Unicist Corporate University

Doers need to have conceptual knowledge

Human action is naturally driven by the concepts and fundamentals individuals have. These concepts and fundamentals provide the final picture of what wants to be done.

conceptsEveryone considers that s/he has the concept of what they are doing.

But the results of actions demonstrate that some of them really have the concept of what they are doing while others just think that they have it.

The difference is that they might have operational, functional or essential concepts, pre-concepts or anti-concepts of what they are doing.

The knowledge of operational concepts allows individuals to deal with static actions in which the environment does not require adaptive behaviors.

The knowledge of functional concepts drives maximal strategies that allow developing actions beyond the boundaries of a situation. They allow dealing with adaptive behaviors when the minimum strategies are given.

The knowledge of essential concepts allows developing adaptive actions, which include both the development of maximal and minimum strategies.

The use of pre-concepts helps to drive the actions that allow individuals to avoid personal risks.

The use of anti-concepts drives towards those actions, which appear to be functional, but destroy a concept. Anti-concepts work as such when the actual concept “bothers” the individual and he uses them to destroy the concept.

Analytical knowledge does not drive towards actions but it is functional to control actions. Analytic knowledge is based on a dualistic logical approach while conceptual knowledge is based on a double dialectical logical approach.

Diana Belohlavek

Based on an excerpt from the book “Doers” by Peter Belohlavek.

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. http://www.unicist.org


How do Business Viruses Work? – The case of the Virus Type A

Viruses are installed in organizations when the personal goals of their members prevail over the goals of the group in the case of entrepreneurs and of the mission and vision of institutions.

RNA virusViruses can be cured or palliated. When they are cured they strengthen the company and the immune system of the company.

When they are palliated but not cured they generate a chronic syndrome in the company.

Chronic syndromes of companies are considered as characteristics by butterfly companies and by those members of institutions that despite the fact that they are working in such institutions, they do not “belong” to them.

We have identified two different types of viruses in companies: Business Virus Type “A” and Business Virus Type “B”.

The virus type “A” is the virus in which the purpose of an activity is substituted by the achievement of personal benefits for the participant.

The virus type “B” is the virus in which the energy conservation function of the activity is substituted by the personal goals of a participant.

An example: The Structure of Object Driven Management

Object Driven Management implies managing the integration of the hardware, software and peopleware of a company.

This implies that the peopleware is the purpose of management. The active function is exerted by the software and the energy conservation function is given by the available hardware. Unicist Business Objects are part of the hardware.

The operational perceivable aspects are the existence of hardware and software. Peopleware is not evident, it implies intentions that cannot be observable and can only be measured by results.

As biological viruses need to be accepted by the body, business viruses need to be accepted by the organization. Therefore, in order to be accepted, business viruses need to show the same observable aspects that are already within the organization. In this case viruses necessarily show the existence of the hardware and the software of the company.

About Business Virus Type “A”

It is the virus that substitutes the purpose of a concept by a personal benefit from it.

Unicist Business Virus Type A

In the case of Object Driven Management, Virus “A” is shown as follows:

This generates the inexistence of the integration between software and hardware.

This produces anarchy or inaction within the organization and the need of an authoritarian leader to manage the conflicts produced.

This lowers productivity, quality and reliability and therefore the value generation is diminished.

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. http://www.unicist.org


June 1st is our 37th Anniversary

It is a very special pleasure to celebrate this anniversary in the middle of our institutional expansion that includes the recognition of the scientific work that sustains it.

Unicist Unified FieldWe want to take advantage of this anniversary honoring Peter Belohlavek, the creator of the Unicist Theory, and we would like to invite you to participate in this recognition by learning about the changes this theory introduced in multiple sciences.

Please enter the following link to learn about these changes: http://www.unicist.org/pb.shtml

The Unicist Theory expanded the field of “systemic” sciences by integrating complexity sciences that allowed managing complex adaptive systems without needing to use palliatives.

We invite you to stay informed on the scientific developments following our institutional facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/unicist


Unicist Press Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. http://www.unicist.org


Made in Germany: an example to understand brand power

The research on brands as semiotic objects developed at The Unicist Research Institute, allowed discovering the ontogenetic maps of brands and their power. This expanded the possibilities of exerting influence on an environment when necessary, which requires understanding the prices that need to be paid.

Brand Power“Made in Germany” is an example for brand power. It has to be considered as an “iconic symbol” that defines the central aspects of the national identity of the country. It is based on the attributes that are implicit in the collective intelligence of a society and can be considered as an iconic symbol of the culture it represents.

The objective of a brand is to influence the environment to establish an essential credibility of a promise of value. Therefore the power of a brand defines which level of value promises can be sustained in which context.

It has to be considered that a brand establishes the context for relationships. Therefore brands have to work as a negotiating object in order to fulfill their purpose. This means that they have to establish the role of the entity that is influencing the environment but also the power this role has.

That is why brands have homologous elements of negotiation processes: the construction power and the destruction power. Powerful brands generate a love-hate relationship because people “fear” the destruction power while they “love” their construction power.

What needs to be understood is that the construction power makes brands work as catalysts and their non-exerted destruction power is what works as an entropy inhibitor to sustain the construction power.

The apparent paradox is that the destruction power needs to be present in order to overcome third parties but cannot be used. If the destruction power is used, then the brand loses power and might be harmed or destroyed.

Therefore the destruction power needs to be in the mind of the perceivers of brands but the action has to be driven by construction power.

Social influence is based on the influence of the construction power which is given by the attributes a brand has that correspond to the true value promise it includes.

Unicist Press Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. http://www.unicist.org


The unicist theory expanded the boundaries of sciences

Unicist Complexity ResearchThe unicist theory expanded the frontiers of sciences making the scientific approach to complex adaptive systems possible without needing to use arbitrary palliatives to transform complex systems into systemic systems in order to be able to research them.

Paradoxically this is a breakthrough and a back to basics. On the one hand it is a breakthrough because it changed the paradigms of scientific research. On the other hand it is a back to basics because it drives sciences to deal with the nature of reality.

The unicist logical approach opened the possibilities of managing complexity sciences using a pragmatic, structured and functionalist approach:

The unicist approach to complexity is based on the research of the unicist ontological structure of a complex adaptive system which regulates its evolution. This is based on emulating the structure of the unicist ontogenetic intelligence of nature considering that every functional aspect of reality has a unique unicist ontological structure.

The approach to ontological structures of reality requires going beyond the dualistic thinking approach and being able to use the double dialectical logic to approach complex adaptive systems.

The research in complexity science needs to have its own format for its presentation that has a structural difference with the papers for systemic sciences (abstract, introduction, materials and methods, discussion, literature). It has to be considered that:

1) A complex system has open boundaries which implies that the experiences cannot be reproduced they can only be emulated in homologous fields.

2) Having open boundaries there is no possibility of building artificial experiences to research a complex adaptive system.

3) As it has open boundaries it cannot be observed. The observers are part of the system. This implies that a peer review can only be made based on the use of destructive tests in homologous fields.

4) The conditions of the environment change, (No one can bathe twice in the same river – Heraclitus) which means that an apparently same experience might produce different results.

5) The elements of a complex adaptive system are integrated by the conjunction “and” with multiple bi-univocal relationships. Therefore there are no univocal cause-effect relationships; this implies that the only valid measurable aspects are the results obtained.

6) Predictions of results and measurement of the achievements are the way the validity of the knowledge of the structure of a complex adaptive system is confirmed.

7) The discussions with other opinions are meaningless because complex adaptive systems have open boundaries and only its application allows confirming the knowledge obtained.

8) Multiple real applications in different homologous and analogous fields, preceded by a prediction of the results that will be obtained, need to be done to confirm the knowledge of a complex adaptive system.

9) The method of the research is in the application itself which has to correspond to the field of activity of the complex adaptive system.

The research work

As researchers are part of any complex adaptive system that is being researched, a unicist reflection process is needed to develop the process. This implies a full involvement of the researcher in the system following an action-reflection-action process to find the unicist ontological structure that regulates the evolution of the complex adaptive system.

The presentation of the knowledge of complex adaptive systems includes two different levels of information:

a) The abstract: which includes the discoveries of the unicist ontological structures and the ontogenetic maps written in unicist standard language

b) The research process: which describes the research process

The basic steps of the research process are:

1) Develop the hypothetical structure of the ontology.

2) Analyze the ontology and divide it into sub-ontologies following the laws of complementation and supplementation (only when necessary and possible).

3) Define observable results that need to be considered to validate the ontology.

4) Define the application fields of the ontology to validate its functionality.

5) Develop the applications beginning with destructive and non-destructive pilot tests to forecast reality.

6) Develop at least five experiences in the application field differing completely one from the other.

7) Develop forecasts of at least three periods with full certainty.

8) Restart the research process every time a deviation occurs.


It becomes evident that the field of researching complex adaptive systems is for doers, who assumed the responsibility for results and have the necessary inner freedom to emulate in mind adaptive systems that are in motion. The use of the knowledge does not require knowing how it was produced.

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized world-class research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. http://www.unicist.org


Solitude for actions, solitude for change & solitude of power

Solitude has different functionalities depending on the situation of a context. The leader’s final price to be paid is having an absolute solitude of power.

Solitude of PowerLeaders can share, listen, discuss or participate in any way but, at the end, those who have full responsibility for results, are alone. They have to make a decision that has to work.

The elements that integrate the maximal strategy when dealing with the solitude of power are:

1) The need of self-fulfillment of the leaders which allows them to apprehend the final picture of the achievements.

2) The capacity of dealing in an adapted way with the environment making them be perceived as influential individuals.

3) The self-criticism which is defined by their capacity of doing things “today better than yesterday”.

These elements allow leaders to face the solitude for actions.

The minimum strategy is what allows producing the necessary changes to ensure the results that depend on the capacity of a leader. The elements that integrate the minimum strategy are:

1) The capacity of leaders to find their internal power in solitude which means that they have to have the necessary self-confidence and will to assume a responsibility.

2) The capacity to dominate the environment or strictly follow another leader.

3) Accept the critics from the environment produced by the changes that are necessary to be introduced.

Leadership implies doing the necessary changes to ensure that the actions produce results.

This is self-evident when a football match is being coached. But it is also evident in business organizations when there is a strict performance management process.

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized world-class research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. http://www.unicist.org


2013: Seven breakthroughs that changed scientific paradigms

Several major discoveries were finished at The Unicist Research Institute at the beginning of 2013. They are all breakthroughs in their fields. They are extreme researches that, in all of the cases, demanded more than 20 years until they were finished. In all the cases the research was led by Peter Belohlavek.

The Unicist Research Institute has changed the paradigms of complexity researchThey change the complex aspects of science covering:

Political Sciences

1) Development of the unicist ontology of Social, Economic and Political Democracy


2) Functionality of dualistic logic in complex environments

3) Discovery of the structure of aprioristic fallacies


4) Development of the unicist ontology of cultural adaptiveness and over-adaptiveness

5) Discovery of the unicist ontology of corruption and corruption inhibitors

Cognitive Sciences

6) Development of the unicist ontology of erudition and wisdom


7) Development of the unicist learning objects to guide learning processes

The results of these researches give access to the groundings of the Unicist Logical Approach to the community. They allow complementing empirical approaches with logical approaches in order to have adequate diagnoses and develop functional value generating actions.

Learn more about the researches of The Unicist Research Institute at:

Press Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a global decentralized world-class research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. http://www.unicist.org


Value adding: the key for learning processes

Learning processes in adults require the existence of a real problem to be solved. When there is no real problem to be solved, the learning process has no substance and the “knowledge” cannot be stored in the long term memory because it is meaningless.

Learning processes are based on the need to increase the value added to the environment so as to gain a better adaptive position for an individual.

But a learning context is required before a learning process begins.

The unicist maximal strategy of a learning process is given by the need of improvement. The existence of a driver and the real need for improvement provides the will the individual “uses” as a catalyst in order to face and solve the problems of his/her learning process.

Achieving the minimum strategy implies paying the prices to ensure learning. The price to be paid is that the individual needs to leave things aside in order to access the comprehension of a new approach.

Learning implies leaving things aside. If the problem can be solved using the preexisting knowledge there is no need for learning because the problem does not exist. Therefore it is implicit in a learning process for unsolved problems that the individual leaves aside the preexisting approach and enters the comprehension of the new approach without cutting it down to what s/he knew.

Adults only do so when they really need to solve a problem. Improvement is the active function and learning the energy conservation function.

Only people who need to improve will be able to learn. People who enter in a learning process without having a real need to improve in order to solve real problems just enter in self-fulfilling activities.

Diana Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using a logical approach to deal with evolution and became a private global decentralized world-class research organization in the field of human adaptive systems.  http://www.unicist.org


The Unicist Standard for Organizational Design

Organizational EffectivenessOrganizations are typical adaptive systems. If they were not, they could not survive.

The Unicist Standard for an organizational process requires having found the real characteristics of the external and internal environment in order to develop such process based on reality and not on a hypothetical reality.

Every design must include the integration of efficacy and efficiency in order to achieve the effectiveness that is required by the environment. If the organization has decided to introduce continuous improvement, it is necessary to include business objects to minimize the change of any improvement.

The steps for an organizational design are the following:

  1. Japanese Park – A pilot test to confirm the starting point.
  2. Definition of Responsibilities  – To allow dealing with the organization as an adaptive system.
  3. Clarification of the Methodology – Defining the logical approach to deal with the processes.
  4. Definition of the final objective – Confirming the “use value” of the organizational process (Pilot tests).
  5. Definition of the Methods – Definition of the methods to be followed. These methods are derived from the methodologies of step 3.
  6. Evaluation & Adjustment of Costs.
  7. Validating the “use value” of the organizational process in action (Pilot tests).

Press Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using a logical approach to deal with evolution and became a private global decentralized world-class research organization in the field of human adaptive systems.  http://www.unicist.org


The Dualistic Approach transforms Aesthetics into Beauty

Unicist aesthetics defines the core aspect of any individual who wants to influence the environment. It is the central value of the critical mass of any influential action.

The driver of aesthetics is the capacity to complete the unsatisfied needs of someone or the environment.

The unicist double dialectical approach to aesthetics allows establishing stable perceptions integrating the desires of the counterparts with the necessary intrinsic harmony to complete their demands.

The dualistic approach transforms aesthetics into beauty, managing, on the one hand, the desires of the counterpart and, on the other hand, transforming harmony into conventional rules in order to be acceptable.

The dualistic approach to aesthetics tends to seduce clients with “empty” promises and apparent reliability. It tends to generate desires that are followed by disappointments.

Access a synthesis on the “Discovery of the Unicist Ontology of Aesthetics” that is available at the Scientific Dissemination Program. You will find there other syntheses that might be of your interest: https://www.unicist-school.org/complexity-sciences/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/unicist_aesthetics.pdf

Martin Alvaro

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using a logical approach to deal with evolution and became a private global decentralized world-class research organization in the field of human adaptive systems.  http://www.unicist.org
