Era of Conceptualization



The Era of Conceptualization is Here

The Era of Knowledge ruled the evolution of the central world for decades, almost a century, and expanded marginally to the peripheral world, except for the “emerging” countries, where it became installed. It implied the prevalence of science and technologies over ancestral cultural values.


The expansion of political democracy in the world triggered the introduction of the Era of Participation that finally exploded driven by communication technologies. Cell phones, Internet and Social Networking were the milestones of this new stage.

This explosion occurred generating immediate paradoxical side-effects. “To be liked” began to prevail over “being functional”; apparent consensus became more important than true consensus.

The Birth of the Era of Conceptualization

The Era of Conceptualization began when individuals were able to manage the root-causes of things in order to develop structural solutions. This Era was triggered by two discoveries:

On the one hand, the discovery of the intelligence that underlies nature allowed defining the structure of the intrinsic concepts that regulate the evolution of living beings and the structure of the functional (extrinsic) concepts that define the functionality of things, which made the management of concepts possible.

On the other hand, the research on human intelligence drove to the discovery that “mental concepts” drive human actions and that the conceptual short-term memory triggers the reactions of individuals.

This implies that human actions follow the concepts people have. The integration of the knowledge of functional concepts and the functionality of human intelligence allowed understanding the concepts of processes that allows understanding their nature and develop structural solutions.

It has to be considered that the structure of functional concepts is cross-cultural and timeless but their functionality is environment dependent.

The Proposal

Growth is the challenge in the world to provide a safe framework for the following generations. Growth requires managing the concepts of what is being done to ensure that it is possible and to know how to make it happen.

That is why a change in College Education needs to be promoted to go from the traditional theory-practice model, which is functional to develop tasks at an operational level, to an action-reflection-action model that allows every person to deal with the generation of value in their field of expertise.

Unicist Conceptual Management is also part of the Era of Conceptualization. It applies both to personal management and to business management.

Unicist Executive Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute has been, since 1976, the pioneer in using a unicist ontological approach to deal with complexity. It introduced a paradigm shift in sciences emulating the triadic intelligence of nature, integrating complexity sciences with systemic sciences. This research allowed developing unicist technologies to manage the complex aspects in the social, business and individual fields.