unicist anthropology

Brazil: Conflicts generated by the building of a global power

The conflicts that arouse in Brazil are predictors showing that a cultural change is happening in the country. This change, transforming a developing country into a global leader is the consequence of a long term planning that unavoidably has negative side effects in the short term.

The social conflicts in Brazil are the consequence of the new World-leading role of the country and the need to avoid leaving people behind or disoriented.

The social conflicts in Brazil are the consequence of the new World-leading role of the country and the need to avoid leaving people behind or disoriented.

The social conflicts that arouse are “explosions” and not “implosions”. Explosions occur when the conflicts are the consequence of an expansion of a country and implosions are the consequence of contraction.

The explosions occurred and will occur because people need to feel included in the benefits this new role produces and consider unfair that the benefits are not noticeable in everyday life for everyone.


25 years ago we presented in Brazil the future trends which considered that the country would become a world leader within the next 50 years. The assumption of a world leading role is happening now and the unavoidable side effects are becoming observable.

It has to be considered that 25 years ago Brazil was considered as a world champ in Carnival and Football (Soccer) while the institutional power of the country was not noticeable.

Building “Made in Brazil”

During the last 10 years almost 40 million people accessed the middle class in Brazil. This is a structural change that modifies the economic, political and social scenario. This implied upgrading the social power and generating new expectations that require Brazil to become a brand in the globalized world. Without becoming a global brand Brazilians middle class is endangered.


The reach of one’s globalization is defined by the limit of the pronoun “WE”…

Petrobras and Embraer are just examples of flagships in the process of installing “Made in Brazil” as a brand in the world.

Installing “Made in Brazil” as a brand requires three elements that need to coexist:

1)      A true technological and educational structure

2)      A reliable institutionalization

3)      An international recognition

This implies a long term investment that unavoidably leaves people behind until they, or the next generation, have the possibility of catching up.

The organization of the FIFA World Cup and the Olympic Games are a way to demonstrate the power of “Made in Brazil”. They are a demonstration of technology, organization capacity and institutionalization. They might be the final step for the global positioning of the Country. That is why they generated many internal and external enemies.

Those that are left behind and those affected by the uncertainty this leading role produces in Brazil, necessarily generate conflicts to demand justice and participating in the benefits of the new role.

These conflicts have aspects in common with the conflicts in Turkey although they are not homologous with them. They are the opposite of the conflicts that occur in Spain and Greece which are based on the action of the “excluded” and the “impotent” who cannot influence the contraction of the environment.

In the following we include the information on the Brazilian archetype which has been published recently:

Brazilian Archetype: describing the power of a global leader

Brazil is a world in itself. There is no other country in the world following the rules of the game that Brazil uses, nor portraying its results in the social, economic and political field.

Its orientation towards the future, the added value work as a way to assert people’s identity, its innovation and nationalism are components that integrate in light of a national project inserted in the culture, executed by the State and managed by politicians.

Consensus as a model

Brazil has a culture that operates on the basis of consensus. This generates, within the social, institutional and individual field a need to understand a reality before taking up a position regarding it.

Likewise, in Brazilian-Portuguese language there are several expressions that help avoid the usage of the first person singular in a conversation.

Brazil ArchetypeThe Brazilian consensus model presupposes the development of a singular negotiating capacity regulated by negotiation rules that obviously include consensus as a goal, though not as a path.

The development of this negotiating capacity, based on a culture that came over to colonize rather than predate, generated what today is a world power, real to many, incipient to others.

This implied the end of economic, military or narco-terrorism. The end as far as social legitimacy goes, though not in real terms, for there will always be terrorists who, being marginal, would rather have destruction than acceptance of their own marginality.

This social behavior is based on expansion as a main objective. The creativity to accomplish this allows Brazil a dosage of “marginal” behavior, basis of both academic and technological innovation which is felt today and which was dreamed of 50 years ago.

Social Capital

A country’s development is set by its social capital, political consistency or stability and economic growth.

Out of these three elements, the one that bears most weight is social capital, then comes political stability and last, the necessary, though of least relative weight, economic growth.

Brazil is characterized by its immense social capital if compared with that of other countries in the region, and if compared with those other countries Brazil competes with.

Its difference is outstanding in the region; Brazil has a slightly smaller social capital than the one in developed countries. Society conceives itself as a community.

This community feeling makes the notorious synergy there is among institutions and people possible, while it works as a significant support to political stability and economic growth.

Orientation towards the future

What characterizes Brazil is its orientation toward the future and its great capacity to pay for the price of mistakes.

There are many study centers in this country that are devoted to developing projects, action plans and forecasts of what lies ahead.

This is completely atypical in Latin America, that is why one can say that Brazil is a continent in itself, with own values and a path different from that of the region.

It grows because of its consistent investment in an academic technology model of its own, an acceptance of diversity and an “expansion compulsion”. There is room for everyone in Brazil as long as the rules of the game are abided.

One of the best diplomacies in the world

Brazil is a power with a very strong collective unconsciousness that consolidates in an identity that goes beyond political ideologies.

Consensus to grow is their primary objective, their second objective is to grow, and their third as well. Brazilian culture does not conceive the idea of being worse today than it was the day before.

That is why Brazilians “go crazy” in light of their defeats. Diplomacy, the mechanism to influence outside Brazil in order to uphold such a growth, is settled, and carries a political, commercial and social sense comparable to those of the best diplomacies in the world.

Diplomacy is its main tool to create, almost imperceptibly, a legitimated hegemony in its capacities.

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. http://www.unicist.org

The 10-Year Future Scenario of the Internet (www)

Internet is becoming a “Virtual Emulation of the Real World” which drives to major changes in its development and use. This is a 10-year future scenario developed using unicist double dialectical logical inferences based on the actual conceptual functionality of Internet, the available technologies and those that are being introduced.

The purpose of this future research was to provide the trends of this activity to the worldwide community of Internet users. This research was led by Peter Belohlavek and Diego Belohlavek.

To access the basics on Unicist Future Research please enter:



The reach of one’s globalization is defined
by the limit of the pronoun “WE”…

The name Internet or www is already an anachronism because it describes an entity that seems to provide a network between the participants, but in fact evolved towards being an entity that has its own “artificial life”.

Internet, as an entity, is considered to have an artificial life because, as a timeless organization, it has a life of its own, and grows and evolves as a “virtual emulation of the world”.

At the beginning, it was a workspace for academics, scientists and researchers. It was an environment to integrate people dealing with technologies and science.

But it evolved to become the first global, bottom-up built, democratic, multi-minorities organized entity that emulates the world providing a reliable environment.

Now the Internet has already become an emulation of the world. As such, it is integrated by multiple cultures, languages, ethnicities, religions and histories that are integrated by a common meta-language and are ruled by a universal “common law”.

This common law is evolving extremely fast in order to avoid chaos and establish the limits between the inlaws and the outlaws without inhibiting the power of the bottom-up democracy that underlies Internet.

The meta-language is a virtual communication language that allows integrating people, building social capital, providing a pastime space, allowing addictive behaviors, making business and integrating all the aspects of human behavior that can be managed in a virtual environment.

The drivers towards Internet as an emulation of the world are:

  1. The influence of the Internet generation
  2. The anthropocentricity of human behavior
  3. The globalization of the markets
  4. The business opportunities
  5. The democratization that is implicit in its bottom-up approach

The new technologies that make the emulation possible are:

  1. The Web 2.0 and Future Web 3.0 technologies
  2. The responsive technologies to adapt to multiple hardware
  3. The development of virtual, commercial and semantic objects
  4. The segmentation based on predictors that allow building commercial communities.

What will have happened during the next 10 years?

  1. Internet will have become a business catalyst for all the central B2B providers.
  2. It will be the main tool for virtual collaboration and virtual marketing.
  3. It will have empowered the transparency and reliability of central participants.
  4. The parallel internet world will have grown enormously and will have generated the need to control it.
  5. A “common law” system will have been established.
  6. People will have become multi-minorities organized based on their values and interests.
  7. Education will have evolved focused on learning using virtual tools, changing structurally the role of teaching.
  8. Social networks will have changed towards multi-segmented communities in order to become commercially feasible.
  9. Customer support, counseling and coaching will be centrally managed on the Internet.
  10. Object driven marketing will be the core of the business use of the Internet.
  11. Healthcare will be strongly sustained by virtual monitoring and servicing.

The Real World and the Parallel World on the Internet

Internet emulates the real world and as such it has differentiated positions for its participants, which define the power they have in the world.

The paradox is that, although Internet is democratic, which means that everyone can earn a place based on the value that they add, the differentiation between the participants is frequently extreme.

There are two worlds in this “artificial world” defined by the Internet:

  1. A real world for those who participate in an adapted way.
  2. A parallel world for those who participate in an over-adapted way.

1) The Real World of Internet

Four segments have been identified in the Real World:

In the next ten years, within the Real World Internet, four segments that incipiently exist will be clearly developed:

Real World of InternetThe First World: It is the segment of all the websites that open the possibilities of the users by providing them a vision of the world that expands their boundaries. It is extremely democratic and ethic driven. The success of those that are in this segment depends on the capacity to adapt to changes in the environment while introducing changes to the environment. Google is an example of this segment. This segment allows using the Internet as a gravitational object to influence the behavior of the environment and as a catalyst for social actions and businesses.

The Second World: it is the world of all the servicing websites that add value to their users. This second world is more segmented and is focused on the minority that is a user of their services. It might also be multi-segmented when their service deals with social or commercial distribution. eBay is an example of this world. E-banking is also an example of this segment. Their success depends on their capacity of interpreting the needs of the segments and providing first choice alternatives for their users. This world allows using Internet as a catalyst for social actions and businesses.

The Third World: This is the world of all those that provide a space for individual exposure to their users; their value is given by their capacity to be an adequate vehicle to satisfy the individual need of being recognized. The social networks are examples of this world. This segment is based on building apparent relationships, which provide apparent recognition to the members. Their success depends on their capacity to build a true community that provides added value and not only a hollow space for individual expressions. This world allows using Internet as a vehicle for social and commercial proposals to their members.

The Fourth World: It is the world of the websites that have been built to install an organization, individuals or ideas in the Internet This segment is composed by the hygienic websites that need to exist in order to present an individual, an institution or an idea on the Internet, but that have no added value in themselves. These websites are based on the presentation of facts, actions or ideas without presenting any value adding proposal but “selling” an idea to the market. This is the massive world of the Internet that generates no feeling of belonging on behalf of the users. This world allows using Internet as a vehicle for virtual brochures for the market.

2) The Parallel World of Internet

There is also a parallel world on the Internet that is integrated by websites that are part of a pastime activity for those who manage them.

Four segments have been identified in the Parallel World:

Parallel World of InternetConspirators: This segment is composed by those websites that follow conspiracy theories that always publish an alternative version of an event that is happening or happened in the past.

Self-fulfilling: these are the websites of those individuals who consider that their opinion is important in the world and publish it without considering the actual added value of what they are publishing.

Terrorists: these are the websites that exert the power of destruction, including the self-destruction of what is part of an institutional structure.

Hackers: these are the websites that invade others in order to demonstrate their intellectual power and the weakness of others.

History of the Future – Internet Society

On October 24, 1995, the FNC unanimously passed a resolution defining the term Internet. This definition was developed in consultation with members of the internet and intellectual property rights communities. RESOLUTION: The Federal Networking Council (FNC) agrees that the following language reflects our definition of the term “Internet”. “Internet” refers to the global information system that — (i) is logically linked together by a globally unique address space based on the Internet Protocol (IP) or its subsequent extensions/follow-ons; (ii) is able to support communications using the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) suite or its subsequent extensions/follow-ons, and/or other IP-compatible protocols; and (iii) provides, uses or makes accessible, either publicly or privately, high level services layered on the communications and related infrastructure described herein.

The Internet has changed much in the two decades since it came into existence. It was conceived in the era of time-sharing, but has survived into the era of personal computers, client-server and peer-to-peer computing, and the network computer. It was designed before LANs existed, but has accommodated that new network technology, as well as the more recent ATM and frame switched services. It was envisioned as supporting a range of functions from file sharing and remote login to resource sharing and collaboration, and has spawned electronic mail and more recently the World Wide Web. But most important, it started as the creation of a small band of dedicated researchers, and has grown to be a commercial success with billions of dollars of annual investment.

One should not conclude that the Internet has now finished changing. The Internet, although a network in name and geography, is a creature of the computer, not the traditional network of the telephone or television industry. It will, indeed it must, continue to change and evolve at the speed of the computer industry if it is to remain relevant. It is now changing to provide new services such as real time transport, in order to support, for example, audio and video streams.

The availability of pervasive networking (i.e., the Internet) along with powerful affordable computing and communications in portable form (i.e., laptop computers, two-way pagers, PDAs, cellular phones), is making possible a new paradigm of nomadic computing and communications. This evolution will bring us new applications – Internet telephone and, slightly further out, Internet television. It is evolving to permit more sophisticated forms of pricing and cost recovery, a perhaps painful requirement in this commercial world. It is changing to accommodate yet another generation of underlying network technologies with different characteristics and requirements, e.g. broadband residential access and satellites.

New modes of access and new forms of service will spawn new applications, which in turn will drive further evolution of the net itself.
The most pressing question for the future of the Internet is not how the technology will change, but how the process of change and evolution itself will be managed. As this paper describes, the architecture of the Internet has always been driven by a core group of designers, but the form of that group has changed as the number of interested parties has grown. With the success of the Internet has come a proliferation of stakeholders – stakeholders now with an economic as well as an intellectual investment in the network.

We now see, in the debates over control of the domain name space and the form of the next generation IP addresses, a struggle to find the next social structure that will guide the Internet in the future. The form of that structure will be harder to find, given the large number of concerned stakeholders. At the same time, the industry struggles to find the economic rationale for the large investment needed for the future growth, for example to upgrade residential access to a more suitable technology. If the Internet stumbles, it will not be because we lack for technology, vision, or motivation. It will be because we cannot set a direction and march collectively into the future.


Synthetic Information of the Concepts included in this Future Research

The Concept of Internet

Functionally, Internet can be defined as an access to an “emulation to the world” and to a “parallel world”. Internet mutated since its creation. It began as a tool and is being transformed into an emulation of the world.

Unicist Ontogenetic Map of InternetThe emulation of the world implies that the Internet builds a homologous reality that allows people to adapt to the world, provides a vision of reality and a virtual way to experience it.

The emulation of the world is the core of what was introduced by the Internet providing an environment that allows people to have a virtual contact to the world.

Internet gives access to the wide context of the world limited by the use of languages and the multi-segmented content. Internet is a bottom-up building of the world which naturally includes the strengths and weaknesses of human beings.

It increases the level of transparency of human actions although, at a first sight, it is very difficult to perceive the truth and falsity of the information. As an emulation of the real world, Internet has all its characteristics in terms of credibility, reliability and predictability.

The Concept of Internet as an Emulator of the World

The emulation of the real world is what has made and makes Internet a powerful environment to influence people. The emulation of the world does not happen in the WWW, it happens in the mind of the people who use the Internet.

Internet as an Emulation of the WorldAs any emulation in mind, Internet provides the stimuli that allow individuals to envision the real world and have a virtual experience within it.

The purpose of these stimuli is to build and sustain the building of a homologous reality that allows making decisions and developing actions to transform such virtual stimuli into actions in the real world.

The original purpose of the WWW was to provide a tool to develop work. The mutation of the system integrated a pastime space and an addiction space in this virtual reality.

The WWW is addictive for all those who are trapped in an environment of uncertainty, hopelessness, impotence or absence of a role. Internet allows them to avoid the responsibility for solving their problems.

The use of Internet provides these individuals with places where they assume the role of “virtual fundamentalists” which makes them feel as part of a community. Basically, they access pleasure addictions and spiritual/rational addictions in order to have their role in the world.

The pastime space included in the internet provides the possibility of developing actions that bring subjective fulfillment to those who participate in them. Pastime activities always include the integration of pleasure and dominance that allow participants to increase their feeling of self-esteem.

The integration of a space for addictions, for pastime is only meaningful if there is a work space that justifies the use of internet. The integration of these spaces emulates reality creating a place where people consider that they can transfer these experiences to the real world.

The Concept of Pastime Activities

A paradigmatic example of pastime activities is the concept of social networks that integrates all the segments of pastime activities. To understand this phenomenon it is necessary to manage the concept of pastime activities.

Pastime ActivitiesPastime activities are time consuming actions that have no value adding purpose but the achievement of pleasure in an environment of dominance. This means that they are empty activities with no specific goals which allow avoiding responsibilities.

Pleasure is the consequence of the satisfaction of a need; therefore it has to be considered that the instant of pleasure is followed by the feeling of needing to satisfy another need that arouse from the first action.

This can only happen if an individual is in control of the situation or, at least, in control of the consequences of the actions that are happening. This drives pastime activities to work under the “dictatorship” of emotions in order to achieve the goal of entertaining individuals.

The paradox is that at the end of a pastime activity most of the people feel empty, just recalling in a rational way the experience they had.

The Concept of Internet as a Business Catalyst

One of the roles of Internet is to work as a business catalyst for the real world. It is a marketplace in itself, which works as a catalyst for the real world marketplace if certain conditions are given.

The purpose of internet as a catalyst is to build a link between sellers and buyers. To achieve this goal it is necessary that the websites had demonstrated to have a gravitational influence on the market that is being influenced and the necessary critical mass to build a true complementation with the market.

Internet as a Business CatalystThis implies having a strong competitive capacity within the limits of a cooperative attitude with the potential customers.

Complementation building requires developing a functional link that is fully dependent on the value proposition that is made. But at the same time it implies being able to build a personal link that deals with the personal benefits for the customers to achieve a true complementation, which requires that both the value proposition and the seller’s organization have been “bought”.


The Internet became an extreme exponent of democratic development with its strengths and weaknesses. This implies that has become an emulation of the world providing equal opportunities for all the participants.

The paradox is that these equal opportunities can only be taken by those who are able to deal with the three basic conditions that are implicit in a democracy:

  1. Transparency
  2. Ethics
  3. Reliability

It is expected in the next ten years, within the trend of emulation, that the Internet will have developed the necessary common law that rules the non-institutionalized organizations, to sustain the rights of the owners of intellectual property of the contents that are used and to avoid the destruction or downgrading of the Internet by those that are threatened by its power (as a technological tool, as a service provider, as a marketplace and/or as a commercial catalyst).

The core of this new stage is to be able to build segmented objects that allow focusing on the micro-minorities that participate in this “artificial world”.

If you want to access more information about this study please contact n.i.brown@unicist.org

Unicist Press Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.

Made in India: The New Stage of a Global Leading Culture

India became a global power based on the mind power of its culture. This mind power is what drove the country to the present phase and allowed beginning with the next stage, which is the installation of “Made in India” as a catalyst for economic expansion.


The reach of one’s globalization is defined
by the limit of the pronoun “WE”…

This implies a new re-creation that is on-going and generates the inclusion of India in the few countries of the world that have an accepted cultural brand.

In the case of India, this re-creation is based on the mind power of the culture but includes its transformation into products that are beyond low value or hygienic products.

This change will demand some decades until the culture will have materialized the mind-power into internationally recognized products associated with their origin.

The Future Research on India was developed at the Future Research Lab of the Unicist Research Institute and led by Peter Belohavek. To access the basics on Unicist Future Research please enter: www.unicist.org/sdp.shtml

Indian Collective Intelligence

A core characteristic of Indian culture is its collective intelligence. The culture promotes individual intelligence to foster adaptiveness. Adaptiveness is a core aspect of the culture.

Indian ArchetypeThere are segments that adapt in a dynamic way to the environment and others that over-adapt in order to survive.

Cultural intelligence is based on the focus on change to grow in controlled environments within the limits of the lifestyle of the segment an individual is part of.

This provides a powerful context that allows expanding the boundaries using individual intelligence as long as the institutional rules of the context are respected.

This characteristic of collective intelligence makes India a notorious “intelligence provider” of the world.

Indian Archetype

The archetype of India is driven by the collective intelligence of Indians, which is materialized in a superior mind power that makes the country one of the leaders of the world.

Indian ArchetypeIndia is a notoriously institutionalized culture that is organized by stable roles that allow growing with a relatively minimal level of conflicts. These roles have ancestral origin and are materialized in social segments that evolve within the self-imposed limits of the groups.

Growth is based on the archetypical characteristic of their focus on:

  1. Creation
  2. The development of the intellect of people
  3. The value of knowledge

It can be said that knowledge is the essential power of the Indian culture. That is why it is the driver of social mobility and makes Indians world leaders in all those fields where knowledge establishes the value of what needs to be done.

Maximal strategy

The maximal strategy is driven by the capacity of Indians to re-create based on a superior vision of what is happening in the environment while having the necessary power to destroy the preexisting aspects that are dysfunctional for the new stage while using the power to re-create.

Indian ArchetypePower is the catalyst of Indian’s archetype and, as such, it is the core aspect that is acted out by the elite. The elite in India is such because it assumes the responsibility for empowering the evolution of the mass. It has to be considered that India has an elite that assumes the responsibility for making the culture evolve while empowering collective intelligence.

Re-creation is the core characteristic of the Indian culture that allows expanding the boundaries and evolving.

The Minimum Strategy

The core aspect of an institutionalized culture like India is the capacity and power to govern in order to allow the evolution of the different roles and avoid annulling conflicts.

The minimum strategy of the archetype is given by the acceptance of a functional order that fosters evolution while inhibiting disorder and chaos. This implies the existence of protective organizations that provide the framework for this order.

The entropy inhibitor of the archetype is given by the satisfaction of the materialistic needs of the different roles of the culture. That is why the different aspects of wealth are a core aspect of the Indian culture. This makes the culture develop a proactive attitude towards the development of economic activities.

Cultural evolution naturally generates conflicts

The institutionalization of India hinders the existence of significant conflicts produced by the people who are affected by the changes.

The segments of conflicts that are managed are:

  1. The excluded
  2. The impotent
  3. The left behind
  4. The disoriented

Indian Archetype4The conflicts of the change towards becoming a leading power in the world are being managed based on trade-offs that are made to pay the prices this evolution produced in the short term. These conflicts produce explosions or implosions.

The excluded and the impotent promote the implosion of the change in order to go back to the previous situation and the comfort zone that was implicit. They foster active inaction in order to annul the changes that are happening.

The left behind and the disoriented perceive that they cannot manage the change and that they lose their comfort zone which makes them oppose to the changes.

The Indian culture is based on continuous re-creation, which minimizes the conflicts because they are a natural pathway for their cultural evolution. Notwithstanding, small explosions and implosions are natural and will happen when asynchronisms of actions generate unbearable disequilibria in some segments.


India is a world leading power that is entering a new stage. The prices to be paid are high because the comfort zone of several segments is being affected. This re-creation accesses the world scenario in times where the existence of multiple leading poles is accepted and evident. Therefore, there are no external enemies for this development, just competitors. The unique enemies are the internal members who feel their comfort zone affected.

If you want to access more information about this study please contact

Unicist Press Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm. http://www.unicist.org/repo/#Unicist

Made in Brazil: A brand that represents the power of a culture


The Future Research on Brazil was developed at the Future Research Lab of the Unicist Research Institute and led by Peter Belohavek. 25 years ago we presented in Brazil the future trends which considered that the country would become a world leader within the next 50 years. The assumption of a world leading role is happening now and the unavoidable side effects are becoming observable.

The reach of one’s globalization is defined
by the limit of the pronoun “WE”…

It has to be considered that 25 years ago Brazil was considered as a world champ in Carnival and Football (Soccer) while the institutional power of the country was not noticeable.

To access the basics on Unicist Future Research please enter:

“Made in Brazil”

During the last 10 years almost 40 million people accessed the middle class in Brazil. This is a structural change that modifies the economic, political and social scenario. This implied upgrading the social power and generating new expectations that require Brazil to become a brand in the globalized world. Without becoming a global brand Brazilians middle class is endangered.

Petrobras and Embraer are just examples of flagships in the process of installing “Made in Brazil” as a brand in the world.

Installing “Made in Brazil” as a brand requires three elements that need to coexist:

  1. A true technological and educational structure
  2. A reliable institutionalization
  3. An international recognition

This implies a long term investment that unavoidably leaves people behind until they, or the next generation, have the possibility of catching up.

The organization of the FIFA World Cup and the Olympic Games are a way to demonstrate the power of “Made in Brazil”. They are a demonstration of technology, organization capacity and institutionalization. They might be the final step for the global positioning of the Country. That is why they generated many internal and external enemies.

Those that are left behind and those affected by the uncertainty this leading role produces in Brazil, necessarily generate conflicts to demand justice and participating in the benefits of the new role.

In the following we include the information on the Brazilian archetype which has been published recently:These conflicts have aspects in common with the conflicts in Turkey although they are not homologous with them. They are the opposite of the conflicts that occur in Spain and Greece which are based on the action of the “excluded” and the “impotent” who cannot influence the contraction of the environment.

Brazilian Archetype: describing the power of a global leader

Brazil is a world in itself. There is no other country in the world following the rules of the game that Brazil uses, nor portraying its results in the social, economic and political field.

Its orientation towards the future, the added value work as a way to assert people’s identity, its innovation and nationalism are components that integrate in light of a national project inserted in the culture, executed by the State and managed by politicians.

Consensus as a model

Brazil has a culture that operates on the basis of consensus. This generates, within the social, institutional and individual field a need to understand a reality before taking up a position regarding it.

Likewise, in Brazilian-Portuguese language there are several expressions that help avoid the usage of the first person singular in a conversation.

Brazilan ArchetypeThe Brazilian consensus model presupposes the development of a singular negotiating capacity regulated by negotiation rules that obviously include consensus as a goal, though not as a path.

The development of this negotiating capacity, based on a culture that came over to colonize rather than predate, generated what today is a world power, real to many, incipient to others.

This implied the end of economic, military or narco-terrorism. The end as far as social legitimacy goes, though not in real terms, for there will always be terrorists who, being marginal, would rather have destruction than acceptance of their own marginality.

This social behavior is based on expansion as a main objective. The creativity to accomplish this allows Brazil a dosage of “marginal” behavior, basis of both academic and technological innovation which is felt today and which was dreamed of 50 years ago.

Social Capital

A country’s development is set by its social capital, political consistency or stability and economic growth.

Out of these three elements, the one that bears most weight is social capital, then comes political stability and last, the necessary, though of least relative weight, economic growth.

Brazil is characterized by its immense social capital if compared with that of other countries in the region, and if compared with those other countries Brazil competes with.

Its difference is outstanding in the region; Brazil has a slightly smaller social capital than the one in developed countries. Society conceives itself as a community.

This community feeling makes the notorious synergy there is among institutions and people possible, while it works as a significant support to political stability and economic growth.

Orientation towards the future

What characterizes Brazil is its orientation toward the future and its great capacity to pay for the price of mistakes.

There are many study centers in this country that are devoted to developing projects, action plans and forecasts of what lies ahead.

This is completely atypical in Latin America, that is why one can say that Brazil is a continent in itself, with own values and a path different from that of the region.

It grows because of its consistent investment in an academic technology model of its own, an acceptance of diversity and an “expansion compulsion”. There is room for everyone in Brazil as long as the rules of the game are abided.

One of the best diplomacies in the world

Brazil is a power with a very strong collective unconsciousness that consolidates in an identity that goes beyond political ideologies.

Consensus to grow is their primary objective, their second objective is to grow, and their third as well. Brazilian culture does not conceive the idea of being worse today than it was the day before.

That is why Brazilians “go crazy” in light of their defeats. Diplomacy, the mechanism to influence outside Brazil in order to uphold such a growth, is settled, and carries a political, commercial and social sense comparable to those of the best diplomacies in the world.

Diplomacy is its main tool to create, almost imperceptibly, a legitimated hegemony in its capacities.

Expansion Conflicts: No pain, no gain

The conflicts that arouse in Brazil are predictors showing that a cultural change is happening in the country. This change, transforming a developing country into a global leader is the consequence of a long term planning that unavoidably has negative side effects in the short term.

Cultural-Conflicts Predictors

The social conflicts that arouse are “explosions” and not “implosions”.

Explosions occur when the conflicts are the consequence of an expansion of a country and implosions are the effects of persistent contractive actions.

The explosions occurred and will occur because people need to feel included in the benefits this new role produces and consider unfair that the benefits are not noticeable in everyday life for everyone.

If you want to access more information about this study please contact

Unicist Press Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. http://www.unicist.org

Ontogenetic and phylogenetic evolution of ideologies

It is accepted that ideologies evolve with the evolution of institutions, communities and cultures. It is self-evident when learning from the history of the evolution of countries. What is not so self-evident is the fact that ideologies evolve with the evolution of individuals.

1) In their childhood the dominant ideologies are “individualistic”.

2) Adolescence drives to sharing with the group of colleagues which demands a “socialist” ideology.

3) Youth is the time of extreme exertion of power which drives naturally to a “paternalistic” ideology.

4) Finally, maturity implies minimizing the energy consumption which drives to “pluralism” meaning the understanding that multiple beliefs are functional to different goals.

Democracy is the functional integration and cohabitation of the ideologies according to the interests that need to be covered and the technologies that are available

It can be defined that “childhood” and “adolescence” require defensive ideologies while “youth” and “maturity” allow the use of expansive ideologies.

Defensive ideologies are the basis for minimum strategies while expansive ideologies define the maximal strategy.

In a mature democratic culture all these ideologies coexist.

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.

The 10-Year Future Scenario of Global Consumer Markets

This is a synthesis of the future scenario development, led by Peter Belohlavek, that was triggered by the research on global behaviors www.unicist.org/research_project3_en.pdf and was upgraded due to the stagnation of the growth of countries in the EU since 2008. It included the following countries:  Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, England, France, Germany, India, Japan, Mexico, Spain, Sweden, USA and Venezuela.
To access the basics on Unicist Future Research please enter: www.unicist.org/sdp.shtml

Consumers and clients were the victims of the XXth century

Dominant Economic Drivers

The reach of one’s globalization is defined
by the limit of the pronoun “WE”…

The XXth century was strongly influenced by the battle between capitalist consumerism and communist anti-consumerism. Paradoxically, both positions are the two faces of the same coin: the transformation of consumers into survivors which drove them towards over-adaptive behaviors and addictions.

Ideologies prevailed over functional behaviors. Capitalism used the myth of “design globally, operate locally” to justify their actions on markets while Communism brought about the theory of the “Superior Human Being” in order to justify their lack of productivity.

Consumers paid the bills which drove to side effects that were extremely functional for this period while the understanding of the functional needs of consumers was left aside and money driven or ideology driven manipulation prevailed.

The lack of knowledge to develop an empathic relationship with consumers inevitably made materialistic or ideological justifications prevail in decision making. The less an individual knows about the true drivers of consumers’ behavior the more he needs to use manipulation to influence.

The knowledge of the drivers of buying decisions and the possibility to develop predictive interfaces to build adaptive automation allowed leaving behind behaviorism that worked as a palliative for almost 100 years.

A turning point

This future scenario implies a turning point. It is a turning point to increase the level of empathic influence on the markets in order to increase the adaptiveness of commercial processes.

Paradoxically, this turning point is a consequence of the same drivers that led to the stagnation which now triggers the next step. This next step appears in a context of new technologies that allowed the development of automated adaptive solutions to build empathic approaches with consumers.

The drivers to the turning point were:

1)      Growth stagnation

2)      Unemployment

3)      Financial crises and the change of the role of banks as monetary circulation administrators

4)      The massification of social virtual networks

5)      The massification of personal communication

6)      The increase of individualism

The new technologies that made the turning point possible were:

  1. The discovery that in nature there only exist stable relationships based on complementation and supplementation opened a new perspective on the management of complex adaptive systems. It allowed managing the integration between consumers, products and providers, and confirming the validity of mathematic analyses of consumers’ behavior when complementation or supplementation had been confirmed.
  2. The discovery of the double dialectical logic that allows emulating the dynamic of consumers’ behavior.
  3. The development of commercial, semiotic and semantic objects to build empathic relationships with consumers.
  4. The discovery of the drivers of consumers’ actions that allowed developing the functional, psychological, conceptual and lifestyle segmentation.
  5. The development of adaptive automated IT solutions to manage markets
  6. The discovery of behavioral predictors and the development of predictive interfaces for IT solutions.
  7. The use of structured commercial communities.

What will have happened within the next 10 years?

The following aspects will be the standards in consumer market management within the next 10 years:

  1. The segmentation of potential customers – including the hard, functional, psychological, conceptual and lifestyle segmentation – will have been used as a standard based on observable predictors to influence consumers with a more empathic approach.
  2. Cross-cultural segmentation will have been used to manage adaptive empathic influence worldwide.
  3. Object Driven Marketing will be a standard marketing approach.
  4. The use of commercial catalysts will have been applied in all the cases where they work.
  5. Client Centered Management and Object Driven Organization will have become standards in business architecture.
  6. Co-marketing and commercial alliances will have been multiplied
  7. Brand management will have become significantly more important to build product/service synergy.
  8. Hyper-segmentation will have been used in all those niches where there is no direct relationship between the value of products and their variable costs.
  9. The social networks will have become a commercial channel for complementary and supplementary products/services
  10. The aesthetics of products/services, in the sense of completing clients’ needs, being desirable, harmonic and having unreachable aspects, will be the exclusive trigger to access the mind of the consumer.
  11. Customer Relationship Management Systems will have become adaptive automated solutions.
  12. Market Labs will be regularly used to monitor markets using predictive interfaces.

“Empathic adaptiveness is the name of the new era”

The paradoxical results of behaviorism

Behaviorism (John B. Watson) can be considered perhaps the earliest approach to complexity science considering human behavior as a complex system where the unique results subject to measurement are the observable behaviors of individuals. It was a functional palliative for empathic adaptiveness for almost 100 years.

The use of behaviorism to define adaptive actions to markets drove to the development of hard segmentations that are extremely simple to measure but at the same time have only a hypothetical relationship with the true drivers of the consumer’s actions. Statistics of results prevailed over the knowledge of the behavior of consumers.

A natural consequence of the use of behaviorism to segment markets, was the fact that people needed to use additional tools to influence the potential buyers. Manipulation became a professional disease of salesmen/women.

Manipulation is the palliative to avoid adapting

Thus psychopathic manipulation substituted de understanding of the buying processes transforming salesmen/women into forced manipulators because of their lack of knowledge of the buying drivers to influence the prospects.

See: http://unicist.net/economics/manipulation-is-a-long-term-business-killer/

How do buying processes work?

All buying processes imply the integration of emotions (desires), ideals or limits and conveniences. This integration varies depending on the needs that are being satisfied, the characteristics of the buyer and the characteristics of the seller.

Market SegmentationSimultaneously, there are different decision levels in the mind of the buyer. These are used consciously or unconsciously to make a buying decision.

These levels are interdependent complex systems that are integrated hierarchically and include the following aspects of the products or services: 1) the hard characteristics, 2) the functionality, 3) the role for the buyer, 4) the concept and 5) the social role.

Depending on the concept of the product/service, some of these levels can be considered as given or as limits to develop an empathic adaptive approach to the buyer. Every individual has a predefined position at each level which defines her/his segment.

Each segment is a universe in itself composed by those people who have similar structural beliefs in a buying process. This knowledge is used to build empathic relationships to influence the buying processes.

In the following lines, you will find a description of how these segmentations work in order to be used to increase the adaptiveness of the value propositions. There is no need to make a description of the hard characteristics of a product or service. That is why we start with the description of the functional segmentation.

Functional Segmentation

Functionality is defined as the capacity of something to fill an individual’s need. Functionality is homologous to aesthetics. When talking about functionality we refer to the perceived functionality which defines what we call the hard segmentation.

Functional SegmentationThe functional segments are:


This segment considers the attributes of products without “anesthesia”. It eliminates apparent superfluous attributes not considering any complementation.


The “Attractive” segment buys the products/services based on their hidden inaccessible attributes that make them attractive. This segment is a buyer of utopias. It often falls in the trap of over-promises.


This segment perceives functionality based on benchmarking. This implies a classic approach with little space for unconventional attributes. It is a segment that buys classic functionality with little sophistication.


The conceptual segment seeks the essential complementation of the products and needs. This segment’s final approval occurs when the products/services are used.

Psychological Segmentation

It is the segmentation that defines the type of relation an individual has with a product/service. An individual adapts to reality within limits. Psychology established the limits of an individual’s context.

Psychological SegmentationPsychology defines the personal myths of individuals. Fallacious myths produce stereotypical behaviors. True myths describe human typologies.

The psychological segments are:


This typology establishes emotional relations with products and services. These relations are naturally unstable. When “emotive” individuals are in the expansive cycle they establish pleasure-driven relations. When they are in the contractive cycle they establish a “child-child” relation with products.


The affective typology seeks stable caring relations with products and services. There is an implicit fear of abandonment. They cannot let go. When they are in the expansive cycle they establish interdependent relations. When they are in the contractive cycle they establish a “child-parent” relation with products.


“Protective” individuals protect the goods they buy. They care about them. When they are in the expansive cycle they establish dominant relations. When they are in the contractive cycle they establish a protective “mother-child” relation with the product. They need to possess products so they feel they are in charge of them.


They use products and services functionally and carefully. They respect the identity of objects. When they are in the expansive cycle they establish functional relations. When they are in the contractive cycle they establish a “father-child” relation with products. They change the products/services when they do not fulfill the implicit promises.

Conceptual Market Segmentation

The conceptual market segmentation describes the nature of a product as perceived by the market.

Conceptual market segmentation describes the concept implicit in a product or service, which is based on:

  1. Its purpose: being the final functional objective of the product/service as seen by a user.
  2. The procedure: being the verbal function that materializes the purpose in a concrete added value. This is the active function that necessarily produces entropy.
  3. The action guide: being the adverbial function that limits the actions of the procedure to ensure the fulfillment of the purpose of the product. This is the energy conservation function that limits the entropy of the verbal function.

Industrial AutomationAn application will illustrate this case through the conceptual segmentation of industrial process automation.

In this case, the purpose of the automation of an industrial process is defined as: Process Improvement.

The procedure or verbal function is the Automation itself, which generates entropy within this system.

The action guide or adverbial function is the Reliability of the system.

This conceptual market segmentation describes the nature of industrial process automation as perceived from its four segments: Technological Industry, Market-driven Industry, Professional Industry and Artisan Industry.

Unicist Anthropology: Lifestyle Segmentation

Lifestyle segmentation underlies human behavior. It establishes the parameters of normality and the “ethical mask” of a society. Describing the lifestyles of a country permits establishing the limits within which segmentations can work. Only in the case of basic human needs lifestyles are not a limit but only a gravitational force.

The unicist lifestyle segmentation is analogous to the VALS segmentation of SRI. But, while VALS uses psychology to segment people according to their distinct personality traits, Unicist Lifestyle Segmentation uses unicist anthropological invariables and country archetypes to segment people.

Unicist Lifestyles

Lifestyles are the archetypical behavior patterns of a society and its members. These archetypes serve a group as automatisms to carry out the everyday activities that are functional to that society’s purpose.

Lifestyle SegmentationHence, lifestyles are the result of the integration of a society’s collective unconscious with its archetype, which define different ways of facing reality.

Archetypes resolve the weaknesses of a social group by turning uncertainties into assertive answers which guarantee the success of individual and social purposes.

An individual’s lifestyle makes him acceptable and functional to the society’s needs. It also allows him to find groups of identification across different cultures or communities.

There are four main lifestyle types: “Artisan”, “Rationalist”, “Doer”, and “Innovator”.

These four lifestyles have two sub-styles:

1) One sub-style for stable or evolution stages

2) One sub-style for unstable or involution stages

Whether a society is in a stable or unstable situation or in an evolution or involution process is ultimately subjective, and results from the perception of the collective unconscious.

The lifestyle segments are:


The Artisans live within the beliefs of a culture, relate subjectively and develop their activity based on individual efforts and significant utopias. When they are expanding, they exercise pressure to introduce new ideas within a communitarian approach. When they try to avoid contraction, they seek individual benefits.


The Rationalists approach reality based on judgments that make them feel dominant in their area. They are brand and image-driven and use their analytical approach to understand reality. They align based on rational ideas. When they are expanding, they align within the values of a culture. When they try to avoid contraction, they justify their individual values to adapt.


The “Doers” are driven by the values of a culture. They do what is necessary to fulfill the needs of a group. They are added value-driven and their goal is to be recognized as a VIP. When they are expanding, they add value to obtain a materialistic and spiritual benefit. When they try to avoid contraction, they add value to dominate.


They are driven by leading through innovation. They are risk takers and idealist. They usually try to materialize new utopias. When Innovators are driven by expansion, they add value based on generating new ideas. On the other hand, materialistic creations are their way to avoid contraction.

The Era of Empathic Adaptiveness

The use of functional, psychological, conceptual and lifestyle segmentations allows building empathic adaptive relationships with the market. There is no need to manipulate when people are understood.

Universal Market SegmentationThe era for expansive market actions has begun. There is lots of room for small companies who do not have the capacity or possibility to expand. Manipulation will remain a natural attitude in marketing processes in spite of its paradoxical side effects.

Expansiveness implies necessarily going beyond the boundaries of the present business. It might imply expanding in width or in depth. In both cases there is a need to understand the segments that are aimed at. This understanding implies being able to model their behavior in order to use the information to design value propositions and communication.

The understanding of the different levels that participate in a buying decision help to achieve this goal and also provides the information to build commercial, semiotic and semantic objects to influence the market.

“Design globally, operate locally” has been a motto for many years. Now it became true using segmentation and commercial, semiotic and semantic objects adequately.

This approach allows upgrading the databases by integrating universal market segmentations that allow increasing notoriously the productivity of their results.

The building of functional commercial communities is meaningless without having a true segmentation of the participants.

The 10 year Future Scenario of Global Consumer Markets,
defined as the era “Empathic Adaptiveness” is already here and has three names:
“Design, Segmentation & Adaptive Automation”

If you want to access more information about this study please contact n.i.brown@unicist.org

Unicist Press Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems.

A New Era of Egypt: The option between freedom and security

This is the synthesis of a unicist anthropological study on the Egyptian conflicts developed by Peter Belohlavek at The Unicist Research Institute.

Democratic Consensus

The reach of one’s globalization is defined
by the limit of the pronoun “WE”…

Considering the nature of cultures, the conflicts in Egypt are the consequence of an extreme confrontation between those who seek security and those who seek freedom.

Democracy implies consensus but consensus is only possible if the people share the same vital space and cooperate to build the community and there is a possibility for democratic alternation.

When positions become extreme there is no possibility of democratic alternation and democracy degrades into an anarchy which drives necessarily towards authoritarian solutions.

Understanding how the entropy of democratic processes is produced, what democracy is about and the cultural invariables will help to put the conflicts into perspective.

The entropy of democratic processes

Political extremisms are fostered when politicians need their role as a “profession”. In this case, in each “election”, whatever the system, politicians´ survival is at risk.

Social anarchic-individualistic answers of the members of a culture are fostered when their survival is endangered.

Societies become extremely influenced by their religious beliefs when the values of the culture are endangered.

Societies use armed forces when their vital space is endangered. Having a country’s vital space endangered does not necessarily imply being invaded. Shared beliefs of a vital space threat provoke military solutions.

About Democracy

Democracy can be described as the authoritative leadership of a group or community achieving consensus and efficiency, and making the necessary trade-offs in a context of evolution conflicts.

The concept of democracy can also be described from a participant’s point of view. In this case, the purpose to be achieved is efficiency, and consensus is a procedure to be used to make it possible.

The ethic of democracy – extreme democracy

Consensus is the purpose of democracy. Consensus can be achieved in many ways. Considering extreme-democracy, where consensus is achieved “spuriously”, the Stockholm syndrome can be defined as a type of democracy. It is what we call the anti-democracy. It achieves the same purpose, consensus, but based on the destruction of the free-will of participants.

DemocracyFour types of democracy can be conceptually defined:

Individualistic democracy – interest-based submissive model

The goal is to foster individual evolution based on a materialistic submissive behavior of the members of the community.

Belonging group-based democracy

This is grounded on the adherence of people to a group. The goal is to evolve within the rules of a group. Consensus is given by the acceptance of the rules.

Elite-based democracy

It is based on the possibility, open to everyone, to debate the problems of a society. The existence of elites ensures the necessary stability given by an accepted establishment.

Integration-based democracy

The integration-based democracy implies an institutionalization that structures the integration. Institutions filter the incompatibilities and permit a smooth evolution towards efficient consensus. Fundamentalism is incompatible with democracy.

The Cross Cultural Invariables drive cultural evolution

The discovery of the unicist cross-cultural invariables was necessary to understand humanity in its oneness in order to develop reliable global scenarios.

Unicist Cross-cultural InvariablesThe invariables discovered were Expansion and Contraction which work as alternatives at an operational level and Security and Freedom that work as trade-offs. The gain of freedom implies losing security and vice-versa.

The myths of societies, being they functional of fallacious, provide the security framework of a culture while the utopias foster actions and establish the structure of cultural freedom.

The expansion of societies is driven by the allowances (permissions) of the collective unconscious and contraction is sustained by the collective unconscious mandates. Both aspects are taboos in a society.

These invariables, integrated following the logic of the unicist ontogenetic intelligence of nature, define the essential structure that defines the archetype of a culture.

Every culture has its own myths, utopias and taboos that define its archetype that underlies its ideological and economic models. The archetype of a culture cannot be judged. It needs to be respected.


Egypt is an extremely young country, based on an ancient culture, which suffered several institutional breakthroughs in its history.

This time, there will probably be extreme conflicts in Egypt until the different parts are able to upgrade their positions to achieve an adequate level of compatibility that allows for democratic alternation.

The conflicts will become more violent if fundamentalist approaches prevail and will drive to solutions when all the parts agree that trade-offs need to be made.

This process is homologous to the process of dealing with incompatible solutions at a personal level. It might help to understand the conflicts in Egypt. http://www.unicist.org/deb_uqm.php

If you want to access more information about this study please contact n.i.brown@unicist.org

Unicist Press Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. http://www.unicist.org

Corruption as a social taboo is coming to an end in Brazil

Corruption is installed in all the cultures where it works as a taboo. This implies that it is a social habit that is denied as being corruptive but it is considered as a price that has to be paid.

The social conflicts in Brazil are the second predictor that anticipates that the situation of corruption as a taboo is coming to an end. It will demand time as it did in the central countries; but this trend is unavoidable because it is being catalyzed by the global change in business ethics.

Learning about the unicist ontological structure of corruption and its inhibitors will help to understand the problem.

About Corruption


The reach of one’s globalization is defined
by the limit of the pronoun “WE”…

Corruption is defined as any action that does not fit into the rules of a system and therefore weakens it, degrades it or destroys it.

In the social field, corruption is defined as an illegal or illegitimate action that goes against the laws or the spirit of the laws to obtain benefits from the environment.

Corruption can have internal or external causes. When it has internal causes it is triggered by the failure of some of the elements that integrate the system (when it is) in the case of an engineering system or by the fallacy of some of the elements (when it is) in the case of a living being or a social system.


This is a synthesis of a research, led by Peter Belohlavek, which began in July 1975 and ended in February 2013 when it was proven that the avoidance of corruption depends on individual behavior and not on the conditions of the environment. If you want to access the complete abstract of this research please contact: n.i.brown@unicist.org

Corruption allows individuals to profit from the environment through illegitimate actions while they disintegrate the system they are part of. It is based on a “parasitarian” complementation that uses value judgments to justify the degradation of the environment individuals do in order to profit from it.

Corruption is an individual and social addiction that is installed in environments where the participants do not have the necessary critical mass to influence the environment.

Corrupt environments need that their dominant ethics is intentions driven, their justice does not cover the needs of equal opportunities and that the private and public actions of individuals are not transparent.

Corruption may occur in any human action field. It can be included in the emotional, economic, social and political aspects of human behavior. The most known aspects deal with economic and power corruption.

The final purpose is to profit from the environment. To obtain this benefit corrupts adopt four types of actions: sabotage, blackmailing, bribing and defrauding. As it is an addiction, corrupts build a parallel reality in which corruption is a natural and accepted behavior.

Psychopathic manipulation and psychopathic leadership are the natural “tools” corrupts use to develop their actions when they deal with non-corrupt participants of an environment.

Corruption is illegal or socially sanctioned in non-corrupt environments. In corrupt environments corruption is a fallacious myth that covers the shared weaknesses of the members. Those who do not accept it are automatically excluded from the groups.

The antidote for corruption, at an individual level, is the critical mass individuals or their actions have to influence the environment.

Social corruption antidotes require the existence of transparency, functional and not intentional ethics and the existence of equality of opportunities for the members.

About Institutional and Social Corruption

Corruption is based on parasitic complementation. This implies that the corrupt elements profit from the environment without delivering any added value. The final goal is to degrade the environment in order to profit.

This degradation transforms the corrupt action into a standard in the environment that has been degraded at the level of the corrupt element. That is why the degrading participant is legitimate after corruption has been installed.

The degradation of the environment is implemented through value judgments. These value judgments are based on exposing the implicit weaknesses of the strengths of the environment as real weaknesses. It has to be considered that any strength has an implicit weakness which needs to exist. If this weakness is eliminated the strength disappears.

Synthesizing, it can be said that corruption degrades the environment where it is being installed using value judgments that have no defense so the corrupt can profit from the environment assuming the role of a parasite. The paradox is that corruption destroys the environment as such and at the end the corruptor needs to change to another environment because it has been killed by implosion.

Levels of Corrupt Actions

Corruption can occur at an emotional, economic, social and political level of human behavior. The description does not refer to any specific aspects but it is applicable to all of them.

CorruptionThere are four basic corrupt actions:

1)      Sabotaging

2)      Blackmailing

3)      Bribing

4)      Defrauding

1) Sabotaging

The first level of corruption is the installation of doubt and suspicion in an environment. To do so, corruptors criticize the environment to degrade the value it has.

This generates the need for someone to solve the weaknesses that have been installed and this is the context of corruptors to profit from the environment.

A typical action of this kind is the generation of a perception of the existence of a problem, that in fact does not exist, and benefiting from its solution without needing to make any action.

2) Blackmailing

Corruption scales if the first level does not produce the necessary profits. Blackmailing is an extortion that implies an abuse of the opposition power to make others accept to pay for avoiding the problems that are being generated.

Blackmailers obtain their benefits through active inaction or destruction, whatever is needed to obtain the profit.

Blackmailing is usually part of other legitimate action. This allows blackmailers to have the necessary disguise in order to be accepted.  Strikes, rebellions, and oppositions might be legitimate or blackmailing actions.

A typical action of this kind is the threat of exposing the weaknesses of individuals or organizations in a community.

3) Bribing

When the first two actions do not suffice to profit from the environment, then an active action on the environment becomes necessary.

The first active corrupt action is bribing. This implies paying a price to obtain a benefit that exceeds by far the normal benefit the corruptor would have obtained if the bribing action had not taken place.

The prices paid through bribing might cover the emotional or materialistic aspects. Most of the bribing actions are illegal in organized environments. But only in non-corrupt environments they are also illegitimate.

A typical action of this kind is paying a price to obtain a contract from a client that would not have been possible without it, or where the benefits of the contract exceed the benefits that would have been normal.

4) Defrauding

Defrauding is the necessary corrupt act to do when the preceding actions do not allow obtaining the benefits from the environment.

Defrauding is an active illegal action where dishonest actions are made to obtain benefits. Defrauding implies lying to make the counterparts believe that they will be receiving some specific benefit they need.

These actions are illegal and illegitimate in all the environments. They require having the necessary accomplices in order to become possible.

That is why when this level of corruption is installed it works as a contagious virus, because it generates clusters of accomplices who need other accomplices to obtain their benefits.

A typical action of this kind is overpromising where the counterparts expects a benefit they will never receive.

The Social Corruption Inhibitors

Corruption degrades cultures until they become a group of survivors led by stagnant survivors.

This implies that the final stage has been achieved, where cultures become to live in an endless transition of manipulative leaders. At this level, individualism, which is the driver of corruption, prevails over the needs of the culture.

This implies that societies develop their activity as non integrated individuals who seek for survival in a context where the appropriation of value from the environment and the holding of whatever is possible become the cohabitation code.

This naturally generates extreme materialistic behavior compensated by fallacious myths that provide the members a magical recipe to expect that things will change and the culture will become functional.

The morality of intentions prevails over the morality of actions which drives individuals into the survival ethical intelligence. Survival has neither rules nor codes unless people need accomplices to survive.

That is why evolving cultures have a structural corruption inhibitor that hinders that the society enters a massive survival attitude.

The Corruption Inhibitors

CorruptionCorruption is inhibited when there is a functional ethics, which implies that functionality prevails over intentions.

Justice needs to be focused on ensuring equal opportunities for all and the society needs to be transparent.

Expansive justice implies that individual action is protected by social repair and not only individual repair and there is a social sanction of all actions that are not within the rules (system) of a society.

This is only possible if there is a social transparency of the actions and individuals are identified based on their actions and added value in the society.

Maximal Strategy of Corruption Inhibition

The judiciary system and the existence of a social repair and social sanctions drive the maximal strategy of corruption inhibition.

The purpose of the maximal strategy is to ensure that the context of equal opportunities prevails over individual profiting. This implies that individual profits cannot be produced by taking advantage of others.

Social repair goes beyond “repairing the damages” that have been produced to an individual. It implies restituting the benefits an individual could not obtain because of the actions of other members of the community. This is the starting point of the maximal strategy of corruption inhibition.

The catalyst of the corruption inhibition is the social sanction that is applied to all those who do not respect the codes of the system. A judiciary system can only sanction what the society sanctions. The judiciary system is the administrator of the rules established by the laws that need to be within the accepted behaviors of a culture.

Therefore it has to be considered that social sanction is a significant indicator of the corruption level of a culture. The final goal of the maximal strategy is to provide the necessary equality of opportunities to all the members. Corruption has been inhibited when this is ensured.

Minimum Strategy of Corruption Inhibition

Social transparency is basic in corruption inhibition. When actions are not transparent there is no possibility to avoid the action of corrupt members.

The final goal is that the public behavior, which is the one that deals with the relationship of an individual with the group, be transparent.

The first step is that results need to be transparent. This implies that the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth needs to be open information to the community. Corruption is being fostered in all those niches where there is no transparency of results.

Private behavior transparency is the entropy inhibitor of corruption inhibition. This implies that the private actions of individuals have to be ruled by the functional ethics of a group.


Corruption is the most powerful way to degrade a social environment and ensure its involution. When corruption is accepted as a normal behavior, the environment has lost its possibility to adapt to the context it works in.

The inhibition of corruption is part of the immune system of a culture and is what makes its evolution possible. If the corruption inhibition system fails, the society degrades to a survival state where corruption is installed and individual needs prevail over the needs of the culture.

You can access the book on “Introduction to Ethical Intelligence in Business” by Diana Belohlavek at: http://www.unicist.org/deb_ieib.php

Unicist Press Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems.

The problem of leading cultures and surviving cultures

The problem of the new generations of leading cultures is naturally the feeling of inferiority complexes to overcome the existing culture if they are in a leading environment.

Generational-EvolutionIndividuals have two alternatives: build upon the existing establishment or compete with it. Competition drives adolescents to guilt and the response requires needing to hate the situation and the individuals involved in it.

The paradox is that building upon an existing environment is also a competition. Building upon an establishment implies modifying the structure of the implicit weaknesses of a culture. This is something feasible for the next generation unless it was educated in an individualistic environment.

It has to be considered that individualism is the most degraded state of a culture. It implies that the interests of individuals prevail over the interests of the group.

A culture involves when individualism prevails. Surviving cultures include necessarily a dominant individualism. This is not the case of subsistent cultures where the group prevails over individuals. Surviving cultures produce survivors who necessarily are multi-addictive and need to behave as fundamentalists.

Evolution implies paying prices

Accepting the validity of the establishment is a condition for evolution.

Over-adaptation to the establishment implies its sanctification, and drives to the avoidance of the responsibility of improving the environment.

Cultures that foster rebel individualistic behaviors necessarily generate involution. Both over-adaptation and individualistic rebellion drive to involution.

Evolution implies competing with the establishment improving what has been received in order to ensure evolution and create an own place in order to satisfy the personal needs.

The first part, the improvement of what has been received is a work with a social responsibility, the second part deals with the ego of the person who has assumed the responsibility.

A culture is in involution if individuals begin with their own egocentric desires. In both extremes, leading cultures and surviving cultures, addictions of any kind become a natural response.

Guilt liberators produce paradoxical results when they sustain their clients by “insufflating air” into their clients’ ego.

It is up to you. The prices to be paid are never low. You must believe in your capacity and see the implicit weaknesses of what you inherited.

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. http://www.unicist.org

Brazilian Archetype: describing the power of a global leader

Brazil is a world in itself. There is no other country in the world following the rules of the game that Brazil uses, nor portraying its results in the social, economic and political field.

The Unicist Archetype of BrazilIts orientation towards the future, the added value work as a way to assert people’s identity, its innovation and nationalism are components that integrate in light of a national project inserted in the culture, executed by the State and managed by politicians.

Consensus as a model

Brazil has a culture that operates on the basis of consensus. This generates, within the social, institutional and individual field a need to understand a reality before taking up a position regarding it.

Likewise, in Brazilian-Portuguese language there are several expressions that help avoid the usage of the first person singular in a conversation.

Brazilan ArchetypeThe Brazilian consensus model presupposes the development of a singular negotiating capacity regulated by negotiation rules that obviously include consensus as a goal, though not as a path.

The development of this negotiating capacity, based on a culture that came over to colonize rather than predate, generated what today is a world power, real to many, incipient to others.

This implied the end of economic, military or narco-terrorism. The end as far as social legitimacy goes, though not in real terms, for there will always be terrorists who, being marginal, would rather have destruction than acceptance of their own marginality.

This social behavior is based on expansion as a main objective. The creativity to accomplish this allows Brazil a dosage of “marginal” behavior, basis of both academic and technological innovation which is felt today and which was dreamed of 50 years ago.

Social Capital

A country’s development is set by its social capital, political consistency or stability and economic growth.

Out of these three elements, the one that bears most weight is social capital, then comes political stability and last, the necessary, though of least relative weight, economic growth.

Brazil is characterized by its immense social capital if compared with that of other countries in the region, and if compared with those other countries Brazil competes with.

Its difference is outstanding in the region; Brazil has a slightly smaller social capital than the one in developed countries. Society conceives itself as a community.

This community feeling makes the notorious synergy there is among institutions and people possible, while it works as a significant support to political stability and economic growth.

Orientation towards the future

What characterizes Brazil is its orientation toward the future and its great capacity to pay for the price of mistakes.

There are many study centers in this country that are devoted to developing projects, action plans and forecasts of what lies ahead.

This is completely atypical in Latin America, that is why one can say that Brazil is a continent in itself, with own values and a path different from that of the region.

It grows because of its consistent investment in an academic technology model of its own, an acceptance of diversity and an “expansion compulsion”. There is room for everyone in Brazil as long as the rules of the game are abided.

One of the best diplomacies in the world

Brazil is a power with a very strong collective unconsciousness that consolidates in an identity that goes beyond political ideologies.

Consensus to grow is their primary objective, their second objective is to grow, and their third as well. Brazilian culture does not conceive the idea of being worse today than it was the day before.

That is why Brazilians “go crazy” in light of their defeats. Diplomacy, the mechanism to influence outside Brazil in order to uphold such a growth, is settled, and carries a political, commercial and social sense comparable to those of the best diplomacies in the world.

Diplomacy is its main tool to create, almost imperceptibly, a legitimated hegemony in its capacities.

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using a logical approach to deal with evolution and became a private global decentralized world-class research organization in the field of human adaptive systems.  http://www.unicist.org