Monthly Archives: June 2012

Social Processes are Organized by Objects

Nature is organized by objects and so are human societies; but the existence of objects in societies implies that there is a conscious, planned, decision to install entities to sustain social processes.

An object is an adaptive system that has been designed to produce predefined results within an existing process. It implies a conscious, strategic and architectural action to define how to build an adaptive system to ensure and save energy to generate results.

Social objects include countries, institutions, businesses, personal roles and every entity that is being built as an adaptive system to generate a predefined result within a social process. Objects only exist is they have the necessary social critical mass to generate the results they need to provide as an adaptive system within the adaptive process they are part of.

There are four types of social objects

1)      Communitarian objects
2)      Institutional objects
3)      Business objects
4)      Personal role objects

Communitarian objects deal with the organization of countries and their communities. The judiciary, educational, healthcare and governmental systems are just examples of social objects.

Institutional objects deal with the existence of institutions. The immune, administration, operation and control systems are examples of institutional objects. They might be part of communitarian objects or being interdependent entities.

Business objects deal with work processes. Their production, marketing, administration, management, human resources, corporate finance systems are examples of business objects. They might be part of communitarian objects, institutional objects or being interdependent entities.

Personal role objects deal with the roles of people in the environment. The familiar, work, political, social, professional and pastime roles are examples of individual objects. They might be part of communitarian, institutional or business objects or being interdependent entities.

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a global decentralized world-class research organization in the field of human adaptive systems.