Unicist Strategy



Invitation to participate in the Global Goodwill Network

The reach of one’s globalization is defined by the limits of the pronoun “WE”.

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The Unicist Goodwill Network (UGN) is a global organization that fosters the development of equal opportunities for all organized by the Unicist Club. Opportunities are empty spaces to add value and profit from the counterpart received.

The Unicist Club is based on:

  1. a value adding attitude
  2. a democratic approach
  3. an ecumenical spirit

Time has come for integrating and sharing worldwide. Therefore, we invite everyone to foster growth by using a value adding approach and profiting from its counterpart.

The UGN works as a “pay it forward” chain to promote an added value ethics by giving opportunities to others who pay them forward.

Participate in the goodwill network at:

Unicist Globalization Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized world-class research organization in the field of human adaptive systems.

Small, imperceptible revolutions make democracy evolve

Democratic evolution is made by small imperceptible revolutions made by heroes who introduce them in their field of influence.

A hero is an individual that drives a society to go a step further. In the case of the evolution of archetypes there is no possibility to evolve without the existence of heroes.

These individuals are members of the society that are willing to assume the responsibility of making the next step.

They are members of the elite and might work at an individual level or at an institutional level.

Their goal is transcendence and they have necessarily a human side and a supernatural side. The active function is human; therefore they are permanently in danger to succumb in the deeds they are doing.

Their energy conservation function is “supernatural” which in this case means that they have an extreme superior energy and power to develop the tasks they are doing.

Cultures need heroes to make cultural breakthroughs. The evolution of a cultural archetype is necessarily a breakthrough that requires heroes.

Their achievements are celebrated by the society and the heroes are honored because people generate identification with their deeds and their capacities.

Access a synthesis on the “Discovery of the Unicist Ontology of Change Agents” that is available at the Scientific Dissemination Program. You will find there other syntheses that might be of your interest:

Diana Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a global decentralized world-class research organization in the field of human adaptive systems.

The Unicist Archetype of Argentina: A Country in Transition

To describe the Archetype of Argentina it is necessary to first define how the transition of cultures works.

About the transition of archetypes

Developed countries are such because they have a dominant, functional and powerful archetype that defines their culture and drives their actions.

New countries are in transition until a functional archetype is installed. Installed implies that this new functional archetype is in the collective unconscious and is managed by the establishment of the culture.

Transitions may last decades or centuries. It depends on the development of the power of the Nation, which necessarily includes the existence of the power of its establishment.

The Unicist Standard for Country Future Research defines establishment as the elite that assumes the responsibility of the evolution of the mass and the middle class.

The middle class of a country sustains the mass providing the possibilities of social mobility. To ascend, the members of the mass need to become an elite in their field until they establish as members of the middle class.

About the establishments of cultures

In a transition, the establishment of the culture does not assume the responsibility for the wellbeing of the culture. In this case the establishment is replaced by the government that assumes the responsibility for the wellbeing. But this produces a loss of the power of the State. The power of a State is proportional to the power of the establishment.

In democratic countries Governments represent the evolution and States represent their Archetypes.

When there is no dominant, functional and powerful archetype there is no possibility for a State to be strong. At the same time the elite is illegitimated for not representing the interests of the population and the culture involves.

What produces the transition of archetypes?

  1. New countries might produce a transition of the archetype if they hadn’t a defined archetype before they became independent Nations.
  2. Involving cultures are necessarily in transition because there is a dysfunctional archetype that needs to be changed by a functional one.
  3. Extreme social and economic differences in a country that have not been assumed by the establishment generate a transitional environment.
  4. The systematic substitution of the establishment by governmental actions generates endless transitions.

The consequence of transitions

Transitions have inevitable problems. There is a Chinese curse that says: “God condemns you to live a transition”. Transitions can be synthesized in the following characteristics:

  1. Periodic crises produced by the dysfunctionality of the new archetype that tries to substitute a preexisting one.
  2. Judiciary instability, because there is not a dominant establishment with dominant rules.
  3. The predominance of absolute ideologies generating a great gap between successive governments.
  4. The trend of governments to remain in power beyond the limits of the existent constitutional rules in order to “impose” the new archetype.
  5. Significant ideological and economic changes between governments.

When transitions become to an end

Transitions end when a dominant establishment assumes the responsibility of being the “elite”, the State functions within the limits of the archetype and the transition of governments happens without absolute ideological breakthroughs.

We can mention several countries who, more and less recently, overcame a transition: Sweden, Spain, Finland, Chile, and Brazil. We can also mention most of the countries of the so called “3rd World” that are still in transition.

The Archetype of Argentina

Argentina is a country with enormous natural resources and an exceptional climate to provide natural goods all over the world. Argentina’s Archetype can only be understood if this condition has been apprehended and read in all its consequences.

If you want to access some short information on Argentina please enter:

The other notorious aspect of the Argentine culture is the intelligence of its citizens. Argentines have perhaps one of the highest levels of individual intelligence in the Western World.

This integration of abundance and individual intelligence within a context of transition are the operational drivers of the Argentine archetype that is, and has been for many years, in transition seeking for an establishment that assumes the responsibility for the Argentine evolution.

Thus naturally the archetype is based on taking advantage of the abundance and this produces a difficulty of sharing the evolution with the whole society. Individual intelligence prevails.

There is a substitute for this lack of establishment which is the government: Governments intend to distribute what the members of the society do not.

Argentine Maximal Strategy

The maximal strategy of the Argentine archetype is to take advantage of its natural resources and generate value for the individuals who live in Argentina. Thus Argentina is naturally positioned in a low cost strategy that allows conquering the world markets based on the competitive advantage of its natural resources.

Natural resources, as the central economic power, sustain the rest of the economy.

Although there is an extremely powerful reservoir of intelligence, this has not been empowered yet in terms of work and is basically focused on aspects where Argentina is a leading country in the world: art, design, music, theatre, literature, etc.

Argentina Minimum strategy

The minimum strategy is that every individual of the country has the possibility of avoiding poverty and being able to survive the periodic crises produced by the transition state.

Minimum strategy allows developing an extremely powerful “individual entrepreneurial” activity that provides employment to most of the population.

The surviving intelligence developed in Argentina based on the crises produced by the transition provokes an extreme capacity of adapting instantaneously to changes and, but the same time, this inhibits planning.

The alternative archetype

There is an alternative Archetype in Argentina that is represented by many prominent individuals who have international prestige in their fields.

Names like: Leloir, Houssay, Milstein, Borges, Vilas, Fangio, Favaloro, Salazar, etc. still could not prevail in Argentina introducing an Archetype based on growth. They have been seen as lone-runners by the society.

The transition will end as soon as Argentina assumes its values, integrating collective intelligence in its Archetype.

In the meantime, Argentine will grow based on its natural resources while the extraordinary individual intelligence works as a complement.


Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.


Presentation of the e-book Unicist Country Archetypes

The R&D e-book “Unicist Country Archetypes”  by Peter Belohlavek has been published.

The Power of a Nation provides a gravitational force for its external relations in the public and private fields that defines the level of synergy of the culture and establishes the standard for social, economic and political behaviors in terms of their capacity to influence the environment.

We are entering in one of the most obscure aspects of social behavior that deals with the power that cultures have and transfer to their members.

Essentially, the power of a Nation is synthesized in its archetype which has a level of energy that allows the Nation to follow a common goal with a natural path to achieve it.

The first obscure aspect is to accept that different countries have a different level of energy to influence the environment to transform nature for the benefit of their members.

Defining these differences is implicitly the explanation of the different levels of development of countries and explains also why the solution towards a higher level of power to influence the environment has to come from the inside and not from the outside.

This R&D e-book is the result of more than 30 years of researching and forecasting the evolution of countries until the fundamentals that define the power of Nations were refined and proven that they have no exceptions.

Access a Free Trial of the Unicist Standard for Country Future Research at: http://www.unicist.net/uscfr.shtml

Request more information: n.i.brown@unicist.org

Unicist Press Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute is the major research organization in the world in its specialty based on more than 3,000 researches in complexity science applied to individual, institutional and social evolution. The applicative researches are based on the discovery of the Ontogenetic Intelligence of Nature and the consequent Unicist Theory of Evolution.

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Presentation: The Nature of Dissuasion Power

The R&D e-book The Nature of Dissuasion Power, by Peter Belohlavek has been presented to sustain the Country Future Scenario Building processes. It is also strongly recommended for companies working in highly competitive markets.

The confrontation capacity of a culture defines the dissuasion power of a Nation. The dissuasion power is in charge of ensuring the minimum strategy of a country. Therefore it needs to be 100% reliable.

Understanding the alternative confrontation possibilities allows empowering the dissuasion power knowing in which environments one can rely on the available dissuasion power.

The purpose of a confrontation is to impose somebody’s authority to someone. This can happen in the military, economic, personal, emotional or whatsoever field.

A confrontation has begun when there is an attempt to impose an authority to someone.

The Dissuasion Power is given by the capacity to expand without needing to confront.

The dissuasion power has been associated in the past to military capacity. And there is no doubt that it still is and will always be.

But even though more than 80% of the population in the world is not involved in a war, it is included in the competition of who sells to whom. The one who sells produces jobs and well being and the one who buys has to have the money and other jobs to pay for what has been bought.

When presenting the dissuasion power this book makes an explicit analogy with military warfare.

Access a Free Trial of the Unicist Standard for Country Future Research at: http://www.unicist.net/uscfr.shtml

Request more information: n.i.brown@unicist.org

Unicist Press Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute is the major research organization in the world in its specialty based on more than 3,000 researches in complexity science applied to individual, institutional and social evolution. The applicative researches are based on the discovery of the Ontogenetic Intelligence of Nature and the consequent Unicist Theory of Evolution.

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Beta Version: Unicist Country Future Research Search Engine

The Beta Version of the Search Engine for Unicist Country Future Research using the Unicist Standard has been launched.

The discovery of the Unicist Ontogenetic Intelligence of Nature and more than 30 years of applied research allowed the development of the Unicist Standard for Country Future Research.

This Search Engine is now available to provide the unicist standard for future forecasts. It is a standard that allows the integration of fundamental analysis with technical analysis to develop reliable knowledge to exert influence on future scenarios.

You can access a Free 30-day Trial at:

The Unicist Standard for Country Future Research provides the necessary information to deal with the fundamentals of countries evolution.

The future does not exist. To influence the future it is necessary:

1) to discover the concepts of reality in the “past”;
2) to consider the facts of the “present”;
3) to infer the possible and probable “future”.

To develop future scenarios, we strongly recommend using both the Unicist Fundamentals technology and the Technical Analytical tools.

After you have developed the two future scenarios of a country, a region or the world following the Unicist Standard approach and the Technical Analytical approach, you will have to ensure that their results are consistent. They cannot be contradictory. If they are, you have to revise your analysis, until they become compatible.

Access the unicist standard contained in the Unicist Standard Search Engine: http://www.unicist.com/

Request more information: n.i.brown@unicist.org

Diego Belohlavek
Expert System Manager

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute is the major research organization in the world in its specialty based on more than 3,000 researches in complexity science applied to individual, institutional and social evolution. The applicative researches are based on the discovery of the Ontogenetic Intelligence of Nature and the consequent Unicist Theory of Evolution.

Unicist Strategy

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Understanding Cultures: The Archetype of Argentina

We invite you to apprehend the nature of the Argentine archetype. But consider that it is necessary to avoid comparisons with other cultures.

“The reach of one’s globalization is defined

by the limit of the pronoun WE.”

If you are interested in understanding the Argentine archetype we recommend accessing:



Only if this culture is within the limits of your “WE” you will be able to perceive aspects of the Argentine archetype.

The Argentine archetype will be available on this blog as from May 25th, 2010.

Access the unicist standard contained in the Unicist Standard Search Engine: http://www.unicist.com/

Request more information: n.i.brown@unicist.org

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute is the major research organization in the world in its specialty based on more than 3,000 researches in complexity science applied to individual, institutional and social evolution. The applicative researches are based on the discovery of the Ontogenetic Intelligence of Nature and the consequent Unicist Theory of Evolution.

Unicist Strategy

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Unicist Countries’ Evolution: The Archetype of Germany

Germany is a model of efficiency in the development of all its economic, social and “ecological” activities.

We strongly recommend watching the following videos:

The German model is a unique model that many admire and that few can follow since in fact, other cultures find it difficult to keep up not only with its social discipline but also with its social and “ecological” responsibility.

All this efficiency, however, bears a price that the German culture pays for in each cycle. The efficiency and discipline, basis for any institution and for collective operation, naturally produces creativity crises.

As far as social evolution goes, Germany appears clearly oriented toward expansion, which says much of the strength of its society’s institutional values. The social values appear to be today, and relatively speaking, “always” were, very strong and very national.

A member of the German culture belongs to it whether in his own country or elsewhere in the world. The individual values in Germany are much geared toward giving precedence to the group rather than to the individual.

Germany is an influential culture

Influential cultures are naturally expansive and oriented toward the global world. That is why they develop powerful technologies to influence the world based on a superior capacity of work. This is the case of Germany that is based on the integration of the need to grow, its institutionalization and its ecological responsibility.

Its ecological responsibility includes both the environmental responsibility and the responsibility of ensuring a “vital space” for the coming generations.

Germany’s maximal strategies

The maximal strategies for the expansion of the German culture are driven by its social discipline, are based on its innovative technology and are sustained by the individual efficiency. Social discipline works as a driver for work but also inhibits innovations that might endanger the consistency of the social structure.

Maximal strategies allow expanding in the world based on a superior technological approach that opens the markets and differentiates its products. German archetypical expansion is based on the capacity to produce institutional responses to the problems organizing an institutionalized innovation sustained by individual efficiency.

This model generates naturally a structural approach that lowers the speed in the short run and is faster in the long run.

Germany doesn’t base its influence on exporting culture nor its way of life. It is based on exporting more efficient solutions for existing problems.

Germany’s minimum strategies

The minimum strategies are based on exerting the ecological responsibility in the social and environmental field to ensure the vital space for the coming generations. To do so its natural trend is to add value and its social efficiency is based on the discipline the culture has.

The value of work sustains its minimum strategy which makes the culture very powerful, considering that the value of work is what sustains the power of Nations.

To apprehend the German archetype it is necessary to share the value of “Work”. Germany is a unique example of “Work” in the Western World. This work is based on its fundamentals that define its archetype.

Access the unicist standard contained in the Unicist Business Search Engine: http://www.unicist.com/

Request more information: n.i.brown@unicist.org

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute is the major research organization in the world in its specialty based on more than 3,000 researches in complexity science applied to individual, institutional and social evolution. The applicative researches are based on the discovery of the Ontogenetic Intelligence of Nature and the consequent Unicist Theory of Evolution.

Unicist Strategy

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Ambiguous language makes human evolution possible

Ambiguity implies having two possible operational meanings within a sole concept. This is implicit in the etymology of the word ambiguity.

These two meanings imply on one hand a meaning that is functional to human internal freedom and on the other hand another meaning that is functional to the need of internal security.

But there is another ambivalence in an ambiguity which is based on its functionality towards expansion or contraction.

This description is an example of ambiguity. Only an ambiguous model can grasp an ambiguous reality.

An ambiguous language is essential when a communication between two individuals is based on mutual responsibility. Ambiguous communication requires biunivocity. Inter-communication is necessary to deal with ambiguity in order to agree on a common operational meaning.

Responsibility avoidance deals with operational language

An operational communication is univocal. Therefore the transmitter is responsible for the functionality of the communication. The responsibility of the receiver is to decode the message, without needing to interpret possible meanings.

Reality is ambiguous when we are dealing with complex problems because the cause-effect relations are biunivocal. In this case ambiguous language is necessary to deal with them in order to assume the responsibility for results. But it has to be considered that efficiency is based on the use of straightforward operational language.

The fallacious myths in communication

Dealing with ambiguity requires knowledge, awareness and responsibility. Managing the nature of businesses implies dealing with their ambiguity.

An enormous stupefying effort to minimize human responsibility has been made by:

a)  Honoring common sense although, at least since Plato, it is known that it is based on rigid experience-based thoughts that might or not be valid for a different reality.

b)  Disqualifying ambiguous communication by projecting multiple meanings on its interpretation to avoid the responsibility of managing complex problems.

That is why it is necessary to have the technical analytical knowledge, a high level of consciousness and having assumed the responsibility to produce a predefined result.

The path towards managing ambiguity is long but interesting.

Learning to deal with ambiguity

Ambiguity management can be learned if an individual knows and accepts her/his level of internal freedom.

A football champ once said:

“The more I train the luckier I am”

Solving riddles is a simple way to approach ambiguity. Riddles have many solutions. In the Far East, riddles are used to develop internal freedom and responsibility.

If you want to expand your capacity to manage ambiguity we recommend entering:

Autocracy and anarchy deal with universal and individual
operational truths using operational language
Democracy requires ambiguity…..

You decide…..

Survivors cannot accept ambiguity because they need
to hold on “their” truths,  sorry, I meant lifeboats.

You decide…..

Access the unicist standard contained in the Unicist Business Search Engine: http://www.unicist.com/

Request more information: n.i.brown@unicist.org

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute is the major research organization in the world in its specialty based on more than 3,000 researches in complexity science applied to individual, institutional and social evolution. The applicative researches are based on the discovery of the Ontogenetic Intelligence of Nature and the consequent Unicist Theory of Evolution.

Unicist Strategy

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George Washington and Che Guevara, two antonymic heroes

A hero is an individual that drives a society to go a step further. In the case of the evolution of archetypes there is no possibility to evolve without the existence of heroes. These individuals are members of the society that are willing to assume the responsibility of making the next step.

People project on heroes the values they need. This projection is what makes heroes change agents, because they are able to influence the environment that recognizes them as such.

After the change has been achieved, heroes are no more necessary. In this case there are two alternatives:

1)  Heroes return to their former role and the heroic action is part of their history.
2)  Heroes try to profit from their actions intending to occupy a leading role in the society based on their deeds.

In the first case heroic actions and heroes are part of the past and a monument is built after their death. George Washington is an example of this case.

In the second case heroes enter into a conflict with the establishment of the society and are usually eliminated because they threaten the power. Che Guevara is an example of this second case.

Heroes drive society to go a step further. Their goal is transcendence and they have necessarily a human side and a supernatural side. The active function is human; therefore they are permanently in danger to succumb in the deeds they are doing.

Their energy conservation function is “supernatural” which in this case means that they have an extreme superior energy and power to develop the tasks they are doing.

Access the unicist standard contained in the Unicist Business Search Engine: http://www.unicist.com/

Request more information: n.i.brown@unicist.org

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute is the major research organization in the world in its specialty based on more than 3,000 researches in complexity science applied to individual, institutional and social evolution. The applicative researches are based on the discovery of the Ontogenetic Intelligence of Nature and the consequent Unicist Theory of Evolution.

Unicist Strategy

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