
The Functionalist Economic  Approach to Foster Development

The Unicist Functionalist Economy proposes a structured approach to defining and achieving economic goals. It begins by identifying what is possible to achieve given the present circumstances. This involves understanding the current cultural archetype, the dominant concept of work, and the fundamentals of economic behavior. These elements set the boundaries within which actions must be taken.

Next, it defines the actions needed to improve future circumstances. This step involves introducing catalysts to expand the power of work and increase the level of technology in the environment. These catalysts are essential for driving economic growth and expanding the field of possibilities.

Finally, this definition of possibilities serves as an input for systemic approaches to define operational actions. These actions must be aligned with the established limits and cultural context.

 By following this structured approach, the Unicist Functionalist Economy ensures that economic solutions are both feasible and sustainable, tailored to the specific cultural and social contexts, and capable of driving long-term growth and evolution.

You can learn how to manage functionalist economics by using the Multilingual Unicist Virtual Researcher

The Unicist Research Institute

The Unicist Archetype of China

The archetype of China is a unique case of a culture that has the capacity to grow based on the internal consistency of its model, a model that became complementary to the globalization process. China is a culture based on the consistency of social and individual efforts and the capacity to accept trade-offs to achieve the goals of the country.

The Chinese model has to be understood in itself without comparing it with other countries. It has multiple economic models working simultaneously. It is neither a communist nor a capitalist model. It uses multiple unique solutions that imply permanent trade-offs between the different models to achieve its growth.

The Communist Party can be considered homologous to the ancient nobility in Europe but represents the interests of China as a country and the needs of its population.

Entering the Communist Party needs to be earned because within the party there has to be an ideological consistency to allow democratic behavior. The Communist Party is the “Establishment” of China.

Confucius’ Concept

Confucianism is a functional philosophy for a culture that needs to grow in the context of an extremely large country with a large population. Order is necessary to sustain consistency.

Minorities in China have to behave within the limits of the explicit and implicit Chinese model. Censorship and self-censorship are a need to avoid that the culture loses its consistency. But although censorship becomes necessary in this context, it is also the implicit weakness of the Chinese archetype.

Cultures evolve based on their implicit weaknesses. Therefore, a generational change can be expected in this field depending on the new trade-offs the culture will make.

A Shielded Culture

China has been, is, and will be a shielded archetype, protecting its culture and belief to ensure its consistency and allowing the necessary trade-offs to grow.

This shield was represented by the Chinese Wall in the past, and now it is represented by the multiple regulations that establish the framework of the country.

Maximal Strategy

The maximal strategy of China is driven by the working capacity of the culture and the catalyst for the minimum strategy is their cultural shield that ensures the consistency of its actions. The cultural shield works as a protection from foreign influence and internal distortions.

Minimum Strategy

The minimum strategy is driven by the individual working capacity of its population. The entropy inhibitor, to ensure the achievement of growth, is the ideological shield that ensures the focus of the efforts on the objectives that are being achieved.

The personal capacity to make trade-offs is installed in the population and makes individuals extremely focused achievers.

To apprehend the Chinese archetype it is necessary to understand Doers, avoiding ideological, religious, or social comparisons. China was, is, and will be unique. China doesn’t base its expansion on exporting culture but on exporting products, services, and investments..


The concept of the Unicist Archetype of China provides a profound and nuanced analysis of China’s cultural and socio-political framework, using the unicist approach to explain its dynamics and strategies. Let’s break down and analyze the key elements and implications of this archetype:

  1. Internal Consistency and Complementarity to Globalization: The archetype posits that China’s ability to grow is significantly attributed to the internal consistency of its socio-political model and its complementarity to the globalization process. This suggests a unique adaptability and integration of global economic dynamics while maintaining a distinct national identity and strategy.
  2. China’s Unique Economic Model: Describing China’s economic system as neither purely communist nor capitalist but a hybrid that involves continual trade-offs among various models underscores the pragmatic approach China uses to manage economic growth. This flexibility allows China to adapt and thrive in a rapidly changing global environment.
  3. Role of the Communist Party: The party is likened to an “establishment” akin to ancient European nobility, but it’s crucial that it encapsulates the national interest and the populace’s needs. This comparison highlights the deep integration of the party within every layer of Chinese governance and societal structure, necessitating ideological consistency and meritocracy within its ranks.
  4. Influence of Confucianism: Confucianism is presented as a functional philosophy that promotes order and consistency, essential in a country with a vast territory and population. This philosophy influences social norms and behaviors, emphasizing communal harmony and stability over individual expression.
  5. Shielded Culture: The concept of China as a “shielded culture” with historical analogs to the Great Wall, now manifested in regulations, illustrates a protective strategy to safeguard its cultural identity and socio-political model. This shielding is both a defense mechanism and a method of controlling internal and external influences.
  6. Maximal and Minimum Strategies:
    • Maximal Strategy: Driven by the collective working capacity and reinforced by the cultural shield, it focuses on maintaining and growing the country’s economic and global strategic position.
    • Minimum Strategy: Focuses on the individual working capacity, emphasizing the ideological consistency that guides personal efforts towards national objectives. The ability to make personal trade-offs is highlighted as a critical skill for achieving these objectives, reinforcing the archetype’s focus on communal over individual goals.
  7. Exporting Products, Not Culture: The final aspect that China’s international strategy is primarily focused on economic expansion through product export rather than cultural exportation suggests a pragmatic and material-focused approach to global integration. This strategy has made China a pivotal player in global markets without necessitating a widespread adoption of its cultural values internationally.

This archetype portrays China as a complex, adaptive system that skillfully balances traditional values with pragmatic economic strategies, maintaining a unique position in the global arena.

You can learn how to manage China’s archetype by using the Multilingual Unicist Virtual Researcher

The Unicist Research Institute

The Unicist Archetype of Germany

Germany is a model of efficiency in the development of all its economic, social and “ecological” activities. The German model is a unique model that many admire and that few can follow since in fact, other cultures find it difficult to keep up not only with its social discipline but also with its social and “ecological” responsibility.

All this efficiency, however, bears a price that the German culture pays for in each cycle. The efficiency and discipline, basis for any institution and for collective operation, naturally produces creativity crises.

As far as social evolution goes, Germany appears clearly oriented toward expansion, which says much of the strength of its society’s institutional values. The social values appear to be today, and relatively speaking, “always” were, very strong and very national.

A member of the German culture belongs to it whether in his own country or elsewhere in the world. The individual values in Germany are much geared toward giving precedence to the group rather than to the individual.

Germany is an influential culture

Influential cultures are naturally expansive and oriented toward the global world. That is why they develop powerful technologies to influence the world based on a superior capacity of work.

This is the case of Germany that is based on the integration of the need to grow, its institutionalization and its ecological responsibility.

Its ecological responsibility includes both the environmental responsibility and the responsibility of ensuring a “vital space” for the coming generations.

Germany’s maximal strategies

The maximal strategies for the expansion of the German culture are driven by its social discipline, are based on its innovative technology and are sustained by the individual efficiency. Social discipline works as a driver for work but also inhibits innovations that might endanger the consistency of the social structure.

Maximal strategies allow expanding in the world based on a superior technological approach that opens the markets and differentiates its products. German archetypical expansion is based on the capacity to produce institutional responses to the problems organizing an institutionalized innovation sustained by individual efficiency.

This model generates naturally a structural approach that lowers the speed in the short run and is faster in the long run.

Germany doesn’t base its influence on exporting culture nor its way of life. It is based on exporting more efficient solutions for existing problems.

Germany’s minimum strategies

The minimum strategies are based on exerting the ecological responsibility in the social and environmental field to ensure the vital space for the coming generations. To do so its natural trend is to add value and its social efficiency is based on the discipline the culture has.

The value of work sustains its minimum strategy which makes the culture very powerful, considering that the value of work is what sustains the power of Nations.

To apprehend the German archetype it is necessary to share the value of “Work”. Germany is a unique example of “Work” in the Western World. This work is based on its fundamentals that define its archetype.


The concept of the “Unicist Archetype of Germany” encapsulates cultural, social, and economic dimensions that define the collective persona of Germany.

Efficiency and Discipline

Germany is often heralded for its efficiency in various domains, from economic operations to social organization and ecological initiatives. This efficiency is deeply intertwined with a cultural emphasis on discipline, which ensures that societal norms and expectations are rigorously adhered to.

Ecological Responsibility

The archetype underscores a profound commitment to ecological stewardship, which is not only a contemporary response to global environmental challenges but also a deep-seated element of the national ethos. This commitment extends beyond mere conservation to ensuring a “vital space” for future generations, highlighting a forward-thinking and sustainable approach to environmental issues.

Societal Expansion and Influence

Germany’s societal orientation towards expansion is manifested in its global outreach, particularly through technology and industrial leadership. This aspect of the archetype reflects a dynamic where societal values of efficiency and discipline are projected onto the global stage, influencing other cultures and economies through superior technological and operational models. The drive for institutionalization, whether in solving problems or innovating, facilitates a stable yet progressive expansion.

Maximal and Minimum Strategies

The distinction between maximal and minimum strategies within the archetype elucidates how Germany navigates its path on the global stage while maintaining its core values at home.

  • Maximal Strategies: These involve leveraging social discipline and technological innovation to drive global expansion and influence. The focus on superior technology and market differentiation not only fosters growth but also enhances Germany’s stature as a leader in efficient and sustainable solutions.
  • Minimum Strategies: These are centered around sustaining ecological and social responsibility. By focusing on these areas, Germany ensures that its growth and global influence do not come at the expense of future generations or the planet. The cultural emphasis on the value of work supports these strategies, reinforcing Germany’s global economic position while adhering to its ethical commitments.

Cultural and Individual Values

The archetype highlights a cultural prioritization of the collective over the individual, which is a significant aspect of German identity both domestically and internationally. This collective orientation supports the national ethos of work and discipline but may also pose challenges for individual expression and creativity.

You can learn how to manage Germany’s archetype by using the Multilingual Unicist Virtual Researcher

The Unicist Research Institute

The Unicist Archetype of USA

The Archetype of the USA is a paradigmatic example of how a culture can be leading in the world while strengthening its identity.

Based on the research on the Archetype of the USA, its purpose is growth and its active function is given by the propensity to dare while achieving its “dream” within a credible context.

The Maximal strategy implies that the culture is driven by daring actions to achieve its cultural “dream” within an institutionalized context.

The catalyst of the evolution of the American archetype is its institutionalization which accelerates its evolution. Institutionalization is materialized in the democratic rules of the society.

The icon of the cultural dream is the American Flag. Daring implies doing in terms of concrete operational actions to achieve growth and surpass the well-being achieved by the preceding generations.

The social pressure towards growth within the context of being a leading culture in the world generates uncertainty in the coming generations that fosters the need for addictions to avoid the responsibility to produce growth.

The minimum strategy of the archetype fosters thinking, driven by personal objectives and within the limits of personal credibility. That is why the USA archetype includes a multi-minority approach.

This minimum strategy provides the necessary context to develop hard technologies that sustain the economic activities of the maximal strategy.

Personal credibility is the entropy inhibitor of the American archetype. As wealth sustains the perception of security, personal credibility requires having solved the necessary financial situation that makes an individual credible.

Daring, dreaming, credibility, and thinking integrated to achieve growth requires a strong ethical environment that needs to be sustained by the judiciary system. Lying is unacceptable because it destroys the credibility and transparency of the archetype.

Understanding and respecting the archetype of the USA will be extremely useful in developing global and local businesses.


The concept of the Archetype of the USA reflects a comprehensive and dynamic model of how cultural values and institutional practices interplay to shape national behavior and development.

  1. Purpose of Growth: The primary driver of the USA’s archetype is growth, indicating a continuous push towards expansion, whether it be economic, technological, or cultural. This focus on growth is a fundamental characteristic that shapes many aspects of American society and its interactions both internally and internationally.
  2. Active Function – Propensity to Dare: This aspect of the archetype highlights a cultural inclination towards taking risks or daring actions that align with the American Dream. This characteristic is deeply embedded in the narrative of individualism and innovation that is celebrated in American culture.
  3. Maximal Strategy – Achievement of the Cultural Dream: The maximal strategy involves bold actions to achieve the idealized American Dream within an institutional framework.
  4. Catalyst – Institutionalization: The democratic institutions act as catalysts that accelerate the archetype’s evolution by providing a stable structure within which dynamic and daring actions can take place. This institutionalization also ensures that while the culture is driven and fast-moving, it remains grounded in a set of predictable and stable rules.
  5. Icon – The American Flag: The flag serves as a symbol of the cultural dream, representing freedom, opportunity, and national pride. It is a rallying point that encapsulates the identity and aspirations of the nation.
  6. Social Pressures and Generational Dynamics: The archetype suggests that the continual pressure to achieve growth and maintain leadership can lead to societal stress and uncertainty among younger generations.
  7. Minimum Strategy – Personal Objectives within Credibility: This strategy focuses on individual thinking and actions within the bounds of personal credibility. It reflects a recognition of diversity and individuality within the American context, emphasizing that credibility must be backed by tangible achievements, particularly financial stability.
  8. Role of Hard Technologies: The focus on developing technologies sustains economic activities and supports the maximal strategy, reflecting the USA’s emphasis on innovation as a pathway to growth.
  9. Ethical Environment and Judiciary: The archetype necessitates a strong ethical environment, where honesty and transparency are crucial. The judiciary system is tasked with upholding these values, ensuring that the cultural commitment to credibility is maintained.
  10. Implications for Business: Understanding and respecting the American archetype is crucial for anyone looking to engage with or within the USA, whether in local or global business contexts.

The Archetype of the USA combines a robust growth-oriented approach with a commitment to institutional stability and individual credibility. It provides a framework for understanding the motivational forces behind American cultural, economic, and political behaviors, making it a valuable tool for analyzing and predicting outcomes in various contexts.

You can learn how to manage USA’s archetype by using the Multilingual Unicist Virtual Researcher

The Unicist Research Institute

The Unicist Archetype of Russia

Russia is in the middle of a transition moving towards economic growth, which requires a new generation of people. Military occupation was a legit way of growing until the XIX Century. This installed colonialism worldwide.

In the meantime, after WWII, the end of colonialism began, and was replaced by the era of growth through economic development. “Military officers were “replaced” by businessmen/women and the Ministries of War were replaced by Ministries of Defense” (metaphor).

This required a higher level of individual freedom in the economic field and a judiciary system to avoid entropy. China, Japan, and South Korea are examples of this new stage. Russia is developing its own model based on its archetype.

The Functionalist Approach to Cultures

The functionalist approach to social evolution allows explaining the functionality of social behavior without value judgements of what is right or wrong. The functionalist approach explains causes and their consequences to make things happen.  

An archetype establishes the structural basic attitudes that define the unconscious collective intelligence of a culture. It establishes the gravitational force that drives the behavior of its members.

The fundamentals of archetypes define the basic values of a culture and establish the purposes of its lifestyles. The functionality of the archetype defines the potential energy of a culture, which establishes its influential power.

Understanding the culture of Russia implies accepting its intrinsic characteristics. The expansive power of Russia lies in its national pride, its intellectual force, and its functional hierarchic behavior. Until the end of the cold war Russia also represented “the” alternative lifestyle, which made it a world leader.

The end of the cold war diminished the influential power or Russia, which could not be accepted by its society, affected by the loss of its expansive role. The archetype of Russia has a totally different structure compared with the archetypes of the USA or China. It drives diverse ways of dealing with life. It is not better nor worse, just different, like any other archetype. People should accept and not judge the values of other cultures unless they are affected by them.

The Russian Archetype

Since its origin, Russia has been an influential society that sought the well-being of its members using solutions that were functional to each stage. Studying the history of Russia provides the necessary information to understand it.

In Russia, there coexist different operational archetypes that adopt multiple shapes according to the dominant “technologies” of the segments that drive their ideologies. However, these differentiated archetypes cannot contradict the functional archetype of the culture.

Examples of contradictions were some “States” of the Soviet Union that could never become integrated into the basic archetype of Russia and remained different. When this is the case, a secession risk begins to exist.

The expansive archetype of Russia includes:

  1. The national pride, which is the driver of all the functional actions of the culture.
  2. The intellectual force, which drives all the cultural, sportive, and scientific activities.
  3. The functional hierarchy, which is a characteristic of Russian consensus building.

The survival archetype of Russia includes:

  1. The exertion of power to ensure survival.
  2. The influential force to make the power work to achieve goals.
  3. The formal hierarchy that protects leaders against dysfunctional participation.

The archetype of a culture defines the values that underlie the social, economic, and political scenarios. The values of the archetype adopt different shapes depending on the circumstances. They define the possible social evolution, the possible economic models, and the natural shape of political power.

  1. To understand the democracy in Russia you have to accept that the Russian culture has a strong influence of hierarchic rules.
  2. To understand the economy, you need to accept that Russia was never truly in the world of consumerism (which is the driver of the economy of most leading cultures).
  3. To understand scientific and technological development you need to learn that Russia fosters intellectual force in its society.
  4. To understand personal freedom, you need to understand the limits established by hierarchical behavior.

The archetype of Russia defines its essential functionality and establishes the possibilities for dealing with their people by respecting their nature. It has to be considered that there are compatibilities and incompatibilities between the values of cultures.

You can see the incompatibilities in the clash of cultures that exists worldwide. The knowledge of the archetypes of countries and cultures makes possible the building of bridges where they are needed.

To understand a culture, it is a question of having the necessary power to avoid needing to impose one’s rules, the empathy to understand others from their point of view, and the interest to find a common ground.


Russia’s Archetype: Russia’s archetype is characterized by several key elements:

  • National Pride: This serves as a driving force behind functional actions within the culture.
  • Intellectual Force: Fosters cultural, scientific, and sportive activities, highlighting a commitment to intellectual pursuits.
  • Functional Hierarchy: Reflects a consensus-building approach within Russian society, indicating a structured approach to decision-making and governance.

Cultural Evolution and Impact: The concept traces Russia’s historical evolution from a military-oriented society to one increasingly focused on economic growth and development. It notes transitions from military to economic leadership and highlights how these shifts influence Russia’s societal norms and values.

Global Context and Cultural Compatibility: It discusses how understanding Russia’s archetype is crucial for navigating international relations and cultural interactions. It advocates for empathy and respect for different cultural values, suggesting that conflicts often arise from cultural clashes rooted in differing archetypal values.

Implications for Democracy, Economy, and Freedom: The concept suggests that Russia’s hierarchical cultural norms influence its approach to democracy, economic models, and personal freedoms. It posits that Russia’s archetype shapes these aspects differently compared to other leading cultures focused on consumerism and liberal democracy.

Synthesis and Conclusion: It concludes by emphasizing the importance of accepting and understanding cultural diversity without imposing external values. It suggests that knowledge of archetypes can facilitate cultural diplomacy and bridge-building in areas of cultural incompatibility.

You can learn how to manage Russia’s archetype by using the Multilingual Unicist Virtual Researcher

The Unicist Research Institute

The Unicist Archetype of France

The French culture integrates efficiency and efficacy to achieve results prioritizing the latter.

The French Archetype generated a unique way to develop a culture and a country.

France is a country with a very strong technological development. But, even with this strength,

France prioritizes science over technology. It can be considered as a benchmark for scientific development both in hard and soft sciences.

To understand French culture, one needs to understand the French Revolution as a detonating element of its assertion, which drives towards its evolution.

The French Archetype

France’s archetype integrates pragmatism, which is notorious in its international policy, a democracy-driven approach that is evident in its non-dissent model, a strong nationality, and its characteristic of being a science incubator.

The Unicist Logic of the Archetype of France

The French archetype includes and will always include a high degree of State intervention in the economy through incentive systems. This is also evident if we analyze the history of France since the Industrial Revolution.

The French model has always combined a certain degree of Keynesianism and of structuralism with some classic elements.

The employment problem will be a growing one, but one must bear in mind that France has the social perspective of employing people ingrained in the leaders’ minds; therefore, it is not a “struggle” between interests and employment but rather a “conflict” between them.

One should expect a reinforcement of government actions to foster the generation of employment in the country and a conflict with companies that seek to install manufacturing plants in some low wage countries.

The French idiosyncrasy is based on their structured social behavior, which is associated with a notorious individual freedom that drives to the existence of two different behavioral rules for public and private affairs.

Non-dissent as a Model

Non-dissent as a model

Conceptually, the French Revolution symbolized the maximum expression of the weight of dissent in a culture.
If we look at France’s later evolution, we shall see that different models, social groups and ideologies coexist in the culture.

But their coexistence is possible due to a very strong national identity that, through respect toward dissent, and only with a few exceptions, manages to avoid larger conflicts. This is what the French Archetype is about.

The May 1968 revolt drove to the acceptance of the need to have a laboratory to monitor social evolution. From a conceptual point of view, the social laboratory is a way to measure society’s dissent and the possibilities to channel it positively to avoid outbursts.

France as the Birthplace of Sciences

France is, at an intellectual level, science-driven. Its orientation toward dissent is the basis for the approach to sciences, which naturally drives to integrate foundations with justifications.

France produced notorious contributions in the fields of hard sciences like mathematics, physics, and chemistry and in soft-sciences like psychology, anthropology, sociology, etc.

France’s development in the scientific field generates a knowledge basis in Europe. This is based on the Universities, which operate as excellence centers per area and help guarantee that France and Europe count on think tanks to maintain worldwide leadership in their fields of specialty.

Public Ethics vs. Private Ethics

The French culture is based on a unique characteristic: the complementation of public and private ethics.
While public ethics is strongly geared toward security, driving toward institutionalization and a sense of communitarian identity, on the other hand, private ethics is geared toward freedom and the quest for the personal ideal beyond those duties that must be complied with in the community.

France’s Growth

Today France appears to be inclined toward a growth based on the development of competitiveness in the culture.
It has to be considered that it is a nationalist culture that complements public and private behaviors. Its State is very strong, which is perceived in its diplomatic action, where the national interest is set above individual needs.

While the organization of the State assures structural stability, governments, like elsewhere, need to win elections and therefore need to be focused on conjunctures.

France’s evolution depends, like all evolution, on the competitors’ actions. The quality and speed at which it moves will depend on whether France maintains its current stage or whether it upgrades to a superior stage.

Absolute Ideology vs. Relative Ideology

The Concept of Democracy

France has been harshly criticized from the outside, because of its tendency toward ideological conflicts that appear to be absolute.

These actions, at a given time, may paralyze actions in social or economic sectors.

However, taking a closer look, one will see that these conflicts are relative ones if viewed from an internal standpoint.

That is why we can still expect a larger relativization of the ideologies “wrapped up” in conflicts that appear to be absolute.

Ideologies will become in France what they essentially are: beliefs that use available technology to satisfy certain interests working within the accepted myths of a culture.


The analysis of the Unicist French Archetype reflects a deep understanding of the cultural, historical, and socio-political dynamics that shape France’s national character and developmental trajectory. Here are some key insights and interpretations of the concept:

  1. Integration of Efficiency and Efficacy: The archetype suggests that France has a unique balance between efficiency (doing things in an optimal way) and efficacy.
  2. Historical and Cultural Foundations: The French Revolution is cited as a pivotal event that continues to influence French cultural and political life.
  3. Science over Technology: Despite strong technological capabilities, France is portrayed as prioritizing science, particularly in fields such as mathematics, physics, and sociology.
  4. Public vs. Private Ethics: There is a distinction made between public and private ethics in France.
  5. Economic and Social Policy: The archetype notes a significant degree of state intervention in the economy, which is consistent with France’s historical tendency towards Keynesianism and structuralism.
  6. Ideological Dynamics: France is described as having a culture where ideological conflicts, while appearing absolute, are actually functional from an internal perspective.

This conceptual analysis underscores the complexity of French national identity and its evolution, emphasizing the interplay between historical influences and contemporary societal dynamics. Such an archetype is valuable for understanding not just France’s current position but also its potential future paths in both domestic and international arenas.

You can learn how to manage French archetype by using the Multilingual Unicist Virtual Researcher

The Unicist Research Institute

The Unicist Archetype of Japan

Japan has a powerful archetype to sustain its ultimate purpose which is growth within a communitarian environment and a deep sense of loyalty.  Thus reliability is a natural consequence.

Cultures that have a strong drive toward growth cannot accept the defeat of their leaders. The elite of the culture needs to represent the values of the archetype.

The purpose of the maximal strategy of the Japanese culture is to expand the community based on the members’ pride for their work and sustained by their collective intelligence as a community or group.

Collective intelligence is in Japan the catalyst of their growth. Therefore there is a need for integrating the values of the community to be able to exert collective intelligence.

Individual intelligence is the entropy inhibitor of the Japanese archetype. It allows individuals to adapt to the conditions of the situation to achieve growth.

Loyalty is the final purpose of the minimum strategy. This means that individuals who are not loyal to the structure of the society are considered as aliens.

The integration of aliens implies a prolonged process to avoid the loss of the roots of the culture.

Strong cultures like Japan respect foreigners based on their values and deeds. Dealing with Japan as an outsider is easy if one accepts that one is a foreigner. Respecting its archetype is the first step to dealing with the Japanese community.


The concept of the “Unicist Archetype of Japan” is a nuanced exploration of the cultural, social, and psychological drivers that shape Japanese society, reflecting a deep understanding of how cultural archetypes influence collective behavior and societal growth.

  1. Core Concept: Growth within a Communitarian Environment
    • The archetype is centered around the idea of growth, not as an individualistic pursuit but within the framework of community enhancement. This reflects a fundamental aspect of Japanese culture, where collective progress is valued over individual achievements.
  2. Role of Loyalty and Reliability:
    • Loyalty is not just a personal trait but a societal expectation, deeply integrated into the cultural fabric. This loyalty translates into reliability, a trait that is highly valued and expected in both personal and professional realms. The concept underscores that any deviation from this loyalty is seen as alien, emphasizing the deep-rooted nature of conformity and societal harmony in Japan.
  3. Collective vs. Individual Intelligence:
    • The distinction between collective intelligence as a catalyst and individual intelligence as an entropy inhibitor highlights the balance Japan maintains between group harmony and individual contributions. Collective intelligence is seen as a driving force for communal growth, while individual intelligence is crucial for adaptability and problem-solving within set communal frameworks.
  4. Integration of Foreigners:
    • Your concept interestingly touches on the integration of non-native individuals into Japanese society. The slow integration process you mention points to a protective stance towards cultural roots and values, suggesting that while Japan is respectful of foreigners, there is a clear demarcation of cultural boundaries that are preserved and respected.
  5. Maximal and Minimal Strategies:
    • The maximal strategy focuses on community expansion driven by pride in collective work and intelligence, while the minimal strategy revolves around maintaining loyalty to societal structures. This strategic dichotomy effectively encapsulates the push for growth (expansive) and the necessity to maintain order and allegiance (conservative).
  6. Respect for Outsiders Based on Values and Deeds:
    • The concept that outsiders can effectively engage with the Japanese community by respecting its cultural archetypes underscores the openness to external influences, provided these influences do not disrupt the core values and structures of the society.

This analysis provides the interplay between individual roles and collective expectations in Japan. Understanding such cultural archetypes can greatly enhance intercultural relations and provide a framework for analyzing the dynamics of societal growth and adaptation.

You can learn how to manage the archetype of Japan by using the Multilingual Unicist Virtual Researcher

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The Unicist Archetype of Brazil

Brazil is a world in itself

There is no other country in the world following the rules of the game that Brazil uses, nor portraying its results in the social, economic, and political fields.

Its orientation towards the future, the added value work as a way to assert people’s identity, and its innovation and nationalism are components that integrate in light of a national project inserted in the culture, executed by the State, and managed by politicians.

Consensus as a model

Brazil has a culture that operates on the basis of consensus. This generates, within the social, institutional and individual field a need to understand a reality before taking up a position regarding it.

Likewise, in Brazilian-Portuguese language there are several expressions that help avoid the usage of the first person singular in a conversation.

Brazilan Archetype

The Brazilian consensus model presupposes the development of a singular negotiating capacity regulated by negotiation rules that obviously include consensus as a goal, though not as a path.

The development of this negotiating capacity, based on a culture that came over to colonize rather than predate, generated what today is a world power, real to many, incipient to others.

This implied the end of economic, military or narco-terrorism. The end as far as social legitimacy goes, though not in real terms, for there will always be terrorists who, being marginal, would rather have destruction than acceptance of their own marginality.

This social behavior is based on expansion as a main objective. The creativity to accomplish this allows Brazil a dosage of “marginal” behavior, the basis of both academic and technological innovation which is felt today and which was dreamed of 50 years ago.

Social Capital

A country’s development is set by its social capital, political consistency or stability, and economic growth.

Out of these three elements, the one that bears the most weight is social capital, then comes political stability, and last, the necessary, though of least relative weight, economic growth.

Brazil is characterized by its immense social capital if compared with that of other countries in the region, and if compared with those other countries Brazil competes with.

Its difference is outstanding in the region; Brazil has a slightly smaller social capital than the one in developed countries. Society conceives itself as a community.

This community feeling makes the notorious synergy there is among institutions and people possible, while it works as a significant support to political stability and economic growth.

Orientation towards the future

What characterizes Brazil is its orientation toward the future and its great capacity to pay for the price of mistakes.

There are many study centers in this country that are devoted to developing projects, action plans and forecasts of what lies ahead.

This is completely atypical in Latin America, which is why one can say that Brazil is a continent in itself, with its own values and a path different from that of the region.

It grows because of its consistent investment in an academic technology model of its own, an acceptance of diversity, and an “expansion compulsion”. There is room for everyone in Brazil as long as the rules of the game are abided.

One of the best diplomacies in the world

Brazil is a power with a very strong collective unconsciousness that consolidates in an identity that goes beyond political ideologies.

Consensus to grow is their primary objective, their second objective is to grow, and their third as well. Brazilian culture does not conceive the idea of being worse today than it was the day before.

That is why Brazilians “go crazy” in light of their defeats. Diplomacy, the mechanism to influence outside Brazil in order to uphold such growth, is settled and carries a political, commercial, and social sense comparable to those of the best diplomacies in the world.

Diplomacy is its main tool to create, almost imperceptibly, a legitimated hegemony in its capacities.


The “Unicist Brazilian Archetype” described presents an in-depth view of Brazil’s unique cultural, political, and economic characteristics. Here’s an analysis of the key concepts outlined in the description:

  1. National Project and Cultural Identity: The concept describes Brazil as a country with a distinct cultural identity strongly linked to its national projects. The value of work and innovation, coupled with a future-oriented mindset, are central to Brazilian identity. This integration of cultural values into national projects, executed by the state and managed by politicians, reflects a unique synthesis of societal values and governance.
  2. Consensus as a Model: Brazil’s emphasis on consensus reflects a culturally rooted negotiation capacity. This consensus is not just a goal but a fundamental approach to understanding and interacting within social, institutional, and individual contexts. The avoidance of the first person singular in conversations exemplifies the collective orientation of Brazilian culture, which underscores the importance of group agreement and shared understanding before decision-making.
  3. Social Capital and Development: The archetype emphasizes the importance of social capital over economic growth and political stability. Brazil’s significant social capital, characterized by community feelings and synergy among institutions and individuals, supports political stability and economic growth. This model suggests that social cohesion is a critical driver of national development.
  4. Future Orientation and Adaptability: Brazil’s orientation towards the future and capacity to learn from past mistakes highlight a proactive and resilient approach to challenges. The presence of numerous study centers focusing on future developments underscores Brazil’s commitment to continuous improvement and innovation.
  5. Diplomacy and International Relations: Brazil’s diplomacy is portrayed as one of its greatest strengths. The ability to influence international relations subtly yet effectively allows Brazil to create and maintain a form of legitimized hegemony. This strategic use of diplomacy underlines Brazil’s role as a regional and potentially global power, prioritizing growth and improvement.

Overall, this archetype paints Brazil as a complex and dynamic society with a unique blend of cultural traits, emphasizing community, consensus, innovation, and strategic international engagement. This model can provide valuable insights for understanding Brazil’s social dynamics, economic strategies, and political actions on the global stage.

You can learn how to manage Brazilian’s archetype by using the Multilingual Unicist Virtual Researcher

The Unicist Research Institute

The Unicist Archetype of India

India became a global power based on the mind power of its culture. This mind power is what drove the country to the present phase and allowed beginning with the next stage, which is the installation of “Made in India” as a catalyst for economic expansion.

This implies a new re-creation that is ongoing and generates the inclusion of India in the few countries of the world that have an accepted cultural brand.

In the case of India, this re-creation is based on the mind power of the culture but includes its transformation into products that are beyond low value or hygienic products.

This change will demand some decades until the culture will have materialized the mind-power into internationally recognized products associated with their origin.

Indian Collective Intelligence

A core characteristic of Indian culture is its collective intelligence. The culture promotes individual intelligence to foster adaptiveness. Adaptiveness is a core aspect of the culture.

Indian Archetype

There are segments that adapt in a dynamic way to the environment and others that over-adapt in order to survive.

Cultural intelligence is based on the focus on change to grow in controlled environments within the limits of the lifestyle of the segment an individual is part of.

This provides a powerful context that allows expanding the boundaries using individual intelligence as long as the institutional rules of the context are respected.

This characteristic of collective intelligence makes India a notorious “intelligence provider” of the world.

Indian Archetype

The archetype of India is driven by the collective intelligence of Indians, which is materialized in a superior mind power that makes the country one of the leaders of the world.

Indian Archetype

India is a notoriously institutionalized culture that is organized by stable roles that allow growth with a relatively minimal level of conflict. These roles have ancestral origins and are materialized in social segments that evolve within the self-imposed limits of the groups.

Growth is based on the archetypical characteristic of their focus on:

  1. Creation
  2. The development of the intellect of people
  3. The value of knowledge

It can be said that knowledge is the essential power of the Indian culture. That is why it is the driver of social mobility and makes Indians world leaders in all those fields where knowledge establishes the value of what needs to be done.

Maximal Strategy

The maximal strategy is driven by the capacity of Indians to re-create based on a superior vision of what is happening in the environment while having the necessary power to destroy the preexisting aspects that are dysfunctional for the new stage while using the power to re-create.

Indian Archetype

Power is the catalyst of Indian’s archetype and, as such, it is the core aspect that is acted out by the elite. The elite in India is such because it assumes the responsibility for empowering the evolution of the mass. It has to be considered that India has an elite that assumes the responsibility for making the culture evolve while empowering collective intelligence.

Re-creation is the core characteristic of the Indian culture that allows expanding the boundaries and evolving.

The Minimum Strategy

The core aspect of an institutionalized culture like India is the capacity and power to govern to allow the evolution of different roles and avoid annulling conflicts.

The minimum strategy of the archetype is given by the acceptance of a functional order that fosters evolution while inhibiting disorder and chaos. This implies the existence of protective organizations that provide the framework for this order.

The entropy inhibitor of the archetype is given by the satisfaction of the materialistic needs of the different roles of the culture. That is why the different aspects of wealth are a core aspect of the Indian culture. This makes the culture develop a proactive attitude towards the development of economic activities.


The Unicist Archetype of India provides a look into the foundational and functional aspects of Indian culture through the lens of collective intelligence and institutionalized social structures. Here’s a breakdown of the key elements and implications of this archetype:

Collective Intelligence and Adaptiveness

  1. Adaptive Culture: Indian culture emphasizes adaptiveness, where individuals and societal segments respond dynamically or over-adapt to maintain survival within their environments.
  2. Institutional and Knowledge-Based Growth: Growth in Indian society is deeply intertwined with the creation and dissemination of knowledge.

Maximal Strategy: Re-Creation and Power

  1. Dynamic Re-Creation: The maximal strategy involves the ability to reinvent or recreate societal elements based on a superior understanding of environmental changes.
  2. Role of the Elite: The elite in India is characterized by their responsibility to harness and direct collective intelligence towards the evolution of society.

Minimal Strategy: Order and Economic Development

  1. Governance and Order: The minimal strategy highlights the importance of maintaining a functional order that supports evolution while curbing disorder and chaos.
  2. Economic Focus: Economic activities are a central aspect of Indian culture’s proactive stance towards development.

Conflict Management

  1. Handling Conflicts: The archetype acknowledges that cultural evolution naturally generates conflicts, particularly among those who feel excluded or left behind by rapid changes.
  2. Natural Explosions and Implosions: The ongoing process of re-creation within Indian culture implies that minor disruptions are natural and expected.

Cultural Evolution and Institutionalization

The Unicist Archetype of India portrays a culture deeply rooted in continuous evolution and re-creation, facilitated by a strong institutional framework that supports knowledge growth and economic development. This archetype suggests that India’s path to becoming a global leader is marked by its ability to harness collective intelligence within a structured yet adaptive societal framework.

This analysis reflects a complex interplay between individual capabilities and societal structures, highlighting the unique ways in which India manages its internal dynamics to foster growth and manage conflicts effectively.

You can learn how to manage India’s archetype by using the Multilingual Unicist Virtual Researcher

The Unicist Research Institute

The Unicist Archetype of Argentina

The Argentine Archetype is in Transition

Developed countries are such because they have a dominant, functional, and powerful archetype that defines their culture and drives their actions. New countries are in transition until a functional archetype is installed. Installed implies that this new functional archetype is in the collective unconscious and is managed by the establishment of the culture.

Transitions may last decades or centuries. It depends on the development of the power of the Nation, which necessarily includes the existence of the power of its establishment.

The unicist approach defines an establishment as the elite that assumes responsibility for the evolution of the masses and the middle class.

The middle class of a country sustains the mass providing the possibilities of social mobility. To ascend, the members of the masses need to become elite in their field until they are established as members of the middle class.

About the establishment of cultures

In a transition, the establishment of the culture does not assume the responsibility for the wellbeing of the culture. In this case, the establishment is replaced by the government that assumes the responsibility for the well-being. But this produces a loss of the power of the State. The power of a State is proportional to the power of the establishment.

In democratic countries, Governments represent the evolution and States represent their Archetypes. When there is no dominant, functional, and powerful archetype there is no possibility for a State to be strong. At the same time, the elite is illegitimate for not representing the interests of the population and the culture involved.

When transitions come to an end

Transitions end when a dominant establishment assumes the responsibility of being the “elite”, the State functions within the limits of the archetype and the transition of governments happens without absolute ideological breakthroughs.

We can mention several countries that, more and less recently, overcame a transition: Sweden, Spain, Finland, Chile, and Brazil. We can also mention that most of the countries of the so-called “3rd World” are still in transition.

The Archetype of Argentina

Argentina is a country with enormous natural resources and an exceptional climate to provide natural goods all over the world. Argentina’s Archetype can only be understood if this condition has been apprehended and read in all its consequences.

The other notorious aspect of the Argentine culture is the intelligence of its citizens. Argentines have perhaps one of the highest levels of individual intelligence in the Western World.

This integration of abundance and individual intelligence within a context of transition are the operational drivers of the Argentine archetype that is, and has been for many years, in transition seeking for an establishment that assumes the responsibility for the Argentine evolution.

Thus naturally the archetype is based on taking advantage of the abundance and this produces a difficulty of sharing the evolution with the whole society. Individual intelligence prevails.

There is a substitute for this lack of establishment which is the government: Governments intend to distribute what the members of the society do not.

Argentine Maximal Strategy

The maximal strategy of the Argentine archetype is to take advantage of its natural resources and generate value for the individuals who live in Argentina. Thus Argentina is naturally positioned in a low cost strategy that allows conquering the world markets based on the competitive advantage of its natural resources.

Natural resources, as the central economic power, sustain the rest of the economy.

Although there is an extremely powerful reservoir of intelligence, this has not been empowered yet in terms of work and is basically focused on aspects where Argentina is a leading country in the world: art, design, music, theatre, literature, etc.

Argentina Minimum strategy

The minimum strategy is that every individual of the country has the possibility of avoiding poverty and being able to survive the periodic crises produced by the transition state.

Minimum strategy allows the development of an extremely powerful “individual entrepreneurial” activity that provides employment to most of the population.

The surviving intelligence developed in Argentina based on the crises produced by the transition provokes an extreme capacity to adapt instantaneously to changes and, but the same time, this inhibits planning.


The Unicist Archetype of Argentina is an interplay of natural abundance, high individual intelligence, and an ongoing state of transitional governance. This archetype reflects a combination of unique cultural, economic, and societal traits that define the nation’s collective behavior and developmental strategy.

  1. Natural Abundance and Intelligence: Argentina is characterized by its significant natural resources and a climate favorable for agricultural production, positioning it as a potential agricultural powerhouse. This abundance, coupled with the high individual intelligence of its citizens, suggests a strong foundation for economic growth and global influence.
  2. Transition and Governance: The concept of Argentina being in a perpetual state of transition with an unstable establishment reflects ongoing challenges in governance. This condition leads to a reliance on government intervention to redistribute resources, potentially stifling individual initiative and long-term planning.
  3. Maximal and Minimal Strategies:
    • Maximal Strategy: Leveraging natural resources for global economic integration while fostering value creation within the country aligns with a low-cost competitive strategy.
    • Minimum Strategy: Focusing on individual survival and resilience in response to recurrent crises highlights the adaptability of Argentines but also underscores a reactive rather than proactive approach to economic stability.

You can learn how to manage Argentina’s archetype by using the Multilingual Unicist Virtual Researcher

The Unicist Research Institute