Social Catalysts



The Intrinsic Social and Business Catalyzing Process

One of the characteristics of value generation in complex adaptive systems, like cultures and businesses, is that only biunivocal processes can be catalyzed. Catalysis is needed to ensure the necessary energy threshold and functional synchronicity of the objects that integrate a complex adaptive system or environment.

Complex Adaptive Systems Functionality

Univocal social and business processes cannot be catalyzed. Univocity can be an intrinsic aspect of a process or the consequence of an extreme individualistic environment where the processes are “owned” by individuals instead of being part of a system.

The catalyst provides an energy saving function for these processes, which allows ensuring the generation of value within the necessary timing. This implies that the results are produced within the synchronicity that is needed to ensure the functionality of the adaptive system.

The system degrades when the actions within the adaptive system are focused on the processes instead of beginning with the action of the catalyst.

It has to be considered that the functionality of a complex adaptive system includes a gravitational force established by the wide context and a catalyst established by the restricted context which are redundant. This means that the catalyst replicates the aspects established in the wide context.

The integration of the process with the catalyst is what ensures the functionality of a complex adaptive system.

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute has been, since 1976, the pioneer in complexity science research to deal with adaptive entities and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of adaptive systems and environments. It was one of the precursors of the Industry 4.0 concept
