Unicist Corporate Universities for Business Expansion

Business expansion implies going beyond the present boundaries of markets. This requires generating added value in new fields.

Building an “umbrella” of influence that includes both the existent and the new markets is the simplest way to expand businesses. “Umbrellas” are influential objects that provide a gravitational force that generates a buying attitude in new segments.

The Unicist Corporate Universities provide “drops” of conceptual knowledge that integrate the operational aspects of different segments. They have a subliminal effect to influence attitudes that can only be measured in the results.

That is why Unicist Corporate Universities need to be integrated with Market Labs to provide the necessary feed-back to ensure their results.

These Market Labs need to include information of the ontological segmentation in order to confirm or adjust the content of the Corporate Universities. The generation of buying attitudes is the core of the Unicist Corporate Universities for business expansion.

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Learn more about the trend of ontology based solutions for businesses:

Diana Belohlavek
VP Global Markets
& Market Labs

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute is the pioneering organization in the development of ontology based and business object driven solutions for businesses. More than 3,500 ontological researches were developed since 1976 until September 2010 in the field of individual, institutional and social evolution.
