Problem Solving

Logical Management Tools: Unicist Systemic Problem Solving

The goal of the unicist method to solve systemic problems is to establish a methodological framework to solve problems in which the complexity has been solved or does not exist.

ProfessionalismThe objective is to establish simple analytical steps that allow developing reliable conclusions of a problem where grounded cause-effect relationships are established.

This analytical method drives towards a “simplification” of the specific reality that is being researched. The deeper the analysis, the less reliable the applicability of particular solutions to the generic object.

A systemic problem solving methodology defines a pathway that begins with the definition of the possible goal and the description of reality that allows finding its functionality in order to use it to find a possible solution.

This requires minimizing the disintegration of reality into parts and simultaneously minimizing the unavoidable subjectivism that is generated by the uncertainty implicit in the problem solving process.

The Unicist Methodology is centrally focused on the analysis of facts and not on the opinions of the facts. Thus, it avoids a “double” interpretation of information, the generation of cross examinations and the consequent conflicts they produce.

The factual analysis as the core methodological aspect implies the existence of an integrative approach to reality, the consideration of adjacent facts and the need to find causative explanations that allow understanding the objective and subjective roots of the problems.

The concept of the USM

The Unicist Systemic Methodology is focused on the evaluation of facts independently from the explanations that are given on their causes.

As this methodology considers reality as a systemic problem, its concept is to find the cause-effect relationship of its variables. The objective of the analysis is to find the causes that generate the problem.

That is why the verbal information that is been collected is considered as an input for the analysis. The verbal information has a double functionality:

It describes the existing beliefs on reality, being their valid or fallacious.

It is a fact in itself, because of its relationship with the functional facts.

The USM begins by describing the facts or results that are being evaluated. To do so, it divides the unified field that is being scrutinized into the different facts that integrate it.

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Diego Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.
