


The Functionalist Principle: A Bridge between the East & the West

The functionalist principle defines that there is nothing in the universe, which is part of a system, that does not work with a purpose, an active and entropic function, and an energy conservation function. Their interaction defines the functionality of the binary actions that produce results.

The integration of the binary actions defined by Yin and Yang make the triadic structure of the unicist logic work. Both the TAO and the Unicist Logic explain the structure of the unified field of the functionality of a specific reality including its dynamics and evolution.

Tao gives birth to One,
One gives birth to Two,
The Two gives birth to Three,
The Three gives birth to all things.

Chapter 42 of the Tao Te Ching

Both the TAO and the Unicist Logic are based on the use of the conjunction “and” excluding the use of the exclusive disjunction “or”.

Yang is one of the binary actions that is homologous to the dialectics between the purpose and the active principle. It defines the active functionality of an entity.

Yin is one of the binary actions that is homologous to the dialectics between the purpose and the energy conservation principle. It defines the energy conservation functionality.

The conjunction of both actions is defined by the triadic structure that integrates the ultimate functional purpose of an entity with the active principle and with its complement, defined by the energy conservation principle.

Peter Belohlavek
The Unicist Research Institute

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute has been, since 1976, the world-leading research organization that introduced the functionalist approach to science to manage the functionality of the real world.

Elections in France: The Future of the European Union

The elections in France are a significant proof of the evolution of the European Union. The consolidation of the EU by the “Euro” requires the existence of the concept of European culture, that is still subject to acceptance. It implies the existence of a European archetype, which is still a matter of discussion. Understanding the functionality of ideologies helps to understand the long-term consequences of the elections in France.

Ideologies only exist in the mind of people

Ideologies are sets of beliefs that use a specific technology to satisfy their interests, which in turn confirm such beliefs.

They are ideas and, as such, they are useful and generate a social functionality when they are applied in some way. They are part of the ethics of a culture, group or individual. As ideologies in themselves they do not exist but in the mind of the ideologist.

Ideologies work as the immanent truth that individuals use to have a secure framework for their actions. Ideologies derive from the senses. This means they are not part of a metaphysical approach to reality.

They are influenced by the senses and senses are sensitive to the needs of the individuals.

Therefore, it can be said that the ideologies respond to the needs of individuals. They establish the political framework that allows the development of consensus in a society.

Absolute Ideologies

As it was said, Ideologies are sets of beliefs that use a specific technology to satisfy their interests, which in turn confirm such beliefs.

Ideologies are a homeostatic element, which ensures that the activity carried out by a social group will not deviate from its real purpose. In other words, ideology is what supports a culture’s archetype.

Ideologies are based on specific technologies and, (paradoxically) evolve when technologies change. Thus, the driver of change in ideologies is the change of technologies. Every qualitative change of a technology results in a modification of an ideology.

If we look at the birth of ideologies such as Feudalism or Marxism, we will irrefutably confirm that they are the consequence of the leading technologies of the times. Every observable situation is supported by an underlying ideology. Ideology is the homeostatic element of culture because it balances the ethics ruling the context.

There are absolute and relative ideologies. A social group achieves stability when its democratic spirit is so advanced that many different ideologies can co-exist. If this happens, we are in the presence of “soft ideologies”, which adapt to others without losing their identity.

Absolute ideologies normally perceive relative ideologies as absolute and opposed.  As an ideology establishes standards of acceptable behavior for its specific social environment, it is in itself a structure which integrates and shields its advocates.

Peter Belohlavek
The Unicist Research Institute

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute has been, since 1976, the world-leading research organization that introduced the functionalist approach to science to manage the functionality of the real world.

Did Diplomacy fail in Ukraine?

The characteristics of the Russian culture and the lack of recognized dissuasion power made the Ukrainian war unavoidable. Confrontations are unavoidable when there is a conflict of interest and there is no recognized dissuasion power.

Diplomacy can only be exerted in a context where a Nation has superiority in a field that allows having dissuasion power. The nation’s dissuasion power is stronger than the dissuasion power of alliances because of the individual interests of their members.

Functionality of Diplomacy

The dissuasion power needs to be objective, and the work of diplomacy is to transform this objective characteristic into a “subjective and objective” perception. Diplomacy depends on the capacity to build cooperation sustained by the superiority of a Nation in some field, its competitive capacity, and its capacity to manage conflicts.

The confrontation capacity of a culture defines the dissuasion power of a Nation. The dissuasion power ensures the minimum strategy of a country. Understanding possible confrontations allows empowering the available dissuasion power knowing in which environments one can rely on this power.

Dissuasion Power

The dissuasion power is given by the capacity to expand or inhibit others without needing to confront. The dissuasion power has been associated in the past to military capacity. And there is no doubt that it still is and will always be.

The dissuasion power requires having a supremacy that avoids confronting. This supremacy needs to be recognized by the counterpart. If not, the dissuasion power is inexistent. It can be based on:

  1. Having a “technological” supremacy.
  2. Having destruction power to ensure the future vital space.
  3. Being able to manage and adapt to time to be able to manage opportunities.
  4. Being able to defend the vital space one has.

Economic Dissuasion Power

The purpose of a confrontation is to impose someone’s authority upon others. This can happen in any field (military, economic, personal, emotional, etc.). A confrontation has begun when there is an attempt to impose an authority to someone.

But even though most of the population in the world is not involved in a war, the economic dissuasion power is implicit in the competition of who “sells” to whom. Which is the economic war that significantly substituted military wars in the world. The one who “sells” produces jobs and wellbeing and the one who buys must have the money and other jobs to pay for what has been bought.

In the global world confrontations are part of everyday activity to expand the possibilities of a country or to ensure survival.

The one who imposes a standard, a culture, values, or duties is the one who rules and implicitly is the one who “won” a confrontation. Eluding confrontations without losing requires using the necessary and recognized dissuasion power to avoid paying the prices of an explicit conflict.

Peter Belohlavek
The Unicist Research Institute

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute has been, since 1976, the world-leading research organization that introduced the functionalist approach to science to manage the functionality of the real world.

The Functionality of the Generational Evolution of Cultures and Families

This information is based on a research work that began in 1976 and is part of the 50-year transgenerational evolution program named “Microeconomics driven Development. It provides access to the functionality of human evolution.

This is not a deterministic approach but a unicist logical approach that allows understanding the apparent randomness of transgenerational evolution. If you take a look at your family, you should be able to identify the functionality described in this document.

Cultural changes occur along multiple generations and are catalyzed by technological changes. The discovery of fire, the wheel and gunpowder are examples of how cultural change is driven and catalyzed by technologies.  These changes begin being operational and end being part of the collective intelligence of the culture.

The research made evident that the evolution of people, groups and cultures cannot be forced, it can only be catalyzed using elements included in the restricted context.

Therefore, the introduction of structural changes in cultures requires, necessarily, having a transgenerational approach to evolution.  It requires understanding the fundamentals of the behavior of the coming generations to define the framework to introduce structural changes, knowing the need for change that exists and having catalysts that allow sustaining the need for such change.

Evolution is driven by Individual Intelligence and Collective Intelligence

What became evident is that there exist no families that evolve and other families that involve. Different members of a new generation adopt different roles towards evolution, which define their own evolution and influence the evolution of the family as a group.

The collective intelligence of the family and the collective intelligence of the environment strongly influence the evolution of people but do not establish deterministic patterns.

What was found is that adolescence establishes a branch in evolution, which is sustained by the collective intelligence of the restricted and wide contexts and is based on the action guide that children have internalized during their childhood.

This opens multiple structural alternatives that, on the surface, have infinite operational alternatives. The goal of the research was to find the essential drivers of transgenerational evolution to be able to install catalysts in the educational system that foster evolution and minimize the trends towards involution.

There are two possible dominant evolutionary roles that are fostered in a society:

  1. The Adaptive role, that is driven by the need of personal freedom
  2. The Over-adaptive role, that is driven by the need of personal security

The adoption of one of them depends on the collective intelligence of the environment of individuals at the time of their adolescent rebellion and on their capacity to deal with the external influences. It has to be considered that the perception of the environment is subjective, which means that two individuals in the same environment, at the same time, might have an “opposite” perception.

Paternalism Inhibits Evolution

Over-adaptive environments organized as groups, organizations or societies tend to develop towards paternalism and clientelism. Paternalism is defined as the system, principle, or practice of managing or governing individuals, businesses, nations, etc., in the manner of a father dealing benevolently and often intrusively with his children.

Paternalism implies clientelism, which implies “buying” the will of people.  Political clientelism is the exchange of goods and services for political support.

Paternalism and clientelism naturally generate a subjectivist environment where the subjective relationships prevail over the functional relationships and generate value judgements as a defensive action developed by the clientelism driven people. Paternalism & Clientelism are integrated with Facileness. When this integration becomes stable, facileness becomes an addiction of an individual, group or culture.

Peter Belohlavek
The Unicist Research Institute

NOTE: This research began at The Unicist Research Institute in 1976 and was a parallel process to the research on social evolution, the roots of human intelligence, fallacies, and human learning processes. It included the study of the evolution of people for more than 30 years. The goal was to find the fundamentals that drive evolution and involution and testing the use of different catalysts to evaluate their functionality.

The Crisis of Ukraine – A Functionalist Approach to Scenario Building

Ukraine has basically evolved in a transition stage for centuries. Transition stages are such when there is more than one cultural nucleus seeking dominance in a culture. Transition stages drive naturally towards a need to survive to avoid being submitted to alien values.

In Ukraine there are now two different cultures in conflict. Now, this conflict assumed the extreme state of war, which in fact is the consequence of external interests that are associated with one of the archetypes of the population of Ukraine.

When there is a transition stage, the dominant values that ensure survival are individualism and materialism, which generate social dysfunctional behaviors. Dysfunctionality is always hidden behind fallacious cultural myths that avoid the perception of being endangered.

The chaos produced by war might generate three different consequences that cannot be predicted, because there is chaos, the influential forces are unclear, and there is an actual conflict of archetypes:

  1. Solving the problem of the internal cultural dispute.
  2. Generating an excision of the country
  3. Degradation of the culture to a deeper survival stage without solving the conflict.

A social mutation is produced when the functionality of a social entity has been lost, and there is the necessary available energy to generate a change.

The values of cultures are implicit in the values of their elites. Therefore, the understanding of the archetype of a culture implies researching the evolution of their establishment and the facts that were produced.

If you enter deeply in the history of a country, which is the way to try to discover the nature of a culture defined by its archetype, you will see that most of the changes happen at an operational level and not at a structural level.

But you can find turning points in culture like the one that was produced in Sweden more than 100 years ago. It might or not be the case of Ukraine. It fully depends on its establishment.

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute has been, since 1976, the world-leading research organization that introduced the functionalist approach to science to manage the functionality of the real world.

Install functional ideologies in your environment

We invite you to define the functional ideologies that allow enhancing the synergy of your culture, group, or organization.

Ideologies save energy while they provide the complement that is needed to achieve the objectives that have been defined and drive the evolution of institutions and organizations. Their use only requires adopting a functionalist approach.

Ideologies are beliefs that use technologies to satisfy a given interest. This explains why adaptive people change their ideologies based on their personal evolution.

Ideologies sustain the functional ethics of people that vary according to their maturity. Ideologization happens within the dominant myths of a culture. These cultural myths are defined by the functional myths that sustain the values of the environments and the fallacious myths that hide the weaknesses the environment cannot bear.

Use the Power of Functional Ideologies

Organizations, according to their type of activity, also have an ideology that sustains their functional ethics and allows them to exist and evolve.

Ideologies might be absolute or functional. Absolute ideologies exist in stages where people are driven by a survival ethics. They are based on the development of clientelism, which defines that “you are with me or against me”.

This is noticeable in stagnated or declining countries or organization. Ideologies are not absolute, but functional in developed or evolving countries.

Absolute ideologies necessarily divide the environment between “us” and “them”. The building of bridges is a “deadly sin”.

Functional ideologies integrate people towards an evolution process and require democratic leaders. Absolute ideologies integrate people in absolutist environments and require autocratic leaders. This book will provide the structural information to define the ideology that is functional in your environment.

Unicist Innovation Center – A Sharing Space
The Unicist Research Institute

The Unicist Functionalist Approach: The functionalist approach is based on the use of binary actions that are composed by two synchronized actions where the first one opens possibilities and the second one ensures results. The use of univocal actions only works in fully controlled processes or where the environment provides the second action that sustains it. Therefore, the use of binary actions is not optional when it is needed to ensure the generation of results.

Transgenerational Evolution – The behavior of new generations

Cultural changes occur along multiple generations and are catalyzed by technological changes. The discovery of fire, the wheel and gunpowder are examples of how cultural change is driven and catalyzed by technologies.  These changes begin being operational and end being part of the collective intelligence of the culture.

Generational Evolution

Therefore, the introduction of structural changes in cultures requires, necessarily, having a transgenerational approach to evolution.  It requires understanding the fundamentals of the behavior of the coming generations to define the framework to introduce structural changes, knowing the need for change that exists and having catalyst that allow sustaining the need for such change.

This evolutionary approach needs to be based on the responsibility of the elites to provide the necessary framework for the evolution of societies and the middle-classes sustaining the evolution to ensure that the whole society evolves towards a superior level of wellbeing.

The present generation of a culture should provide an evolutionary framework for the evolution of the following generations but is not responsible for their evolution.

There are two possible dominant evolutionary roles that are fostered in a society:

  1. The Adaptive role, that is driven by the need of personal freedom
  2. The Over-adaptive role, that is driven by the need of personal security

The adoption of one of them depends on the collective intelligence of the environment of individuals at the time of their adolescent rebellion and on their capacity to deal with the external influences. It has to be considered that the perception of the environment is subjective, which means that two individuals in the same environment, at the same time, might have an “opposite” perception.

Nevertheless, the collective intelligence, the fallacious myths of an environment and the cultural archetype strongly influence the adoption of one role or the other.

Unicist Press Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute (TURI) is a world leader in its segment. Since 1976, it has been specialized in complexity sciences applied to the research on the roots of evolution and its application to social, institutional, business and individual evolution.

Religious Democracies: Understanding Afghanistan and other Countries

The chaos generated in Afghanistan in August 2021, is a demonstration that there are cultures where there is a concept of religious democracy that differs totally from the concept of democracy of the developed counties of the West.

Religious democracy is a special case that refers to cultures or institutions that are centrally ruled by their religious beliefs. Their functionality does not deal with the social, economic and political aspects but with the transcendent, moral and political aspects.

Religious Democracy

The purpose of a religious democracy is to sustain the supernatural and natural transcendence of the members of a society. This transcendence is materialized in the morality of the members. The role of its political democracy is to ensure that the morality of the actions drives towards transcendence.

This implies that social democracy is implicit in the attitude towards transcendence and the economic scenario is acted out by the moral-driven actions of a community.

Their Functional Drivers

The driver of a religious democracy is to foster the supernatural transcendence of the members of a culture. This driver makes individual actions become extremely powerful because of the need to fulfill the religious beliefs to achieve this goal.

The supernatural transcendence implies a personal transcendence for those individuals who participate and the recognition of the community, which allows individuals to achieve a transcendent role integrating the supernatural, the personal and the social transcendence.

This fulfills the need of all members of a religious democracy and allows managing the transcendence in the materialistic world following the rules of morality that are implicit.

Religious fundamentalism becomes necessary when religious democracy cannot satisfy the immanent needs of a culture. It drives the culture beyond materialistic needs to provide a superior level of satisfaction. Learn more:

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute (TURI) is a world leader in its segment. Since 1976, it has been specialized in complexity sciences applied to the research on the roots of evolution and its application to social, institutional, business and individual evolution.

Unicist anthropology: the bipartisanism in the United States

The bipartisanism is a natural model in the United States because it integrates the unified field of the culture based on the strength of the culture nucleus.

The binary actions of democracy in bipartisan countries requires that the party that sustains the government develops the necessary active function actions to grow while the opposition develops the energy conservation functions that cover the implicit weaknesses of the government and sustain the evolution of democratic efficiency.

There are different political parties in the world. Political parties are not necessarily organized as formal institutions. Basically, from a functional point of view there are 4 types of political participative structures:

1) One-party cultures
2) Bipartisanism driven cultures
3) Dualistic political cultures
4) Multiparty cultures

The archetypes of countries define the type of democracy they have and the quantity of political parties that participate in the government. Each culture requires using a consistent model of democratic evolution.

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute (TURI) is a world leader in its segment. Since 1976, it has been specialized in complexity sciences applied to the research on the roots of evolution and its application to social, institutional, business and individual evolution.