Monthly Archives: October 2014

Understanding the archetype of the USA and its consequences

The power of a culture is given by its archetype, the value of work and the technology that is being developed to generate growth. The Archetype of the USA is a paradigmatic example of how a culture can be leading in the world while strengthening its identity.

The reach of one’s globalization is defined
by the limit of the pronoun “WE”…

The nature of the culture of the US, which is defined by its archetype, can be described by the propensity to develop audacious actions in the environment based on the necessary use of knowledge in order to achieve its “dream” within a credibility context.

And this has to happen within the “system” that provides the limits of the actions.

The Maximal strategy implies that the culture is driven by daring actions to achieve its cultural “dream” within an institutionalized context.

The catalyst of the evolution of the American archetype is its institutionalization that accelerates its evolution.

Institutionalization is materialized in the democratic rules of the society. The icon of the cultural dream is the American Flag.

Unicist Archetype of the USADaring implies doing in terms of concrete operational actions to achieve growth and surpass the well-being achieved by the preceding generations.

The social pressure towards growth within a context of being a leading culture in the world generates uncertainty in the coming generations that fosters the need for addictions to avoid the responsibility to produce growth.

The minimum strategy of the archetype fosters thinking, driven by the personal objectives and within the limits of the personal credibility.

That is why the USA archetype includes a multi-minority approach.

This minimum strategy provides the necessary context to develop hard technologies that sustain the economic activities of the maximal strategy.

Personal credibility is the entropy inhibitor of the American archetype.

Unicist Archetype of the USAAs wealth sustains the perception of security, personal credibility requires having solved the necessary financial situation that makes an individual credible.

Daring, dreaming, credibility and thinking integrated to achieve growth require a strong ethical environment that needs to be sustained by the judiciary system.

Lying is unacceptable because it destroys the credibility and transparency of the archetype.

Understanding and respecting the archetype of the USA is extremely useful to develop global and local businesses.

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.

Social Influence: The Discovery of the Social Critical Mass

Social critical mass is defined as the minimal amount of focused energy necessary to trigger a planned social phenomenon. Objects need to have the necessary critical mass to produce the value added to the process they participate in.

Its ontogenetic map is defined by extreme aesthetics, extreme influence and extreme credibility to provide the energy to produce results. Any social action requires having the necessary critical mass to produce the predefined results. Action without results is just unnecessary movement.

Critical mass is a basic condition for any social object, including the business objects. The final driver of SCM is the generation of an expansion process. It implies having an extreme aesthetics which is defined by the need to complete the essential needs of the participants of a social phenomenon.

This requires having the knowledge of the ontogenetic map of the phenomenon in order to be able to define the desirable aspects that need to be completed and the harmony that needs to be designed in order to generate an extremely aesthetic value.

Completing implies covering an explicit need. That is why completing requires having an extreme influence in order to be accepted.

Extreme influence implies having a complementation driven influence which integrates both cooperation and competition. Extreme influence requires establishing a complementation driven bond which includes both functional and personal aspects.

Extreme aesthetics can only be accepted with an environment of extreme credibility. That is why the credibility is the complement of aesthetics. Extreme credibility is an optimism based relationship.

Optimism makes people believe that what is possible will occur and that the validity of the process has been proven. Without optimism there can exist no social critical mass. Optimism is extremely far away from mania.

Social Critical Mass can be achieved when there is the necessary conceptual aesthetic, the complementation driven influence and the necessary social optimism.

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Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using a logical approach to deal with evolution and became a private global decentralized world-class research organization in the field of human adaptive systems.