Country Archetypes



MDD Project – Country Brand

The empowerment of the value of country brands is basic to manage sustainable globalization and exerting diplomatic power. When we talk about country brand we mean the value behind a single phrase or word: “made in Germany, USA, Taiwan, China, Japan, etc.” or the name of the country as a representation of its values.

Microeconomics driven development requires the empowerment of the brand of the country that decides to expand, which implies a definition where the country will be competing and how.

Brands are defined by the expectation of added value they generate, the uniqueness of their attributes and the consistency of their actions. The empowerment of country brands requires managing the concept, and of the under-promising and overdelivering attitude to install a consistent brand.

It requires several decades of significant investment in communication to empower a country brand which needs to be believed the members of the community in order to be consistent.

To be consistent, it is necessary that those aspects of the society that are chosen as representative of a countries positioning assume a world class positioning. The amplitude of the meaning of “world” defines the functionality of the brand.

Future Research Lab

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute (TURI) is a world leader in its segment. Since 1976, it has been specialized in complexity sciences applied to the research on the roots of evolution and its application to social, institutional, business and individual evolution.

Unicist Approach: What drives the evolution of cultures?

The unicist approach defines that the driver of cultural evolution processes is the adaptation of a culture. This adaptation implies that a democratic attitude prevails, providing the necessary consensus to have social cohesion, being driven by a social efficiency, and making the necessary trade offs to maintain an efficient consensus.

The consensus of an evolutionary culture is oriented towards growth, which implies having a proactive attitude in the environment to generate value. Social efficiency means that the system is institutionalized having therefore a minimum level of entropy.

This institutionalization is materialized in the habits and in the myths and fallacious myths installed in a culture.

Trade-offs are implicitly conflicts and generate crises.

On the one hand, they can be evolution conflicts when they happen within the limits of efficiency and the value earning behavior. Or they can be involution conflicts, on the other hand, when the goal of these trade-offs is “buying” consensus. In this case the culture enters a conjunctural involution which naturally eliminates the leaders that made this trade-offs if the value adding ethics prevails in the institutions.

If this is not the case, and a survivors’ ethics becomes necessary for the institutions, the culture will have entered into an over-adaptive behavior driving the culture towards involution.

The maximal strategy of evolutionary cultures is sustained by their value adding ethics. This implies that the leaders of the dominant segments have a level of consciousness that allows them to be aware of the social processes and the long term consequences of the decisions that are made.

Social evolution requires participative processes within an authoritative environment that does not require the exertion of power to be efficient.

Unicist Press Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.

The Unicist Approach to Future Research

The unicist approach to future research is based on knowing the nature of an environment that is found in its past and using the data of the present to infer the future based on the knowledge of the evolution laws.

The Unicist Approach to Future Research
The reach of one’s globalization is defined
by the limit of the pronoun “WE”…

This approach is based on the fact that future and past are not symmetric. This is the case of all the environments that are evolving or involving. The past and the future are only symmetric in stagnated environments.

The Unicist Approach to Future Research is based on the research of the unicist ontogenetic intelligence of nature that started at the beginning of the 80’s. It was developed at The Unicist Research Institute.

It was a step by step discovery based on the apprehension of the nature of social phenomena entering afterwards in the institutional and individual evolution. Its integration with biology and physics was the final stage that was achieved.

The objective of the unicist approach to future research is to define a future scenario in order to adapt and influence it.

When an individual “looks back” at the history, the events that occurred are reasonable, understandable and logical. Therefore when approaching the future what is required is having the “logic” that is evident when analyzing the events of the past.

The building of future scenarios is based on the fact that the structure of the unicist ontology of a specific environment needs to be found in the past and that the facts of the present are used to infer the future.

The unicist approach to future research is based on inferring the future based on the laws of evolution established by the ontogenetic intelligence of nature, which allowed developing the unicist ontology of evolution.

This allows building reliable future scenarios.

The Unicist Ontology of Cultural Evolution


The members of a culture that is evolving naturally accept that they might be involving. This concern is what avoids their involution.

The dominant ethics defines the evolution of a culture and defines its attitude towards influencing the environment. A culture is evolving when it has the capacity to adapt to the environment, meaning that it is able to influence it while it is being influenced.

This implies that the dominant cultural segments and the elite of the culture have a spontaneous attitude towards influencing the environment to generate growth.

As the habits of a culture evolve driven by the dominant ethics, an evolutionary culture evolves when the ethics of value adding prevails and the value earning ethics is the energy conservation function of the culture.

The synthesis

The driver of cultural evolution processes is the adaptation of a culture. This adaptation implies that a democratic attitude prevails, providing the necessary consensus to have social cohesion, being driven by a social efficiency, and making the necessary trade offs to maintain an efficient consensus.

The consensus of an evolutionary culture is oriented towards growth, which implies having a proactive attitude in the environment to generate value. Social efficiency means that the system is institutionalized having therefore a minimum level of entropy.

This institutionalization is materialized in the habits and in the myths and fallacious myths installed in a culture.

Trade-offs are implicitly conflicts and generate crises.

On the one hand, they can be evolution conflicts when they happen within the limits of efficiency and the value earning behavior. Or they can be involution conflicts, on the other hand, when the goal of these trade-offs is “buying” consensus.

In this case the culture enters a conjunctural involution which naturally eliminates the leaders that made this trade-offs if the value adding ethics prevails in the institutions.

If this is not the case, and a survivors’ ethics becomes necessary for the institutions, the culture will have entered into an over-adaptive behavior driving the culture towards involution.

The maximal strategy of evolutionary cultures is sustained by their value adding ethics.

This implies that the leaders of the dominant segments have a level of consciousness that allows them to be aware of the social processes and the long term consequences of the decisions that are made.

Social evolution requires participative processes within an authoritative environment that does not require the exertion of power to be efficient.

The catalyst of the evolution of a culture is given by the value earning behavior which includes a conscious value adding process.

This conscious value adding process is what accelerates the processes of the minimum strategy in order to sustain the adaptive behavior and the evolution of a culture.

The minimum strategy is based on a value earning behavior in order to ensure the wellbeing of a society.

The entropy inhibitor of this value earning process is given by the survivor ethics behavior of the members which ensures the wellbeing of the members of the society.

Levels of cultural evolution

The stability of the evolution of a culture depends on the attitudes of the culture. The spontaneous behaviors of the members of a culture are: Work driven behavior, Education driven behavior, Institution driven behavior, Technology driven behavior.

1) Work driven behavior

It is defined by the “purpose of life” of the members of a culture. Work driven cultures are those where pastime activities are only valid if the duties of work have been fulfilled. People feel guilt if they cannot do “their” work.

2) Education driven behavior

It includes a work driven attitude. The role of the members of a society depends on the educational level of its members. In this case, the central role of families, the introduction of the new generation in the society, is ensuring that they an education that allows them to overcome the level of their parents.

3) Institution driven behavior

It includes the education driven attitude. In these societies the behavior of the members is subordinated to the rules of institutions. Institutional behavior prevails over individualistic attitudes.

Freewill has the place established by institutional rules which have been established in a democratic way. The roles of the members are within the limits of the roles of the institutions.

4) Technology driven behavior

It includes the institutions driven attitude. As technology is the driver for growth, this requires that the members of the dominant segments of a culture need to be technology oriented.

This technology orientation implies seeking for new ways to produce more with less. This attitude fosters growth and drives towards permanent changes in order to upgrade the possibilities of a culture.

The capacity to generate or use innovative behaviors establishes the roles of the members of a culture. Democratic leaders are natural in this environment.

The Unicist Ontology of Social Mutation

The evolution of a biological entity is produced by “tiny” revolutions that produce small mutations that are integrated in the complex system generating the evolution or involution of this entity. Social environments also evolve based on small mutations.

A social mutation is produced when the functionality of a social entity has been lost, and there is the necessary available energy to generate a change. This can happen based on the persistence of social viruses type “A” that become chronic social diseases, generating a dysfunctional purpose that can be hardly limited by the exertion of power.

This chronic disease of an entity can be produced by inaction or by the continuous use of palliatives to neutralize its crises.

The mutation is produced by the appearance of a strange attractor that generates a change of the chaos, transforming it into a new and different functional behavior.

The strange attractor generates an unpredictable new order that exceeds the possibilities of the power to control it and mutates the existing chaotic credibility zone towards a different functionality. That is why mutations cannot occur in entities that are managed based on the exertion of absolute power.

This strange attractor disappears as such and evolves into an object as soon as the new credibility zone begins to exist.

This process can be understood by comparing, at the end of the first decade of the XXI Century, the evolution of the European Communist Countries and the evolution of Communist China.

Social strange attractors are social objects that have a lower ethics when the situation mutates towards a more instinctive and individualistic behavior.

Strange attractors generate evolution when they are objects that integrate a driver and catalyzing and gravitational aspects. In this case, they become fully unstable but conjuncturally functional, because catalysts and gravitational aspects cannot be part of a system.

It has to be considered that strange attractors disappear as such and are replaced by an object that is homologous to their driver as soon as the entity has mutated.

This new object generates the necessary complementary and supplementary functions in the environment using the energy generated by the dissolution of the original object.

The result of social mutations is unpredictable. All what can be predicted is the trend towards evolution or involution.

If this process includes the participation of change agents, they are excluded in the case of involutions and eliminated in the case of evolutions.

Strange attractors are defined by the change of the technology that sustains the ideology on which the social entity and its environment are based. The dysfunctionality of the existing technology is what generates the chaotic situation that requires the use of power in order to control it. The concept “technology” needs to be apprehended in the wide sense, meaning different ways, hard and soft, to improve the functionality of something.

The introduction of a new technology maximizes the existing chaos and generates the possibility of the appearance of the new strange attractor.

If the strange attractor does not appear, the chaotic entity explodes or implodes depending on the characteristics of the context. If it appears, the entity evolves or involves depending on the characteristics of the strange attractor.

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.

The Nature of Justice: The Catalyst and Entropy Inhibitor of Capitalism

The purpose of justice in a culture is to provide a safe environment to allow that roles fulfill their objectives within an institutionalized environment. In other words, the purpose of justice is to foster and inhibit the dysfunctional activities of institutionalized environments.

The reach of one’s globalization is defined by the limit of the pronoun “WE”…

Justice can either work as the catalyst or as the entropy inhibitor of social behavior. Justice only exists as an external entity in a community and ensures the functionality of those institutions that allow the society to work as a system.

The concept of Justice does not refer to the judicial system of a culture. It includes all the individual, social and institutional actions that are developed to sustain the functionality of the system.

Justice is naturally driven by “common sense” which implicitly includes the values of the cultural archetype, the life-style and the moral of a culture. Justice works as a rigid framework that defines what is functional or dysfunctional in an environment.

Justice has two different roles that need to be integrated in order to sustain institutionalization: justice as a catalyst and justice as an inhibitor.

On the one hand, there is a catalyzing justice that has the responsibility of fostering the equality of opportunities that allow expanding the boundaries without endangering the institutionalization.

But, on the other hand justice has the role of inhibiting dysfunctional actions, which drives towards ensuring equal rights to all the members of a community. This avoids the entropy in institutions and establishes the framework to develop minimum strategies.

The Ontogenetic Map of Justice

The purpose of justice is to foster the existence of transcendent roles in a society in order to make institutionalization possible and avoid its corruption. An institution becomes corrupt when it needs to degrade the environment in order to profit from it.

The Nature of JusticeInstitutions are driven by transcendent goals. Therefore, the driver of justice is to confirm the achievement of the transcendent goals of a culture. These transcendent goals are included in the Constitution of a country.

This process is materialized when justice provides the framework to sustain the functionality of the country as a system. However, this is only possible if both the individual roles of the entities and the individuals of the culture are protected.

When the legal framework and the social and judicial system have solved these aspects, it becomes possible to deal with the active function of justice to provide equal opportunities for all.

The final purpose of justice is the fulfillment of the transcendent roles of a society and ensuring the functionality of society as a system. This is only possible if the individual roles have been assumed in order to make the institutionalization real.

It has to be considered that the judicial system of a society only punishes those aspects the society considers punishable.

The Maximal Strategy

The maximal strategy is given by the catalyzing justice of a culture that needs to provide equal opportunities for the members of a community.

Equal opportunities require the existence of a democratic environment that fosters cooperation. That is why justice is an essential part of democracy and democracy is the necessary environment for justice.

When the intention of ensuring equal opportunities has been confirmed, it becomes necessary to accept that there has to be a social repair to respond to the deviations produced by injustices in the real world. Therefore, social repairs need to be sustained by the judicial system in order to make them functional.

Equal opportunities become possible if they include the social repair for the dysfunctional actions that hindered the possibility of an individual or group to access such opportunities. Social repair needs to recognize the opportunities lost and not only the costs that were produced.

When social repair exists, it becomes possible to confirm the existence of social sanctions that sustain the equal opportunities. This implies that the society punishes those who limit others to achieve goals.

The catalyzing justice requires the existence of social sanctions for all those behaviors that endanger equal opportunities. These social sanctions sustain equal opportunities and are the catalyst for the existence of justice. In democratic environments legal justice does not sanction what is not sanctioned by society.

The Minimum Strategy

The equality of rights, as the purpose of the minimum strategy, needs to achieved in order to sustain the institutionalization of a society. This requires individual repair for all the dysfunctional actions an entity has suffered.

The individual repair has to fit into the limits of acceptance of a society. If it is below, it has no effect as a dissuasive object, but if it is above, it generates a “judicial profitable business” that produces paradoxical results in the judicial system.

The legal sanction is the entropy inhibitor of justice. Legal sanctions imply that they need to be in accordance with the dysfunctional behavior and its consequences. Legal sanctions are a way to punish actions and to dissuade their repetition.

The legal framework and its application establish the entropy inhibitor that avoids the corruption of the institutionalization of a culture. The entropy inhibitor is the basic price to be paid to ensure the functionality of justice.

The Types and Levels of Justice

We have synthesized the different levels of justice in four segments. These segments are:

  1. Defensive Justice
  2. Protective Justice
  3. Social Justice
  4. Adaptive Justice

Level 1) Defensive Justice

The Nature of JusticeThe first level of justice is the defensive justice that allows providing individual repair through the different alternatives the judicial system provides. This justice provides every member of the community with a defensive system to sustain the right the individual has according to the legal framework of the community. Defensive justice seeks individual repair in order to ensure that individuals have the right to recover part of the damages produced by someone’s dysfunctional behavior. Defensive justice allows individual to recover from unfair damages produced by third parties.

Level 2) Protective Justice

It includes level 1. The second level is the protective justice, which provides a framework that allows protecting individuals and entities from the dangers of the environment. Protective justice implies a legal framework to protect from direct actions or the collateral side effects of actions. Protective justice is simple to install when providing support for unprotected people, like children, but needs to include all the participants of a community in order to provide a safe environment to live in. It is based on providing protections for individuals to prevent the existence of dysfunctional behaviors. Protective justice is natural in the field of crimes but difficult to apply in civil and commercial affairs.

Level 3) Social Justice

It includes level 2. The third level implies the existence of social justice to exclude socially all the members who behave beyond the rules of a community. This justice exceeds the limits of the legal framework and deal with the acceptance of the social rules to limit the actions of individuals. Social justice implies both the existence of social sanctions and social repair to equilibrate the actions and ensure social institutionalization.

Social justice implies the existence of a social sanction produced by dysfunctional behaviors that have social consequences. It implies that the private damage is considered in terms of its social consequences in order to dissuade its repetition. Social justice implies considering the greater good when dealing with dysfunctional behaviors.

Level 4) Adaptive Justice

It includes level 3. The fourth level implies the existence of a justice that is able to interpret the spirit of laws and the spirit of a society in order to provide equal opportunities for all including the equality of rights. Adaptive justice is the justice that allows institutions to evolve towards a superior level by accepting and fostering behaviors that are beyond the standards of a culture but foster the expansion of the community. Adaptive justice implies paying the prices of individual felonies considering the greater good and the consequences in the environment. Adaptive justice implies considering the field of individual actions as part of social dysfunctional actions in order to find the better way to manage justice.

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.

The Future of Democracy (Part 2): It is an evolutionary vital space that provides an identity to the members

The Ethics of Democracy

The reach of one’s globalization is defined by the limit of the pronoun “WE”…

The ethics of democracy is what introduces democratic behavior into the habits of a community.

It has to be considered that there exist no democracies in environments that are not driven by democratic habits.

This ethics is integrated by:

  1. Conceptual democracy, which drives towards building a strong social capital.
  2. Systemic democracy, which sustains the effectiveness of democratic actions.
  3. People driven democracy, which is based on the efficacy of the participants.

The Ontogenetic Map of the Ethics of Democracy

The purpose of conceptual democracy is to live is an evolutionary vital space that provides an identity to the members.

The Ethics of DemocracyThis vital space is implicit in the archetype of a culture or institution. It is materialized in the social capital of a culture that empowers the relationships among the members building a growing synergy of actions.

It implies an alternation of the leadership in order to ensure that the institutional aspects prevail over personal beliefs and that the democracy does not degrade into authoritarianism or an anarchic authoritarianism.

The Maximal Strategy

The maximal strategy is based on a systemic democratic approach, which needs, at a first stage, the true commitment with consensus.

This requires that the environment have the necessary culture to develop a functional consensus that is not driven by manipulation.

After there is a true trend towards consensus, the effectiveness of actions needs to be promoted. This implies that democracy needs to have qualified “politicians” and an adequate organization of the State in order to provide the required effectiveness of actions.

The lack of effectiveness is what generates democratic alternation, but when the lack of effectiveness is structural, the culture evolves towards an anarchic authoritarianism.

Systemic democracy is sustained by the development of catalytic trade-offs that allow ensuring consensus while accelerating processes to empower effectiveness.

These trade-offs are the catalyst of the ethics of democracy. The building of catalytic trade-offs is the core activity of politicians, which requires having the knowledge of what is happening in an environment and what is possible to be achieved.

When the catalyst has been installed consensus becomes meaningful and the systemic democracy works and evolves.

The Minimum Strategy

The minimum strategy is supported by the efficacy of people to manage the evolution conflicts that are implicit in democracy. It begins with the acceptance of the need to deal with evolution conflicts in order to manage the adaptation process.

Once this has been accepted, the minimum strategy is based on the efficacy of people, which includes both the leaders and the participants.

“Efficacy” in a culture implies the functionality of the concept of “work”, the concept of “knowledge” and the concept of “justice” in order to foster equal opportunities for all.

This unavoidably generates evolution conflicts. These evolution conflicts, which are complementation conflicts, naturally generate collateral involution and power conflicts. This requires making entropy inhibiting trade-offs in order to avoid that the culture degrade into an environment where zero-sum confrontations prevail.

The adaptiveness of conceptual democracy has been assured when the evolution conflicts can be managed, and the ethics provides the rules for an evolutionary democracy.

Types and Levels of Ethics of Democracy

The Ethics of DemocracyFive levels of democracy can be conceptually defined:

  1. Individualistic democracy
  2. Belonging group-based democracy
  3. Elite-based democracy
  4. Integration-based democracy
  5. Adaptive democracy

First Level: Individualistic democracy

Individualistic democracy is based on the satisfaction of the materialistic needs of the participants. This democracy is individual leaders driven, because people do not rely on institutions. It is implicitly a submissive democracy, where the consensus exists when the materialistic needs are satisfied and, when not, individualists become opposers. Submissiveness is complemented with dominant attitudes where the individual needs of participants prevail over the common good.

Second Level: Belonging group-based democracy

The second level includes the first level, which implies that the individual needs are covered, but based on the limits established by the rules of the groups where individuals belong. This is the case, for example, of multi-minorities democracies where the consensus is based on the differentiated characteristics of each group. This level of democracy implies an adherence based democracy and the existence of the needs of individuals to belong to a group in order to participate and have a place in the community.

Third Level: Elite-based democracy

The third level includes the second level but includes the acceptance of reference groups, which lead a society. This elite-based democracy allows expanding the boundaries of the belonging group and is materialized in a debate-based democracy.

The core of the functionality of this level of ethics is that the different elite groups be within the limits of the evolution conflicts required to develop democracy but that the distance between the positions of such groups be narrow enough to avoid the annulment of each other in case of democratic alternation.

The existence of elites ensures the necessary stability given by an accepted establishment.

Fourth Level: Integration-based democracy

The fourth level includes the third level but also includes institutionalization as a driver towards evolution. The integration-based democracy implies an institutionalization that structures the integration. Institutions filter the incompatibilities and permit a smooth evolution towards effective consensus. This level is the most mature level of democracy and requires a fully functional justice in order to avoid that people behave beyond the limits of a democratic system. The institutions need to have transcendent goals in order to make this level work adequately

Fifth Level: Adaptive democracy

Adaptive democracy implies the integration of the four preceding levels according to the context of the members and the situation. It is a way to manage democracy fostering all its levels based on the archetypes of the individuals and institutions within the archetype of the country. It makes the different levels compatible in order to achieve the goals implicit in the archetype of the culture.

The Double Ethics of Countries and Institutions

Countries and institutions need to have two different ethical approaches in order to expand.

  1. A cooperative ethics to deal with domestic relationships.
  2. A competitive ethics to deal with third parties.

1) Cooperation, the Driver of Democracy

It has to be considered that democracy is a social system for adapted environments. All environments have adapted and over-adapted aspects, but the prevalence of adaptation is a condition for the evolution of democratic environments. Over-adaptation drives naturally towards dominance, submission and opposition, which hinder the existence of a democratic context.

The driver of a democratic system is the existence of cooperation among the members of the society, culture or institution.

Cooperation building is the driver of democracy. This implies that cooperation is basic to build an evolutionary democratic environment.

2) Competition is the Driver of the Relationships with the Environment

While cooperation is the driver for domestic activities, competition is the driver for those activities that countries or institutions develop beyond the boundaries of their entity. This needs to be understood in order to accept that all countries and institutions have two different ethics.

A cooperative ethics is used to deal with the domestic aspects and, on the other hand, a competitive ethics drives the external aspects. This is basic to allow the expansion of the wellbeing of cultures and needs to be accepted in order understand that democracy is not a magic solution for universal problems.

International relations become expansive when they are managed within the limits of sustainable globalization, which allows integrating the interests of the parts involved.

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.

The Future of Democracy (Part 1): Understanding Social, Economic and Political Democracy

Democracy is a social system that is based on the participation of the members of a society or institution in its government. Democracy is a system that has a natural structure, which includes mechanisms that drive its evolution or involution.

The Nature of Democracy

The reach of one’s globalization is defined by the limit of the pronoun “WE”…

To understand the nature of democracy it is necessary to define that democracy is a system to deal with the domestic aspects of a society or institution. It adopts many shapes depending on the environment. Civil, military and religious environments have different ways to achieve consensus and thus democracy behaves differently in each one of these environments.

Understanding the nature of a society implies integrating a social scenario that defines the structure of social behavior, an economic scenario that deals with their materialistic aspects and a political scenario that deals with the establishment and administration of the ideologies and rules the members have to follow in order to be accepted as part of the community.

Thus, democracy has three integrated structures that define it; democracy includes a social, an economic and a political democracy.

The Unicist Logic of DemocracyA democratic process necessarily begins with the existence of a social democracy. The principles of the French Revolution are an example of social democracy. “Liberty, equality and fraternity” represent those values that are implicit in democracy considering the characteristics of the French archetype.

Democracy is built upon the social democracy of a society or institution. The economic democracy is the materialization of the social democracy in an environment. The triadic structure is then completed by the political democracy, which sustains the social democracy avoiding that the economic democracy changes the nature of the social democracy that represents the archetype of the culture.

The constitution of a country is the materialization of the social democracy of its society and establishes its basic rules. This means that when countries change their Constitutions they are making a re-foundation, which necessarily implies the destruction of what exists, and the building of something new, which implies a change in their archetype.

Constitutions should only be amended in order to respect the nature of the culture.

The Ontogenetic Map of Democracy

Social democracy can be defined as the integration of cooperation, participation and competition. The principles of the French revolution – liberty, equality and fraternity – are an example of a conceptual structure of the social democracy of a culture.

Every culture has its archetype that implicitly defines the structure of the social democracy, which drives the democratic system. Cultures that have an archetype that is still in transition cannot establish a fully democratic environment, because their social democracy is unstable and changing.

The Maximal Strategy

A democratic system naturally evolves or involves. Its evolution is driven by its maximal strategy, which is given by the economic democracy. Economic democracy exists when the productive entities of the environment are owned through the participation of their clients. In this case, clients and shareholders are “one”.

Economic democracy implies that the stock market integrates clients with shareholders and the market regulates the benefits of the entrepreneurs who do not participate in the stock markets.

The values implicit in the economic democracy are redundant with the values of social democracy while “enterprising” drives competition to an institutionalized superior level. In an economic democracy, the concept of shareholdership is redundant with cooperation, while the actions of the clients are a way of participation.

Depending on its presence or absence, Enterprising can either be the catalyst or inhibitor of democracy. Democracy cannot evolve without an institutionalized economic activity. This institutionalization needs to include rules to manage both enterprising and entrepreneurial activities.

The Minimum Strategy

When social and economic democracies are given, the existence of a political democracy becomes necessary. Political democracy implies that governmental actions have consensus among the members of a society, that they are efficient in terms of fulfilling their expectancies and that the necessary trade-offs are made to ensure that consensus and efficiency become possible.

Consensus does not imply efficiency and vice-versa. Therefore, trade-offs are the necessary entropy inhibitor that allows developing political democracy.

The risk of this entropy inhibitor can be seen in two extreme situations: on the one hand, when trade-offs are not used, they work as political inhibitors and, on the other hand, when used in extreme conditions, they drive towards corruption.

Political democracy establishes the limits of actions of economic democracy in order to ensure the achievement of the goals that are implicit in social democracy. It requires, as a basic condition, the separation of governmental actions from State actions.

Governments are in the hands of politicians who necessarily tend to be focused on elections, which drive them naturally to satisfy the short-term needs of the voters. This drives political democracy towards the inefficiency of “following the needs of the participants” without integrating the long-term possibilities and the needs of the following generations.

State administration is in the hands of officers who need to be focused on fulfilling the goals established using the procedures of the administration. Their goal is to make the administration of the public affairs effective and provide the actions that ensure the long-term objectives of the cultures.

The State action needs to be trans-governmental, which means that it has to fulfill its goals beyond the circumstantial needs of a government. When governments invade the organization of the State, there is no possibility to develop an evolutionary democracy.

Types and Levels of Democracy

In the research on the nature of democracy, four levels of adaptive democracy have been discovered together with one over-adaptive level that deals with authoritarianism, which uses manipulative actions to achieve consensus.

The Unicist Logic of DemocracyThe four levels are:

  1. Authoritative role driven democracy
  2. Public opinion driven democracy
  3. Institution driven democracy
  4. Participation driven democracy

First Level: Authoritative driven democracy

Democracy implies that people share a vital space and have a strong social capital and that there is a democratic alternation. The first level implies that people who have the necessary qualifications occupy the leading roles in a community. This level of democracy implies having a reliable system to ensure that those who achieve the role have the necessary talents to administrate the community’s interests. The role of the State organization is basic to ensure the effectiveness of this level.

Second Level: Public opinion driven democracy

This level includes the first level plus the characteristic that the public opinion prevails over the opinion of the politicians. It requires monitoring these opinions and making governmental actions transparent in order to allow people to understand what is happening. The weakness of public opinion is the long-term aspect of decisions, which is basically not considered in massive behavior. The role of the State organization limits the influence of public opinion to ensure the functionality of the administration in the long and short term.

Third level: Institution driven democracy

This level includes the second level plus the characteristic that the social, economic and political actions are institutionalized. It implies that the social, economic and political agents participate in the governmental decisions through the institutions they belong to.  It implies a structural democratic organization of the political parties in order to ensure that the democratic alternation provide a structural approach to the public affairs. It implies that the gap between alternating parties is small enough to allow a transition that does not drive to the annulment of the decisions of preceding governments.

Fourth Level: Participation driven democracy

This level includes the third level plus the organization of the direct participation of people in all the aspects that deal with their need to have a real vital space where they can evolve. This participation implies that the leaders assume a full responsibility for representing the interests of the community in their proposals. This level drives cultures towards a superior level of influence in the environment. Thus, it requires that all the conditions to live in an evolutionary democracy be given.

Democracy cannot be Imported / Exported

Importing political democracy from more democratic cultures only drives to the corruption of the preexisting system and the installation of a dualistic democracy in order to avoid anarchy. As it was presented in the research, the dualistic democracy has two extreme alternatives: populist / leftist democracies and liberal / rightist democracies.

When democracy needs to be upgraded, it is necessary to begin by developing social democracy, which requires beginning with education.

Democracy implies freedom and freedom implies responsibility.

Based on social democracy, the next step to upgrade democracy is to install a superior level of economic democracy, which will then drive naturally towards the need of a political democracy. This implies a spiral step-by-step evolution that demands generations.

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.

Brazil: Conflicts generated by the building of a global power

The conflicts that arouse in Brazil are predictors showing that a cultural change is happening in the country. This change, transforming a developing country into a global leader is the consequence of a long term planning that unavoidably has negative side effects in the short term.

The social conflicts in Brazil are the consequence of the new World-leading role of the country and the need to avoid leaving people behind or disoriented.

The social conflicts in Brazil are the consequence of the new World-leading role of the country and the need to avoid leaving people behind or disoriented.

The social conflicts that arouse are “explosions” and not “implosions”. Explosions occur when the conflicts are the consequence of an expansion of a country and implosions are the consequence of contraction.

The explosions occurred and will occur because people need to feel included in the benefits this new role produces and consider unfair that the benefits are not noticeable in everyday life for everyone.


25 years ago we presented in Brazil the future trends which considered that the country would become a world leader within the next 50 years. The assumption of a world leading role is happening now and the unavoidable side effects are becoming observable.

It has to be considered that 25 years ago Brazil was considered as a world champ in Carnival and Football (Soccer) while the institutional power of the country was not noticeable.

Building “Made in Brazil”

During the last 10 years almost 40 million people accessed the middle class in Brazil. This is a structural change that modifies the economic, political and social scenario. This implied upgrading the social power and generating new expectations that require Brazil to become a brand in the globalized world. Without becoming a global brand Brazilians middle class is endangered.


The reach of one’s globalization is defined by the limit of the pronoun “WE”…

Petrobras and Embraer are just examples of flagships in the process of installing “Made in Brazil” as a brand in the world.

Installing “Made in Brazil” as a brand requires three elements that need to coexist:

1)      A true technological and educational structure

2)      A reliable institutionalization

3)      An international recognition

This implies a long term investment that unavoidably leaves people behind until they, or the next generation, have the possibility of catching up.

The organization of the FIFA World Cup and the Olympic Games are a way to demonstrate the power of “Made in Brazil”. They are a demonstration of technology, organization capacity and institutionalization. They might be the final step for the global positioning of the Country. That is why they generated many internal and external enemies.

Those that are left behind and those affected by the uncertainty this leading role produces in Brazil, necessarily generate conflicts to demand justice and participating in the benefits of the new role.

These conflicts have aspects in common with the conflicts in Turkey although they are not homologous with them. They are the opposite of the conflicts that occur in Spain and Greece which are based on the action of the “excluded” and the “impotent” who cannot influence the contraction of the environment.

In the following we include the information on the Brazilian archetype which has been published recently:

Brazilian Archetype: describing the power of a global leader

Brazil is a world in itself. There is no other country in the world following the rules of the game that Brazil uses, nor portraying its results in the social, economic and political field.

Its orientation towards the future, the added value work as a way to assert people’s identity, its innovation and nationalism are components that integrate in light of a national project inserted in the culture, executed by the State and managed by politicians.

Consensus as a model

Brazil has a culture that operates on the basis of consensus. This generates, within the social, institutional and individual field a need to understand a reality before taking up a position regarding it.

Likewise, in Brazilian-Portuguese language there are several expressions that help avoid the usage of the first person singular in a conversation.

Brazil ArchetypeThe Brazilian consensus model presupposes the development of a singular negotiating capacity regulated by negotiation rules that obviously include consensus as a goal, though not as a path.

The development of this negotiating capacity, based on a culture that came over to colonize rather than predate, generated what today is a world power, real to many, incipient to others.

This implied the end of economic, military or narco-terrorism. The end as far as social legitimacy goes, though not in real terms, for there will always be terrorists who, being marginal, would rather have destruction than acceptance of their own marginality.

This social behavior is based on expansion as a main objective. The creativity to accomplish this allows Brazil a dosage of “marginal” behavior, basis of both academic and technological innovation which is felt today and which was dreamed of 50 years ago.

Social Capital

A country’s development is set by its social capital, political consistency or stability and economic growth.

Out of these three elements, the one that bears most weight is social capital, then comes political stability and last, the necessary, though of least relative weight, economic growth.

Brazil is characterized by its immense social capital if compared with that of other countries in the region, and if compared with those other countries Brazil competes with.

Its difference is outstanding in the region; Brazil has a slightly smaller social capital than the one in developed countries. Society conceives itself as a community.

This community feeling makes the notorious synergy there is among institutions and people possible, while it works as a significant support to political stability and economic growth.

Orientation towards the future

What characterizes Brazil is its orientation toward the future and its great capacity to pay for the price of mistakes.

There are many study centers in this country that are devoted to developing projects, action plans and forecasts of what lies ahead.

This is completely atypical in Latin America, that is why one can say that Brazil is a continent in itself, with own values and a path different from that of the region.

It grows because of its consistent investment in an academic technology model of its own, an acceptance of diversity and an “expansion compulsion”. There is room for everyone in Brazil as long as the rules of the game are abided.

One of the best diplomacies in the world

Brazil is a power with a very strong collective unconsciousness that consolidates in an identity that goes beyond political ideologies.

Consensus to grow is their primary objective, their second objective is to grow, and their third as well. Brazilian culture does not conceive the idea of being worse today than it was the day before.

That is why Brazilians “go crazy” in light of their defeats. Diplomacy, the mechanism to influence outside Brazil in order to uphold such a growth, is settled, and carries a political, commercial and social sense comparable to those of the best diplomacies in the world.

Diplomacy is its main tool to create, almost imperceptibly, a legitimated hegemony in its capacities.

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems.

The 10-Year Trend for Healthcare Organizations in the United States

This is a synthesis of the trends developed at the Future Research Lab on the “Evolution of Healthcare in the US” led by Peter Belohlavek. They are based on the global healthcare trends in developed countries that have been developed.


The reach of one’s globalization is defined
by the limit of the pronoun “WE”…

The objective of this research was to find the trends that underlie the healthcare business in the US.

The development of the future scenario that arose was based on the changes introduced in medical regulations and on the possibilities opened by the use of new technologies.

The 10-year trends can be synthesized in:

  1. The trend towards expansive healthcare organizations
  2. The trend towards patient centered management
  3. The trend towards adaptive information technology solutions
  4. The trend towards using semantic objects to segment


Two structural changes happened in the United States:

  1. The transparency of the use of electronic medical records established a new starting point for medical practice.
  2. The concept of the Accountable Care Organizations and its analogical multiplication in medical practice introduced the concept of profiting from healthcare improvements.

This triggered the need of adaptiveness for healthcare organizations.

New technologies that made structural adaptiveness possible:

  1. Future Healthcare OrganizationAdaptive Information Technology
  2. Semantic objects to manage adaptiveness
  3. The discovery of the human drivers of attitudes
  4. Double dialectical logic to manage adaptiveness

The integration of the structural changes and the now available technologies is predictable based on the understanding of the power of the archetype of the US.

If you are interested in learning about the unicist future research technologies that are used to develop future scenarios we recommend you to access:

These Trends are a Back to Hippocrates in the XXI Century

Back to Hippocrates means going back to the natural role of medicine.

In the XXI century it implies the use of an object driven organization model integrating processes with objects in order to ensure results and optimize the use of energy.

The Value Adding Approach is basically driven by the development of a model based on the use of the rules of Patient Centered Management.

The operational objective is to maximize the value added to patients considered as clients.

It is a backward-chaining-thinking approach beginning with the value being added and ending with the process and objects that are needed.

The process is centered on patient orientation, added value assurance and result assurance.

1) The Next Step in Healthcare:

Expansive Healthcare Organization (EHO)

Expansive healthcare organizations are an upgrade of the two major trends in medical practice: vocation driven and profession driven.

Expansive Healthcare OrganizationsEHO are organizations that expand the size of their community in order to increase the level of wellbeing of their members. Their activity is naturally patient centered in terms of their focus on health.

The patient centered management requires the integration of results assurance, patient orientation and added value assurance in order to sustain the focus on health.

The maximal strategy is focused on the generation of value measured in terms of health. Having a structural medical practice allows dealing with health, going beyond the necessary specialties that are needed to cure patients.

Patients’ prevention is the catalyst of the expansive healthcare organization, which allows expanding the boundaries of the community of patients. This implies influencing actively their community in order to foster prevention.

The minimum strategy is focused on the healthcare business which is materialized in having the necessary disease centered medical practice and the medical prevention.

Expansive Healthcare OrganizationsThe goal of the minimum strategy is to ensure the business of the EHO.

Medical prevention is the entropy inhibitor to sustain the community and avoid its entropy.

The segmentation of expansive healthcare organizations defines the way they manage the patient centered attitude.

1)  Physicians driven

2)  Therapeutics driven

3)  Health driven

4)  Community driven


Physicians driven Organizations

This segment is focused on ensuring the patient orientation through a structural physician organization. Their core is the organization of the role of physicians.

Therapeutics driven Organizations

This segment is focused on providing excellence in therapeutics in order to ensure patient orientation. Their core is the organization of the role of specialists.

Health driven Organizations

This segment is focused on providing healthcare solutions for patients based on a holistic approach to health. The core is the role of health oriented physicians.

Community driven Organizations

This segment is focused on being able to deal with the different segments that integrate the community to provide health. The core is the adaptiveness of the organization to adapt to the segments.


2) The Next Step in Healthcare:

Patient Centered Management (PCM)

Patient Centered Management is an organizational meta-model that allows empowering the work processes in healthcare institutions. It is homologous to Client Centered Management that is the natural model to guide work processes in businesses that was developed in the eighties.

Patient Centered ManagementOn the one hand, PCM works as a conceptual action guide to design work processes and, on the other hand, it is the main catalyst for continuous improvement, change management and innovation management.

The purpose of the model is to assure results, its action is driven by patient orientation and there is a quality assurance that sustains the value added.

PCM as a Meta-model

Meta-models need to be materialized in a system. As such we are not talking only about the hardware and software but also about the peopleware.

Patient Centered Management

Meta-models become meaningful when they are materialized in operational rules that have to be followed in a meaningful way.

The PCM generates four different segments of medical organizations:

  1. Artisanal Organizations
  2. Professional Organizations
  3. Technological Organizations
  4. Patient Centered Organizations


Artisanal Organizations

Artisanal organizations are driven by the individual capacity of their members. The added value is assured by the use of metrics and administrative EHR.

The core of their functionality lays on the capacity to integrate adequately chosen members. The activity is focused on curing processes based on the knowledge and reliability of each participant.

They are based on the individual capacity of doctors and their capacity to cure the problem of the patient.

Professional Organizations

Professional organizations are based on the fulfillment of roles that are based on the knowledge and authority of their participants.

Their strategy is defensive, based on ensuring the delivery of the necessary palliatives to cover the patients’ needs while the curing process is being implemented. They need to use adaptive EHR to monitor the curing processes.

They are based on the knowledge of the doctors and their capacity to use it. These organizations are knowledge centered and naturally tend towards evidence based medicine.

Technological Organizations

Technological organizations are based on the use of hard technologies to deliver the medical services. They tend to use the technological innovations to catalyze the professional role of their members.

They are usually dominant in the community based on the objective technology they use. They naturally integrate curing and palliating processes as a unit. They need to use adaptive systems to monitor their solutions.

They are based on having the most effective technologies to deal with the problems patients have.

Patient Centered Organization

Patient centered organizations are driven by their need to provide solutions for the community. They are innovation, efficacy and reliability driven.

Patient centered organizations base their strategy on their innovation capacity and on the influence they can exert on the environment.

They are health driven which allows them to build large patient communities with healthier members. Patient centered organizations need to use administrative EMR to sustain the efficacy of their doctors.

Integrated Organizations

Integrated organizations include aspects of the different organizations to generate a natural environment for medical practices considering their specialties.

They are based on the professional roles of its members and an object driven organization model using medical objects, business objects and personal role objects to mange the adaptive processes of medical practice.

3) The Next Step in Healthcare: Adaptive IT Solutions

Adaptive IT solutions are systems that have been designed to interact with the external and internal environment. Nowadays, there are multiple programming solutions available to sustain the unicist adaptive architecture. The solutions include aspect objects architecture with unicist logical inferences to manage adaptiveness.

Adaptive IT ArchitectureThe evolution of Information Technologies allowed integrating the adaptive aspects of business management in the operational systems of hospitals.

The integration of the unicist logical approach and the resulting business objects included in the business processes within an adaptive IT environment allows driving business processes to the next level.

To be able to organize by objects it is necessary to use both adaptive and administrative systems to organize the work processes. This widened the possibilities of hospitals to expand the boundaries of their activities within an environment of assured quality.

The level of adaptiveness varies according to the needs of the system. Adaptiveness is based on the medical, therapeutics and disease segmentation.

There are four levels of adaptiveness that can be managed:

1) Analogical drivers

This level is based on the recognition of the significant behavioral patterns of the segments of patients.

2) Rules based drivers

This level is based on the use of analogical patterns and the logical rules defined by the fundamentals that influence the processes.

3) Empirical drivers

This level is based on the previous level and the integration of mathematical models to infer behavior based on the observable aspects of the fundamentals of the processes.

4) Objects based drivers

This level is based on the previous level plus the use of medical objects that work as interdependent drivers to influence the attitude of patients. The feedback is defined by the results produced by these objects.


The IT Structure of the PCM

The integrator of the Patient Centered Management Model is given by the EMR/EHR/EPR system.

Patient Centered ManagementWe have defined four segments of systems that produce differentiated behaviors in medical organizations:

  1. Administrative EHR driven processes to allow monitoring the disease of the patient
  2. Adaptive EHR driven processes to allow monitoring the solutions provided by the doctors
  3. Adaptive EMR driven processes integrated with adaptive and administrative EHR to ensure the synchronicity of the solutions provided
  4. Administrative EMR driven processes integrated with EHR and EPR to focus on the health of the patient


4) The Next Step in Healthcare:

Semantic Objects to Segment

Semantic objects are linguistics communications, in written or verbal format, that have the power to install meaningful knowledge in the long term memory of an individual.

Semantic ObjectsSemantic objects are “adaptive systems” based on messages that use figurative communication to build meaningful knowledge. These objects have a concept, an added value and a quality assurance in order to achieve their objective.

In order to build semantic objects it is necessary to manage the unicist ontogenetic map of messages and figurative communication. They require no knowledge in order to be used. Users only need to know what they produce and how to manage their output.

Semantic objects are extremely segmented because they are driven by the use of language that segments based on its implicit reasoning pattern and its ethical mask (see ontology of languages).

Semantic objects are the natural complementation for any communication that deals with human activity where results need to be achieved.

Types of Semantic Objects

Semantic ObjectsThere are different types of semantic objects to influence different aspects of the long term memory of an individual.

  1. Informative Objects
  2. Value Adding Objects
  3. Conflict Management Objects
  4. Complement Building Objects

The Structure of the Types of Semantic Objects:

1) Informative Objects

These objects are used to approach the semantic memory of individuals. They need to include a message based on news that people are expecting and their figurative language needs to be sustained by graspable analogies.

2) Value Adding Objects

These objects are used to approach the procedural memory of individuals. They need to include a message based on a meaningful interpretation of the reality an individual is facing and their figurative language needs to be sustained by meaningful metaphors.

3) Conflict Management Objects

These objects are used to approach the episodic memory of individuals. They need to be based on a mind opening figurative communication and include a message that has to be based on objective information.

4) Complementation Building Objects

These objects are used to approach the long term memory of individuals in its oneness. It is a structural approach that needs to include the different aspects individual consider when making a decision. They need to be based on a homology driven figurative communication and include a message that opens and expands the possibilities of the individual.


The next step in healthcare organizations implies the integration of vocation driven attitudes, which are focused on health, with professionalism driven attitudes, which are focused on business.

It implies that the scorecard of measurement of medical practice will include the measurement of health and not only the activities that happen within the medical organizations

This will imply a structural change in the judiciary system dealing with malpractice problems. This change has already begun.

Adaptiveness is the name of the next step and the use of adaptive IT solutions, predicting interfaces and segmented communication are the way to sustain this new step.

If you want to access more information about this study please contact

Unicist Press Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.

Germany: The New Role of Germany in the European Union

This is an excerpt from the research on the evolution of the European Union, led by Peter Belohlavek, that is being systematically developed at the Future Research Lab of The Unicist Research Institute.

The reach of one’s globalization is defined
by the limit of the pronoun “WE”…

Considering that the power of a Nation is defined by its work, Germany is establishing a standard in this field that defines the future competitive capacity of the EU in the world and works a catalyst for the evolution of its members. As a catalyst it has its implicit prices to be paid.

You can access the German archetype at:

“Cooperation in Unity” implies more than the subjective feeling of sharing a European Culture, which is driven by cooperation. It implies the need of a complementation between the members, which is necessarily driven by the materialistic aspects. This requires an “equalization” of the value of work in order to sustain an evolution to benefit all members.

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The Crisis 2008 Triggered this New Stage

Financial / Growth Crisis 2008 - History and ProjectionThe history of the crisis has two basic conditions and two main triggering causes.

The conditions are the fall of the communist system and the use of consumerism in order to sustain scarcity as an economic driver.

The two triggering causes were the technological plateau and shareholders dominance in economic organizations.

The “prelude” was a demonstration of the technological plateau and of shareholders’ dominance using the money of the “market”.

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The Power of Nations Depends on their Capacity to Work

Understanding that the power of a Nation depends on its capacity to work is something very difficult to accept because it is rather new.

And accepting that the archetype of a culture defines the level of work that is the standard in an environment sounds deterministic and for some people racist. Because it implies that every culture obtains what it produces; that underdevelopment is defined by the underdeveloped, development by the developed and emergent by the emerging.

Power = W/t: Power can be measured in Speed

Power can be measured in speed. That is why we say we can make a metaphor and measure the level of development in speed.

If developed cultures move at a speed of 100 km/hour, underdeveloped evolve more slowly.

That is why the gap between development and underdevelopment increases from day to day.

But emergent cultures are emergent because they move faster than the developed ones, which means that the gap between emergent cultures and developed cultures decreases from day to day, until the emergent cultures surpass the developed cultures.

About Wealth and Poverty

The purpose of wealth is to foster evolution to guarantee the opportunities for the next generations. Wealth/Social evolution depends on the working capacity limited by the social and institutional inertia of a culture.

Wealth-PovertyOperationally, wealth depends on the working capacity, the technology, the education and the inertia of a culture. Poverty as such doesn’t exist. Poverty implies the absence of Wealth.

That is why it is commonly seen in underdeveloped countries that there are organizations who promote the “combat of poverty”.

You can combat thieves because they exist, you can combat enemies, but you cannot combat poverty. What you need to increase is wealth. The combat of poverty is just a fallacious myth to justify the distribution of an existing wealth.

The production of wealth must be fostered to reduce poverty. Combating poverty produces more poverty.

Poor countries have no power, because their working capacity is extremely low, that is why they are poor.

The Conflicts beneath “Cooperation in Unity”

The European Crisis began to clarify the motto “Cooperation in Unity”. This generates conflicts that are beneath the apparent unity because they affect different segments that can only react based on their own archetypes.

There are latent conflicts with the excluded, there are implicit conflicts with those who cannot consider themselves as being part of the EU, there are members who feel that they are left behind and, finally, there are members who cannot understand the situation and feel fully disoriented. Any observer of the European situation can install names in each of these categories.

Predictors1Those who feel excluded are trying to go back to their past, and their people consider that they are paying an extreme price for belonging to the EU. Those who cannot be part consider that they have the right to demand repairing actions.

Those who are being left behind feel being treated unfairly because they cannot accept the gap between the members. And, finally, those who are disoriented because of their doubts of being part of the unity generate conflicts that arise from their uncertainty about the future.

The social conflicts that arouse are “explosions” and “implosions”. On the one hand, they are explosions in the case of the over-expansive conflicts of those who need to recover from the crisis but on the other hand, they are implosions in the case of those who feel excluded or cannot deal with the conflicts generated by the crisis.

Explosions occur when the conflicts are the consequence of the expansion of a country and implosions are the effects of persistent contractive actions.

The explosions occurred and will occur because people need to feel included in the benefits this new stage produces and consider unfair that the benefits are not noticeable in everyday life for everyone.


The EU is entering into a mature stage, which will allow establishing a stable dynamic equilibrium among the members.

Germany is one of the leaders of this new stage, which will end establishing a “European Archetype” that can truly provide the groundings for the concept “Cooperation in Unity”.

The other pathway is that the EU enters into a soft confederative concept, which allows building complementation based on conjunctural opportunities.

Germany can be considered as a benchmark for the power that the EU intends to have in the world economy and culture. Access “Made in Germany” at:

The solution of the conflicts that are implicit in the different roles the members of the EU assumed will define which of the two alternatives will prevail.

The conflicts need to be measured beyond the explicit opinions of the participants but in the spontaneous cultural responses of the population and the elites of these countries.

The uncertain question is how to deal with diplomacy with members who in fact do not share but the materialistic interest of belonging to the EU.

If you want to access more information about this study please contact

Unicist Press Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems.

Catalonia & the Basque Country as Catalysts of Spain’s Recovery

This research was developed to provide information that allows understanding the possible evolution of the outcome of the crisis that affects Spain. It is based on the information of the archetypes that were developed 20 years ago and the analysis of the crisis triggered in 2008. It was developed at the Future Research Lab of the Unicist Research Institute and led by Peter Belohavek.

To access the basics on Unicist Future Research please enter:


The reach of one’s globalization is defined
by the limit of the pronoun “WE”…

The crisis of 2008 was the final trigger for Spain to access an upper level of influence in the European and Global worlds that is being catalyzed by Catalonia and the Basque Country.

It is a structural change that will demand many years until finally being installed in the culture. It implies an upgrade in the educational system in order to go beyond conservatism and foster people to expand the boundaries as a natural way for growth.

Two values are being catalyzed in Spain by Catalonia and the Basque Country:

  1. The concept of bottom-up legitimacy
  2. The concept of value adding work


The Spanish Kingdom has a traditional “top-down democracy” which has shown to be extremely successful and produced the Spanish Miracle between the sixties and seventies. The synergy produced by the central government was functional to generate growth and wellbeing. It generated a “duty-driven work” value that sufficed in those days.

Democratic Power

This allowed a high and steady growth based on a conservative approach.

But the speed of change increased enormously making top-down approach dysfunctional when dealing with economics.

Speed requires “bottom-up democracies” because it requires that individuals assume full responsibility for their actions.

Bottom-up democracies naturally foster “responsibility driven work” where the central directives are only inhibitors to dysfunctional social behaviors. This characteristic has been traditional in both Catalonia and the Basque Country, although having different operational solutions for the same goal.

This responsibility driven approach is not related with the “indignados” movement that occurred recently in Spain. It deals with the notoriously superior exports Catalonia and the Basque Country produce when compared with the Spanish exports.

Archetypes of Spain, Catalonia and the Basque Country

The archetypes of the culture of a country are the drivers that define its final goal which is acted out in the lifestyle of the population. Archetypes cannot be observed, but they can be inferred using double dialectical logic and predictors based on the knowledge of their ontogenetic structure. They can be found in the facts of the history of a country.

Cultural EthicsThe central fundamentals that drive the archetype of the Spanish Kingdom are:

1)  Ethics

2)  Power

3)  Wealth

These fundamentals are also implicit in the archetypes of Catalonia and the Basque Country, but have functionally differentiated contents.

While the ethics included in the Spanish archetype is strongly influenced by religion, the ethics included in Catalonia and the Basque Country has a strong influence of ethical functionality.

On the other hand, the trend towards the exertion of power is a dominant aspect of the Spanish archetype while the need for legitimacy in the exertion of power is required in Catalonia and the Basque Country.

Finally, it has to be considered that wealth in the central archetype is dominantly sustained by the value earning ethics while in the other cases ethics is based on the value adding ethics.

It has to be considered that the power of an archetype is based on the work it produces, meaning the capacity to generate added value to the environment. Therefore the archetypes of Catalonia and the Basque Country are more powerful than the archetype of Spain.

Although this has been and is still the trigger of most of the conflicts between the central government and the autonomous countries, it has been at the same time the trigger that allows driving Spain to a higher level of influential power.


A new era is coming. It is the era of increasing the speed and adaptability. This implies moving from a “Top-down legitimacy” which is necessarily conservative to an integrated democratic power that is triggered by a “Bottom-up legitimacy” complemented with a top down approach to avoid entropic actions.

It implies dealing with a complex world where competitiveness needs to be integrated with cooperation. The concepts implicit in the Catalonian and Basque Country’s cultures are a natural catalyst that allows building upon existing approaches without needing to look for foreign solutions.

It will be a conflictive period because there will be people who will try to go back to the Spanish Miracle and others who will accept that something new has to be built. As a transition it is necessarily painful which demands the use of palliatives in order to make the process bearable.

But the good news is that the solution is there.

Wealth & Poverty – the Power of Nations – Democracy


1) The Ontology of Wealth and Poverty

The purpose of wealth is to foster evolution to guarantee the opportunities for the next generations. Wealth/Social evolution of a culture depends on the working capacity that is limited by the social and institutional inertia of such culture.

Wealth - PovertyOperationally, wealth depends on the working capacity, the technology, the education and the inertia of a culture. Poverty as such doesn’t exist. Poverty implies the absence of Wealth.

That is why it is commonly seen in underdeveloped countries that there are organizations who promote the “combat of poverty”.

You can combat thieves because they exist, you can combat enemies, but you cannot combat poverty. What you need to increase is wealth. The combat of poverty is just a fallacious myth to justify the distribution of an existing wealth.

The production of wealth must be fostered to reduce poverty. Combating poverty produces more poverty.

Poor countries have no power, because their working capacity is extremely low, that is why they are poor.

Wealth produces evolution

The elites drive the evolution. Producing evolution implies increasing the speed of work of a culture.

Wealth and poverty do no only depend on the action of a culture but also on the limits and possibilities of the environment.

Social Structure

What one is producing today might be worthless tomorrow because the environment changed.

Therefore, wealth implies being focused on the value of work which is always defined by the beneficiary of the task that is being done.

The production of wealth implies ensuring subsistence as a minimum strategy. This subsistence level is what we call poverty.

This level implies following the inertia of a culture and ensuring that the education makes people follow the values of such culture while using the necessary technologies for subsistence.

The maximal strategy is given by the development of work, which implies changing the inertia extending the boundaries of the activity, using innovative technologies to produce more with less while fostering the individual responsibility in education.

When we talk about education we are referring basically to the education of the elites that lead any evolution process.

The Dynamics of Evolution and Involution of Wealth

Understanding the indicators of evolution and involution allows defining if Wealth production is being increased or distributed.

Wealth - PovertyIt can be said that distribution leads to involution and production leads to expansion. If production is not distributed, the economy explodes. If distribution is the center of the economy, the society implodes.

The dynamics of Wealth production can be described as follows:

The increase of social wealth produces the evolution of the archetype of a culture.

This necessarily implies materialistic growth and the growth of the social values. This can be observed, among others, in the history of Australia, Brazil, China, Finland, India, Japan, South Korea, Sweden and the USA.

Social wealth grows because the paradigms of work have been changed following the laws of evolution.

Innovative technology and individual education produce the driver that enables the elite to guide through new boundaries to expand the present power of the culture.

Production prevails over distribution. But distribution is considered to ensure the minimum strategy for wealth increase.

Underdeveloped countries usually have a significant segment of their population at, or below, the subsistence level.

Therefore they tend to prioritize distribution and thus the archetype of the country stagnates or involves.

The education for work is the catalyst of the evolution of wealth and thus it is the catalyst of the evolution of the archetype.

The socializing education, to fulfill the social rules of the society, is the entropy inhibitor that ensures that the minimum strategy can be fulfilled.

It is not one or the other; it implies the coexistence of both, which have two structurally different rules.

Individual education for work needs to foster the extension of the technological boundaries while the socializing education needs to sustain social and institutional inertia.

2) How is the Power of Nations developed?

Understanding that the power of a Nation depends on its capacity to work is something very difficult to accept because it is rather new.

And accepting that the archetype of a culture defines the level of work that is the standard in an environment sounds deterministic and for some people racist. Because it implies that every culture obtains what it produces; that underdevelopment is defined by the underdeveloped, development by the developed and emergent by the emerging.

Power = W/t: Power can be measured in speed

Power can be measured in speed. That is why we say we can make a metaphor and measure the level of development in speed.

If developed cultures move at a speed of 100 km/hour, underdeveloped evolve more slowly.

That is why the gap between development and underdevelopment increases from day to day.

But emergent cultures are emergent because they move faster than the developed ones, which means that the gap between emergent cultures and developed cultures decreases from day to day, until the emergent cultures surpass the developed cultures.

The Power of Country Archetypes is defined by Work


Work implies the capacity of displacing facts in nature in order to generate a usable added value for a society.

Therefore it is implicit that the fundamentals of work are consistent with the different levels of archetypes.

Social Value of Influential Work

The purpose of work in elites of influential archetypes is to generate added value in their societies. To do so their active function is driven by the transforming of nature and the energy conservation function is the need to overcome resource scarcity.

Influential WorkIf we see it at an operational level we can define that:

The maximal strategy of the elites is to transform nature driven by the energy focused on knowledge and the personal need that sustains their actions is the self-affirmation of their deeds.

The minimum strategy to overcome resource scarcity is driven by the energy of their capacity to produce and the personal need that sustains their actions is the capacity to manage the time to make things happen.

Work dynamics of the influential type

From a dynamic point of view it can be said that an archetype is involving when the need to overcome resource scarcity prevails over transforming nature.

The catalyst of work at the level of influential archetypes is the need of self-affirmation at work. On the other hand, the entropy inhibitor is the need of time management that ensures following the rhythm of the culture.

Social Value of Expansive Work

Expansive Work

The purpose of work in elites of expansive archetypes is to earn value in their societies.

To do so their active function is driven by earning money and the energy conservation function is the need to survive.

If we see it at an operational level we can define that:

The maximal strategy of the elites is to earn money driven by the energy focused on their efforts to do so and the personal needs for recognition that sustain their actions.

The minimum strategy is to ensure subsistence, which is driven by the energy of their capacity to collect from the environment and the personal need that sustains their action is the need to “have” things.

3) Democracy

Top-Down vs. Bottom-Up Democracies

Democracy can be described as the authoritative leadership of a group or community aimed at achieving consensus and efficiency, and making the necessary trade-offs in a context of evolution conflicts.

DemocracyThe final goal of democracy is to achieve consensus which implies that there is a greater good that integrates the participants of a community. This greater good defines a vital space that is shared to make consensus meaningful.

Sharing a vital space necessarily requires a cooperative attitude and the existence of a nationality or spirit-de-corps that integrate the participants in order to build a context for cooperation. Finally, consensus implies the existence of democratic alternation which implies that the leaders rotate while the institution remains untouched.

Efficiency is defined by the achievement of results based on objective consensus among the members and the building of trade-offs that allow achieving results that go beyond the boundaries of the establishment.

The building of trade-offs imply that a subjective consensus needs to be achieved where the necessary entropy inhibiting trade-offs are implemented paying the price to sustain the evolution conflicts that give meaning to the democratic actions. Evolution conflicts are complementation conflicts that allow empowering and expanding the vital space.

The ethic of democracy – extreme democracy

Consensus is the purpose of democracy. Consensus can be achieved in many ways. Considering extreme-democracy, where consensus is achieved “spuriously”, the Stockholm syndrome can be defined as a type of democracy. It is what we call the anti-democracy. It achieves the same purpose, consensus, but based on the destruction of the free-will of participants.

Four types of democracy can be conceptually defined:

Top-Down Democratic Segments

Individualistic democracy – interest-based submissive model

The goal is to foster individual evolution based on a materialistic submissive behavior of the members of the community.

Belonging group-based democracy

This is grounded on the adherence of people to a group. The goal is to evolve within the rules of a group. Consensus is given by the acceptance of the rules.

Bottom-Up Democratic Segments

Elite-based democracy

It is based on the possibility, open to everyone, to debate the problems of a society. The existence of elites ensures the necessary stability given by an accepted establishment.

Integration-based democracy

The integration-based democracy implies an institutionalization that structures the integration. Institutions filter the incompatibilities and permit a smooth evolution towards efficient consensus. Fundamentalism is incompatible with democracy.

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NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems.