Trends on Superior Education

10-year Global Scenario for In-company Superior Education

A research to develop the trends on how the In-company Superior Education will evolve has been launched in order to be finished before Fall/2015.

Educational CultureAn extreme change has happened in this segment.

It was triggered by the evolution of IT and communication technologies that are leaving aside the solutions that have been used during the last 50 years dealing with a person to person, blackboard driven (metaphor) educational approach.

A Think Tank has been organized in order to integrate participants from all over the world in order to develop a future scenario that includes the characteristics of the different cultures.

Participants are being selected based on the limits established by the 70 countries on which The Unicist Research Institute has the necessary archetypical information.

The inputs for this research are the future scenarios for Superior Education and Virtual Collaboration that have been developed. You can access the conclusions here.

10-year Scenario for Superior Education

The unicist logical approach allows driving businesses to the next level increasing their adaptiveness and speed of actions to improve results measured in growth and profits.

Superior Education in BusinessThis implies that the superior education has to move from the “know how” approach to the inclusion of the “know why” as a driver of learning processes.

It has to be considered that there are cultures where the question “why” is socially non-acceptable because it provides full transparency, that defines the limits of an individual’s influencing capacity. In these cultures superior education is, from now on, a question of status and not of knowledge.

It also has to be considered that adaptiveness implies, besides reacting, forecasting the future and also influencing it. But in some cultures the future is a “taboo” which makes the acceptance of the credibility of reliable future scenarios impossible.

As these cultures are natural followers, their superior education cannot include aspects that deal with adaptiveness. This implies that the next step that has been defined is only applicable to cultures that accept their capacity to influence the future in an adapted way.

Anyway and anyhow this change process will demand decades and will be catalyzed by the individual initiatives of institutions and corporations that decide to make it on their own.

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The 10-year Scenario for Virtual Collaboration

Virtual collaboration is the natural way to organize when there is a need of expert knowledge. Nowadays expert knowledge can be integrated in most of the cases by using the IT technologies that allow sharing data and images.

Collaborative ContextThe time saving and productivity increase is significant when the conditions for virtual collaboration are given. It allows providing full synchronicity with the needs of customers and clients.

But there are several requirements for virtual collaboration to be implemented:

  1. Virtual collaboration needs transparency of work become part of the culture of an organization.
  2. It needs reliability systems that monitor work processes.
  3. It requires customer orientation that fosters fulfillment, synchronicity and reliability.
  4. Personal roles need to be complemented by quality assurance processes to ensure results.

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Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.