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Understanding the archetype of the USA and its consequences

The power of a culture is given by its archetype, the value of work and the technology that is being developed to generate growth. The Archetype of the USA is a paradigmatic example of how a culture can be leading in the world while strengthening its identity.

The reach of one’s globalization is defined
by the limit of the pronoun “WE”…

The nature of the culture of the US, which is defined by its archetype, can be described by the propensity to develop audacious actions in the environment based on the necessary use of knowledge in order to achieve its “dream” within a credibility context.

And this has to happen within the “system” that provides the limits of the actions.

The Maximal strategy implies that the culture is driven by daring actions to achieve its cultural “dream” within an institutionalized context.

The catalyst of the evolution of the American archetype is its institutionalization that accelerates its evolution.

Institutionalization is materialized in the democratic rules of the society. The icon of the cultural dream is the American Flag.

Unicist Archetype of the USADaring implies doing in terms of concrete operational actions to achieve growth and surpass the well-being achieved by the preceding generations.

The social pressure towards growth within a context of being a leading culture in the world generates uncertainty in the coming generations that fosters the need for addictions to avoid the responsibility to produce growth.

The minimum strategy of the archetype fosters thinking, driven by the personal objectives and within the limits of the personal credibility.

That is why the USA archetype includes a multi-minority approach.

This minimum strategy provides the necessary context to develop hard technologies that sustain the economic activities of the maximal strategy.

Personal credibility is the entropy inhibitor of the American archetype.

Unicist Archetype of the USAAs wealth sustains the perception of security, personal credibility requires having solved the necessary financial situation that makes an individual credible.

Daring, dreaming, credibility and thinking integrated to achieve growth require a strong ethical environment that needs to be sustained by the judiciary system.

Lying is unacceptable because it destroys the credibility and transparency of the archetype.

Understanding and respecting the archetype of the USA is extremely useful to develop global and local businesses.

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm. http://www.unicist.org/repo/index.php#Unicist

Social Influence: The Discovery of the Social Critical Mass

Social critical mass is defined as the minimal amount of focused energy necessary to trigger a planned social phenomenon. Objects need to have the necessary critical mass to produce the value added to the process they participate in.

Its ontogenetic map is defined by extreme aesthetics, extreme influence and extreme credibility to provide the energy to produce results. Any social action requires having the necessary critical mass to produce the predefined results. Action without results is just unnecessary movement.

Critical mass is a basic condition for any social object, including the business objects. The final driver of SCM is the generation of an expansion process. It implies having an extreme aesthetics which is defined by the need to complete the essential needs of the participants of a social phenomenon.

This requires having the knowledge of the ontogenetic map of the phenomenon in order to be able to define the desirable aspects that need to be completed and the harmony that needs to be designed in order to generate an extremely aesthetic value.

Completing implies covering an explicit need. That is why completing requires having an extreme influence in order to be accepted.

Extreme influence implies having a complementation driven influence which integrates both cooperation and competition. Extreme influence requires establishing a complementation driven bond which includes both functional and personal aspects.

Extreme aesthetics can only be accepted with an environment of extreme credibility. That is why the credibility is the complement of aesthetics. Extreme credibility is an optimism based relationship.

Optimism makes people believe that what is possible will occur and that the validity of the process has been proven. Without optimism there can exist no social critical mass. Optimism is extremely far away from mania.

Social Critical Mass can be achieved when there is the necessary conceptual aesthetic, the complementation driven influence and the necessary social optimism.

Access more information on Social Evolution:

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using a logical approach to deal with evolution and became a private global decentralized world-class research organization in the field of human adaptive systems.  http://www.unicist.org

The 10-Year Trend for Healthcare Organizations in the United States

This is a synthesis of the trends developed at the Future Research Lab on the “Evolution of Healthcare in the US” led by Peter Belohlavek. They are based on the global healthcare trends in developed countries that have been developed.


The reach of one’s globalization is defined
by the limit of the pronoun “WE”…

The objective of this research was to find the trends that underlie the healthcare business in the US.

The development of the future scenario that arose was based on the changes introduced in medical regulations and on the possibilities opened by the use of new technologies.

The 10-year trends can be synthesized in:

  1. The trend towards expansive healthcare organizations
  2. The trend towards patient centered management
  3. The trend towards adaptive information technology solutions
  4. The trend towards using semantic objects to segment


Two structural changes happened in the United States:

  1. The transparency of the use of electronic medical records established a new starting point for medical practice.
  2. The concept of the Accountable Care Organizations and its analogical multiplication in medical practice introduced the concept of profiting from healthcare improvements.

This triggered the need of adaptiveness for healthcare organizations.

New technologies that made structural adaptiveness possible:

  1. Future Healthcare OrganizationAdaptive Information Technology
  2. Semantic objects to manage adaptiveness
  3. The discovery of the human drivers of attitudes
  4. Double dialectical logic to manage adaptiveness

The integration of the structural changes and the now available technologies is predictable based on the understanding of the power of the archetype of the US.

If you are interested in learning about the unicist future research technologies that are used to develop future scenarios we recommend you to access:

These Trends are a Back to Hippocrates in the XXI Century

Back to Hippocrates means going back to the natural role of medicine.

In the XXI century it implies the use of an object driven organization model integrating processes with objects in order to ensure results and optimize the use of energy.

The Value Adding Approach is basically driven by the development of a model based on the use of the rules of Patient Centered Management.

The operational objective is to maximize the value added to patients considered as clients.

It is a backward-chaining-thinking approach beginning with the value being added and ending with the process and objects that are needed.

The process is centered on patient orientation, added value assurance and result assurance.

1) The Next Step in Healthcare:

Expansive Healthcare Organization (EHO)

Expansive healthcare organizations are an upgrade of the two major trends in medical practice: vocation driven and profession driven.

Expansive Healthcare OrganizationsEHO are organizations that expand the size of their community in order to increase the level of wellbeing of their members. Their activity is naturally patient centered in terms of their focus on health.

The patient centered management requires the integration of results assurance, patient orientation and added value assurance in order to sustain the focus on health.

The maximal strategy is focused on the generation of value measured in terms of health. Having a structural medical practice allows dealing with health, going beyond the necessary specialties that are needed to cure patients.

Patients’ prevention is the catalyst of the expansive healthcare organization, which allows expanding the boundaries of the community of patients. This implies influencing actively their community in order to foster prevention.

The minimum strategy is focused on the healthcare business which is materialized in having the necessary disease centered medical practice and the medical prevention.

Expansive Healthcare OrganizationsThe goal of the minimum strategy is to ensure the business of the EHO.

Medical prevention is the entropy inhibitor to sustain the community and avoid its entropy.

The segmentation of expansive healthcare organizations defines the way they manage the patient centered attitude.

1)  Physicians driven

2)  Therapeutics driven

3)  Health driven

4)  Community driven


Physicians driven Organizations

This segment is focused on ensuring the patient orientation through a structural physician organization. Their core is the organization of the role of physicians.

Therapeutics driven Organizations

This segment is focused on providing excellence in therapeutics in order to ensure patient orientation. Their core is the organization of the role of specialists.

Health driven Organizations

This segment is focused on providing healthcare solutions for patients based on a holistic approach to health. The core is the role of health oriented physicians.

Community driven Organizations

This segment is focused on being able to deal with the different segments that integrate the community to provide health. The core is the adaptiveness of the organization to adapt to the segments.


2) The Next Step in Healthcare:

Patient Centered Management (PCM)

Patient Centered Management is an organizational meta-model that allows empowering the work processes in healthcare institutions. It is homologous to Client Centered Management that is the natural model to guide work processes in businesses that was developed in the eighties.

Patient Centered ManagementOn the one hand, PCM works as a conceptual action guide to design work processes and, on the other hand, it is the main catalyst for continuous improvement, change management and innovation management.

The purpose of the model is to assure results, its action is driven by patient orientation and there is a quality assurance that sustains the value added.

PCM as a Meta-model

Meta-models need to be materialized in a system. As such we are not talking only about the hardware and software but also about the peopleware.

Patient Centered Management

Meta-models become meaningful when they are materialized in operational rules that have to be followed in a meaningful way.

The PCM generates four different segments of medical organizations:

  1. Artisanal Organizations
  2. Professional Organizations
  3. Technological Organizations
  4. Patient Centered Organizations


Artisanal Organizations

Artisanal organizations are driven by the individual capacity of their members. The added value is assured by the use of metrics and administrative EHR.

The core of their functionality lays on the capacity to integrate adequately chosen members. The activity is focused on curing processes based on the knowledge and reliability of each participant.

They are based on the individual capacity of doctors and their capacity to cure the problem of the patient.

Professional Organizations

Professional organizations are based on the fulfillment of roles that are based on the knowledge and authority of their participants.

Their strategy is defensive, based on ensuring the delivery of the necessary palliatives to cover the patients’ needs while the curing process is being implemented. They need to use adaptive EHR to monitor the curing processes.

They are based on the knowledge of the doctors and their capacity to use it. These organizations are knowledge centered and naturally tend towards evidence based medicine.

Technological Organizations

Technological organizations are based on the use of hard technologies to deliver the medical services. They tend to use the technological innovations to catalyze the professional role of their members.

They are usually dominant in the community based on the objective technology they use. They naturally integrate curing and palliating processes as a unit. They need to use adaptive systems to monitor their solutions.

They are based on having the most effective technologies to deal with the problems patients have.

Patient Centered Organization

Patient centered organizations are driven by their need to provide solutions for the community. They are innovation, efficacy and reliability driven.

Patient centered organizations base their strategy on their innovation capacity and on the influence they can exert on the environment.

They are health driven which allows them to build large patient communities with healthier members. Patient centered organizations need to use administrative EMR to sustain the efficacy of their doctors.

Integrated Organizations

Integrated organizations include aspects of the different organizations to generate a natural environment for medical practices considering their specialties.

They are based on the professional roles of its members and an object driven organization model using medical objects, business objects and personal role objects to mange the adaptive processes of medical practice.

3) The Next Step in Healthcare: Adaptive IT Solutions

Adaptive IT solutions are systems that have been designed to interact with the external and internal environment. Nowadays, there are multiple programming solutions available to sustain the unicist adaptive architecture. The solutions include aspect objects architecture with unicist logical inferences to manage adaptiveness.

Adaptive IT ArchitectureThe evolution of Information Technologies allowed integrating the adaptive aspects of business management in the operational systems of hospitals.

The integration of the unicist logical approach and the resulting business objects included in the business processes within an adaptive IT environment allows driving business processes to the next level.

To be able to organize by objects it is necessary to use both adaptive and administrative systems to organize the work processes. This widened the possibilities of hospitals to expand the boundaries of their activities within an environment of assured quality.

The level of adaptiveness varies according to the needs of the system. Adaptiveness is based on the medical, therapeutics and disease segmentation.

There are four levels of adaptiveness that can be managed:

1) Analogical drivers

This level is based on the recognition of the significant behavioral patterns of the segments of patients.

2) Rules based drivers

This level is based on the use of analogical patterns and the logical rules defined by the fundamentals that influence the processes.

3) Empirical drivers

This level is based on the previous level and the integration of mathematical models to infer behavior based on the observable aspects of the fundamentals of the processes.

4) Objects based drivers

This level is based on the previous level plus the use of medical objects that work as interdependent drivers to influence the attitude of patients. The feedback is defined by the results produced by these objects.


The IT Structure of the PCM

The integrator of the Patient Centered Management Model is given by the EMR/EHR/EPR system.

Patient Centered ManagementWe have defined four segments of systems that produce differentiated behaviors in medical organizations:

  1. Administrative EHR driven processes to allow monitoring the disease of the patient
  2. Adaptive EHR driven processes to allow monitoring the solutions provided by the doctors
  3. Adaptive EMR driven processes integrated with adaptive and administrative EHR to ensure the synchronicity of the solutions provided
  4. Administrative EMR driven processes integrated with EHR and EPR to focus on the health of the patient


4) The Next Step in Healthcare:

Semantic Objects to Segment

Semantic objects are linguistics communications, in written or verbal format, that have the power to install meaningful knowledge in the long term memory of an individual.

Semantic ObjectsSemantic objects are “adaptive systems” based on messages that use figurative communication to build meaningful knowledge. These objects have a concept, an added value and a quality assurance in order to achieve their objective.

In order to build semantic objects it is necessary to manage the unicist ontogenetic map of messages and figurative communication. They require no knowledge in order to be used. Users only need to know what they produce and how to manage their output.

Semantic objects are extremely segmented because they are driven by the use of language that segments based on its implicit reasoning pattern and its ethical mask (see ontology of languages).

Semantic objects are the natural complementation for any communication that deals with human activity where results need to be achieved.

Types of Semantic Objects

Semantic ObjectsThere are different types of semantic objects to influence different aspects of the long term memory of an individual.

  1. Informative Objects
  2. Value Adding Objects
  3. Conflict Management Objects
  4. Complement Building Objects

The Structure of the Types of Semantic Objects:

1) Informative Objects

These objects are used to approach the semantic memory of individuals. They need to include a message based on news that people are expecting and their figurative language needs to be sustained by graspable analogies.

2) Value Adding Objects

These objects are used to approach the procedural memory of individuals. They need to include a message based on a meaningful interpretation of the reality an individual is facing and their figurative language needs to be sustained by meaningful metaphors.

3) Conflict Management Objects

These objects are used to approach the episodic memory of individuals. They need to be based on a mind opening figurative communication and include a message that has to be based on objective information.

4) Complementation Building Objects

These objects are used to approach the long term memory of individuals in its oneness. It is a structural approach that needs to include the different aspects individual consider when making a decision. They need to be based on a homology driven figurative communication and include a message that opens and expands the possibilities of the individual.


The next step in healthcare organizations implies the integration of vocation driven attitudes, which are focused on health, with professionalism driven attitudes, which are focused on business.

It implies that the scorecard of measurement of medical practice will include the measurement of health and not only the activities that happen within the medical organizations

This will imply a structural change in the judiciary system dealing with malpractice problems. This change has already begun.

Adaptiveness is the name of the next step and the use of adaptive IT solutions, predicting interfaces and segmented communication are the way to sustain this new step.

If you want to access more information about this study please contact n.i.brown@unicist.org

Unicist Press Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm. http://www.unicist.org/repo/#Unicist

Understanding Cultures: The French Archetype

The reach of one’s globalization is defined by the limit of the pronoun “WE”…

The reach of one’s globalization is defined
by the limit of the pronoun “WE”…

The French culture integrates efficiency and efficacy to achieve results prioritizing the latter. The French Archetype generated a unique way to develop a culture and a country.

France is a country with a very strong technological development. But, even though this strength, France prioritizes science over technology. It can be considered as a benchmark for scientific development both in hard and soft sciences.

In order to understand the French culture, one needs to understand the French Revolution as a detonating element of its assertion, which drives towards its evolution.

The French Archetype

France’s archetype integrates: pragmatism, which is notorious in its international policy, a democracy driven approach that is evident in its non-dissent model, a strong nationality and its characteristic of being a science incubator.

The Unicist Logic of the Archetype of FranceThe French archetype includes and will always include a high degree of State intervention in the economy through incentive systems. This is also evident if we analyze the history of France since the industrial revolution.

The French model has always combined a certain degree of Keynesianism and of structuralism with some classic elements.

The employment problem will be a growing one, but one must bear in mind that France has the social perspective of employing people ingrained in the leaders’ minds; therefore, it is not a “struggle” between interests and employment but rather a “conflict” between them.

One should expect a reinforcement of government actions to foster the generation of employment in the country and a conflict with companies that seek to install manufacturing plants in some low wage countries.

The French idiosyncrasy is based on their structured social behavior, which is associated with a notorious individual freedom that drives to the existence of two different behavioral rules for public and private affairs.

Non-dissent as a Model

Non-dissent as a modelConceptually, the French Revolution symbolized the maximum expression of the weight of dissent in a culture.
If we look at France’s later evolution, we shall see that different models, social groups and ideologies coexist in the culture.

But their coexistence is possible due to a very strong national identity that, through respect toward dissent, and only with a few exceptions, manages to avoid larger conflicts. This is what the French Archetype is about.

The May 1968 revolt drove to the acceptance of the need to have a laboratory to monitor social evolution. From a conceptual point of view, the social laboratory is a way to measure society’s dissent and the possibilities to channel it positively to avoid outbursts.

France as the Birthplace of Sciences

France is, at an intellectual level, science driven. Its orientation toward dissent is the basis for the approach to sciences, which naturally drives to integrate foundations with justifications.

France produced notorious contributions in the field of hard sciences like mathematics, physics and chemistry and in soft-sciences like psychology, anthropology, sociology, etc.

France’s development in the scientific field generates a knowledge basis in Europe. This is based on the Universities, which operate as excellence centers per areas and help guarantee that France and Europe count on think-tanks to maintain a worldwide leadership in their fields of specialty.

Public Ethics vs. Private Ethics

The French culture is based on a unique characteristic: the complementation of public and private ethics.
While public ethics is strongly geared toward security, driving toward institutionalization and a sense of communitarian identity, on the other hand, private ethics is geared toward freedom and the quest for the personal ideal beyond those duties that must be complied with in the community.

France’s Growth

Today France appears to be clearly inclined toward a growth based on the development of competitiveness in the culture.
It has to be considered that it is a nationalist culture that complements public and private behaviors. Its State is very strong, which is perceived in its diplomatic action, where the national interest is set above individual needs.

While the organization of the State assures structural stability, governments, like elsewhere, need to win elections and therefore need to be focused on conjunctures.

France’s evolution depends, like all evolution, on the competitors’ actions. The quality and speed at which it moves will depend on whether France maintains its current stage or whether it upgrades to a superior stage.

Absolute Ideology vs. Relative Ideology

The Concept of DemocracyFrance has been harshly criticized from the outside, because of its tendency toward ideological conflicts that appear to be absolute.

These actions, at a given time, may paralyze actions in social or economic sectors.

However, taking a closer look, one will see that these conflicts are relative ones if viewed from an internal standpoint.

That is why we can still expect a larger relativization of the ideologies “wrapped up” in conflicts that appear to be absolute.

Ideologies will become in France what they essentially are: beliefs that use an available technology to satisfy certain interests working within the accepted myths of a culture.

What are Unicist Country Archetypes?

Unicist Country Archetypes are the structure of fundamentals that define the behavior of a culture.

The functionality of the archetype is driven by the structure of the Ontogenetic Intelligence of Nature. Therefore a country archetype has a purpose, an active function and an energy conservation function.

If you study the history of a country you will find a structural behavior that hardly changes, producing the evolution or involution of the culture based on two aspects:
1) The change of the external environment where the culture has to live.
2) The change produced by the members of the culture.

When you enter deeply in the history of a country, which is the way to try to discover the nature of a culture defined by its archetypes, you will see that the majority of the changes happens at an operational level and not at a structural level.

Considering the Roman Empire you will see that it developed extremely slowly from the original tribes to an Empire and then evolved from an Empire to what it is today.

Hundreds of years are necessary for an archetype to evolve if the conditions of evolution are given. Involution is faster than evolution, but it also demands hundreds of years.

The values of cultures are implicit in the values of their elites. Therefore the understanding of the archetype of a culture implies researching the evolution of their establishment and the facts that were produced.

To define an ontological structure of a culture, which describes its fundamentals, it is necessary to find the hypothesis in its past, validate it with the facts of the present and falsify it with future forecasts based on its nature.

Unicist Ontology in the Social FieldTo explain this more operationally, some structural patterns for cultural behavior will be found by understanding the establishments of the cultures in the past. These patterns are in fact the operational concepts that are implicit in a country.

Operational concepts describe the myths that rule social behavior and the trade-offs that are made by the utopias that are posed by the participants of a culture.

When the operational concepts have been found the implicit purposes of their actions must be found.

The purposes are never those declaimed by the “actors”, they are those produced by the “actors”.

The purposes we are researching are not the operational objectives of actions but the structural results of the actions considered at a conceptual level.

It has to be considered that the real purposes of a culture are taboos that can only be shared by those who are able to influence them.

For the rest of the society they are mixed up with the operational objectives considering them as the real objectives.

The real objectives of a culture are those that are behind and guide the actions of the whole society. Basically, they are cross-cultural because they respond to the natural basic needs of people.

The active function of a society is materialized by the establishment and represented by the elite. This active function is observable, it can be measured.

Unicist Ontology of the Social StructureThe patterns of these actions are limited by the myths of a society. Paradoxically, the myths are implicit in the values of the middle class.

The middle class needs an external structure to be able to ascend socially. The myths are the energy conservation function and sustain the objectives, avoiding that the utopias posed by the elite change the real purpose of a society.

The final purpose of a social organization is the wellbeing of a society. This wellbeing can be considered as the ultimate goal in any society.

But it has to be considered that there are societies that do not include in their structure some of their members. In the ancient Greek democracy, slaves were not part of the social structure.

If you want to access more information about this study please contact

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm. http://www.unicist.org/repo/#Unicist

The 10-Year Global Future Scenario of Objects driven Virtual Collaboration


The reach of one’s globalization is defined
by the limit of the pronoun “WE”…

The 10-year Global Future Scenario of Objects driven Virtual Collaboration, developed by the Future Research Lab of The Unicist Research Institute and led by Peter Belohlavek, defines the trend towards this type of work organization when some of the following conditions are given:

  1. Extreme specialized solutions are needed
  2. There is a need for time saving
  3. There is a need for timing
  4. Transparency of work processes
  5. Reliability systems
  6. Customer orientation
  7. Quality assurance in work process

About Virtual Collaboration

The communication and IT technologies allowed making the next step in organizational design, integrating personal and virtual collaboration, organizing roles and using business objects, to maximize results and minimize costs.

This is a change in working habits that is extremely valuable to manage the adaptive aspects of businesses.

The virtual collaboration allows developing both internal and external work processes. The introduction of this technology needs to begin with the activity where the productivity increase is needed the most.

Relationship BuildingMarshall McLuhan said: “The Medium is the Message”. There is no doubt that virtual media are less powerful than in-person activities to build personal relationships. Therefore it is necessary to compensate this characteristic with an increase of functionality in the group dynamics.

Functionality is increased by using business objects (that introduce functional adaptive automation into the processes). The use of business objects driven work processes allows increasing the functionality of virtual collaboration processes and building a context of simplicity.

In order to achieve group synergy, it is required that the group follows a protocol that establishes the rules of actions and the distribution of credits for its members.

It has to be considered that the bond established between the members of a group is basic to provide a collaboration context that allows achieving synergy and thus increases the productivity.

The fundamentals of this bond are given by the complementation between the members, the functionality of each role and the personal link between the members.

The drivers of this trend are:

  1. The use of virtual collaboration at a personal level on Internet
  2. The massification of the use of Internet
  3. The use of virtual collaboration by many leading organization such a: Shell, IBM, Deloitte, Google, Cisco, etc.

The new technologies that sustain this trend:

  1. Cloud computing
  2. Audio/Video-conferencing
  3. Data-sharing
  4. Desktop-sharing
  5. Web-conferencing
  6. Imaging technologies
  7. Object Driven Organization
  8. Adaptive IT Solutions
  9. Client Centered Management

Where will Virtual Collaboration be installed as a standard within the next 10 years?

  1. Project Management
  2. Work Process Monitoring
  3. Home Office
  4. Research & Development
  5. Counseling/Coaching/Tutoring
  6. Business consulting
  7. Auditing
  8. IT R&D
  9. Virtual Negotiations
  10. B2B Marketing
  11. Buying Processes
  12. Business Monitoring
  13. Customer Support
  14. Auditing
  15. Corporate Universities
  16. Medical Consultations
  17. Medical Prevention
  18. Medical Monitoring
  19. Clinical Trials

To access the basics on Unicist Future Research please enter: www.unicist.org/sdp.shtml

Subjectivism is the killer of Virtual Collaboration

Subjectivism at work is the prevalence of subjective, ungrounded opinions, which prevail over any foundations that can be installed by a counterpart. Subjectivism implies the need of using distortive perceptions, denial and fallacies to avoid dealing with the actual problems.

Subjectivism is necessarily driven by manipulation which necessarily requires an extreme use of emotional influence to avoid dealing with the functional aspects of reality.


Therefore virtual collaboration requires working in functional environments where the roles of individuals are recognized by the results they can produce and their capacity of teamwork. Subjectivists can use virtual communication but not virtual collaboration.

What is needed to deal with Virtual Collaboration?

There are three aspects of organizations that need to be considered when installing virtual collaboration as a standard:

  1. Client Centered Management, to organize towards the satisfaction of customers and clients.
  2. Object Driven Organization, to use objects and personal roles to introduce functional adaptiveness in the processes.
  3. Adaptive IT solutions in order to provide a framework to sustain the efficacy of the participants.

1) Client Centered Management (CCM)

Client Centered ManagementCCM is a management model that was developed to establish the rules for an optimum use of the company’s energy so as to satisfy its internal and external clients. When talking about the external client in the company we necessarily refer to the customer and the shareholder. CCM is a meta-model to provide result-assurance, client orientation and secure added value to an organization. It is the natural model to expand businesses.

CCM is a paradigmatic adaptive system integrated by multiple business objects.

The core objects are:

1) The Unicist Reliability System

2) The Unicist Scorecard

3) The Unicist Quality Assurance System

The principles that integrate the CCM meta-model are:

1. Divide the processes into client-supplier units

This division aims at determining which operating units have a clear “output” so as to be suppliers and which have a clear “input” so as to be considered clients.

2. Minimize intermediaries

This principle follows the natural concept of “the larger the number of intermediaries, the bigger the entropy”.

3. Services or products received are paid for

This principle makes the organization become more aware of costs and benefits and enables negotiating goals to obtain measurable and predictable results.

Maximal Strategy

4. Each client has only one supplier

The principle that each client has only one supplier defines the role of the supplier which drives towards a solution driven approach and not only a task driven approach.

5. First giving, then receiving

It implies that services are paid for once rendered and not during the rendering process or in advance. There can be grounded exceptions to this in the organization.

6. Delivered out of time is considered undelivered

In practice, it ends up in an incentive system for each delivery on time and a punishment system if the dispatch is made out of time.

Minimum Strategy

7. Every client may change his supplier

The organization’s success is given by its capacity to satisfy the clients’ needs. This obliges the organization to manage the unfulfilled situations a supplier may have.

8. He who needs claims

“He who needs claims” is a principle based on the KANBAN approach which is closely associated with the natural tendency of satisfying one’s own needs.

9. Each supplier counts on his client’s trust

One of the basic principles of any successful large company is having a high reliability level. Reliability and trust are “sine qua non” principles for CCM’s application.

2) The Object Driven Organization

The unicist organizational approach is based on emulating nature in organizations. An extremely effective organization can be developed integrating both structural aspects that sustain evolution and incidental aspects that allow dealing with conjunctures. Emulating nature implies integrating the abstract apprehension of reality with the concrete operational design.

Object Driven OrganizationA unicist object driven organization is a result driven model that, according to the predefined objectives, designs the necessary processes and uses and reuses business objects to produce the expected results.

The object driven organization requires having a high level of maturity in business. It can be defined as the organization of processes and the use of objects to achieve the objectives that have been established in a strategy.

An object driven organization implies the development of a maximal strategy that includes the design of processes based on taxonomic procedures to put them into action and also a shared vision that makes these processes consistent with the business.

The vision of the organization is the catalyst of the minimum strategy. If it does not achieve its threshold, it works as an inhibitor of the minimum strategy and destroys the organization. The minimum strategy is based on the use and reuse of objects within the context of methodic procedures to ensure their use and functionality. This is sustained by an action plan (a “to do” list) to guarantee the fulfillment of the minimum strategy.

The use of business objects structures the timing and synchronicity of business processes. It also provides the necessary acceleration to achieve the needed critical mass and the required speed to adapt to the environment.

Types of Business Objects

There are five business objects which are: the drivers, the entropy inhibitors, the inhibitors, the catalysts and the gravitational objects.

Objects’ FunctionalityThe first three ones belong to the process of a system while the catalysts are part of the restricted context and the gravitational objects belong to the wide context of a system.

Objects can be designed integrating these three functions as part of their functionality or they can exist as three different objects to provide the driving, inhibiting and entropy inhibiting functions in a process.

Catalysts and gravitational objects are not part of the system. If one integrates them into the system, these objects do not work as such and destroy the system’s functionality.

The use of business objects requires individuals who understand the business processes in order to use the objects and replace them when their functionality has been exceeded

Unicist Business Objects are provided for the following uses:

Driving Objects 
To drive processes

– Catalyzing Objects 
To accelerate processes

– Entropy Inhibiting Objects 
To inhibit the entropy of business processes

– Inhibiting Objects 
To inhibit dysfunctional events in a business

– Gravitational Objects 
To influence the results of processes

3) Adaptive IT Solutions

The available IT technologies made the development of adaptive systems meaningful. The objective of building adaptive systems is to integrate software, hardware and peopleware in adaptive work or business processes to assure the quality of the results produced.

Adaptive IT ArchitectureThe development of the adaptive IT  technology became possible because of the discovery of the unicist laws of evolution, the object driven organization that emulates the organization of nature and the drivers of human behavior that allow designing the necessary peopleware.

Before the existence of adaptive systems, the solution was fully focused on the efficacy of individuals, which increased the responsibility of the person who was doing a job. This forced individuals to consider all the details of the feedback from the environment which increased the probability of errors.

The catalyst of an adaptive IT system is its capacity to learn from the feedback to improve its adaptive structural behavior. The entropy inhibitor of the system is given by its capacity to learn to ensure conjunctural adaptiveness.

Adaptiveness is based on the existence of drivers that make it possible. There are different levels of adaptiveness beginning with the most basic and ending with the most flexible. The levels of the adaptive drivers are the following:

  1. There are analogical drivers that are based on the recognition of patterns.
  2. There are rule based drivers that include the preexisting and add rules that correspond to the activity.
  3. There are empirical drivers that include the preexisting and add empirical information obtained using mathematical models.
  4. There are objects based drivers that include the preexisting and add concept based objects as intrinsic adaptive systems.

The integration of the adaptive aspects with the operational and administrative aspects is necessary in order to develop user oriented information systems.

The level of adaptiveness of a system has to be designed according to the characteristics of a work process. Administrative and operational systems can be transformed into adaptive systems by adding and integrating an adaptive interface.

Quality Assurance: The Unicist Standard

The Unicist Standard was developed to sustain the application of the Unicist Logical Approach to Adaptive Systems Architecture and to the building of Unicist Business Objects.

The researches developed at The Unicist Research Institute allowed managing the unified fields of human complex adaptive systems in a reasonable, understandable and provable way.

The discoveries of the ontogenetic intelligence of nature, the anthropological invariables and their evolution, the human ontointelligence and the double dialectical behavior made the research & development and management of adaptive systems possible.

The Unicist Standard defines the ontogenetic maps that have to be followed in an adaptive system in order to structure it and achieve the results that have been defined as possible.


Virtual collaboration is the natural way to organize when there is a need of expert knowledge. Nowadays expert knowledge can be integrated in most of the cases by using the IT technologies that allow sharing data and images.

Collaborative ContextThe time saving and productivity increase is significant when the conditions for virtual collaboration are given. It allows providing full synchronicity with the needs of customers and clients.

But there are several requirements for virtual collaboration to be implemented:

  1. Virtual collaboration needs transparency of work become part of the culture of an organization.
  2. It needs reliability systems that monitor work processes.
  3. It requires customer orientation that fosters fulfillment, synchronicity and reliability.
  4. Personal roles need to be complemented by quality assurance processes to ensure results.

If you want to access more information about this study please contact n.i.brown@unicist.org

Unicist Press Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm. http://www.unicist-school.org/future-research/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/turi-1.pdf


Elections 2012: Analogy between the US and the Roman Empire

It is known and accepted that the Roman Empire and the USA are homologous in many aspects. The 2012 election process brought about some of the homologies between both cultures.

It is evident that the Roman Empire declined when the democracy weakened and it became ruled by military power.

Was it that way? Or did the democracy lose its efficiency and transformed the culture into an extreme individualistic and anarchic society that generated militarization as an antidote?

The answer to this question is very important to apprehend the evolution of influential cultures.

The 2012 election in the US established a new starting point that is, at the same time, a turning point. A battle between archetypes is taking place. There are two extreme possibilities:

  1. Whether the society splits into two incompatible positions with the consequent extreme individualism.
  2. Or the society accepts that this is a new starting point where a new “New Deal” is defined.

Nowadays there are too many members who consider that dividing is better than multiplying.

“President Obama won re-election against rival Mitt Romney. That’s the big news, but the other story is how Americans voted. That part is still being reviewed and final statistics are not yet finished, but exit polling shows a confused picture.

The big talking point is that President Obama won Blacks, Hispanics, and women. Mitt Romney won men, particularly White men. The margin of victory based on race is extreme. Blacks voted for President Obama some 93%, Hispanics fell in line with 71% support, and women provided 55%. Asians also had high support numbers for President Obama with 73% of the vote.

This brings up an interesting thought. Race is the taboo subject of politics. It can’t be brought up (as least not by Republicans or Conservatives) but it was a defining force in 2008.”

If we consider that the US archetype is extremely strong, it survived the secession war, a new “New Deal” can be expected.

The price to be paid is a transition in the context of a global change that is happening.

Access a synthesis on the “Discovery of the Unicist Ontology of Institutional and Cultural Adaptiveness” that is available at the Scientific Dissemination Program. You will find there other syntheses that might be of your interest: http://www.unicist-school.org/future-research/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/ontology_cultural_adaptiveness-1.pdf

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a global decentralized world-class research organization in the field of human adaptive systems.

The Unicist Archetype of Argentina: A Country in Transition

To describe the Archetype of Argentina it is necessary to first define how the transition of cultures works.

About the transition of archetypes

Developed countries are such because they have a dominant, functional and powerful archetype that defines their culture and drives their actions.

New countries are in transition until a functional archetype is installed. Installed implies that this new functional archetype is in the collective unconscious and is managed by the establishment of the culture.

Transitions may last decades or centuries. It depends on the development of the power of the Nation, which necessarily includes the existence of the power of its establishment.

The Unicist Standard for Country Future Research defines establishment as the elite that assumes the responsibility of the evolution of the mass and the middle class.

The middle class of a country sustains the mass providing the possibilities of social mobility. To ascend, the members of the mass need to become an elite in their field until they establish as members of the middle class.

About the establishments of cultures

In a transition, the establishment of the culture does not assume the responsibility for the wellbeing of the culture. In this case the establishment is replaced by the government that assumes the responsibility for the wellbeing. But this produces a loss of the power of the State. The power of a State is proportional to the power of the establishment.

In democratic countries Governments represent the evolution and States represent their Archetypes.

When there is no dominant, functional and powerful archetype there is no possibility for a State to be strong. At the same time the elite is illegitimated for not representing the interests of the population and the culture involves.

What produces the transition of archetypes?

  1. New countries might produce a transition of the archetype if they hadn’t a defined archetype before they became independent Nations.
  2. Involving cultures are necessarily in transition because there is a dysfunctional archetype that needs to be changed by a functional one.
  3. Extreme social and economic differences in a country that have not been assumed by the establishment generate a transitional environment.
  4. The systematic substitution of the establishment by governmental actions generates endless transitions.

The consequence of transitions

Transitions have inevitable problems. There is a Chinese curse that says: “God condemns you to live a transition”. Transitions can be synthesized in the following characteristics:

  1. Periodic crises produced by the dysfunctionality of the new archetype that tries to substitute a preexisting one.
  2. Judiciary instability, because there is not a dominant establishment with dominant rules.
  3. The predominance of absolute ideologies generating a great gap between successive governments.
  4. The trend of governments to remain in power beyond the limits of the existent constitutional rules in order to “impose” the new archetype.
  5. Significant ideological and economic changes between governments.

When transitions become to an end

Transitions end when a dominant establishment assumes the responsibility of being the “elite”, the State functions within the limits of the archetype and the transition of governments happens without absolute ideological breakthroughs.

We can mention several countries who, more and less recently, overcame a transition: Sweden, Spain, Finland, Chile, and Brazil. We can also mention most of the countries of the so called “3rd World” that are still in transition.

The Archetype of Argentina

Argentina is a country with enormous natural resources and an exceptional climate to provide natural goods all over the world. Argentina’s Archetype can only be understood if this condition has been apprehended and read in all its consequences.

If you want to access some short information on Argentina please enter:

The other notorious aspect of the Argentine culture is the intelligence of its citizens. Argentines have perhaps one of the highest levels of individual intelligence in the Western World.

This integration of abundance and individual intelligence within a context of transition are the operational drivers of the Argentine archetype that is, and has been for many years, in transition seeking for an establishment that assumes the responsibility for the Argentine evolution.

Thus naturally the archetype is based on taking advantage of the abundance and this produces a difficulty of sharing the evolution with the whole society. Individual intelligence prevails.

There is a substitute for this lack of establishment which is the government: Governments intend to distribute what the members of the society do not.

Argentine Maximal Strategy

The maximal strategy of the Argentine archetype is to take advantage of its natural resources and generate value for the individuals who live in Argentina. Thus Argentina is naturally positioned in a low cost strategy that allows conquering the world markets based on the competitive advantage of its natural resources.

Natural resources, as the central economic power, sustain the rest of the economy.

Although there is an extremely powerful reservoir of intelligence, this has not been empowered yet in terms of work and is basically focused on aspects where Argentina is a leading country in the world: art, design, music, theatre, literature, etc.

Argentina Minimum strategy

The minimum strategy is that every individual of the country has the possibility of avoiding poverty and being able to survive the periodic crises produced by the transition state.

Minimum strategy allows developing an extremely powerful “individual entrepreneurial” activity that provides employment to most of the population.

The surviving intelligence developed in Argentina based on the crises produced by the transition provokes an extreme capacity of adapting instantaneously to changes and, but the same time, this inhibits planning.

The alternative archetype

There is an alternative Archetype in Argentina that is represented by many prominent individuals who have international prestige in their fields.

Names like: Leloir, Houssay, Milstein, Borges, Vilas, Fangio, Favaloro, Salazar, etc. still could not prevail in Argentina introducing an Archetype based on growth. They have been seen as lone-runners by the society.

The transition will end as soon as Argentina assumes its values, integrating collective intelligence in its Archetype.

In the meantime, Argentine will grow based on its natural resources while the extraordinary individual intelligence works as a complement.


Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.


Economic power is basically individualistic oriented

Peter Belohlavek’s book on “The Nature of Economic Power” is being presented and it is included Unicist Country Future Search Engine.

It has to be considered that the economic power is basically individualistic oriented. In the materialistic world the same “thing” cannot be shared. “Money is in my pocket or it is in your pocket. It cannot be in both at the same time”.

That is why the nature of the materialistic world is the dualism which naturally drives towards fostering activities based on individual initiatives.

This is not necessary at a subsistence level but it is a must if a culture fosters expansion and influence in the environment.

Materialistic activities are naturally driven by individual responsibility.

This means that the institutions that develop materialistic activities need to understand and manage the individual needs of their members in order to be successful.

The economic power of a country is strongly influenced by the individual value of work of the culture. Individuals expand the power of a Nation when it is implicit in the archetype. When it is not the case, the power of a Nation diminishes.

Access a Free Trial of the Unicist Standard for Country Future Research at: http://www.unicist.net/uscfr.shtml

Request more information: n.i.brown@unicist.org

Unicist Press Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute is the major research organization in the world in its specialty based on more than 3,000 researches in complexity science applied to individual, institutional and social evolution. The applicative researches are based on the discovery of the Ontogenetic Intelligence of Nature and the consequent Unicist Theory of Evolution.

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Presentation of the e-book Unicist Country Archetypes

The R&D e-book “Unicist Country Archetypes”  by Peter Belohlavek has been published.

The Power of a Nation provides a gravitational force for its external relations in the public and private fields that defines the level of synergy of the culture and establishes the standard for social, economic and political behaviors in terms of their capacity to influence the environment.

We are entering in one of the most obscure aspects of social behavior that deals with the power that cultures have and transfer to their members.

Essentially, the power of a Nation is synthesized in its archetype which has a level of energy that allows the Nation to follow a common goal with a natural path to achieve it.

The first obscure aspect is to accept that different countries have a different level of energy to influence the environment to transform nature for the benefit of their members.

Defining these differences is implicitly the explanation of the different levels of development of countries and explains also why the solution towards a higher level of power to influence the environment has to come from the inside and not from the outside.

This R&D e-book is the result of more than 30 years of researching and forecasting the evolution of countries until the fundamentals that define the power of Nations were refined and proven that they have no exceptions.

Access a Free Trial of the Unicist Standard for Country Future Research at: http://www.unicist.net/uscfr.shtml

Request more information: n.i.brown@unicist.org

Unicist Press Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute is the major research organization in the world in its specialty based on more than 3,000 researches in complexity science applied to individual, institutional and social evolution. The applicative researches are based on the discovery of the Ontogenetic Intelligence of Nature and the consequent Unicist Theory of Evolution.

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Presentation: The Nature of Dissuasion Power

The R&D e-book The Nature of Dissuasion Power, by Peter Belohlavek has been presented to sustain the Country Future Scenario Building processes. It is also strongly recommended for companies working in highly competitive markets.

The confrontation capacity of a culture defines the dissuasion power of a Nation. The dissuasion power is in charge of ensuring the minimum strategy of a country. Therefore it needs to be 100% reliable.

Understanding the alternative confrontation possibilities allows empowering the dissuasion power knowing in which environments one can rely on the available dissuasion power.

The purpose of a confrontation is to impose somebody’s authority to someone. This can happen in the military, economic, personal, emotional or whatsoever field.

A confrontation has begun when there is an attempt to impose an authority to someone.

The Dissuasion Power is given by the capacity to expand without needing to confront.

The dissuasion power has been associated in the past to military capacity. And there is no doubt that it still is and will always be.

But even though more than 80% of the population in the world is not involved in a war, it is included in the competition of who sells to whom. The one who sells produces jobs and well being and the one who buys has to have the money and other jobs to pay for what has been bought.

When presenting the dissuasion power this book makes an explicit analogy with military warfare.

Access a Free Trial of the Unicist Standard for Country Future Research at: http://www.unicist.net/uscfr.shtml

Request more information: n.i.brown@unicist.org

Unicist Press Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute is the major research organization in the world in its specialty based on more than 3,000 researches in complexity science applied to individual, institutional and social evolution. The applicative researches are based on the discovery of the Ontogenetic Intelligence of Nature and the consequent Unicist Theory of Evolution.

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