Future Research

The 100 Major Unicist Discoveries that are Changing the World

We are pleased to present the major discoveries made at The Unicist Research Institute that are a breakthrough and a back to basic in the management of the adaptive aspects of reality. You can access them at: http://www.unicist.org/repo/#Unicist

The 100 Major Unicist Discoveries that are Changing the WorldThe Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It fosters a logical approach to complex adaptive systems with a strong focus on economics, businesses, globalization, cybernetics and future research.

It is the major research organization in its specialty. More than 4,700 unicist ontological researches were developed from 1976 to July 2013 in the field of individual, institutional and social evolution. The main countries that originated these researches were: US, DE, UK, FR, JP, SE, CA, CH, IN, BR, AR, CAT, RU, CN, AU. It required changing the systemic approaches to manage the open boundaries and the conjunction of the elements that integrate the adaptive systems.

Its applications are based on Conceptual Economy, Conceptual Anthropology, Conceptual Psychology, the Unicist Logical Approach to Businesses, Adaptive Automation and Logical Inferences based Future Research.


The development of these researches was possible due to the participation in the research of hundreds of institutions and companies and thousands of individuals since its beginning in 1976.

As it is known, complexity research has to be developed in the “real world” and doesn’t allow making artificial experimentation. Thus, the researches on unicist ontological structures of reality gave birth to the Unicist Standard which is based on the discovery of the ontogenetic intelligence of nature and the consequent Unicist Theory of Evolution.

Unicist Press Committee


The 100 Major Unicist Discoveries of The Unicist Research Institute

The Unicist Research Institute is the research organization where a seamless integration of complexity sciences with systemic sciences became possible. This allowed developing the unicist logical approach to deal with human adaptive systems. You can access the major researches at: https://www.unicist.org/scientific-collaboration

The unicist logic based technologies were developed to forecast and influence the evolution of human adaptive systems based on the knowledge of their nature.

Complexity Sciences have been defined as the scientific approach to complex adaptive systems. Since 1976, the research has been led by Peter Belohlavek.

The discovery of the Ontogenetic Intelligence of Nature gave birth to the unicist approach to complexity.

This research provided a methodology to research complexity as a unified field, which erased the barriers between philosophy, science and action.

Its applications are based on Conceptual Economy, Conceptual Anthropology, Conceptual Psychology, the Unicist Logical Approach to Businesses, Adaptive Automation and Logical Inferences based Future Research.

Access the 100 Major Unicist Discoveries:

Unicist Press Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.


Understanding Cultures: The Archetype of China

The archetype of China is a unique case of a culture that has the capacity to grow based on the internal consistency of its model, a model that became complementary to the globalization process.

We strongly recommend watching the following video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2mRlgQKWlnQ

China’s Structure

China is a culture based on the consistency of the social and individual efforts and the capacity of accepting trade-offs to achieve the goals of the country.

The Chinese model has to be understood in itself without comparing it with other countries. It has multiple economic models working simultaneously. It is neither a communist nor a capitalist model. It uses multiple unique solutions which imply permanent trade-offs between the different models to achieve its growth.

The Communist Party can be considered as homologous to the ancient nobility in Europe but representing the interests of China as a country and the needs of its population.

Entering the Communist Party needs to be earned because within the party there has to be an ideological consistency to allow a democratic behavior. The Communist Party is the “Establishment” of China.

Confucius’ Concept

Confucianism is a functional philosophy for a culture that needs to grow in a context of an extremely large country with a large population. Order is necessary to sustain consistency.

Minorities in China have to behave within the limits of the explicit and implicit Chinese model. Censorship and self-censorship are a need to avoid that the culture loses its consistency. But although censorship becomes necessary in this context, it is also the implicit weakness of the Chinese archetype.

Cultures evolve based on their implicit weaknesses. Therefore, a generational change can be expected in this field depending on the new trade-offs the culture will make.

A Shielded Culture

China has been, is and will be a shielded archetype, protecting its culture and beliefs in order to ensure its consistency and allowing making the necessary trade-offs to grow.

This shield was represented by the Chinese Wall in the past, and now it is represented by the multiple regulations that establish the framework of the country.

Maximal Strategy

The maximal strategy of China is driven by the working capacity of the culture and the catalyst for the minimum strategy is their cultural shield that ensures the consistency of its actions. The cultural shield works as a protection from foreign influence and internal distortions.

Minimum Strategy

The minimum strategy is driven by the individual working capacity of its population. The entropy inhibitor, to ensure the achievement of growth, is the ideological shield that ensures the focus of the efforts on the objectives that are being achieved.

The personal capacity of making trade-offs is installed in the population and makes individuals extremely focused achievers.

To apprehend the Chinese archetype it is necessary to understand Doers, avoiding ideological, religious or social comparisons. China was, is and will be unique. China doesn’t base its expansion on exporting culture, but on exporting products.

Access the unicist standard contained in the Unicist Business Search Engine: http://www.unicist.com/

Request more information: n.i.brown@unicist.org

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute is the major research organization in the world in its specialty based on more than 3,000 researches in complexity science applied to individual, institutional and social evolution. The applicative researches are based on the discovery of the Ontogenetic Intelligence of Nature and the consequent Unicist Theory of Evolution.

Unicist Strategy

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The end of the war between Power, Religion and Science?

There is a natural cold war between Power, Religion and Science. Power sustains authority, Religion sustains the Truth and Science unveils reality.

The solution of this essential conflict has been the alliances that were and are being established usually between two of the members of the triad at expense of the third one.

The CERN Experiment, developing the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is a phenomenal alliance of the three aspects (Power, Religion and Science) and is giving birth, perhaps, to a new integrated approach to complex realities.

We strongly recommend accessing a short information on the CERN Experiment at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJ2q8WUire0

It could be a new starting point in human relations. It might implicate the real end of the “Galileo’s Era”.

Access the unicist standard contained in the Unicist Business Search Engine:

Request more information: n.i.brown@unicist.org

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute is the major research organization in the world in its specialty based on more than 3,000 researches in complexity science applied to individual, institutional and social evolution. The applicative researches are based on the discovery of the Ontogenetic Intelligence of Nature and the consequent Unicist Theory of Evolution.

Unicist Strategy

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Unicist Strategy: The Archetype of the USA

The Archetype of the USA is a paradigmatic example of how a culture can be leading in the world while strengthening its identity.

For this case, it is strongly recommended listening to the lecture you can find at:

Based on the research on the Archetype of the USA, its purpose is growth and its active function is given by the propensity to dare while achieving its “dream” within a credibility context.

The Maximal strategy implies that the culture is driven by daring actions to achieve its cultural “dream” within an institutionalized context.

The catalyst of the evolution of the American archetype is its institutionalization that accelerates its evolution. Institutionalization is materialized in the democratic rules of the society.

The icon of the cultural dream is the American Flag. Daring implies doing in terms of concrete operational actions to achieve growth and surpass the well-being achieved by the preceding generations.

The social pressure towards growth within a context of being a leading culture in the world generates uncertainty in the coming generations that fosters the need for addictions to avoid the responsibility to produce growth.

The minimum strategy of the archetype fosters thinking, driven by the personal objectives and within the limits of the personal credibility. That is why the USA archetype includes a multi-minority approach.

This minimum strategy provides the necessary context to develop hard technologies that sustain the economic activities of the maximal strategy.

Personal credibility is the entropy inhibitor of the American archetype. As wealth sustains the perception of security, personal credibility requires having solved the necessary financial situation that makes an individual credible.

Daring, dreaming, credibility and thinking integrated to achieve growth require a strong ethical environment that needs to be sustained by the judiciary system. Lying is unacceptable because it destroys the credibility and transparency of the archetype.

Understanding and respecting the archetype of the USA will be extremely useful to develop global and local businesses.

Access the unicist standard contained in the Unicist Business Search Engine:

Request more information: n.i.brown@unicist.org

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute is the major research organization in the world in its specialty based on more than 3,000 researches in complexity science applied to individual, institutional and social evolution.

Unicist Strategy

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Trends: Unicist Lifestyle Segmentation and Evolution

Unicist LifestylesLifestyle segmentation underlies human behavior. Lifestyles establish the parameters of normality and the “ethical mask” of a society. Describing the lifestyles of a country permits establishing the limits within which segmentations can work. Only in the case of basic human needs lifestyles are not a limit but only a gravitational force.

The unicist lifestyle segmentation is analogous to the VALS segmentation of SRI. But, while VALS uses psychology to segment people according to their distinct personality traits, Unicist Lifestyle Segmentation uses anthropological invariables and country archetypes to segment people.

Unicist Lifestyles

Lifestyles are the archetypical behavior patterns of a society and its members. These archetypes serve a group as automatisms to carry out the everyday activities that are functional to that society’s purpose.

Hence, lifestyles are the result of the integration of a society’s collective unconscious with its archetype, which define different ways of facing reality.

Archetypes resolve the weaknesses of a social group by turning uncertainties into assertive answers which guarantee the success of individual and social purposes.

An individual’s lifestyle makes him acceptable and functional to the society’s needs. It also allows him to find groups of identification across different cultures or communities.

Access the unicist standard contained in the Unicist Business Search Engine:

Request more information: n.i.brown@unicist.org

Diana Belohlavek
VP Unicist Knowledge Bank

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute is the major research organization in the world in its specialty based on more than 3,000 researches in complexity science applied to individual, institutional and social evolution.

Unicist Strategy

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