Unicist Corporate University



Unicist Micro-Clinics: Learning to manage complex problems

Unicist-Micro-ClinicsThe Micro Clinics develop solutions of real problems of companies. They use the Conceptual Design Methodology which uses the conceptual structures of the business functions.

These clinics give access to the unicist technology for conceptual design that ensures the functionality, the productivity and the quality assurance of the business processes that are designed.

It needs to be considered that the access to the concepts that underlie business process can only be made by participating in real cases where the participants are involved.

The observation exercises or the case-studies unavoidably drive towards fallacious understanding.

The Structure of a Micro-Clinic

I) Preparation

a) Definition of the problem to be solved
b) Pre-diagnosis of the problem to be managed

II) The Micro-clinic

  1. The Provision of the business technologies in e-book format
  2. A live micro-clinic of 8 hours
  3. Development of the conceptual design of the solution
  4. Development of the corresponding action plan.
  5. A Continuous counseling for 7 days after the micro-clinic
  6. Participants of the group: up to 25.

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.


The Challenge of using Unicist Adaptive Project Management

The development of a new approach to manage projects became necessary to deal with adaptive systems. Adaptive systems produce actions and reactions during the development of a project that need to be managed in order to ensure the achievement of the objectives.

Adaptive Project PlanningWhile the traditional approach considers that plan B is an emergency plan to achieve goals, the unicist approach to project management considers that the plan B is superior and includes plan A, the plan C is superior than plan B but includes it, and the plan D is an abortion plan that includes the development of a succedaneum solution.

These alternative plans have to be predefined before the project begins. It is necessary to consider that the most participative alternative is given by plan A and the most “directive” alternatives are given by plan C and D.

That is why the unicist approach to project management is necessary to deal with adaptive systems that are in motion and unnecessary when dealing with systems where the adaptive aspects do not need to be considered.

The stages of the Adaptive Project Management are:

1. Process Control Centered

The process control centered manager is focused on establishing the necessary operational, administrative and control systems to monitor the process using a forward chaining design process that allows having the information on each stage of the process.

2. Authoritative Management Centered

Authoritative management includes having the capacity of controlling the processes. It implies that the manager has the vision of the problem and alternative solutions in order to define the plan C for any central aspect of a project.

3. Objects Management Centered

This level includes having the capacity of developing an authoritative management of the project. It requires that the manager be able to apprehend the complexity of the adaptive aspects of projects.

4. Process Management Centered

This level includes the capacity of developing the object management of projects. It is based on having apprehended the unified field of the project as a solution in the context where it is being developed.


Adaptive Project Management requires integrating project planning and project execution skills to ensure that the solutions be achieved. It is based on approaching projects based on the use of processes and objects that have proven their capacity to provide the necessary solutions. It implies having a sound systemic knowledge and the knowledge of the fundamentals that underlie the solution.

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. http://www.unicist.org


Participation in Unicist Think Tanks to develop Solutions

The Unicist Research Institute (TURI) is a private global decentralized research center specialized in complexity sciences that is focused on the research of the evolution of adaptive systems. More than 5,000 unicist ontological researches were developed since 1976 in the field of individual, institutional and social evolution.

If you are interested in participating please contact: n.i.brown@unicist.org

About the Think Tanks

The Unicist Standard for Adaptive System ResearchThink Tanks are small autonomous organizations, organized by industry, that use the technology provided by The Unicist Research Institute to manage complexity. Unicist is in charge of the quality assurance of the R&D process. Each Think Tank is organized based on the type of industry.

There are four types of Think Tanks

1) For Basic Sciences
2) For Future Research
3) For Social/Economic Long-term Planning
4) For Unicist Spin-off Implementation

Think Tanks are integrated by Doers

The research on human complex adaptive systems cannot be done through artificial experiments or simulations. It has to be developed in an environment of real action. In the unicist approach doing and researching are integrated in a unified field. That is why only “doers” can research the field of complex adaptive processes. Observers can only rationalize them.

Complexity Science Research

Complexity Sciences are defined as the scientific approach to deal with adaptive systems considering them as a unified field. The critical masses of all the interdependent elements included in the unified field of an adaptive system define its functionality. The unicist approach to complexity sciences integrates ontology, science and actions in a unified field.

Adaptive Technologies for Businesses

The available IT technologies made the development of adaptive systems meaningful. The objective of building adaptive systems is to integrate software, hardware and peopleware in adaptive work or business processes to assure the quality of the results produced.

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.


Breakthrough: Discovery of the Ethical Intelligence and its Use

The discovery of ethical intelligence widened the possibilities of individuals to manage their own future. Ethical intelligence defines how people generate added value, influence the environment, manage time, build strategies and focus on reality. Ethical intelligence provides the structural logic to survive, earn value, add value, acquire and manage knowledge and deal with the nature of reality. It is the “mother” of all the intelligences. It defines the true intentions of individuals that are observable in the consequences of their actions.

To access the basics on the Unicist Logical Approach  please enter: www.unicist.org/sdp.shtml

Ethical Intelligence and ConsciousnessThe higher the level of ethics an individual wants to achieve, the higher the prices s/he has to pay, not only to achieve such level but also to maintain it.

A notorious aspect is that although being the less conscious intelligence, its evolution empowers the possibilities of the functional intelligences of individuals.

Even though there is a natural pathway for the evolution of ethical intelligence, it can be fostered or inhibited, depending on the prices individuals are willing to pay and the influence of the environment.

The natural pathway

When babies are born, they are naturally driven by the survival ethics, which defines their behavior. Babies would die if they did not follow the rules of survival ethics. Instinctive behavior is driven by this ethics.

Ethical IntelligenceChildren are such when they are driven by value earning ethics, which allows them to grow appropriating what they need from the environment. This is also the definition of a childish behavior in adults.

Adolescence is the next stage which, being a transition, drives back to survivors ethics.

Adolescence ends when individuals begin to add value to the environment.

They do not need to go back to childhood; the stage of appropriating value as a goal has passed. The ideals adolescents have define their need to find a place in the world while they foster the expansion of the value adding ethics.

Adulthood begins when individuals decide to influence the environment and not only be influenced by it.

When it becomes necessary to have grounded knowledge, this need drives the individual towards the development of the foundation ethics.

When individuals assume the responsibility of the species, in a restricted or wide sense, the conceptual ethics begins to be necessary and is developed based on the universal added value they are willing to deliver.

After the “plateau” of life passed, individuals have two alternatives: they use lower levels of ethics in order to consume less energy or they achieve a level of wisdom that allows them to reduce the energy consumed by increasing the value they add.


Individuals have the possibility of increasing their ethical intelligence, which increases the functionality of all their functional intelligences.

Scarcity fosters superior ethical intelligence while abundance and poverty inhibits, for opposite reasons, its evolution.

The context of the research

The objective of the research on the drivers of human behavior, led by Peter Belohlavek  was to find how human intelligence deals with its purpose which is allowing individuals to adapt to the environment. It requires experiencing the use of intelligence and confirming the results produced, after having developed the destructive and non-destructive tests, following the unicist methodology for complexity science research.

This process began with the discovery that human conscious actions are driven by the concept individuals have of what is being done. It demonstrated that individuals can only assume the responsibility for the results of what they are doing if they have the concept of it. It was based on considering human beings in their complexity and the application of the principles of the ontogenetic intelligence of nature.

Fallacies and paradoxical results are produced when individuals do not have the necessary knowledge or are driven by anti-intelligence.

This research implied experiencing for more than 35 years until the knowledge became fully reliable. The research allowed integrating existing knowledge on human intelligence with the discoveries that deal with conceptual intelligence and what was named the ontointelligence where ethical intelligence defines the final purpose of human actions.

The Unicist Ontology of Ethical Intelligence


Ethical intelligence is the intelligence that structures stable and dynamic rules that determine the action of the individual in his environment. It determines his capacity to add value, his influence on the environment and on others and his time management.

On the one hand, the rules are stable since they respond to a purpose that is defined by the level of ethics within which the individual acts.

On the other hand, the rules are dynamic, because despite the fact that the individual is at a certain level, he is capable of determining alternative strategies that satisfy the objective he is seeking within that level.

Ethics is defined as a set of rules that are functional to a situation and to a certain perception of an accepted moral, and are supported by a complementary ideology.

From an institutional point of view, five levels of ethics have been found that sustain the behavior of the individuals in institutions.

  1. Ethics of survival
  2. Ethics of the earned value
  3. Ethics of added value
  4. Ethics of foundations
  5. Conceptual ethics

The Ethics of survival

The ethics of survival is the type of ethics prevailing within the marginal areas of a culture or the marginal cultures.

Survivors’ EthicsThe functional structure of this type of ethics is based on the need to survive. People having this type of ethic permanently expect to avoid threats and use their strengths to compensate for their weaknesses.

For this reason people behaving according to this type of ethics are always concerned with avoiding costs or passing them onto others so as to earn as much value as possible thus securing their survival.

The individual that acts according to this type of ethics exercises influence upon others who are in the same situation, based on survivor-pacts. His time management is based on “the moment”, sustained by reactions based on intuition. He has a reactive tactical approach to reality.

S/he focuses on surviving and avoiding risks.

The ethics of the earned value

Earned Value EthicsThis type of ethics seeks to add the minimal value possible to generate an earned value and to minimize costs in order to assure the subsistence level.

The individual behaving on the basis of such ethics exercises influence upon the ones who behave in accordance with the ethics of survival and upon the ones that add less value than he does.

He is able to manage short-term problems. Short-term is the lapse between adding value and generating the corresponding earned value. He has a tactical active approach to reality.

S/he focuses on maximizing his benefit.

The ethics of added value

Added Value EthicsThis is the type of ethic that maximizes the added value to the environment seeking to optimize the relationship between added value and cost.

The individual who acts on the basis of this type of ethics exercises influence upon the ones who manage the ethics of survival, the ethics of earned value and upon those that need to add more value than what they are adding.

Such individual manages the medium-term, which is the time to transform knowledge into added value. He develops medium-term strategies.

S/he focuses on the value he is adding.

The ethics of foundation

The ethics of foundation is used by individuals that consider that added value is secured by knowledge.

The goal of such ethics is that the foundations or groundings for work be reasonable, understandable and proven.

Foundations EthicsThe individual behaving on the basis of such ethics bears influence on the ones who manage the ethics of survival, the ones using the ethics of the earned value, the ones using the ethics of added value and on those who have less knowledge than he does to act within their environment.

Such individual manages the long-term, which is the time span between discovering a concept and transforming it into useful knowledge. He develops long-term strategies.

S/he focuses on the security of the knowledge.

The conceptual ethics

Conceptual EthicsThis is the intelligence used to maximize the added value by using a high level of energy to materialize the need to give.

Individuals behaving according to this type of ethics exert influence on the entire environment because of their energy. They manage universal time that is the time of the cycles, with no time limitations.

They do not take into account their own existence. They develop strategies using the available, possible and expected forces.

S/he focuses on achieving the truth.

The case of the Stagnant Survivor’s Ethic

Stagnant Survivors are individuals with a complex driven behavior that sustains the parallel reality they live in and the responsibility avoidance they need to exert to be in a comfort zone.

Stagnant SurvivorsThe paradox is that their comfort zone is a conflict zone for those who surround them.

Complexes drive individuals towards the ethics of survivors and generate a stagnated status at this ethical level.

Stagnant survivors cannot manage time. As they are survivors who deeply consider that they cannot avoid being where they are, they need to blame others and avoid managing time. Time management requires a Complex free behavior.

The stagnated status is based on a fallacious utopia that justifies their actions and forces them to exert power while they appropriate the value they need to feel comfortable.

The justifications are built upon fallacies to sustain their actions, beliefs and needs.

These fallacies are built using the “anti-intelligence” and “anti-intuition”; the higher the IQ the more consistent the fallacies are. They are in fact built to justify immoral or amoral actions without feeling responsible for them.

Power is exerted in three ways depending on the role they adopt:

  • Savior: The power of Guilt
  • Pursuer: The power of Fear
  • Victim: The power of Pity

This power exertion provokes the reactions of the environment and endless conflicts.

The rotation of these roles avoids that stagnant survivors perceive that they provoke the conflicts and generates the perception of being a victim of the environment.

The appropriation of value by stagnant survivors is endless; because having no adapted place in the environment, their needs are endless.

All the materialistic, rational and emotional values they are given by others have no meaning for them and are disregarded.

Business Functionality of Ethical Intelligence

The discovery of ethical intelligence opened new possibilities to influence individuals’ evolution. Ethical intelligence in business defines the value adding possibilities, the influence on the environment, time management, strategic planning and focusing.

Pyramid of Ethical Intelligences

It has to be considered that in the business world different activities require different ethical approaches in order to be successful. For example:

A business is consistent when the individuals dealing with it have the ethics required by the activity.

When the ethics is inferior to what is needed, it necessarily inhibits growth installing a “business growth virus” in the organization.

If the ethics used by individuals is superior to what is needed, they install a “business profit virus” in the organization that increases costs and affects profitability.

Ethics is implicit in everyday actions, including language. Therefore, it can be defined, measured and fostered.

The rational knowledge of ethical intelligence has an enormous benefit for individuals in organizations in order to ensure consistency for growth and profitability.

Ethical intelligence establishes the game rules to run businesses. Different activities require different rules. Adapting to an environment requires respecting the rules of the reality one is dealing with.

For example:

– The use of the survivors’ ethical intelligence is functional to run small business and deal with conjunctural threats.

– The use of value earning ethical intelligence is functional to run distribution businesses and to increase profits.

– The use of added value ethical intelligence is functional to run industrial businesses and lead to market expansions.

– The use of the ethics of foundations is functional to run knowledge businesses and health businesses.

– The use of the conceptual ethical intelligence is functional to deal with research and complexity sciences.

There is a paradox in the human approach to ethics in business. Some people consider that “The higher the ethical level, the better the business”.

This is a fallacy. Running a business is like catching a train that is already running.

You have to run at the same speed to jump on it. If you are running slower than the train you won’t be able to catch it. If you are running faster than the train, you will not only miss the train but also waste your energy.

If you have a lower ethics than the one that is required by the business you will be downgrading it and losing market share.

If you have a higher ethics than what is required, you will lose market share and also money.

The systematic use of foundations is the natural catalyst for the development of ethical intelligence in the materialistic world.

Ontointelligence Synopsis

The apparent paradox is that ethical intelligence is the deepest intelligence of the human mind, but at the same time it is the intelligence that evolves with the maturity of individuals and can be influenced.

Unicist Press Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. http://www.unicist.org


The Unicist Theory solved the approach to complexity

Unicist Theory, its Applications and Scientific EvidencesThe Unicist Theory made adaptive systems manageable and gave an epistemological structure to complexity sciences. As it is known, the management of complexity has been an unsolved challenge for sciences. This challenge has been faced in 1976 by Peter Belohlavek at The Unicist Research Institute, which became a pioneering organization in the development of concrete solutions to manage the complex adaptive systems by developing a logical approach that uses the Unicist Theory.

A double dialectical logical approach to manage complex problems has been discovered. This approach is based on the discovery that complex systems have a triadic structure that emulates the ontogenetic intelligence of nature, represented by a purpose, an active principle and an energy conservation principle and their integration. The Unicist Theory that solved the approach to complexity includes the Ontogenetic Intelligence of Nature, the Unicist Ontology, the Unicist Logic, the Unicist Conceptualization, the Unicist Ontology of Evolution, the Ontogenetic Maps and the Unicist Objects.

There are fields that are generally accepted as being complex such as: life sciences, social sciences, anthropology, political sciences, economic sciences, behavioral sciences, medicine, psychology, education, businesses, ecology and meteorology.

The complexity of a system is intrinsic, which means that it does not depend on the perception of an individual. But in order to apprehend a complex system it is necessary that the person emulates the system in mind, which fully depends on the individual. This required defining what a complex system is.

Science dealt with complexity using multiple palliatives but without achieving consensus of what complex systems are. The main problem to manage complexity is that all the elements of the complex system are integrated by bi-univocal conjunctions without the possibility of the existence of disjunctions, that the boundaries of the objects that integrate the complex system are open and that the system is open in itself. The only measurable facts are the results that such system produces.

The most difficult task was the completion of the scientific evidences to confirm the functionality of the solutions, which demanded thousands of applications until they could be synthesized. The scientific evidences of the Unicist Theory were: the functionality of amino acids, the structure of atoms, the structure of biological entities, the nervous system, the similarity between natural and social objects, the fact that unicist concepts behave as stem cells and that thinking processes are homologous to the functionality of electricity.

The Unicist Theory was used to develop applications in Life Sciences, Future Research, Business, Education, Healthcare and Social and Human behavior. Now complex adaptive systems became manageable and complexity science received its epistemological structure. Palliatives to deal with complexity will continue to be used until people accept that complexity needs to be approached in its nature.

Learn more: http://www.unicist.org/repo/#Basics

Executive Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.


Discovery of Human Ontointelligence to apprehend nature

The research showed that the deepest intelligence humans use to apprehend the nature of a reality can be developed. Still, after more than 7 years from the final conclusions on Ontointelligence, the discovery unveils novelties on the tendency to encourage or discourage the development of this type of intelligence in different cultures. These results are being now disseminated.

Human IntelligenceThe discovery of Ontointelligence was the result of the researches of Peter Belohlavek on intelligence that began in 1976. The operational ontointelligence was discovered in 1985. The research of the personal ethics as the access to conceptual thinking was finished in 1996. The final validation of ethics functionality as a type of intelligence occurred in 2006.

The unicist ontological research defined and described the essential and operational functionality of intelligence. According to the results, intelligence has reactive, active and ontointelligence functions.

Learn more:

The reactive functions of intelligence make intelligence objectively measurable. The active functions of intelligence are those where intelligence can be measured in potential and essential terms. Finally, the functions determined by ontointelligence are those described in this abstract.

The more essential an intelligence is, the more difficult it is to be measured and modified by the individual’s action. Thus, in societies and institutions, contexts stimulate or discourage the development of intelligence.

This unicist ontology-based research focused on the apparently unreasonable human behaviors and explained their functionality.

The following types of intelligence were discovered and researched:

  1. Conceptual intelligence
  2. Strategic style
  3. Type of thought
  4. Ethical intelligence

Human Intelligence Levels

Intelligence works showed the use of three layers to support human adaptive behavior. These three layers can be described as:

  1. Reactive Intelligence, which has direct contact with the environment.
  2. Active Intelligence, which sustains reactive intelligence when there is a need for a planning process.
  3. Ontointelligence, which sustains active intelligence when the “apprehension” of the essence of a certain reality is required.

Synopsis of the conclusions

Reactive Intelligence

It determines the capacity to act in an adapted way when facing an unexpected situation.

It is characterized and measured by:

  1. The emotional quotient (EQ)
  2. The intelligence quotient (IQ)
  3. The frustrations elaboration quotient (FQ)

Active Intelligence

It determines the capacity to plan actions in an adapted way.

It is characterized and measured by:

  1. Conceptual intelligence: the introjective empathy and sympathetic capacity to influence.
  2. Functional Intelligence: the type of intelligence of an individual (musical, logical- mathematical, etc.).
  3. Linking Intelligence: the Intra-personal or Inter-personal intelligence.


It determines the individual’s capacity to apprehend the underlying concept in a complex situation.

It is characterized and measured by:

  1. Ethical Intelligence: the functionality of the individual’s “rules”.
  2. Strategic Intelligence: the way an individual faces the reality to which he seeks to adapt.
  3. Type of logical thinking: the individual’s mind mechanism used to solve the problems related to his adaptation to the environment.


Unicist Press Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.


Discovery of the Roots of Human Intelligence

A Free Open Lecture on: “The Discovery of the Roots of Human Intelligence” – July 25, 2014 – 7:30 pm (India), 4:00 pm (CET), 10 am (EST) will be held by Peter Belohlavek.

Open Lecture on: "The Discovery of the Roots of Human Intelligence" by Peter BelohlavekAccess: plus.google.com/+UnicistOrg

The purpose of intelligence is to sustain human adaptiveness. This discovery is a breakthrough in Behavioral Sciences that closed the circle of how humans adapt.

This research developed at The Unicist Research Institute implied experiencing for more than 35 years until the knowledge became fully reliable. The objective of this research was to find the roots of human intelligence in order to be able to understand, manage and predict human adaptive behavior.

It allowed integrating existing knowledge on human intelligence with the discoveries that deal with conceptual intelligence and what was named the ontointelligence. Ontointelligence allows apprehending the nature of reality by integrating human ethical intelligence, the type of logical thought and the strategic intelligence.

This process began with the discovery that human conscious actions are driven by the concept individuals have of what is being done. It demonstrated that individuals can only assume the results of what they are doing if they have the concept of it.It was based on considering human beings in their complexity and the application of the principles of the ontogenetic intelligence of nature.

Ontointelligence allows individuals to apprehend the nature of the environment they are dealing with and defines their adaptive behavior. Adaptiveness, as the purpose of human intelligence, is defined by the capacity of individuals to influence the environment in order to achieve an objective while being influenced by it.

About the lecturer: http://www.unicist.org/pb.shtml

Unicist Press Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.


Unicist Think Tank participation for senior/retired executives

We invite senior or retired executives, from all over the world, to participate in Think Tanks that work as business units.

This proposal is oriented towards those who are interested in entering a logical approach to business going beyond empiricism. We are interested in integrating people who exceeded operational problem solving and are interested in using their conceptual approach.

The discoveries made at The Unicist Research Institute allowed dealing with the roots of human behavior that allowed developing a logical approach to complex problems which is an extreme simplification to deal with the adaptive aspects of businesses.

We recommend accessing the evaluation room of the unicist logical approach where you can find the basic information on these projects. http://www.unicist.org/repo/

If you are interested, please contact us so we can provide more information at:

Executive Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.


The unicist approach to concepts, pre-concepts and anti-concepts

A concept is a “complex” entity in itself. People who know the concept of something have the knowledge of the possibilities and the evolution of a specific reality.

The Time Course of the Insight EffectThere are two elements that hinder its apprehension for those who are focused on their personal benefit:

  1. Being focused on one’s needs requires dualistic thinking (implicit in the dialectics of Hegel and Marx). It implies the use of disjunctions and the absence of the necessary conjunctions.  Thus the individual is transformed into an observer who cannot emulate a concept in mind because he is not integrated with the external reality. Dualism hinders the apprehension of concepts.
  2. Genetic behavior inhibits understanding others to profit from them. http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=is-altruism-a-genetic-trait

Pre-concept are conceptual constructions to avoid one’s personal risks. Anti-concepts are the entities that destroy concepts. They work like anti-matter deals with matter.

Gamma waves are the waves that appear when an extreme level of consciousness is achieved. We use a reflection process, action-reflection-action, which allows accessing concepts. It has to occur in real value adding actions to be effective.

It is a precise methodology to access gamma brain waves to use concepts and build strategies. We develop this to work in the field of businesses and future scenarios.

Accessing the following links you will see other homologous description of the concept of gamma waves.

Medical Research

Zen Monks

Anti-intuition is an intuitive perception that produces paradoxical results. Paradoxical results imply the self-destruction of the individual or of the goal that wants to be achieved. It is triggered by anti-intelligence.

That is why complexity is only for giving people. Takers can only rationalize concepts but cannot manage accordingly. Giving in business implies giving first and profiting from the counterpart. It is not a utopia.

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. https://www.unicist-school.org/complexity-sciences/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/turi.pdf


Unicist Education: Dealing with enterprises as adaptive systems

The unicist logical approach allowed managing the adaptive aspects of businesses by using unicist logical tools and business objects. This approach provides cross-cultural solutions based on the researches made at The Unicist Research Institute. To access the basics that sustain unicist education please access:

Complex adaptive aspects of businesses need to be learned in their dynamics which implies that they need to be learned making real applications based on the knowledge of their dynamic structure.

This is analogous to medical residencies in teaching hospitals where graduated physicians learn to manage a specialty. It has to be considered that medicine is a paradigmatic case of complexity:

The Future Scenario: Static vs. Dynamic Learning Processes

Unicist EducationThe superior education in business management provided an empirical operational and analytical framework for business management that upgraded professionalism in the XXth century.

The static empirical model that permitted administrating businesses provided the knowledge that allowed developing the necessary information technology that became redundant with the superior educational programs. Simultaneously, the explosive R&D capacity to release new products shortened their lifecycle.

These two situations, the redundancy of operational an analytical knowledge and the acceleration of business processes, made the static empirical approach to business become functional to business operation but dysfunctional to business management.

This scenario opened new demands for superior education in businesses that are still unsatisfied.

The Next Step: “teaching hospitals” in the business field

Business ResidenciesUnicist education is based on learning processes that are analogous to “teaching hospitals” based on real complex problem solving. The unicist educational model is a postgraduate model that deals with the learning of logical tools and business objects. You can access a white paper at:

It requires having the necessary technical-analytical knowledge learned in graduate or undergraduate programs.

It requires the learning of:

1)      The building of future scenarios

2)      Diagnosing businesses

3)      Developing Unicist Strategies

4)      Building Business Architectures

The difference between the Unicist Education and the Professional Education can be synthesized in:


Unicist Education

Professional Education

Educational Framework Teaching Hospital / Clinics Workshops / Seminars / Courses
Educational Model Complex Problem Solving Systemic Problem Solving
Learning Approach Action-Reflection-Action Theory-Practice
Problem Solving Approach Results Driven Tasks Driven
Future Forecasting Logical Inferences / Delphi Groups Projections / Delphi Groups
Knowledge Logical & Empirical Approach Empirical Approach
Type of Tools Unicist Logical Tools Operational-analytical tools
Business Planning Strategic approach Analytic approach
Dominant type of Analysis Fundamental Analysis Technical Analysis
Risk Management Ambiguity Certainty
Business Processes Adaptive Systems Operational Systems

Educational Alternatives

We propose you compare the differences between unicist education and professional education by accessing the information on the unicist logical approach and the approaches to cross-cultural businesses of four major Global MBAs (2 in the USA and 2 in the EU).

We recommend beginning with the social communication of the different proposals.

1) Harvard Business School

2) Stanford Graduate School of Business

3) London Business School

4) Insead – The Business School for the World

5) Unicist Corporate University – The Unicist Research Institute

What is the Unicist Logical Approach to Businesses?

Learn about the Unicist Logical Approach at: http://www.unicist.net/clipboard 

The unicist logical approach manages the adaptive aspects of business as unified fields based on the knowledge of their ontogenetic maps.


Unicist Active Business Library

The knowledge of the ontogenetic map of a business, its market and the context allowed managing the fundamentals that define the possibilities of business actions.

The future scenario building became possible based on the knowledge of the ontology of evolution and the ontogenetic maps of a business and its restricted and wide contexts.

This knowledge allowed defining synergic maximal strategies, to expand beyond the boundaries of a business, and minimum strategies to work within them.

Adaptive business processes became reliable based on the use of ontology based business objects. The use of objects upgraded the role of human work in business.

The integration of fundamental analysis and technical analysis allowed building reliable business knowledge, transforming uncertainty into risk and integrating the knowledge of the possibilities of success with its probabilities.

All the solutions, business objects, technologies and knowledge provided by The Unicist Research Institute are based on the unicist logical approach and generate significant energy saving effects.

You can find the Unicist Active Library at: 

Teaching Hospitals in Business

The Unicist Corporate University (UCU) is the academic arm of The Unicist Research Institute that is organized as a Teaching Hospital that develops business residencies. It is based on technologies that allow building cross-cultural strategies: http://www.unicist.org/sdp.shtml#cc

The UCU is now expanding worldwide installing In-company Corporate Universities to provide the unicist technologies to deal with the adaptive aspects of businesses.

Unicist Press Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems.
