European Union

Germany: The New Role of Germany in the European Union

This is an excerpt from the research on the evolution of the European Union, led by Peter Belohlavek, that is being systematically developed at the Future Research Lab of The Unicist Research Institute.

The reach of one’s globalization is defined
by the limit of the pronoun “WE”…

Considering that the power of a Nation is defined by its work, Germany is establishing a standard in this field that defines the future competitive capacity of the EU in the world and works a catalyst for the evolution of its members. As a catalyst it has its implicit prices to be paid.

You can access the German archetype at:

“Cooperation in Unity” implies more than the subjective feeling of sharing a European Culture, which is driven by cooperation. It implies the need of a complementation between the members, which is necessarily driven by the materialistic aspects. This requires an “equalization” of the value of work in order to sustain an evolution to benefit all members.

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The Crisis 2008 Triggered this New Stage

Financial / Growth Crisis 2008 - History and ProjectionThe history of the crisis has two basic conditions and two main triggering causes.

The conditions are the fall of the communist system and the use of consumerism in order to sustain scarcity as an economic driver.

The two triggering causes were the technological plateau and shareholders dominance in economic organizations.

The “prelude” was a demonstration of the technological plateau and of shareholders’ dominance using the money of the “market”.

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The Power of Nations Depends on their Capacity to Work

Understanding that the power of a Nation depends on its capacity to work is something very difficult to accept because it is rather new.

And accepting that the archetype of a culture defines the level of work that is the standard in an environment sounds deterministic and for some people racist. Because it implies that every culture obtains what it produces; that underdevelopment is defined by the underdeveloped, development by the developed and emergent by the emerging.

Power = W/t: Power can be measured in Speed

Power can be measured in speed. That is why we say we can make a metaphor and measure the level of development in speed.

If developed cultures move at a speed of 100 km/hour, underdeveloped evolve more slowly.

That is why the gap between development and underdevelopment increases from day to day.

But emergent cultures are emergent because they move faster than the developed ones, which means that the gap between emergent cultures and developed cultures decreases from day to day, until the emergent cultures surpass the developed cultures.

About Wealth and Poverty

The purpose of wealth is to foster evolution to guarantee the opportunities for the next generations. Wealth/Social evolution depends on the working capacity limited by the social and institutional inertia of a culture.

Wealth-PovertyOperationally, wealth depends on the working capacity, the technology, the education and the inertia of a culture. Poverty as such doesn’t exist. Poverty implies the absence of Wealth.

That is why it is commonly seen in underdeveloped countries that there are organizations who promote the “combat of poverty”.

You can combat thieves because they exist, you can combat enemies, but you cannot combat poverty. What you need to increase is wealth. The combat of poverty is just a fallacious myth to justify the distribution of an existing wealth.

The production of wealth must be fostered to reduce poverty. Combating poverty produces more poverty.

Poor countries have no power, because their working capacity is extremely low, that is why they are poor.

The Conflicts beneath “Cooperation in Unity”

The European Crisis began to clarify the motto “Cooperation in Unity”. This generates conflicts that are beneath the apparent unity because they affect different segments that can only react based on their own archetypes.

There are latent conflicts with the excluded, there are implicit conflicts with those who cannot consider themselves as being part of the EU, there are members who feel that they are left behind and, finally, there are members who cannot understand the situation and feel fully disoriented. Any observer of the European situation can install names in each of these categories.

Predictors1Those who feel excluded are trying to go back to their past, and their people consider that they are paying an extreme price for belonging to the EU. Those who cannot be part consider that they have the right to demand repairing actions.

Those who are being left behind feel being treated unfairly because they cannot accept the gap between the members. And, finally, those who are disoriented because of their doubts of being part of the unity generate conflicts that arise from their uncertainty about the future.

The social conflicts that arouse are “explosions” and “implosions”. On the one hand, they are explosions in the case of the over-expansive conflicts of those who need to recover from the crisis but on the other hand, they are implosions in the case of those who feel excluded or cannot deal with the conflicts generated by the crisis.

Explosions occur when the conflicts are the consequence of the expansion of a country and implosions are the effects of persistent contractive actions.

The explosions occurred and will occur because people need to feel included in the benefits this new stage produces and consider unfair that the benefits are not noticeable in everyday life for everyone.


The EU is entering into a mature stage, which will allow establishing a stable dynamic equilibrium among the members.

Germany is one of the leaders of this new stage, which will end establishing a “European Archetype” that can truly provide the groundings for the concept “Cooperation in Unity”.

The other pathway is that the EU enters into a soft confederative concept, which allows building complementation based on conjunctural opportunities.

Germany can be considered as a benchmark for the power that the EU intends to have in the world economy and culture. Access “Made in Germany” at:

The solution of the conflicts that are implicit in the different roles the members of the EU assumed will define which of the two alternatives will prevail.

The conflicts need to be measured beyond the explicit opinions of the participants but in the spontaneous cultural responses of the population and the elites of these countries.

The uncertain question is how to deal with diplomacy with members who in fact do not share but the materialistic interest of belonging to the EU.

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NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems.