The Art of Negotiation – The Unicist Standard

Although there is an object driven strategy that can be designed and developed, negotiating is an art because of the subjective aspects that are involved.

Negotiation implies integrating the interests of individuals or institutions that are divergent. For this purpose, a superior convenience needs to be found.

A unicist negotiation strategy requires achieving an agreement at different levels:

The levels of negotiation are:

1)      The negotiation of the roles: It implies defining the acceptance of the roles of the participants in a negotiation.

2)      The power negotiation: defining the destruction and construction power of the participants.

3)      The business negotiation: defining the value added by each part.

4)      The negotiation of the complementation: defining the activities to be developed in order to sustain complementariness.

Institutional negotiation requires different roles that have to be covered.

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NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute is the major research organization in the world in its specialty based on more than 3,000 researches in complexity sciences applied to individual, institutional and social evolution.
