


The Unicist Evolutionary Approach is the Antidote to Facileness in Leadership

Facileness degrades, marginalizes and kills social evolution. As is has been researched, facileness is the root cause that underlies involving environments and business failures. It oversimplifies reality by transferring risks and costs to others and avoiding conflicts. This makes the solution of the root causes of problems unnecessary and degrades the value propositions, the reliability and the brand attributes of any culture or business.

The Unicist Evolutionary Approach

While facileness generates involution through short-term maximization, the unicist evolutionary approach drives and catalyzes evolution. 

The unicist evolutionary approach avoids facileness by designing processes as a unified field, using value adding strategies, building objects to ensure results and developing pilot tests to confirm their functionality and learn from the environment.

The concepts and fundamentals that underlie social and business functions are the root-drivers of their functionality. The eventual dysfunctionality of the fundamentals is the root-cause of the problems of these functions.

This is an approach that catalyzes the adaptability of cultures and business, their speed of growth in an environment of customer orientation and sustainability. It is the necessary microeconomic approach in the 4th Industrial Revolution.

Future Research Lab

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute (TURI) is a world leader in its segment. Since 1976, it has been specialized in complexity sciences applied to the research on the roots of evolution and its application to social, institutional, business and individual evolution.