Elections in France 2022



Elections in France: The Future of the European Union

The elections in France are a significant proof of the evolution of the European Union. The consolidation of the EU by the “Euro” requires the existence of the concept of European culture, that is still subject to acceptance. It implies the existence of a European archetype, which is still a matter of discussion. Understanding the functionality of ideologies helps to understand the long-term consequences of the elections in France.

Ideologies only exist in the mind of people

Ideologies are sets of beliefs that use a specific technology to satisfy their interests, which in turn confirm such beliefs.

They are ideas and, as such, they are useful and generate a social functionality when they are applied in some way. They are part of the ethics of a culture, group or individual. As ideologies in themselves they do not exist but in the mind of the ideologist.

Ideologies work as the immanent truth that individuals use to have a secure framework for their actions. Ideologies derive from the senses. This means they are not part of a metaphysical approach to reality.

They are influenced by the senses and senses are sensitive to the needs of the individuals.

Therefore, it can be said that the ideologies respond to the needs of individuals. They establish the political framework that allows the development of consensus in a society.

Absolute Ideologies

As it was said, Ideologies are sets of beliefs that use a specific technology to satisfy their interests, which in turn confirm such beliefs.

Ideologies are a homeostatic element, which ensures that the activity carried out by a social group will not deviate from its real purpose. In other words, ideology is what supports a culture’s archetype.

Ideologies are based on specific technologies and, (paradoxically) evolve when technologies change. Thus, the driver of change in ideologies is the change of technologies. Every qualitative change of a technology results in a modification of an ideology.

If we look at the birth of ideologies such as Feudalism or Marxism, we will irrefutably confirm that they are the consequence of the leading technologies of the times. Every observable situation is supported by an underlying ideology. Ideology is the homeostatic element of culture because it balances the ethics ruling the context.

There are absolute and relative ideologies. A social group achieves stability when its democratic spirit is so advanced that many different ideologies can co-exist. If this happens, we are in the presence of “soft ideologies”, which adapt to others without losing their identity.

Absolute ideologies normally perceive relative ideologies as absolute and opposed.  As an ideology establishes standards of acceptable behavior for its specific social environment, it is in itself a structure which integrates and shields its advocates.

Peter Belohlavek
The Unicist Research Institute

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute has been, since 1976, the world-leading research organization that introduced the functionalist approach to science to manage the functionality of the real world. www.unicist.org