Complex problems

The Challenge of using Unicist Adaptive Project Management

The development of a new approach to manage projects became necessary to deal with adaptive systems. Adaptive systems produce actions and reactions during the development of a project that need to be managed in order to ensure the achievement of the objectives.

Adaptive Project PlanningWhile the traditional approach considers that plan B is an emergency plan to achieve goals, the unicist approach to project management considers that the plan B is superior and includes plan A, the plan C is superior than plan B but includes it, and the plan D is an abortion plan that includes the development of a succedaneum solution.

These alternative plans have to be predefined before the project begins. It is necessary to consider that the most participative alternative is given by plan A and the most “directive” alternatives are given by plan C and D.

That is why the unicist approach to project management is necessary to deal with adaptive systems that are in motion and unnecessary when dealing with systems where the adaptive aspects do not need to be considered.

The stages of the Adaptive Project Management are:

1. Process Control Centered

The process control centered manager is focused on establishing the necessary operational, administrative and control systems to monitor the process using a forward chaining design process that allows having the information on each stage of the process.

2. Authoritative Management Centered

Authoritative management includes having the capacity of controlling the processes. It implies that the manager has the vision of the problem and alternative solutions in order to define the plan C for any central aspect of a project.

3. Objects Management Centered

This level includes having the capacity of developing an authoritative management of the project. It requires that the manager be able to apprehend the complexity of the adaptive aspects of projects.

4. Process Management Centered

This level includes the capacity of developing the object management of projects. It is based on having apprehended the unified field of the project as a solution in the context where it is being developed.


Adaptive Project Management requires integrating project planning and project execution skills to ensure that the solutions be achieved. It is based on approaching projects based on the use of processes and objects that have proven their capacity to provide the necessary solutions. It implies having a sound systemic knowledge and the knowledge of the fundamentals that underlie the solution.

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems.


Solitude for actions, solitude for change & solitude of power

Solitude has different functionalities depending on the situation of a context. The leader’s final price to be paid is having an absolute solitude of power.

Solitude of PowerLeaders can share, listen, discuss or participate in any way but, at the end, those who have full responsibility for results, are alone. They have to make a decision that has to work.

The elements that integrate the maximal strategy when dealing with the solitude of power are:

1) The need of self-fulfillment of the leaders which allows them to apprehend the final picture of the achievements.

2) The capacity of dealing in an adapted way with the environment making them be perceived as influential individuals.

3) The self-criticism which is defined by their capacity of doing things “today better than yesterday”.

These elements allow leaders to face the solitude for actions.

The minimum strategy is what allows producing the necessary changes to ensure the results that depend on the capacity of a leader. The elements that integrate the minimum strategy are:

1) The capacity of leaders to find their internal power in solitude which means that they have to have the necessary self-confidence and will to assume a responsibility.

2) The capacity to dominate the environment or strictly follow another leader.

3) Accept the critics from the environment produced by the changes that are necessary to be introduced.

Leadership implies doing the necessary changes to ensure that the actions produce results.

This is self-evident when a football match is being coached. But it is also evident in business organizations when there is a strict performance management process.

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized world-class research organization in the field of human adaptive systems.


IT Architecture: The Unicist Interface Building Technology

Unicist Interface Building is the starting point of the Unicist IT Architecture in business; it defines the aesthetics of a system. It includes the hardware, software and peopleware aspects to build a natural complementation with the user

The purpose of the interface building is to provide the necessary interactivity with a system. The goal is to integrate systems with their users, like tennis rackets or skis are part of the “body” of their users.

The maximal strategy of an interface requires achieving and extreme level of aesthetics in order to complete the needs of the user. This requires that the system needs to be part of a professional approach to business in order to have a context where the integration is possible.

This makes the system desirable but it also needs to be essentially harmonic with the fundamental drivers of the users’ activities. Both conditions can be given when systems sustain the efficacy of individuals.

This methodology requires the integration of technology and art.

Diego Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a global decentralized world-class research organization in the field of human adaptive systems.


Access the Unicist Standard in Business Diagnostics

The unicist object driven business diagnoses provide an accurate diagnosis methodology to ensure successful strategies.

They are a breakthrough in diagnosing based on the discovery of the unicist ontology that allowed defining the logical structure of business fundamentals to make their use and influence possible.

Access the visual guide to the Unicist Standard in Business at:

There are two levels of depth necessary in business diagnostics. When the objective is to make a financial decision (buying, investing, etc) there is only a need to diagnose the viability of the business.

But when the objective is to design a business strategy or upgrade a business, there is a need to diagnose deeply the actual possibilities of an organization.

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Diego Belohlavek
Expert System Manager

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute is the major research organization in the world in its specialty based on more than 3,000 researches in complexity science applied to individual, institutional and social evolution. The applicative researches are based on the discovery of the Ontogenetic Intelligence of Nature and the consequent Unicist Theory of Evolution.

Unicist Strategy

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Pricing of the Unicist Object Driven Technologies

The Unicist Technologies integrated in the Unicist Standard are available worldwide to develop diagnoses, forecasts, strategies and organizational design through the Unicist Confederation.

The global expansion of the Unicist Confederation – developed through Alliances, Unicist Diagnostics Centers and Unicist Scientific Dissemination Centers – required the establishment of a pricing policy that includes the interests of the clients, the members of the Unicist Confederation and The Unicist Research Institute.

It has to be considered that The Unicist Research Institute is the major research organization in the world in its specialty based on more than 3,000 researches in complexity science applied to individual, institutional and social evolution.

This research was possible due to the participation in the research of hundreds of institutions and companies and thousands of individuals since its beginning in 1976.

From today on the prices in USD of the main proposals are:

-Diana Belohlavek`s Lecture on Unicist Thinking (7,000)
-Second Opinion Business Diagnoses (45,000 – 600,000)
-Second Opinion Diagnostics for Personal use (9,000)
-Unicist Market Laboratory (70,000 – 250,000)
-Unicist Organizational Laboratory (70,000 – 250,000)
-Unicist Strategic Diagnostics Program (9,000)
-Consultation with Peter Belohlavek (8,000)
-Unicist Strategy for Diagnosticians & Graduates (27,000)
-Unicist Think Tanks & R&D Labs (70,000 – 250,000)
-Unicist Talent Diagnoses & Development for High Potentials (1,000 per participant)
-Unicist Lectures (4,000 – 25,000)
-Unicist Corporate Universities (45,000 – 250,000)

In “Unicist Strategic Programs” and “Unicist Strategy for Diagnosticians & Graduates”, the benefit of the participant’s client has to be above 10 times the price paid for the program (based on a pre-diagnosis measured at the level of the maximal strategy).

Access the unicist standard contained in the Unicist Business Search Engine:

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Martin Alvaro
Marketing Manager

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute is the major research organization in the world in its specialty based on more than 3,000 researches in complexity science applied to individual, institutional and social evolution.

Unicist Strategy

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The Art of Negotiation – The Unicist Standard

Although there is an object driven strategy that can be designed and developed, negotiating is an art because of the subjective aspects that are involved.

Negotiation implies integrating the interests of individuals or institutions that are divergent. For this purpose, a superior convenience needs to be found.

A unicist negotiation strategy requires achieving an agreement at different levels:

The levels of negotiation are:

1)      The negotiation of the roles: It implies defining the acceptance of the roles of the participants in a negotiation.

2)      The power negotiation: defining the destruction and construction power of the participants.

3)      The business negotiation: defining the value added by each part.

4)      The negotiation of the complementation: defining the activities to be developed in order to sustain complementariness.

Institutional negotiation requires different roles that have to be covered.

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Press Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute is the major research organization in the world in its specialty based on more than 3,000 researches in complexity sciences applied to individual, institutional and social evolution.


The unicist standard applied to business growth

Businesses are an example of adaptive systems that require dealing with their integrity in order to influence them to achieve objectives. It is necessary to accept that a high level of energy has to be invested to make business grow.

Going beyond the boundaries in order to expand a market is an effort that requires being able to add more value and focusing on the segments that are more receptive.

Maximal strategies are the driver of growth and they require managing the fundamentals of the market and of the company that wants to grow.

Learn more about the basics of growth developed by Peter Belohlavek at:

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Press Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute is the major research organization in the world in its specialty based on more than 3,000 researches in complexity sciences applied to individual, institutional and social evolution.


Learning from Steve Jobs: Apple’s fundamentals

Listening to the lecture of Steve Jobs you will access the information you need to understand the core fundamental of Apple’s success.

Access the lecture at:

Next week you will find the answer on this blog. It is included in the unicist standard contained in the Unicist Business Search Engine.

Suggestion: Reflect on it. The answer is between the lines.

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Diego Belohlavek
Expert System Manager

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute is the major research organization in the world in its specialty based on more than 3,000 researches in complexity sciences applied to individual, institutional and social evolution.


Toyota’s Evolution Conflict

The quality problems that arose in Toyota’s car business will be the driver of their upgrade.

Toyota necessarily had a problem with the destructive tests in their production area. This is an implicit weakness of quality leaders.

Fallacious destructive tests not only destroy products but also images, money and egos.

Market followers do not have this as an implicit problem but as an explicit one.

There is no doubt that Toyota will pay the price, extremely high, and will upgrade their business.

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Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute is the major research organization in the world in its specialty based on more than 3,000 researches in complexity sciences applied to individual, institutional and social evolution.


The Unicist Standard for complex problem solving

Unicist reflection is a process that has been developed and designed to add value deal with complex situations. It is necessary to approach complex problems and transform them into simple solutions.

The physical framework of unicist reflection process defines the possibilities of achieving the results proposed at the level participants are able to operate.

The Unicist Standard provides the basic tools with which to work, influences on the expectations of participants and defines the accepted limits of its development and the results that can be obtained.

It is needed to make the destructive and non destructive tests (applications) while reflecting on their results to find the adequate solution for the complex problem.

It is extremely simple but not easy.

You can find information on the Unicist Standard  in the Unicist Business Search Engine:

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Diego Belohlavek
Expert System Manager

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