Democratic evolution



Unicist anthropology: the bipartisanism in the United States

The bipartisanism is a natural model in the United States because it integrates the unified field of the culture based on the strength of the culture nucleus.

The binary actions of democracy in bipartisan countries requires that the party that sustains the government develops the necessary active function actions to grow while the opposition develops the energy conservation functions that cover the implicit weaknesses of the government and sustain the evolution of democratic efficiency.

There are different political parties in the world. Political parties are not necessarily organized as formal institutions. Basically, from a functional point of view there are 4 types of political participative structures:

1) One-party cultures
2) Bipartisanism driven cultures
3) Dualistic political cultures
4) Multiparty cultures

The archetypes of countries define the type of democracy they have and the quantity of political parties that participate in the government. Each culture requires using a consistent model of democratic evolution.

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute (TURI) is a world leader in its segment. Since 1976, it has been specialized in complexity sciences applied to the research on the roots of evolution and its application to social, institutional, business and individual evolution.

Small, imperceptible revolutions make democracy evolve

Democratic evolution is made by small imperceptible revolutions made by heroes who introduce them in their field of influence.

A hero is an individual that drives a society to go a step further. In the case of the evolution of archetypes there is no possibility to evolve without the existence of heroes.

These individuals are members of the society that are willing to assume the responsibility of making the next step.

They are members of the elite and might work at an individual level or at an institutional level.

Their goal is transcendence and they have necessarily a human side and a supernatural side. The active function is human; therefore they are permanently in danger to succumb in the deeds they are doing.

Their energy conservation function is “supernatural” which in this case means that they have an extreme superior energy and power to develop the tasks they are doing.

Cultures need heroes to make cultural breakthroughs. The evolution of a cultural archetype is necessarily a breakthrough that requires heroes.

Their achievements are celebrated by the society and the heroes are honored because people generate identification with their deeds and their capacities.

Access a synthesis on the “Discovery of the Unicist Ontology of Change Agents” that is available at the Scientific Dissemination Program. You will find there other syntheses that might be of your interest:

Diana Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a global decentralized world-class research organization in the field of human adaptive systems.