterwards.
6) Past & Present Oriented
Analysis requires the existence of elements that are being observed, measured and analyzed. Therefore it is based on the pre-existence of these elements.
7) Analytic & Systemic thinking
Analytic thinking is necessary to divide reality into manageable elements and systemic thinking is necessary to reintegrate them in a functional unit.

Synthesis: Technical-analytical knowledge is control driven
Technical analytical knowledge is necessary to measure and compare the existing facts with the objective that had to be achieved.

Producing growth

A system grows when it appropriates more energy than it has spent to produce it. This implies that it needs to generate an added value to the environment that is higher than the cost to produce it.

Growth problems are always big changes

A big change is necessary when an adaptive system, e.g. a business, wants to grow beyond the natural growth driven by the trends of the environment.

Big changes are energy consuming. Therefore it has to be clear if the energy is available. The use of objects is an energy multiplier. Objects are a mass that provides a source of energy to influence change.

The energy available depends on the technology and the knowledge to make use of the technology. Objects are part of the technology that has to be available.

Most of the failures in growth happen because the energy required is not available. This might happen because of the lack of hardware (including objects), software or peopleware.

Knowledge includes the human factor and defines the possibility to generate additional added value to go beyond the existing boundaries to expand the vital space of the system in order to make growth happen.


Managing both the fundamental and the technical-analytical knowledge is necessary to influence adaptive systems to grow.

The knowledge of fundamentals will give you the front-view to produce the growth and the technical-analytical knowledge will give you the rear-view to control the process.

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Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute is the major research organization in the world in its specialty based on more than 3,000 researches in complexity science applied to individual, institutional and social evolution. The applicative researches are based on the discovery of the Ontogenetic Intelligence of Nature and the consequent Unicist Theory of Evolution.

Unicist Strategy

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Benchmarking Nokia – Global Product Design to Grow

Nokia is a world leader in mobility, driving the transformation and growth of the converging Internet and communications industries.

Mobile technology is evolving extremely fast. Understanding how Nokia is managing this fast evolution in product development will give you a benchmark to understand the new paradigms.

We strongly recommend watching the interview with Mary McDowell – Nokia’s Chief Development Officer:

The question we would like to propose is how a market can be managed when the evolution of the technology is extremely fast.

In one week you will find a response to the question on this blog.

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Diana Belohlavek
VP Knowledge Management
& Communication

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute is the major research organization in the world in its specialty based on more than 3,000 researches in complexity science applied to individual, institutional and social evolution. The applicative researches are based on the discovery of the Ontogenetic Intelligence of Nature and the consequent Unicist Theory of Evolution.

Unicist Strategy

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Access the Unicist Standard in Business Diagnostics

The unicist object driven business diagnoses provide an accurate diagnosis methodology to ensure successful strategies.

They are a breakthrough in diagnosing based on the discovery of the unicist ontology that allowed defining the logical structure of business fundamentals to make their use and influence possible.

Access the visual guide to the Unicist Standard in Business at:

There are two levels of depth necessary in business diagnostics. When the objective is to make a financial decision (buying, investing, etc) there is only a need to diagnose the viability of the business.

But when the objective is to design a business strategy or upgrade a business, there is a need to diagnose deeply the actual possibilities of an organization.

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Diego Belohlavek
Expert System Manager

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute is the major research organization in the world in its specialty based on more than 3,000 researches in complexity science applied to individual, institutional and social evolution. The applicative researches are based on the discovery of the Ontogenetic Intelligence of Nature and the consequent Unicist Theory of Evolution.

Unicist Strategy

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The Unicist Standard needs to be a Rolls-Royce

Benchmarking Rolls-Royce is necessary for all those products or activities that are considered prestigious by the community and that need to sustain their seeking for perfection to achieve their credibility in the market.

In the following lines you can find the answers to the questions posed in this previous post:

A Rolls-Royce is an extremely prestigious car because it has extreme functionality, quality, added value and reliability.

The integration of these four extreme characteristics makes its positioning as a prestigious car possible.

The purpose of a “Rolls-Royce” is to satisfy the feeling of having achieved perfection. Perfection is considered as something that satisfies 100% the expectancy of the buyer. This means that a “Rolls-Royce” satisfies the needs of the buyer considered as an individual, as part of a group and within her/his social environment.

Every activity or product that requires perfection, in the above described sense, needs to position as a “Rolls-Royce”.  This can be frequently seen in medicine, in politics, in strategy, and in all those fields where the value added is extreme and extreme reliability is expected.

The extreme functionality mentioned above has two aspects. It has to be extremely functional as a device but also extremely functional in its operation. This implies that no one can expect a superior functionality in the market.

The need for extreme quality implies extreme quality assurance and extreme control. Thus reliability and extreme added value are sustained.

Therefore the process of Rolls-Royce building includes an extremely strict concept, its update in the field of scientific possibilities, the management of all the techniques necessary to achieve perfection and last, but not least, the necessary art to make the perfection perceivable by the community.

Rolls-Royce building and positioning is not a question of choice. It is a question of beliefs. But it needs to be said that this does not guarantee success in business.

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Diana Belohlavek
VP Unicist Knowledge Bank

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute is the major research organization in the world in its specialty based on more than 3,000 researches in complexity science applied to individual, institutional and social evolution.

Unicist Strategy

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