Unicist Corporate University



Unicist Approach: What drives the evolution of cultures?

The unicist approach defines that the driver of cultural evolution processes is the adaptation of a culture. This adaptation implies that a democratic attitude prevails, providing the necessary consensus to have social cohesion, being driven by a social efficiency, and making the necessary trade offs to maintain an efficient consensus.

The consensus of an evolutionary culture is oriented towards growth, which implies having a proactive attitude in the environment to generate value. Social efficiency means that the system is institutionalized having therefore a minimum level of entropy.

This institutionalization is materialized in the habits and in the myths and fallacious myths installed in a culture.

Trade-offs are implicitly conflicts and generate crises.

On the one hand, they can be evolution conflicts when they happen within the limits of efficiency and the value earning behavior. Or they can be involution conflicts, on the other hand, when the goal of these trade-offs is “buying” consensus. In this case the culture enters a conjunctural involution which naturally eliminates the leaders that made this trade-offs if the value adding ethics prevails in the institutions.

If this is not the case, and a survivors’ ethics becomes necessary for the institutions, the culture will have entered into an over-adaptive behavior driving the culture towards involution.

The maximal strategy of evolutionary cultures is sustained by their value adding ethics. This implies that the leaders of the dominant segments have a level of consciousness that allows them to be aware of the social processes and the long term consequences of the decisions that are made.

Social evolution requires participative processes within an authoritative environment that does not require the exertion of power to be efficient.

Unicist Press Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.

The use of dualistic logic to deal with the here and now

While the unicist double dialectical approach requires investing energy to apprehend the nature of reality, dualism provides the most energy saving approach to manage the “here and now”.

The dualistic logic implies using Hegel`s or Marx`s dialectics. This use has a specific functionality in order to allow dealing with aspects that require an operational approach to deal with the here and now.

It allows accepting “absolutes” in order to separate what is true from what is false. This gives dualistic thinkers the perception of inner freedom while they move within the boundaries of the absolute.

Dualistic thinking also allows avoiding uncertainty. Uncertainty is an unbearable feeling for people that forces them to use dualism to analyze reality until they are able to eliminate the uncertainty from the environment.

It has to be considered that while analysis requires the use of a dualistic logic, synthesis requires the use of unicist double dialectical logic.

The energy conservation functionality of a dualistic logic is given by its capacity to avoid ambiguity. It provides a spontaneous solution that confirms the “absolute” individuals have in their mind.

It has to be considered that dualistic thinkers cannot infer the future and need to forecast it using any kind of extrapolation. This implies assuming that the past and the future are symmetric which is “an aprioristic” fallacy.

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.

The Nature of Justice: The Catalyst and Entropy Inhibitor of Capitalism

The purpose of justice in a culture is to provide a safe environment to allow that roles fulfill their objectives within an institutionalized environment. In other words, the purpose of justice is to foster and inhibit the dysfunctional activities of institutionalized environments.

The reach of one’s globalization is defined by the limit of the pronoun “WE”…

Justice can either work as the catalyst or as the entropy inhibitor of social behavior. Justice only exists as an external entity in a community and ensures the functionality of those institutions that allow the society to work as a system.

The concept of Justice does not refer to the judicial system of a culture. It includes all the individual, social and institutional actions that are developed to sustain the functionality of the system.

Justice is naturally driven by “common sense” which implicitly includes the values of the cultural archetype, the life-style and the moral of a culture. Justice works as a rigid framework that defines what is functional or dysfunctional in an environment.

Justice has two different roles that need to be integrated in order to sustain institutionalization: justice as a catalyst and justice as an inhibitor.

On the one hand, there is a catalyzing justice that has the responsibility of fostering the equality of opportunities that allow expanding the boundaries without endangering the institutionalization.

But, on the other hand justice has the role of inhibiting dysfunctional actions, which drives towards ensuring equal rights to all the members of a community. This avoids the entropy in institutions and establishes the framework to develop minimum strategies.

The Ontogenetic Map of Justice

The purpose of justice is to foster the existence of transcendent roles in a society in order to make institutionalization possible and avoid its corruption. An institution becomes corrupt when it needs to degrade the environment in order to profit from it.

The Nature of JusticeInstitutions are driven by transcendent goals. Therefore, the driver of justice is to confirm the achievement of the transcendent goals of a culture. These transcendent goals are included in the Constitution of a country.

This process is materialized when justice provides the framework to sustain the functionality of the country as a system. However, this is only possible if both the individual roles of the entities and the individuals of the culture are protected.

When the legal framework and the social and judicial system have solved these aspects, it becomes possible to deal with the active function of justice to provide equal opportunities for all.

The final purpose of justice is the fulfillment of the transcendent roles of a society and ensuring the functionality of society as a system. This is only possible if the individual roles have been assumed in order to make the institutionalization real.

It has to be considered that the judicial system of a society only punishes those aspects the society considers punishable.

The Maximal Strategy

The maximal strategy is given by the catalyzing justice of a culture that needs to provide equal opportunities for the members of a community.

Equal opportunities require the existence of a democratic environment that fosters cooperation. That is why justice is an essential part of democracy and democracy is the necessary environment for justice.

When the intention of ensuring equal opportunities has been confirmed, it becomes necessary to accept that there has to be a social repair to respond to the deviations produced by injustices in the real world. Therefore, social repairs need to be sustained by the judicial system in order to make them functional.

Equal opportunities become possible if they include the social repair for the dysfunctional actions that hindered the possibility of an individual or group to access such opportunities. Social repair needs to recognize the opportunities lost and not only the costs that were produced.

When social repair exists, it becomes possible to confirm the existence of social sanctions that sustain the equal opportunities. This implies that the society punishes those who limit others to achieve goals.

The catalyzing justice requires the existence of social sanctions for all those behaviors that endanger equal opportunities. These social sanctions sustain equal opportunities and are the catalyst for the existence of justice. In democratic environments legal justice does not sanction what is not sanctioned by society.

The Minimum Strategy

The equality of rights, as the purpose of the minimum strategy, needs to achieved in order to sustain the institutionalization of a society. This requires individual repair for all the dysfunctional actions an entity has suffered.

The individual repair has to fit into the limits of acceptance of a society. If it is below, it has no effect as a dissuasive object, but if it is above, it generates a “judicial profitable business” that produces paradoxical results in the judicial system.

The legal sanction is the entropy inhibitor of justice. Legal sanctions imply that they need to be in accordance with the dysfunctional behavior and its consequences. Legal sanctions are a way to punish actions and to dissuade their repetition.

The legal framework and its application establish the entropy inhibitor that avoids the corruption of the institutionalization of a culture. The entropy inhibitor is the basic price to be paid to ensure the functionality of justice.

The Types and Levels of Justice

We have synthesized the different levels of justice in four segments. These segments are:

  1. Defensive Justice
  2. Protective Justice
  3. Social Justice
  4. Adaptive Justice

Level 1) Defensive Justice

The Nature of JusticeThe first level of justice is the defensive justice that allows providing individual repair through the different alternatives the judicial system provides. This justice provides every member of the community with a defensive system to sustain the right the individual has according to the legal framework of the community. Defensive justice seeks individual repair in order to ensure that individuals have the right to recover part of the damages produced by someone’s dysfunctional behavior. Defensive justice allows individual to recover from unfair damages produced by third parties.

Level 2) Protective Justice

It includes level 1. The second level is the protective justice, which provides a framework that allows protecting individuals and entities from the dangers of the environment. Protective justice implies a legal framework to protect from direct actions or the collateral side effects of actions. Protective justice is simple to install when providing support for unprotected people, like children, but needs to include all the participants of a community in order to provide a safe environment to live in. It is based on providing protections for individuals to prevent the existence of dysfunctional behaviors. Protective justice is natural in the field of crimes but difficult to apply in civil and commercial affairs.

Level 3) Social Justice

It includes level 2. The third level implies the existence of social justice to exclude socially all the members who behave beyond the rules of a community. This justice exceeds the limits of the legal framework and deal with the acceptance of the social rules to limit the actions of individuals. Social justice implies both the existence of social sanctions and social repair to equilibrate the actions and ensure social institutionalization.

Social justice implies the existence of a social sanction produced by dysfunctional behaviors that have social consequences. It implies that the private damage is considered in terms of its social consequences in order to dissuade its repetition. Social justice implies considering the greater good when dealing with dysfunctional behaviors.

Level 4) Adaptive Justice

It includes level 3. The fourth level implies the existence of a justice that is able to interpret the spirit of laws and the spirit of a society in order to provide equal opportunities for all including the equality of rights. Adaptive justice is the justice that allows institutions to evolve towards a superior level by accepting and fostering behaviors that are beyond the standards of a culture but foster the expansion of the community. Adaptive justice implies paying the prices of individual felonies considering the greater good and the consequences in the environment. Adaptive justice implies considering the field of individual actions as part of social dysfunctional actions in order to find the better way to manage justice.

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.

The Future of Democracy (Part 2): It is an evolutionary vital space that provides an identity to the members

The Ethics of Democracy

The reach of one’s globalization is defined by the limit of the pronoun “WE”…

The ethics of democracy is what introduces democratic behavior into the habits of a community.

It has to be considered that there exist no democracies in environments that are not driven by democratic habits.

This ethics is integrated by:

  1. Conceptual democracy, which drives towards building a strong social capital.
  2. Systemic democracy, which sustains the effectiveness of democratic actions.
  3. People driven democracy, which is based on the efficacy of the participants.

The Ontogenetic Map of the Ethics of Democracy

The purpose of conceptual democracy is to live is an evolutionary vital space that provides an identity to the members.

The Ethics of DemocracyThis vital space is implicit in the archetype of a culture or institution. It is materialized in the social capital of a culture that empowers the relationships among the members building a growing synergy of actions.

It implies an alternation of the leadership in order to ensure that the institutional aspects prevail over personal beliefs and that the democracy does not degrade into authoritarianism or an anarchic authoritarianism.

The Maximal Strategy

The maximal strategy is based on a systemic democratic approach, which needs, at a first stage, the true commitment with consensus.

This requires that the environment have the necessary culture to develop a functional consensus that is not driven by manipulation.

After there is a true trend towards consensus, the effectiveness of actions needs to be promoted. This implies that democracy needs to have qualified “politicians” and an adequate organization of the State in order to provide the required effectiveness of actions.

The lack of effectiveness is what generates democratic alternation, but when the lack of effectiveness is structural, the culture evolves towards an anarchic authoritarianism.

Systemic democracy is sustained by the development of catalytic trade-offs that allow ensuring consensus while accelerating processes to empower effectiveness.

These trade-offs are the catalyst of the ethics of democracy. The building of catalytic trade-offs is the core activity of politicians, which requires having the knowledge of what is happening in an environment and what is possible to be achieved.

When the catalyst has been installed consensus becomes meaningful and the systemic democracy works and evolves.

The Minimum Strategy

The minimum strategy is supported by the efficacy of people to manage the evolution conflicts that are implicit in democracy. It begins with the acceptance of the need to deal with evolution conflicts in order to manage the adaptation process.

Once this has been accepted, the minimum strategy is based on the efficacy of people, which includes both the leaders and the participants.

“Efficacy” in a culture implies the functionality of the concept of “work”, the concept of “knowledge” and the concept of “justice” in order to foster equal opportunities for all.

This unavoidably generates evolution conflicts. These evolution conflicts, which are complementation conflicts, naturally generate collateral involution and power conflicts. This requires making entropy inhibiting trade-offs in order to avoid that the culture degrade into an environment where zero-sum confrontations prevail.

The adaptiveness of conceptual democracy has been assured when the evolution conflicts can be managed, and the ethics provides the rules for an evolutionary democracy.

Types and Levels of Ethics of Democracy

The Ethics of DemocracyFive levels of democracy can be conceptually defined:

  1. Individualistic democracy
  2. Belonging group-based democracy
  3. Elite-based democracy
  4. Integration-based democracy
  5. Adaptive democracy

First Level: Individualistic democracy

Individualistic democracy is based on the satisfaction of the materialistic needs of the participants. This democracy is individual leaders driven, because people do not rely on institutions. It is implicitly a submissive democracy, where the consensus exists when the materialistic needs are satisfied and, when not, individualists become opposers. Submissiveness is complemented with dominant attitudes where the individual needs of participants prevail over the common good.

Second Level: Belonging group-based democracy

The second level includes the first level, which implies that the individual needs are covered, but based on the limits established by the rules of the groups where individuals belong. This is the case, for example, of multi-minorities democracies where the consensus is based on the differentiated characteristics of each group. This level of democracy implies an adherence based democracy and the existence of the needs of individuals to belong to a group in order to participate and have a place in the community.

Third Level: Elite-based democracy

The third level includes the second level but includes the acceptance of reference groups, which lead a society. This elite-based democracy allows expanding the boundaries of the belonging group and is materialized in a debate-based democracy.

The core of the functionality of this level of ethics is that the different elite groups be within the limits of the evolution conflicts required to develop democracy but that the distance between the positions of such groups be narrow enough to avoid the annulment of each other in case of democratic alternation.

The existence of elites ensures the necessary stability given by an accepted establishment.

Fourth Level: Integration-based democracy

The fourth level includes the third level but also includes institutionalization as a driver towards evolution. The integration-based democracy implies an institutionalization that structures the integration. Institutions filter the incompatibilities and permit a smooth evolution towards effective consensus. This level is the most mature level of democracy and requires a fully functional justice in order to avoid that people behave beyond the limits of a democratic system. The institutions need to have transcendent goals in order to make this level work adequately

Fifth Level: Adaptive democracy

Adaptive democracy implies the integration of the four preceding levels according to the context of the members and the situation. It is a way to manage democracy fostering all its levels based on the archetypes of the individuals and institutions within the archetype of the country. It makes the different levels compatible in order to achieve the goals implicit in the archetype of the culture.

The Double Ethics of Countries and Institutions

Countries and institutions need to have two different ethical approaches in order to expand.

  1. A cooperative ethics to deal with domestic relationships.
  2. A competitive ethics to deal with third parties.

1) Cooperation, the Driver of Democracy

It has to be considered that democracy is a social system for adapted environments. All environments have adapted and over-adapted aspects, but the prevalence of adaptation is a condition for the evolution of democratic environments. Over-adaptation drives naturally towards dominance, submission and opposition, which hinder the existence of a democratic context.

The driver of a democratic system is the existence of cooperation among the members of the society, culture or institution.

Cooperation building is the driver of democracy. This implies that cooperation is basic to build an evolutionary democratic environment.

2) Competition is the Driver of the Relationships with the Environment

While cooperation is the driver for domestic activities, competition is the driver for those activities that countries or institutions develop beyond the boundaries of their entity. This needs to be understood in order to accept that all countries and institutions have two different ethics.

A cooperative ethics is used to deal with the domestic aspects and, on the other hand, a competitive ethics drives the external aspects. This is basic to allow the expansion of the wellbeing of cultures and needs to be accepted in order understand that democracy is not a magic solution for universal problems.

International relations become expansive when they are managed within the limits of sustainable globalization, which allows integrating the interests of the parts involved.

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.

10-year Global Scenario for In-company Superior Education

A research to develop the trends on how the In-company Superior Education will evolve has been launched in order to be finished before Fall/2015.

Educational CultureAn extreme change has happened in this segment.

It was triggered by the evolution of IT and communication technologies that are leaving aside the solutions that have been used during the last 50 years dealing with a person to person, blackboard driven (metaphor) educational approach.

A Think Tank has been organized in order to integrate participants from all over the world in order to develop a future scenario that includes the characteristics of the different cultures.

Participants are being selected based on the limits established by the 70 countries on which The Unicist Research Institute has the necessary archetypical information.

The inputs for this research are the future scenarios for Superior Education and Virtual Collaboration that have been developed. You can access the conclusions here.

10-year Scenario for Superior Education

The unicist logical approach allows driving businesses to the next level increasing their adaptiveness and speed of actions to improve results measured in growth and profits.

Superior Education in BusinessThis implies that the superior education has to move from the “know how” approach to the inclusion of the “know why” as a driver of learning processes.

It has to be considered that there are cultures where the question “why” is socially non-acceptable because it provides full transparency, that defines the limits of an individual’s influencing capacity. In these cultures superior education is, from now on, a question of status and not of knowledge.

It also has to be considered that adaptiveness implies, besides reacting, forecasting the future and also influencing it. But in some cultures the future is a “taboo” which makes the acceptance of the credibility of reliable future scenarios impossible.

As these cultures are natural followers, their superior education cannot include aspects that deal with adaptiveness. This implies that the next step that has been defined is only applicable to cultures that accept their capacity to influence the future in an adapted way.

Anyway and anyhow this change process will demand decades and will be catalyzed by the individual initiatives of institutions and corporations that decide to make it on their own.

Learn more:

The 10-year Scenario for Virtual Collaboration

Virtual collaboration is the natural way to organize when there is a need of expert knowledge. Nowadays expert knowledge can be integrated in most of the cases by using the IT technologies that allow sharing data and images.

Collaborative ContextThe time saving and productivity increase is significant when the conditions for virtual collaboration are given. It allows providing full synchronicity with the needs of customers and clients.

But there are several requirements for virtual collaboration to be implemented:

  1. Virtual collaboration needs transparency of work become part of the culture of an organization.
  2. It needs reliability systems that monitor work processes.
  3. It requires customer orientation that fosters fulfillment, synchronicity and reliability.
  4. Personal roles need to be complemented by quality assurance processes to ensure results.

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Learn more about the Think Tank on Education at:

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm. http://www.unicist-school.org/future-research/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/turi-1.pdf

Understanding the archetype of the USA and its consequences

The power of a culture is given by its archetype, the value of work and the technology that is being developed to generate growth. The Archetype of the USA is a paradigmatic example of how a culture can be leading in the world while strengthening its identity.

The reach of one’s globalization is defined
by the limit of the pronoun “WE”…

The nature of the culture of the US, which is defined by its archetype, can be described by the propensity to develop audacious actions in the environment based on the necessary use of knowledge in order to achieve its “dream” within a credibility context.

And this has to happen within the “system” that provides the limits of the actions.

The Maximal strategy implies that the culture is driven by daring actions to achieve its cultural “dream” within an institutionalized context.

The catalyst of the evolution of the American archetype is its institutionalization that accelerates its evolution.

Institutionalization is materialized in the democratic rules of the society. The icon of the cultural dream is the American Flag.

Unicist Archetype of the USADaring implies doing in terms of concrete operational actions to achieve growth and surpass the well-being achieved by the preceding generations.

The social pressure towards growth within a context of being a leading culture in the world generates uncertainty in the coming generations that fosters the need for addictions to avoid the responsibility to produce growth.

The minimum strategy of the archetype fosters thinking, driven by the personal objectives and within the limits of the personal credibility.

That is why the USA archetype includes a multi-minority approach.

This minimum strategy provides the necessary context to develop hard technologies that sustain the economic activities of the maximal strategy.

Personal credibility is the entropy inhibitor of the American archetype.

Unicist Archetype of the USAAs wealth sustains the perception of security, personal credibility requires having solved the necessary financial situation that makes an individual credible.

Daring, dreaming, credibility and thinking integrated to achieve growth require a strong ethical environment that needs to be sustained by the judiciary system.

Lying is unacceptable because it destroys the credibility and transparency of the archetype.

Understanding and respecting the archetype of the USA is extremely useful to develop global and local businesses.

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm. http://www.unicist.org/repo/index.php#Unicist

Social Influence: The Discovery of the Social Critical Mass

Social critical mass is defined as the minimal amount of focused energy necessary to trigger a planned social phenomenon. Objects need to have the necessary critical mass to produce the value added to the process they participate in.

Its ontogenetic map is defined by extreme aesthetics, extreme influence and extreme credibility to provide the energy to produce results. Any social action requires having the necessary critical mass to produce the predefined results. Action without results is just unnecessary movement.

Critical mass is a basic condition for any social object, including the business objects. The final driver of SCM is the generation of an expansion process. It implies having an extreme aesthetics which is defined by the need to complete the essential needs of the participants of a social phenomenon.

This requires having the knowledge of the ontogenetic map of the phenomenon in order to be able to define the desirable aspects that need to be completed and the harmony that needs to be designed in order to generate an extremely aesthetic value.

Completing implies covering an explicit need. That is why completing requires having an extreme influence in order to be accepted.

Extreme influence implies having a complementation driven influence which integrates both cooperation and competition. Extreme influence requires establishing a complementation driven bond which includes both functional and personal aspects.

Extreme aesthetics can only be accepted with an environment of extreme credibility. That is why the credibility is the complement of aesthetics. Extreme credibility is an optimism based relationship.

Optimism makes people believe that what is possible will occur and that the validity of the process has been proven. Without optimism there can exist no social critical mass. Optimism is extremely far away from mania.

Social Critical Mass can be achieved when there is the necessary conceptual aesthetic, the complementation driven influence and the necessary social optimism.

Access more information on Social Evolution:

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using a logical approach to deal with evolution and became a private global decentralized world-class research organization in the field of human adaptive systems.  http://www.unicist.org

The 10-Year Future Scenario of the Internet (www)

Internet is becoming a “Virtual Emulation of the Real World” which drives to major changes in its development and use. This is a 10-year future scenario developed using unicist double dialectical logical inferences based on the actual conceptual functionality of Internet, the available technologies and those that are being introduced.

The purpose of this future research was to provide the trends of this activity to the worldwide community of Internet users. This research was led by Peter Belohlavek and Diego Belohlavek.

To access the basics on Unicist Future Research please enter:



The reach of one’s globalization is defined
by the limit of the pronoun “WE”…

The name Internet or www is already an anachronism because it describes an entity that seems to provide a network between the participants, but in fact evolved towards being an entity that has its own “artificial life”.

Internet, as an entity, is considered to have an artificial life because, as a timeless organization, it has a life of its own, and grows and evolves as a “virtual emulation of the world”.

At the beginning, it was a workspace for academics, scientists and researchers. It was an environment to integrate people dealing with technologies and science.

But it evolved to become the first global, bottom-up built, democratic, multi-minorities organized entity that emulates the world providing a reliable environment.

Now the Internet has already become an emulation of the world. As such, it is integrated by multiple cultures, languages, ethnicities, religions and histories that are integrated by a common meta-language and are ruled by a universal “common law”.

This common law is evolving extremely fast in order to avoid chaos and establish the limits between the inlaws and the outlaws without inhibiting the power of the bottom-up democracy that underlies Internet.

The meta-language is a virtual communication language that allows integrating people, building social capital, providing a pastime space, allowing addictive behaviors, making business and integrating all the aspects of human behavior that can be managed in a virtual environment.

The drivers towards Internet as an emulation of the world are:

  1. The influence of the Internet generation
  2. The anthropocentricity of human behavior
  3. The globalization of the markets
  4. The business opportunities
  5. The democratization that is implicit in its bottom-up approach

The new technologies that make the emulation possible are:

  1. The Web 2.0 and Future Web 3.0 technologies
  2. The responsive technologies to adapt to multiple hardware
  3. The development of virtual, commercial and semantic objects
  4. The segmentation based on predictors that allow building commercial communities.

What will have happened during the next 10 years?

  1. Internet will have become a business catalyst for all the central B2B providers.
  2. It will be the main tool for virtual collaboration and virtual marketing.
  3. It will have empowered the transparency and reliability of central participants.
  4. The parallel internet world will have grown enormously and will have generated the need to control it.
  5. A “common law” system will have been established.
  6. People will have become multi-minorities organized based on their values and interests.
  7. Education will have evolved focused on learning using virtual tools, changing structurally the role of teaching.
  8. Social networks will have changed towards multi-segmented communities in order to become commercially feasible.
  9. Customer support, counseling and coaching will be centrally managed on the Internet.
  10. Object driven marketing will be the core of the business use of the Internet.
  11. Healthcare will be strongly sustained by virtual monitoring and servicing.

The Real World and the Parallel World on the Internet

Internet emulates the real world and as such it has differentiated positions for its participants, which define the power they have in the world.

The paradox is that, although Internet is democratic, which means that everyone can earn a place based on the value that they add, the differentiation between the participants is frequently extreme.

There are two worlds in this “artificial world” defined by the Internet:

  1. A real world for those who participate in an adapted way.
  2. A parallel world for those who participate in an over-adapted way.

1) The Real World of Internet

Four segments have been identified in the Real World:

In the next ten years, within the Real World Internet, four segments that incipiently exist will be clearly developed:

Real World of InternetThe First World: It is the segment of all the websites that open the possibilities of the users by providing them a vision of the world that expands their boundaries. It is extremely democratic and ethic driven. The success of those that are in this segment depends on the capacity to adapt to changes in the environment while introducing changes to the environment. Google is an example of this segment. This segment allows using the Internet as a gravitational object to influence the behavior of the environment and as a catalyst for social actions and businesses.

The Second World: it is the world of all the servicing websites that add value to their users. This second world is more segmented and is focused on the minority that is a user of their services. It might also be multi-segmented when their service deals with social or commercial distribution. eBay is an example of this world. E-banking is also an example of this segment. Their success depends on their capacity of interpreting the needs of the segments and providing first choice alternatives for their users. This world allows using Internet as a catalyst for social actions and businesses.

The Third World: This is the world of all those that provide a space for individual exposure to their users; their value is given by their capacity to be an adequate vehicle to satisfy the individual need of being recognized. The social networks are examples of this world. This segment is based on building apparent relationships, which provide apparent recognition to the members. Their success depends on their capacity to build a true community that provides added value and not only a hollow space for individual expressions. This world allows using Internet as a vehicle for social and commercial proposals to their members.

The Fourth World: It is the world of the websites that have been built to install an organization, individuals or ideas in the Internet This segment is composed by the hygienic websites that need to exist in order to present an individual, an institution or an idea on the Internet, but that have no added value in themselves. These websites are based on the presentation of facts, actions or ideas without presenting any value adding proposal but “selling” an idea to the market. This is the massive world of the Internet that generates no feeling of belonging on behalf of the users. This world allows using Internet as a vehicle for virtual brochures for the market.

2) The Parallel World of Internet

There is also a parallel world on the Internet that is integrated by websites that are part of a pastime activity for those who manage them.

Four segments have been identified in the Parallel World:

Parallel World of InternetConspirators: This segment is composed by those websites that follow conspiracy theories that always publish an alternative version of an event that is happening or happened in the past.

Self-fulfilling: these are the websites of those individuals who consider that their opinion is important in the world and publish it without considering the actual added value of what they are publishing.

Terrorists: these are the websites that exert the power of destruction, including the self-destruction of what is part of an institutional structure.

Hackers: these are the websites that invade others in order to demonstrate their intellectual power and the weakness of others.

History of the Future – Internet Society

On October 24, 1995, the FNC unanimously passed a resolution defining the term Internet. This definition was developed in consultation with members of the internet and intellectual property rights communities. RESOLUTION: The Federal Networking Council (FNC) agrees that the following language reflects our definition of the term “Internet”. “Internet” refers to the global information system that — (i) is logically linked together by a globally unique address space based on the Internet Protocol (IP) or its subsequent extensions/follow-ons; (ii) is able to support communications using the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) suite or its subsequent extensions/follow-ons, and/or other IP-compatible protocols; and (iii) provides, uses or makes accessible, either publicly or privately, high level services layered on the communications and related infrastructure described herein.

The Internet has changed much in the two decades since it came into existence. It was conceived in the era of time-sharing, but has survived into the era of personal computers, client-server and peer-to-peer computing, and the network computer. It was designed before LANs existed, but has accommodated that new network technology, as well as the more recent ATM and frame switched services. It was envisioned as supporting a range of functions from file sharing and remote login to resource sharing and collaboration, and has spawned electronic mail and more recently the World Wide Web. But most important, it started as the creation of a small band of dedicated researchers, and has grown to be a commercial success with billions of dollars of annual investment.

One should not conclude that the Internet has now finished changing. The Internet, although a network in name and geography, is a creature of the computer, not the traditional network of the telephone or television industry. It will, indeed it must, continue to change and evolve at the speed of the computer industry if it is to remain relevant. It is now changing to provide new services such as real time transport, in order to support, for example, audio and video streams.

The availability of pervasive networking (i.e., the Internet) along with powerful affordable computing and communications in portable form (i.e., laptop computers, two-way pagers, PDAs, cellular phones), is making possible a new paradigm of nomadic computing and communications. This evolution will bring us new applications – Internet telephone and, slightly further out, Internet television. It is evolving to permit more sophisticated forms of pricing and cost recovery, a perhaps painful requirement in this commercial world. It is changing to accommodate yet another generation of underlying network technologies with different characteristics and requirements, e.g. broadband residential access and satellites.

New modes of access and new forms of service will spawn new applications, which in turn will drive further evolution of the net itself.
The most pressing question for the future of the Internet is not how the technology will change, but how the process of change and evolution itself will be managed. As this paper describes, the architecture of the Internet has always been driven by a core group of designers, but the form of that group has changed as the number of interested parties has grown. With the success of the Internet has come a proliferation of stakeholders – stakeholders now with an economic as well as an intellectual investment in the network.

We now see, in the debates over control of the domain name space and the form of the next generation IP addresses, a struggle to find the next social structure that will guide the Internet in the future. The form of that structure will be harder to find, given the large number of concerned stakeholders. At the same time, the industry struggles to find the economic rationale for the large investment needed for the future growth, for example to upgrade residential access to a more suitable technology. If the Internet stumbles, it will not be because we lack for technology, vision, or motivation. It will be because we cannot set a direction and march collectively into the future.


Synthetic Information of the Concepts included in this Future Research

The Concept of Internet

Functionally, Internet can be defined as an access to an “emulation to the world” and to a “parallel world”. Internet mutated since its creation. It began as a tool and is being transformed into an emulation of the world.

Unicist Ontogenetic Map of InternetThe emulation of the world implies that the Internet builds a homologous reality that allows people to adapt to the world, provides a vision of reality and a virtual way to experience it.

The emulation of the world is the core of what was introduced by the Internet providing an environment that allows people to have a virtual contact to the world.

Internet gives access to the wide context of the world limited by the use of languages and the multi-segmented content. Internet is a bottom-up building of the world which naturally includes the strengths and weaknesses of human beings.

It increases the level of transparency of human actions although, at a first sight, it is very difficult to perceive the truth and falsity of the information. As an emulation of the real world, Internet has all its characteristics in terms of credibility, reliability and predictability.

The Concept of Internet as an Emulator of the World

The emulation of the real world is what has made and makes Internet a powerful environment to influence people. The emulation of the world does not happen in the WWW, it happens in the mind of the people who use the Internet.

Internet as an Emulation of the WorldAs any emulation in mind, Internet provides the stimuli that allow individuals to envision the real world and have a virtual experience within it.

The purpose of these stimuli is to build and sustain the building of a homologous reality that allows making decisions and developing actions to transform such virtual stimuli into actions in the real world.

The original purpose of the WWW was to provide a tool to develop work. The mutation of the system integrated a pastime space and an addiction space in this virtual reality.

The WWW is addictive for all those who are trapped in an environment of uncertainty, hopelessness, impotence or absence of a role. Internet allows them to avoid the responsibility for solving their problems.

The use of Internet provides these individuals with places where they assume the role of “virtual fundamentalists” which makes them feel as part of a community. Basically, they access pleasure addictions and spiritual/rational addictions in order to have their role in the world.

The pastime space included in the internet provides the possibility of developing actions that bring subjective fulfillment to those who participate in them. Pastime activities always include the integration of pleasure and dominance that allow participants to increase their feeling of self-esteem.

The integration of a space for addictions, for pastime is only meaningful if there is a work space that justifies the use of internet. The integration of these spaces emulates reality creating a place where people consider that they can transfer these experiences to the real world.

The Concept of Pastime Activities

A paradigmatic example of pastime activities is the concept of social networks that integrates all the segments of pastime activities. To understand this phenomenon it is necessary to manage the concept of pastime activities.

Pastime ActivitiesPastime activities are time consuming actions that have no value adding purpose but the achievement of pleasure in an environment of dominance. This means that they are empty activities with no specific goals which allow avoiding responsibilities.

Pleasure is the consequence of the satisfaction of a need; therefore it has to be considered that the instant of pleasure is followed by the feeling of needing to satisfy another need that arouse from the first action.

This can only happen if an individual is in control of the situation or, at least, in control of the consequences of the actions that are happening. This drives pastime activities to work under the “dictatorship” of emotions in order to achieve the goal of entertaining individuals.

The paradox is that at the end of a pastime activity most of the people feel empty, just recalling in a rational way the experience they had.

The Concept of Internet as a Business Catalyst

One of the roles of Internet is to work as a business catalyst for the real world. It is a marketplace in itself, which works as a catalyst for the real world marketplace if certain conditions are given.

The purpose of internet as a catalyst is to build a link between sellers and buyers. To achieve this goal it is necessary that the websites had demonstrated to have a gravitational influence on the market that is being influenced and the necessary critical mass to build a true complementation with the market.

Internet as a Business CatalystThis implies having a strong competitive capacity within the limits of a cooperative attitude with the potential customers.

Complementation building requires developing a functional link that is fully dependent on the value proposition that is made. But at the same time it implies being able to build a personal link that deals with the personal benefits for the customers to achieve a true complementation, which requires that both the value proposition and the seller’s organization have been “bought”.


The Internet became an extreme exponent of democratic development with its strengths and weaknesses. This implies that has become an emulation of the world providing equal opportunities for all the participants.

The paradox is that these equal opportunities can only be taken by those who are able to deal with the three basic conditions that are implicit in a democracy:

  1. Transparency
  2. Ethics
  3. Reliability

It is expected in the next ten years, within the trend of emulation, that the Internet will have developed the necessary common law that rules the non-institutionalized organizations, to sustain the rights of the owners of intellectual property of the contents that are used and to avoid the destruction or downgrading of the Internet by those that are threatened by its power (as a technological tool, as a service provider, as a marketplace and/or as a commercial catalyst).

The core of this new stage is to be able to build segmented objects that allow focusing on the micro-minorities that participate in this “artificial world”.

If you want to access more information about this study please contact n.i.brown@unicist.org

Unicist Press Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.

Catalonia & the Basque Country as Catalysts of Spain’s Recovery

This research was developed to provide information that allows understanding the possible evolution of the outcome of the crisis that affects Spain. It is based on the information of the archetypes that were developed 20 years ago and the analysis of the crisis triggered in 2008. It was developed at the Future Research Lab of the Unicist Research Institute and led by Peter Belohavek.

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The reach of one’s globalization is defined
by the limit of the pronoun “WE”…

The crisis of 2008 was the final trigger for Spain to access an upper level of influence in the European and Global worlds that is being catalyzed by Catalonia and the Basque Country.

It is a structural change that will demand many years until finally being installed in the culture. It implies an upgrade in the educational system in order to go beyond conservatism and foster people to expand the boundaries as a natural way for growth.

Two values are being catalyzed in Spain by Catalonia and the Basque Country:

  1. The concept of bottom-up legitimacy
  2. The concept of value adding work


The Spanish Kingdom has a traditional “top-down democracy” which has shown to be extremely successful and produced the Spanish Miracle between the sixties and seventies. The synergy produced by the central government was functional to generate growth and wellbeing. It generated a “duty-driven work” value that sufficed in those days.

Democratic Power

This allowed a high and steady growth based on a conservative approach.

But the speed of change increased enormously making top-down approach dysfunctional when dealing with economics.

Speed requires “bottom-up democracies” because it requires that individuals assume full responsibility for their actions.

Bottom-up democracies naturally foster “responsibility driven work” where the central directives are only inhibitors to dysfunctional social behaviors. This characteristic has been traditional in both Catalonia and the Basque Country, although having different operational solutions for the same goal.

This responsibility driven approach is not related with the “indignados” movement that occurred recently in Spain. It deals with the notoriously superior exports Catalonia and the Basque Country produce when compared with the Spanish exports.

Archetypes of Spain, Catalonia and the Basque Country

The archetypes of the culture of a country are the drivers that define its final goal which is acted out in the lifestyle of the population. Archetypes cannot be observed, but they can be inferred using double dialectical logic and predictors based on the knowledge of their ontogenetic structure. They can be found in the facts of the history of a country.

Cultural EthicsThe central fundamentals that drive the archetype of the Spanish Kingdom are:

1)  Ethics

2)  Power

3)  Wealth

These fundamentals are also implicit in the archetypes of Catalonia and the Basque Country, but have functionally differentiated contents.

While the ethics included in the Spanish archetype is strongly influenced by religion, the ethics included in Catalonia and the Basque Country has a strong influence of ethical functionality.

On the other hand, the trend towards the exertion of power is a dominant aspect of the Spanish archetype while the need for legitimacy in the exertion of power is required in Catalonia and the Basque Country.

Finally, it has to be considered that wealth in the central archetype is dominantly sustained by the value earning ethics while in the other cases ethics is based on the value adding ethics.

It has to be considered that the power of an archetype is based on the work it produces, meaning the capacity to generate added value to the environment. Therefore the archetypes of Catalonia and the Basque Country are more powerful than the archetype of Spain.

Although this has been and is still the trigger of most of the conflicts between the central government and the autonomous countries, it has been at the same time the trigger that allows driving Spain to a higher level of influential power.


A new era is coming. It is the era of increasing the speed and adaptability. This implies moving from a “Top-down legitimacy” which is necessarily conservative to an integrated democratic power that is triggered by a “Bottom-up legitimacy” complemented with a top down approach to avoid entropic actions.

It implies dealing with a complex world where competitiveness needs to be integrated with cooperation. The concepts implicit in the Catalonian and Basque Country’s cultures are a natural catalyst that allows building upon existing approaches without needing to look for foreign solutions.

It will be a conflictive period because there will be people who will try to go back to the Spanish Miracle and others who will accept that something new has to be built. As a transition it is necessarily painful which demands the use of palliatives in order to make the process bearable.

But the good news is that the solution is there.

Wealth & Poverty – the Power of Nations – Democracy


1) The Ontology of Wealth and Poverty

The purpose of wealth is to foster evolution to guarantee the opportunities for the next generations. Wealth/Social evolution of a culture depends on the working capacity that is limited by the social and institutional inertia of such culture.

Wealth - PovertyOperationally, wealth depends on the working capacity, the technology, the education and the inertia of a culture. Poverty as such doesn’t exist. Poverty implies the absence of Wealth.

That is why it is commonly seen in underdeveloped countries that there are organizations who promote the “combat of poverty”.

You can combat thieves because they exist, you can combat enemies, but you cannot combat poverty. What you need to increase is wealth. The combat of poverty is just a fallacious myth to justify the distribution of an existing wealth.

The production of wealth must be fostered to reduce poverty. Combating poverty produces more poverty.

Poor countries have no power, because their working capacity is extremely low, that is why they are poor.

Wealth produces evolution

The elites drive the evolution. Producing evolution implies increasing the speed of work of a culture.

Wealth and poverty do no only depend on the action of a culture but also on the limits and possibilities of the environment.

Social Structure

What one is producing today might be worthless tomorrow because the environment changed.

Therefore, wealth implies being focused on the value of work which is always defined by the beneficiary of the task that is being done.

The production of wealth implies ensuring subsistence as a minimum strategy. This subsistence level is what we call poverty.

This level implies following the inertia of a culture and ensuring that the education makes people follow the values of such culture while using the necessary technologies for subsistence.

The maximal strategy is given by the development of work, which implies changing the inertia extending the boundaries of the activity, using innovative technologies to produce more with less while fostering the individual responsibility in education.

When we talk about education we are referring basically to the education of the elites that lead any evolution process.

The Dynamics of Evolution and Involution of Wealth

Understanding the indicators of evolution and involution allows defining if Wealth production is being increased or distributed.

Wealth - PovertyIt can be said that distribution leads to involution and production leads to expansion. If production is not distributed, the economy explodes. If distribution is the center of the economy, the society implodes.

The dynamics of Wealth production can be described as follows:

The increase of social wealth produces the evolution of the archetype of a culture.

This necessarily implies materialistic growth and the growth of the social values. This can be observed, among others, in the history of Australia, Brazil, China, Finland, India, Japan, South Korea, Sweden and the USA.

Social wealth grows because the paradigms of work have been changed following the laws of evolution.

Innovative technology and individual education produce the driver that enables the elite to guide through new boundaries to expand the present power of the culture.

Production prevails over distribution. But distribution is considered to ensure the minimum strategy for wealth increase.

Underdeveloped countries usually have a significant segment of their population at, or below, the subsistence level.

Therefore they tend to prioritize distribution and thus the archetype of the country stagnates or involves.

The education for work is the catalyst of the evolution of wealth and thus it is the catalyst of the evolution of the archetype.

The socializing education, to fulfill the social rules of the society, is the entropy inhibitor that ensures that the minimum strategy can be fulfilled.

It is not one or the other; it implies the coexistence of both, which have two structurally different rules.

Individual education for work needs to foster the extension of the technological boundaries while the socializing education needs to sustain social and institutional inertia.

2) How is the Power of Nations developed?

Understanding that the power of a Nation depends on its capacity to work is something very difficult to accept because it is rather new.

And accepting that the archetype of a culture defines the level of work that is the standard in an environment sounds deterministic and for some people racist. Because it implies that every culture obtains what it produces; that underdevelopment is defined by the underdeveloped, development by the developed and emergent by the emerging.

Power = W/t: Power can be measured in speed

Power can be measured in speed. That is why we say we can make a metaphor and measure the level of development in speed.

If developed cultures move at a speed of 100 km/hour, underdeveloped evolve more slowly.

That is why the gap between development and underdevelopment increases from day to day.

But emergent cultures are emergent because they move faster than the developed ones, which means that the gap between emergent cultures and developed cultures decreases from day to day, until the emergent cultures surpass the developed cultures.

The Power of Country Archetypes is defined by Work


Work implies the capacity of displacing facts in nature in order to generate a usable added value for a society.

Therefore it is implicit that the fundamentals of work are consistent with the different levels of archetypes.

Social Value of Influential Work

The purpose of work in elites of influential archetypes is to generate added value in their societies. To do so their active function is driven by the transforming of nature and the energy conservation function is the need to overcome resource scarcity.

Influential WorkIf we see it at an operational level we can define that:

The maximal strategy of the elites is to transform nature driven by the energy focused on knowledge and the personal need that sustains their actions is the self-affirmation of their deeds.

The minimum strategy to overcome resource scarcity is driven by the energy of their capacity to produce and the personal need that sustains their actions is the capacity to manage the time to make things happen.

Work dynamics of the influential type

From a dynamic point of view it can be said that an archetype is involving when the need to overcome resource scarcity prevails over transforming nature.

The catalyst of work at the level of influential archetypes is the need of self-affirmation at work. On the other hand, the entropy inhibitor is the need of time management that ensures following the rhythm of the culture.

Social Value of Expansive Work

Expansive Work

The purpose of work in elites of expansive archetypes is to earn value in their societies.

To do so their active function is driven by earning money and the energy conservation function is the need to survive.

If we see it at an operational level we can define that:

The maximal strategy of the elites is to earn money driven by the energy focused on their efforts to do so and the personal needs for recognition that sustain their actions.

The minimum strategy is to ensure subsistence, which is driven by the energy of their capacity to collect from the environment and the personal need that sustains their action is the need to “have” things.

3) Democracy

Top-Down vs. Bottom-Up Democracies

Democracy can be described as the authoritative leadership of a group or community aimed at achieving consensus and efficiency, and making the necessary trade-offs in a context of evolution conflicts.

DemocracyThe final goal of democracy is to achieve consensus which implies that there is a greater good that integrates the participants of a community. This greater good defines a vital space that is shared to make consensus meaningful.

Sharing a vital space necessarily requires a cooperative attitude and the existence of a nationality or spirit-de-corps that integrate the participants in order to build a context for cooperation. Finally, consensus implies the existence of democratic alternation which implies that the leaders rotate while the institution remains untouched.

Efficiency is defined by the achievement of results based on objective consensus among the members and the building of trade-offs that allow achieving results that go beyond the boundaries of the establishment.

The building of trade-offs imply that a subjective consensus needs to be achieved where the necessary entropy inhibiting trade-offs are implemented paying the price to sustain the evolution conflicts that give meaning to the democratic actions. Evolution conflicts are complementation conflicts that allow empowering and expanding the vital space.

The ethic of democracy – extreme democracy

Consensus is the purpose of democracy. Consensus can be achieved in many ways. Considering extreme-democracy, where consensus is achieved “spuriously”, the Stockholm syndrome can be defined as a type of democracy. It is what we call the anti-democracy. It achieves the same purpose, consensus, but based on the destruction of the free-will of participants.

Four types of democracy can be conceptually defined:

Top-Down Democratic Segments

Individualistic democracy – interest-based submissive model

The goal is to foster individual evolution based on a materialistic submissive behavior of the members of the community.

Belonging group-based democracy

This is grounded on the adherence of people to a group. The goal is to evolve within the rules of a group. Consensus is given by the acceptance of the rules.

Bottom-Up Democratic Segments

Elite-based democracy

It is based on the possibility, open to everyone, to debate the problems of a society. The existence of elites ensures the necessary stability given by an accepted establishment.

Integration-based democracy

The integration-based democracy implies an institutionalization that structures the integration. Institutions filter the incompatibilities and permit a smooth evolution towards efficient consensus. Fundamentalism is incompatible with democracy.

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Unicist Press Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems.