Daily Archives: November 30, 2009



The need to deal with the Unicist Ontogenetic Intelligence of Nature to influence adaptive systems

Unicist Ontogenetic Intelligence of NatureWhen dealing with adaptive / complex systems that have by definition open boundaries, individuals committed to find solutions need to understand the nature of the problem. And in order to understand the nature of a problem its ontology has to be understood.

The research on the Unicist Ontogenetic Intelligence of Nature was developed by Peter Belohlavek and started at the beginning of the 80’s. It was a step by step discovery based on the apprehension of the nature of social phenomena entering afterwards in the institutional and individual evolution. Its integration with biology and physics was the final stage that was achieved.

The ontogenetic intelligence is defined on one hand by a purpose and an action principle that puts the purpose into action sustaining its functionality and evolution or involution.  On the other hand, the same purpose is sustained by the energy conservation principle that complements the purpose to avoid it being changed by the action principle. You can download the e-book at:

English: http://www.unicist.org/deb_uoin.php
Portuguese: http://www.unicist.org/br/deb_uoin.php
Spanish: http://www.unicist.org/es/deb_uoin.php

The Ontology of Ontology

Living beings naturally transfer their functionality to the environment where they act, depositing functions that have the living being’s same logical structure and that generate the existence of extrinsic concepts.
Extrinsic concepts have the same logical structure but they are not implicit in inanimate beings; they are deposited by the living beings they are functional to. This is the origin of the ontology that has been used for many years in philosophy and now also in the field of systemic sciences, complexity science and to deal with adaptive systems. This is what unicist ontology is about.

Peter Belohlavek found that systemic methodologies did not apply to the research of complex systems where there is a conjunction of objects and/or subsystems. Influencing the future meant understanding the nature of a reality in its essence and not from an analytic-rationalistic approach.

To “manage” the nature of businesses the understanding of the ontogenetic intelligence of nature is necessary. You are welcome to deal with the nature of reality in order to be able to develop diagnoses, scenarios, forecasts and strategies.  In the field of adaptive systems “playing by ear” produces paradoxical results.  The intuition has to be confirmed. This is just one case where the saying “hard training, easy combat” is confirmed.

© The Unicist Research Institute

Your comments are welcome.

Executive Committee

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If you would like to get acquainted with Unicist Business Search Engine, please click here

Worldwide Affiliate Program for the (UBSE) – Unicist Business Search Engine

We invite our partners, associated consultants, experts, leaders of the scientific dissemination centers and adherents to participate in the expansion of the worldwide affiliate program. Our goal is to have 6,000 affiliates in one year to install the unicist approach as a standard for diagnoses, forecasts and strategies. This is a business in itself and an approach to expand all our businesses. unicist_search_engine

For more information about the business, please contact:

We are making a business knowledge building engine available for the business world. It includes the technical, analytical and fundamental knowledge to make reliable decisions.

The factual and analytical knowledge-base is provided by the existing search engines.

The fundamentals knowledge bank is provided by The Unicist Research Institute based on almost 3,000 ontological structures, including the archetypes of 51 countries researched and discovered during the last 30 years in the field of individual, institutional and social evolution.

The unicist ontology based fundamental analysis made the approach to complexity reliable and a cybernetic approach to business possible.

This participative knowledge building technology will expand the technical, analytical and fundamental knowledge bank ad infinitum.

Access the information on the UBSE at:
English: http://www.unicist-school.org/future-research/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/unicist_business_search_engine-1.pdf
Portuguese: http://www.unicist-school.org/future-research/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/unicist_business_search_engine_br-1.pdf
Spanish: http://www.unicist-school.org/future-research/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/unicist_business_search_engine_es-1.pdf

We are proposing an open discussion on this subject on our Facebook Facilities:

Unicist Confederation:
English: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=162211854957
Portuguese: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=162645294073
Spanish: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=165119203076

If you are not registered, please do.

There will be a symbolic Web-Conference on December 3, 2009, at 2:00 pm (New York Time) to present this breakthrough worldwide. This search engine represents a new step in the business world.

Your comments are welcome.

Martin Alvaro
Business Intelligence

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If you would like to receive monthly information on new scientific developments, please register here.

If you would like to get acquainted with Unicist Business Search Engine, please click here