Fallacy Avoidance


Emulating the Intelligence of Nature

Emulating the Intelligence of Nature

Emulating the Intelligence of Nature

Avoiding Fallacies in Everyday Life

Help us to minimize fallacies in the world

Help us to minimize fallacies in the world

Help us to minimize fallacies in the world

Fallacy Avoidance

Help us to minimize fallacies in the world by sharing with your friends & colleagues

Fallacies are conclusions, developed by the mind, to build and sustain a comfort zone in a parallel reality to avoid the risks implicit in the adaptive process to an environment. Fallacies are self-confirming thoughts, which respond to an internal reality, that do not represent the external functional reality.


The Origin of Fallacies

Fallacy shooting is the quality assurance process of decision making

People build fallacies to lie to themselves. After they believe their lies, they pose them as truths to others.

Fallacies are conclusions, developed by the mind, to build and sustain a comfort zone in a parallel reality to avoid the risks implicit in the adaptive process to an environment.

Fallacies are self-confirming thoughts, which respond to an internal reality, that do not represent the external functional reality.


Cultural Fallacious Myths

Avoid them by assuming a leading role in your culture
Cultural Fallacious Myths

Cultural fallacious myths are fallacies of the collective intelligence. They are social constructions to avoid the breakup of a group or community, hindering the perception of significant dysfunctional behaviors.

Fallacious myths are necessarily built to cover:

1) Implicit weaknesses that cannot be accepted.

2) Weaknesses that cannot be solved nor faced.

They transform social chronic dysfunctions into acceptable characteristics.


Aprioristic Fallacies

Avoid them by focusing on results
dualistic fallaices

Dualism is the most energy saving approach of the brain, which necessarily implies, at the end, the use of exclusive disjunctions that ensure the validity of what one is thinking or doing.

Aprioristic fallacies are extremely destructive and require using manipulation to “force” people into a parallel world where this manipulator is in control. 

Marginals, sociopaths and psychopaths are examples of compulsive users of aprioristic fallacies.


Ethical Fallacies​

Be aware of the value you need to generate when doing something
Ethical Intelligence Fallacies

Ethical fallacies are the natural response when the ethical intelligence required by the activity exceeds the ethical intelligence of the people involved.

Ethical fallacies are a sort of meta-fallacy. They are the origin of all fallacies. They trigger the perception fallacies that trigger the action fallacies integrated by conceptual, operational and reasoning fallacies. The final purpose of ethical fallacies is to sustain the comfort zone of an individual.


Perception Fallacies

Avoid them by sharing your visions with others
Perception Fallacies

Perception fallacies are unconscious mechanisms that individuals use in order to make an external reality functional to their needs to minimize the consumption of energy for the adaptation to such reality.

Perception fallacies’ purpose is to achieve that an individual can see what s/he needs to see or to ensure that the individual has the place s/he needs to have. To do so, these fallacies use the perception of apparent or unreal elements based on hypothetical ideas or truths.


Conceptual Fallacies

Avoid them by confirming the functionality of things

Conceptual fallacies are produced by the lack of complementation in conceptual thinking of the people who are participating in these types of processes.

Conceptual fallacies are the essential fallacies that hinder the apprehension of the categories and the essential patterns of reality, which allows avoiding responsibilities and destroying threats. They are the consequence of a dysfunctional use of unicist thinking and double dialectical logic when defining the concepts of “things”.


Action Fallacies

Avoid them by developing pilot tests until things work

Action fallacies are produced when the strategic intelligence role of an individual is not being complemented.

Action fallacies are the fallacies generated by the strategic intelligence. Action fallacies hinder diagnosing reality in order to develop functional actions. 

It is worth bearing in mind that fallacies work compulsively when individuals seek to satisfy their needs or beliefs through them.


Reasoning Fallacies

Avoid them by integrating with opposite reasoning
Reasoning Fallacies

Reasoning fallacies are produced by the lack of complementation of the logical thinking types.

Reasoning fallacies are the fallacies generated by the logical type of thought.

Reasoning fallacies hinder the comprehension of reality by introducing subjective projections that impede analyzing the functionality of reality in order to understand it.
