The Functionalist Principle: A Bridge between the East & the West 11587

The functionalist principle defines that there is nothing in the universe, which is part of a system, that does not work with a purpose, an active and entropic function, and an energy conservation function. Their interaction defines the functionality of the binary actions that produce results.

The integration of the binary actions defined by Yin and Yang make the triadic structure of the unicist logic work. Both the TAO and the Unicist Logic explain the structure of the unified field of the functionality of a specific reality including its dynamics and evolution.

Tao gives birth to One,
One gives birth to Two,
The Two gives birth to Three,
The Three gives birth to all things.

Chapter 42 of the Tao Te Ching

Both the TAO and the Unicist Logic are based on the use of the conjunction “and” excluding the use of the exclusive disjunction “or”.

Yang is one of the binary actions that is homologous to the dialectics between the purpose and the active principle. It defines the active functionality of an entity.

Yin is one of the binary actions that is homologous to the dialectics between the purpose and the energy conservation principle. It defines the energy conservation functionality.

The conjunction of both actions is defined by the triadic structure that integrates the ultimate functional purpose of an entity with the active principle and with its complement, defined by the energy conservation principle.

Peter Belohlavek
The Unicist Research Institute

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute has been, since 1976, the world-leading research organization that introduced the functionalist approach to science to manage the functionality of the real world. www.unicist.org