50-Year Project



50-year Plan: The Political Marketing of New Candidates

The introduction of 50-year development plans requires the participation of politicians who are willing to support a long-term plan while they are part of the evolution.

Democracy is defined as a social system (not only political), where the purpose is to work with consensus in an efficient system, which is able to make the necessary trade-offs to maintain consensus and efficiency to govern a community.

It is driven by a legislative power, put into action by an executive power, and equilibrated by a judicial power. The integrated functionality of the three powers is the core of democratic organization. This applies to any type of political organization in democratic cultures. 

The Evolution of Democracy

The evolution of democratic cultures is based on their capacity to evolve in the environment according to the needs to be installed in the world in an adaptive way. The word that is used to define this role is “sustainable globalization”, where the final purpose is sustaining the national interests of a culture.

The introduction of new leaders is what makes democracy dynamic. The introduction of new political leaders happens in a natural way when a culture is in evolution.

Cultures that are in transition tend to “expect” leaders who assume the role of “messiahs” to end with the transition and install a new stage. Cultures are in transition until they have established a dynamic functional cultural archetype that ensures their evolution in the environment. Cultures in transition might have “timeless” governments to avoid entering chaos.

Political Campaigns for Individual Candidates

Newcomers in the political arena provide the next stage in political evolution. They provide the new visions of the world when they are driven by a greater good. Their entrance in politics is driven by the greater good they propose. Their entrance is successful if their preceding reputation makes the worthful.

This reputation establishes the influence on specific segments where they are perceived as a first-choice candidate. Their success fully depends on their capacity to propose a greater good that fits into the latent needs of the society based on the reputation they gained in this field.

They need to earn their place in the political system of their community to be able to influence it. When this has been achieved, their positioning as first choice and their political influence enables gaining voters that allow them to achieve a position in the political system.

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute (TURI) is a world leader in its segment. Since 1976, it has been specialized in complexity sciences applied to the research on the roots of evolution and its application to social, institutional, business and individual evolution.