Business strategy

Rediscovering Charles S. Peirce (Part 2), who provided an Abductive Approach to Managing the Foundations of Things

The Causal Approach to Business in Action

Charles S. Peirce’s work integrates science, philosophy, and actions in a framework to deal with the real world. He defines that a causal approach to the real world needs to be based on integrating abductive reasoning to access the foundations, and deductive and inductive reasoning to deal with the justifications of the functionality of things. Since Peirce provided no logical structure to validate abduction, the concept was lost. The development of unicist logic provided the logical structure of the foundations of things, explaining their functionality, dynamics, and evolution.

The Management of Foundations and Justifications

The difference between a foundation and a justification of something lies primarily in their conceptual roles in argumentation, reasoning, and structure.

  1. Foundation refers to the underlying basis or groundwork for something. In a philosophical or logical context, the foundation is the basic principle or assumption upon which further ideas are built.
  2. Justification, on the other hand, refers to the process or reasoning used to show that something is reasonable, warranted, or valid. It involves providing reasons, evidence, or arguments to support a claim, decision, or belief.

To summarize, foundations provide the starting point or essential support, while justifications provide the reasoning that validates or defends.

Abductive Reasoning to Access the Foundations of Things

Peirce’s notion of abduction indeed goes beyond merely seeking the simplest and most likely explanation for an observation, a characterization that aligns more closely with the modern understanding often associated with the concept of “inference to the best explanation.”

For Peirce, abduction was the process of forming a hypothesis that could explain surprising facts or phenomena. It was about the generation of new ideas and hypotheses that could then be explored and tested through deduction and induction. In this sense, abduction was a way to access the “foundations” or groundings of things, proposing new theories or hypotheses that seek to explain the unexplained.

The Need for a Logical Structure to Validate Abduction

Charles Sanders Peirce’s contribution to the concept of abduction indeed highlighted the generation of hypotheses as a critical step in scientific inquiry, but he did not provide a formal logical structure to validate abduction in the same way that exists for deduction and induction.

This lack of a formal mechanism for validation may have contributed to the overshadowing of abduction in favor of the more easily formalizable reasoning methods. The unicist logic, developed by Peter Belohlavek, provides the logical structure for abductive reasoning that allows making the causal approach to business accessible to everyone.

The evolution of the unicist logical framework offers an integrated approach to understanding the causal structures that underpin the natural and social worlds. It highlights the ongoing need for methodologies that can navigate the complexities of reality, balancing the creation of new knowledge with the validation and justification of these insights.

The Unicist Research Institute

Artificial Intelligence Interpretation:

ChatGPT Interpretation

The exploration of Charles S. Peirce’s contribution to understanding and managing the real world, especially within the context of business, underscores the enduring relevance of his philosophical framework. By emphasizing the causal approach through abductive, deductive, and inductive reasoning,

Peirce’s ideas offer a robust methodology for grappling with the complexities of real-world phenomena. This discussion elaborates on the significance of foundations and justifications, Peirce’s concept of abductive reasoning, and the crucial role of a logical structure to validate abduction, incorporating insights from the unicist logic developed by Peter Belohlavek.

Foundations vs. Justifications: A Conceptual Clarification

The distinction between foundations and justifications is pivotal in both philosophical discourse and practical application. Foundations provide the bedrock upon which ideas and systems are constructed. They are the primary assumptions or principles that underlie our understanding and actions. Justifications, conversely, are about the rationale or evidence that supports or defends these ideas and actions. This differentiation is crucial in any analytical or decision-making process, ensuring a clear basis for both the inception and support of concepts and practices.

Peirce’s Abductive Reasoning: Bridging the Gap

Peirce’s formulation of abductive reasoning as a mechanism for hypothesis generation represents a critical bridge between observation and theory. Unlike deductive reasoning, which tests hypotheses, and inductive reasoning, which generates general rules from specific instances, abduction is about the inception of new ideas that could potentially explain surprising or unaccounted-for phenomena. This process is foundational because it allows for the exploration of new territories of understanding, suggesting hypotheses that, while unverified, provide a starting point for further inquiry.

The Need for Logical Structure in Abduction

The absence of a formal logical structure to validate abduction, as noted by Peirce, has historically limited its application, particularly in fields that rely heavily on rigorous validation methods, such as science and business. The development of unicist logic, as proposed by Peter Belohlavek, addresses this gap by offering a framework that not only accommodates but also validates the abductive reasoning process. This logic provides a structured approach to understanding the causal mechanisms underlying various phenomena, thereby making the causal approach to business and other domains more accessible and practical.

Unicist Logic: Enhancing the Causal Approach

Unicist logic extends the application of Peirce’s ideas by integrating abduction with deduction and induction in a cohesive framework. This integration allows for a comprehensive approach to dealing with the real world, encompassing the generation of hypotheses (abduction), the testing of these hypotheses (deduction), and the derivation of general principles from specific instances (induction). By doing so, it facilitates a deeper understanding of the dynamics, functionality, and evolution of various phenomena, thus providing a solid foundation for both theoretical exploration and practical decision-making.


The rediscovery and application of Charles S. Peirce’s philosophical insights, particularly through the lens of unicist logic, developed by Belohlavek, offer a powerful toolkit for navigating the complexities of the modern world. By distinguishing between foundations and justifications, and by providing a structured approach to abductive reasoning, this framework enhances our ability to understand and manage the underlying causal mechanisms of both natural and social phenomena. This not only honors Peirce’s legacy but also advances our collective capacity to generate, validate, and apply knowledge in various domains, from business to science and beyond.


Unicist Family Business Strategies

Multiple applications developed at The Unicist Research Institute and the use of the complexity science research methodology drove to the finding of the nature of family companies. This led to the discovery of the fundamentals that define their behavior in the market, and the conceptual distinction between Business-driven Family Companies and Family-driven Companies. These concepts explained the proactive and/or reactive strategies in the building of maximal and minimum strategies in family companies.

This work showed that Business-driven Family Companies and Family-driven Companies are highly conditioned by the family archetype of each culture and the solution given to the roles that this fulfills. In those cultures where the affective role predominates over the economic and social roles, families that have businesses are highly inefficient and are always at risk as they don’t stabilize as institutions (independently of their members).

In cultures where the roles are balanced, business-driven family companies and family-driven companies are distinct fundamentally for their capacity and speed of growth. Business-driven family companies grow more rapidly.

In cultures where the predominant roles in the family are social insertion and the economic role, families with companies have a powerful influence in the environment. Although structurally they have less capacity to grow, they compensate this with the influence exerted in the environment. In markets with imperfect competition they build very powerful empires.

When we are dealing with business-driven family companies we can state that they are more effective than family-driven companies in the active roles, which are hunting, where one goes out to seek the animal in the market, and agriculture where intensive activities are developed.

An efficiently organized business-driven family company is more effective in passive hunting where it works from the basis of the influence of the family brand, and passive agriculture where extensive is what counts.

Therefore each business-driven family company must know what market niche to occupy where it can best achieve results.

We want to highlight that in marginal markets with highly imperfect competition, these concepts have no effects in reality, which is managed by non-company relationships, where the family-driven company has the weight of the family in that society.

The organization of family businesses requires establishing these companies according to the needs of the market and building a bridge with the needs of the family. This allows establishing family businesses as structured enterprises ensuring permanence, growth and profitability.

Diana Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm. 


Unicist Education: Dealing with enterprises as adaptive systems

The unicist logical approach allowed managing the adaptive aspects of businesses by using unicist logical tools and business objects. This approach provides cross-cultural solutions based on the researches made at The Unicist Research Institute. To access the basics that sustain unicist education please access:

Complex adaptive aspects of businesses need to be learned in their dynamics which implies that they need to be learned making real applications based on the knowledge of their dynamic structure.

This is analogous to medical residencies in teaching hospitals where graduated physicians learn to manage a specialty. It has to be considered that medicine is a paradigmatic case of complexity:

The Future Scenario: Static vs. Dynamic Learning Processes

Unicist EducationThe superior education in business management provided an empirical operational and analytical framework for business management that upgraded professionalism in the XXth century.

The static empirical model that permitted administrating businesses provided the knowledge that allowed developing the necessary information technology that became redundant with the superior educational programs. Simultaneously, the explosive R&D capacity to release new products shortened their lifecycle.

These two situations, the redundancy of operational an analytical knowledge and the acceleration of business processes, made the static empirical approach to business become functional to business operation but dysfunctional to business management.

This scenario opened new demands for superior education in businesses that are still unsatisfied.

The Next Step: “teaching hospitals” in the business field

Business ResidenciesUnicist education is based on learning processes that are analogous to “teaching hospitals” based on real complex problem solving. The unicist educational model is a postgraduate model that deals with the learning of logical tools and business objects. You can access a white paper at:

It requires having the necessary technical-analytical knowledge learned in graduate or undergraduate programs.

It requires the learning of:

1)      The building of future scenarios

2)      Diagnosing businesses

3)      Developing Unicist Strategies

4)      Building Business Architectures

The difference between the Unicist Education and the Professional Education can be synthesized in:


Unicist Education

Professional Education

Educational Framework Teaching Hospital / Clinics Workshops / Seminars / Courses
Educational Model Complex Problem Solving Systemic Problem Solving
Learning Approach Action-Reflection-Action Theory-Practice
Problem Solving Approach Results Driven Tasks Driven
Future Forecasting Logical Inferences / Delphi Groups Projections / Delphi Groups
Knowledge Logical & Empirical Approach Empirical Approach
Type of Tools Unicist Logical Tools Operational-analytical tools
Business Planning Strategic approach Analytic approach
Dominant type of Analysis Fundamental Analysis Technical Analysis
Risk Management Ambiguity Certainty
Business Processes Adaptive Systems Operational Systems

Educational Alternatives

We propose you compare the differences between unicist education and professional education by accessing the information on the unicist logical approach and the approaches to cross-cultural businesses of four major Global MBAs (2 in the USA and 2 in the EU).

We recommend beginning with the social communication of the different proposals.

1) Harvard Business School

2) Stanford Graduate School of Business

3) London Business School

4) Insead – The Business School for the World

5) Unicist Corporate University – The Unicist Research Institute

What is the Unicist Logical Approach to Businesses?

Learn about the Unicist Logical Approach at: 

The unicist logical approach manages the adaptive aspects of business as unified fields based on the knowledge of their ontogenetic maps.


Unicist Active Business Library

The knowledge of the ontogenetic map of a business, its market and the context allowed managing the fundamentals that define the possibilities of business actions.

The future scenario building became possible based on the knowledge of the ontology of evolution and the ontogenetic maps of a business and its restricted and wide contexts.

This knowledge allowed defining synergic maximal strategies, to expand beyond the boundaries of a business, and minimum strategies to work within them.

Adaptive business processes became reliable based on the use of ontology based business objects. The use of objects upgraded the role of human work in business.

The integration of fundamental analysis and technical analysis allowed building reliable business knowledge, transforming uncertainty into risk and integrating the knowledge of the possibilities of success with its probabilities.

All the solutions, business objects, technologies and knowledge provided by The Unicist Research Institute are based on the unicist logical approach and generate significant energy saving effects.

You can find the Unicist Active Library at: 

Teaching Hospitals in Business

The Unicist Corporate University (UCU) is the academic arm of The Unicist Research Institute that is organized as a Teaching Hospital that develops business residencies. It is based on technologies that allow building cross-cultural strategies:

The UCU is now expanding worldwide installing In-company Corporate Universities to provide the unicist technologies to deal with the adaptive aspects of businesses.

Unicist Press Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems.


The Dualistic Approach transforms Aesthetics into Beauty

Unicist aesthetics defines the core aspect of any individual who wants to influence the environment. It is the central value of the critical mass of any influential action.

The driver of aesthetics is the capacity to complete the unsatisfied needs of someone or the environment.

The unicist double dialectical approach to aesthetics allows establishing stable perceptions integrating the desires of the counterparts with the necessary intrinsic harmony to complete their demands.

The dualistic approach transforms aesthetics into beauty, managing, on the one hand, the desires of the counterpart and, on the other hand, transforming harmony into conventional rules in order to be acceptable.

The dualistic approach to aesthetics tends to seduce clients with “empty” promises and apparent reliability. It tends to generate desires that are followed by disappointments.

Access a synthesis on the “Discovery of the Unicist Ontology of Aesthetics” that is available at the Scientific Dissemination Program. You will find there other syntheses that might be of your interest:

Martin Alvaro

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using a logical approach to deal with evolution and became a private global decentralized world-class research organization in the field of human adaptive systems.


The Unicist Approach to Manage Business Expansion

Diagnoses, strategies and architecture to expand businesses require the integration of fundamental and technical-analytical knowledge. This is what the unicist approach made possible.

But to access the unicist approach to businesses it is necessary to be able to use double dialectical thinking (unicist thinking) at a personal level.

Therefore it is obvious that the precondition to use the unicist approach is the understanding of its foundations which requires using unicist thinking.

Unicist thinking empowers the adaptive approach to reality and the consequence of its use is the expansion of the level of consciousness of the user which allows making a strategic approach to reality.

Access a synthesis on the “Discovery of the Unicist Thinking – The double dialectical thinking” that is available at the Scientific Dissemination Program. You will find there other syntheses that might be of your interest:

Without the use of unicist thinking only survival, non-influential strategies or anti-strategies are possible.

Unicist Press Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a global decentralized world-class research organization in the field of human adaptive systems.


The Use of the Unicist Pilot Testing Method (UPT)

The objective of the UPT is to confirm the validity of a knowledge, methodology or adaptive system. The method was designed to deal with the adaptive aspects of businesses in order to make their design reliable.

Unicist Pilot Tests are a core aspect of any market or organizational laboratories in order to design commercial or organizational processes.

Its purpose is to confirm the functionality of an adaptive system. It requires having the ontogenetic map of the system. What needs to be validated is the functionality (or credibility) zone of the system that has to be defined using its operational and fundamental knowledge.

Their first step is to develop destructive tests, which are homologous to destructive tests in the field of engineering, to define the limits of their functionality. To achieve this it is necessary to experience in homologous fields in order to find the limits of their reliability.

The second step is the development of non-destructive tests to confirm their functionality in the predefined specific field. It requires experiencing in analogous fields which requires having a sound operational knowledge in order to measure the validity of the results obtained.

The use of this method guides the Unicist Reflection methodology to manage complex adaptive systems.

Diego Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a global decentralized world-class research organization in the field of human adaptive systems.


Unicist Turnkey Solutions for End-Users in Business

From August 2012 on, only turnkey solutions will be provided to end users in business. This implies that the unicist ontology based and objects driven technologies will be only provided to Corporate and Professional Partners. No technologies will be sold to end-users.

This implies that end-users only need to manage the operation of the business objects / business units / business processes that are installed.

The partners who participate in the development of solutions will have the Unicist Knowledge Object Manager, the Unicist Fact-book and the Centralized Quality Assurance Services available.

As the Unicist Confederation deals with the adaptive aspects of businesses, the core aspect is the definition of the actual possibilities of a business defined in its diagnoses. Therefore we recommend that you access the book on “The Unicist Standard for Ontological Business Diagnostics” at the Unicist Library:

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a global decentralized world-class research organization in the field of human adaptive systems.


Unicist Benchmarking: an approach to business innovations

Benchmarking was fully associated with copying before the Unicist Ontological Benchmarking was developed. It produced paradoxical results in most of the cases.

The Unicist Approach to benchmarking requires understanding the ontological structure of the business aspects that are being compared. It allows apprehending the nature of the activity and widening the possibilities of the expansion of the functionality of the value proposition.

“There are three different points of view to benchmark business activities.

1) The point of view of the leaders who need to ensure that the differentiation with the followers is still there and the confirmation that innovators cannot materialize their threat.

2) The point of view of the followers who need to know their positioning to take advantage of their role.

3) The point of view of innovators who intend to install new paradigms in niches, segments or markets and benchmark to confirm and/or build differentiation.

The battle for leadership is about who establishes the standards of a market. In other words, the battle is about “Who is the benchmark?” considered as such by the rest of the competitors.

But there is another point of view we do not consider part of the business establishment. It is the role of the survivors who use benchmarking and reverse engineering to copy competitors’ products, services, processes, technologies etc.

Some of them may become cost leaders in low-cost countries in the world, but most of them are “butterfly companies” that live and die copying.”

Access it at:
First you need to register:

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a global decentralized world-class research organization in the field of human adaptive systems.


What is the Unicist Approach to Businesses about?

The purpose of the unicist approach is to influence the evolution of businesses by expanding their critical mass in the environment and organizing their processes using business objects.

At an operational level this approach increases the reliability of the operation and the quality delivered by a business.

When dealing with the adaptive aspects of businesses, the unicist approach allows introducing continuous improvement and catalyzes the growth in the markets.

The Unicist approach is implemented as spin-offs of the unicist technologies to build business units that drive the results to be produced. Market Labs are a typical example of these spin-offs.

The basic unicist technologies that sustain the unicist approach include:

1)      The ontogenetic maps of the functions that define the business processes.

2)      The object driven organization model.

3)      The necessary business objects to be installed.

4)      The cognitive objects to manage the fundamentals of the business.

The unicist approach is at the same time a breakthrough and a back to basic. It is a breakthrough because it is based on the discovery of the ontogenesis of evolution and it is a back to basics because it allows integrating the fundamentals of businesses with the technical analytical knowledge.

Access the book on “The Unicist Approach to Business” at the Unicist Library: 

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a global decentralized world-class research organization in the field of human adaptive systems.


The Unicist Critical Mass Method

The Unicist Approach requires the use of critical masses in the adaptive business processes. A Unicist Critical Mass is the smallest amount of force that is needed to generate the integration of the elements of the unified field of a human complex adaptive system to produce results.

The Unicist Critical Mass Method (UCMM) is a design process that allows integrating the business architecture with the necessary synchronicity to be able to have a critical mass to add value and take advantage of opportunities. It requires a natural object driven organization with an adequate quality assurance process.

The quality assurance process that is included in the Critical Mass Method is based on having secure knowledge, on the use of destructive and non-destructive pilot tests to define the limits and validity of the solutions and on the existence of plans A, B, C and D to ensure results.

The UCMM is a strategic approach to define the processes established by the business architecture in a way that ensures the results to be achieved.

The UCMM is included in the Unicist Standards to manage adaptive systems.

Diana Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became the major research organization in the world in the field of human adaptive systems. More than 4,200 unicist ontological researches were developed since 1976 until December 2011 in the field of individual, institutional and social evolution. They included the development of the unicist ontogenetic maps (DNA) of institutions:
