Unicist Theory of Evolution



A New Era of Egypt: The option between freedom and security

This is the synthesis of a unicist anthropological study on the Egyptian conflicts developed by Peter Belohlavek at The Unicist Research Institute.

Democratic Consensus

The reach of one’s globalization is defined
by the limit of the pronoun “WE”…

Considering the nature of cultures, the conflicts in Egypt are the consequence of an extreme confrontation between those who seek security and those who seek freedom.

Democracy implies consensus but consensus is only possible if the people share the same vital space and cooperate to build the community and there is a possibility for democratic alternation.

When positions become extreme there is no possibility of democratic alternation and democracy degrades into an anarchy which drives necessarily towards authoritarian solutions.

Understanding how the entropy of democratic processes is produced, what democracy is about and the cultural invariables will help to put the conflicts into perspective.

The entropy of democratic processes

Political extremisms are fostered when politicians need their role as a “profession”. In this case, in each “election”, whatever the system, politicians´ survival is at risk.

Social anarchic-individualistic answers of the members of a culture are fostered when their survival is endangered.

Societies become extremely influenced by their religious beliefs when the values of the culture are endangered.

Societies use armed forces when their vital space is endangered. Having a country’s vital space endangered does not necessarily imply being invaded. Shared beliefs of a vital space threat provoke military solutions.

About Democracy

Democracy can be described as the authoritative leadership of a group or community achieving consensus and efficiency, and making the necessary trade-offs in a context of evolution conflicts.

The concept of democracy can also be described from a participant’s point of view. In this case, the purpose to be achieved is efficiency, and consensus is a procedure to be used to make it possible.

The ethic of democracy – extreme democracy

Consensus is the purpose of democracy. Consensus can be achieved in many ways. Considering extreme-democracy, where consensus is achieved “spuriously”, the Stockholm syndrome can be defined as a type of democracy. It is what we call the anti-democracy. It achieves the same purpose, consensus, but based on the destruction of the free-will of participants.

DemocracyFour types of democracy can be conceptually defined:

Individualistic democracy – interest-based submissive model

The goal is to foster individual evolution based on a materialistic submissive behavior of the members of the community.

Belonging group-based democracy

This is grounded on the adherence of people to a group. The goal is to evolve within the rules of a group. Consensus is given by the acceptance of the rules.

Elite-based democracy

It is based on the possibility, open to everyone, to debate the problems of a society. The existence of elites ensures the necessary stability given by an accepted establishment.

Integration-based democracy

The integration-based democracy implies an institutionalization that structures the integration. Institutions filter the incompatibilities and permit a smooth evolution towards efficient consensus. Fundamentalism is incompatible with democracy.

The Cross Cultural Invariables drive cultural evolution

The discovery of the unicist cross-cultural invariables was necessary to understand humanity in its oneness in order to develop reliable global scenarios.

Unicist Cross-cultural InvariablesThe invariables discovered were Expansion and Contraction which work as alternatives at an operational level and Security and Freedom that work as trade-offs. The gain of freedom implies losing security and vice-versa.

The myths of societies, being they functional of fallacious, provide the security framework of a culture while the utopias foster actions and establish the structure of cultural freedom.

The expansion of societies is driven by the allowances (permissions) of the collective unconscious and contraction is sustained by the collective unconscious mandates. Both aspects are taboos in a society.

These invariables, integrated following the logic of the unicist ontogenetic intelligence of nature, define the essential structure that defines the archetype of a culture.

Every culture has its own myths, utopias and taboos that define its archetype that underlies its ideological and economic models. The archetype of a culture cannot be judged. It needs to be respected.


Egypt is an extremely young country, based on an ancient culture, which suffered several institutional breakthroughs in its history.

This time, there will probably be extreme conflicts in Egypt until the different parts are able to upgrade their positions to achieve an adequate level of compatibility that allows for democratic alternation.

The conflicts will become more violent if fundamentalist approaches prevail and will drive to solutions when all the parts agree that trade-offs need to be made.

This process is homologous to the process of dealing with incompatible solutions at a personal level. It might help to understand the conflicts in Egypt. http://www.unicist.org/deb_uqm.php

If you want to access more information about this study please contact n.i.brown@unicist.org

Unicist Press Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. http://www.unicist.org

Corruption as a social taboo is coming to an end in Brazil

Corruption is installed in all the cultures where it works as a taboo. This implies that it is a social habit that is denied as being corruptive but it is considered as a price that has to be paid.

The social conflicts in Brazil are the second predictor that anticipates that the situation of corruption as a taboo is coming to an end. It will demand time as it did in the central countries; but this trend is unavoidable because it is being catalyzed by the global change in business ethics.

Learning about the unicist ontological structure of corruption and its inhibitors will help to understand the problem.

About Corruption


The reach of one’s globalization is defined
by the limit of the pronoun “WE”…

Corruption is defined as any action that does not fit into the rules of a system and therefore weakens it, degrades it or destroys it.

In the social field, corruption is defined as an illegal or illegitimate action that goes against the laws or the spirit of the laws to obtain benefits from the environment.

Corruption can have internal or external causes. When it has internal causes it is triggered by the failure of some of the elements that integrate the system (when it is) in the case of an engineering system or by the fallacy of some of the elements (when it is) in the case of a living being or a social system.


This is a synthesis of a research, led by Peter Belohlavek, which began in July 1975 and ended in February 2013 when it was proven that the avoidance of corruption depends on individual behavior and not on the conditions of the environment. If you want to access the complete abstract of this research please contact: n.i.brown@unicist.org

Corruption allows individuals to profit from the environment through illegitimate actions while they disintegrate the system they are part of. It is based on a “parasitarian” complementation that uses value judgments to justify the degradation of the environment individuals do in order to profit from it.

Corruption is an individual and social addiction that is installed in environments where the participants do not have the necessary critical mass to influence the environment.

Corrupt environments need that their dominant ethics is intentions driven, their justice does not cover the needs of equal opportunities and that the private and public actions of individuals are not transparent.

Corruption may occur in any human action field. It can be included in the emotional, economic, social and political aspects of human behavior. The most known aspects deal with economic and power corruption.

The final purpose is to profit from the environment. To obtain this benefit corrupts adopt four types of actions: sabotage, blackmailing, bribing and defrauding. As it is an addiction, corrupts build a parallel reality in which corruption is a natural and accepted behavior.

Psychopathic manipulation and psychopathic leadership are the natural “tools” corrupts use to develop their actions when they deal with non-corrupt participants of an environment.

Corruption is illegal or socially sanctioned in non-corrupt environments. In corrupt environments corruption is a fallacious myth that covers the shared weaknesses of the members. Those who do not accept it are automatically excluded from the groups.

The antidote for corruption, at an individual level, is the critical mass individuals or their actions have to influence the environment.

Social corruption antidotes require the existence of transparency, functional and not intentional ethics and the existence of equality of opportunities for the members.

About Institutional and Social Corruption

Corruption is based on parasitic complementation. This implies that the corrupt elements profit from the environment without delivering any added value. The final goal is to degrade the environment in order to profit.

This degradation transforms the corrupt action into a standard in the environment that has been degraded at the level of the corrupt element. That is why the degrading participant is legitimate after corruption has been installed.

The degradation of the environment is implemented through value judgments. These value judgments are based on exposing the implicit weaknesses of the strengths of the environment as real weaknesses. It has to be considered that any strength has an implicit weakness which needs to exist. If this weakness is eliminated the strength disappears.

Synthesizing, it can be said that corruption degrades the environment where it is being installed using value judgments that have no defense so the corrupt can profit from the environment assuming the role of a parasite. The paradox is that corruption destroys the environment as such and at the end the corruptor needs to change to another environment because it has been killed by implosion.

Levels of Corrupt Actions

Corruption can occur at an emotional, economic, social and political level of human behavior. The description does not refer to any specific aspects but it is applicable to all of them.

CorruptionThere are four basic corrupt actions:

1)      Sabotaging

2)      Blackmailing

3)      Bribing

4)      Defrauding

1) Sabotaging

The first level of corruption is the installation of doubt and suspicion in an environment. To do so, corruptors criticize the environment to degrade the value it has.

This generates the need for someone to solve the weaknesses that have been installed and this is the context of corruptors to profit from the environment.

A typical action of this kind is the generation of a perception of the existence of a problem, that in fact does not exist, and benefiting from its solution without needing to make any action.

2) Blackmailing

Corruption scales if the first level does not produce the necessary profits. Blackmailing is an extortion that implies an abuse of the opposition power to make others accept to pay for avoiding the problems that are being generated.

Blackmailers obtain their benefits through active inaction or destruction, whatever is needed to obtain the profit.

Blackmailing is usually part of other legitimate action. This allows blackmailers to have the necessary disguise in order to be accepted.  Strikes, rebellions, and oppositions might be legitimate or blackmailing actions.

A typical action of this kind is the threat of exposing the weaknesses of individuals or organizations in a community.

3) Bribing

When the first two actions do not suffice to profit from the environment, then an active action on the environment becomes necessary.

The first active corrupt action is bribing. This implies paying a price to obtain a benefit that exceeds by far the normal benefit the corruptor would have obtained if the bribing action had not taken place.

The prices paid through bribing might cover the emotional or materialistic aspects. Most of the bribing actions are illegal in organized environments. But only in non-corrupt environments they are also illegitimate.

A typical action of this kind is paying a price to obtain a contract from a client that would not have been possible without it, or where the benefits of the contract exceed the benefits that would have been normal.

4) Defrauding

Defrauding is the necessary corrupt act to do when the preceding actions do not allow obtaining the benefits from the environment.

Defrauding is an active illegal action where dishonest actions are made to obtain benefits. Defrauding implies lying to make the counterparts believe that they will be receiving some specific benefit they need.

These actions are illegal and illegitimate in all the environments. They require having the necessary accomplices in order to become possible.

That is why when this level of corruption is installed it works as a contagious virus, because it generates clusters of accomplices who need other accomplices to obtain their benefits.

A typical action of this kind is overpromising where the counterparts expects a benefit they will never receive.

The Social Corruption Inhibitors

Corruption degrades cultures until they become a group of survivors led by stagnant survivors.

This implies that the final stage has been achieved, where cultures become to live in an endless transition of manipulative leaders. At this level, individualism, which is the driver of corruption, prevails over the needs of the culture.

This implies that societies develop their activity as non integrated individuals who seek for survival in a context where the appropriation of value from the environment and the holding of whatever is possible become the cohabitation code.

This naturally generates extreme materialistic behavior compensated by fallacious myths that provide the members a magical recipe to expect that things will change and the culture will become functional.

The morality of intentions prevails over the morality of actions which drives individuals into the survival ethical intelligence. Survival has neither rules nor codes unless people need accomplices to survive.

That is why evolving cultures have a structural corruption inhibitor that hinders that the society enters a massive survival attitude.

The Corruption Inhibitors

CorruptionCorruption is inhibited when there is a functional ethics, which implies that functionality prevails over intentions.

Justice needs to be focused on ensuring equal opportunities for all and the society needs to be transparent.

Expansive justice implies that individual action is protected by social repair and not only individual repair and there is a social sanction of all actions that are not within the rules (system) of a society.

This is only possible if there is a social transparency of the actions and individuals are identified based on their actions and added value in the society.

Maximal Strategy of Corruption Inhibition

The judiciary system and the existence of a social repair and social sanctions drive the maximal strategy of corruption inhibition.

The purpose of the maximal strategy is to ensure that the context of equal opportunities prevails over individual profiting. This implies that individual profits cannot be produced by taking advantage of others.

Social repair goes beyond “repairing the damages” that have been produced to an individual. It implies restituting the benefits an individual could not obtain because of the actions of other members of the community. This is the starting point of the maximal strategy of corruption inhibition.

The catalyst of the corruption inhibition is the social sanction that is applied to all those who do not respect the codes of the system. A judiciary system can only sanction what the society sanctions. The judiciary system is the administrator of the rules established by the laws that need to be within the accepted behaviors of a culture.

Therefore it has to be considered that social sanction is a significant indicator of the corruption level of a culture. The final goal of the maximal strategy is to provide the necessary equality of opportunities to all the members. Corruption has been inhibited when this is ensured.

Minimum Strategy of Corruption Inhibition

Social transparency is basic in corruption inhibition. When actions are not transparent there is no possibility to avoid the action of corrupt members.

The final goal is that the public behavior, which is the one that deals with the relationship of an individual with the group, be transparent.

The first step is that results need to be transparent. This implies that the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth needs to be open information to the community. Corruption is being fostered in all those niches where there is no transparency of results.

Private behavior transparency is the entropy inhibitor of corruption inhibition. This implies that the private actions of individuals have to be ruled by the functional ethics of a group.


Corruption is the most powerful way to degrade a social environment and ensure its involution. When corruption is accepted as a normal behavior, the environment has lost its possibility to adapt to the context it works in.

The inhibition of corruption is part of the immune system of a culture and is what makes its evolution possible. If the corruption inhibition system fails, the society degrades to a survival state where corruption is installed and individual needs prevail over the needs of the culture.

You can access the book on “Introduction to Ethical Intelligence in Business” by Diana Belohlavek at: http://www.unicist.org/deb_ieib.php

Unicist Press Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems.

The problem of leading cultures and surviving cultures

The problem of the new generations of leading cultures is naturally the feeling of inferiority complexes to overcome the existing culture if they are in a leading environment.

Generational-EvolutionIndividuals have two alternatives: build upon the existing establishment or compete with it. Competition drives adolescents to guilt and the response requires needing to hate the situation and the individuals involved in it.

The paradox is that building upon an existing environment is also a competition. Building upon an establishment implies modifying the structure of the implicit weaknesses of a culture. This is something feasible for the next generation unless it was educated in an individualistic environment.

It has to be considered that individualism is the most degraded state of a culture. It implies that the interests of individuals prevail over the interests of the group.

A culture involves when individualism prevails. Surviving cultures include necessarily a dominant individualism. This is not the case of subsistent cultures where the group prevails over individuals. Surviving cultures produce survivors who necessarily are multi-addictive and need to behave as fundamentalists.

Evolution implies paying prices

Accepting the validity of the establishment is a condition for evolution.

Over-adaptation to the establishment implies its sanctification, and drives to the avoidance of the responsibility of improving the environment.

Cultures that foster rebel individualistic behaviors necessarily generate involution. Both over-adaptation and individualistic rebellion drive to involution.

Evolution implies competing with the establishment improving what has been received in order to ensure evolution and create an own place in order to satisfy the personal needs.

The first part, the improvement of what has been received is a work with a social responsibility, the second part deals with the ego of the person who has assumed the responsibility.

A culture is in involution if individuals begin with their own egocentric desires. In both extremes, leading cultures and surviving cultures, addictions of any kind become a natural response.

Guilt liberators produce paradoxical results when they sustain their clients by “insufflating air” into their clients’ ego.

It is up to you. The prices to be paid are never low. You must believe in your capacity and see the implicit weaknesses of what you inherited.

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. http://www.unicist.org

Brazilian Archetype: describing the power of a global leader

Brazil is a world in itself. There is no other country in the world following the rules of the game that Brazil uses, nor portraying its results in the social, economic and political field.

The Unicist Archetype of BrazilIts orientation towards the future, the added value work as a way to assert people’s identity, its innovation and nationalism are components that integrate in light of a national project inserted in the culture, executed by the State and managed by politicians.

Consensus as a model

Brazil has a culture that operates on the basis of consensus. This generates, within the social, institutional and individual field a need to understand a reality before taking up a position regarding it.

Likewise, in Brazilian-Portuguese language there are several expressions that help avoid the usage of the first person singular in a conversation.

Brazilan ArchetypeThe Brazilian consensus model presupposes the development of a singular negotiating capacity regulated by negotiation rules that obviously include consensus as a goal, though not as a path.

The development of this negotiating capacity, based on a culture that came over to colonize rather than predate, generated what today is a world power, real to many, incipient to others.

This implied the end of economic, military or narco-terrorism. The end as far as social legitimacy goes, though not in real terms, for there will always be terrorists who, being marginal, would rather have destruction than acceptance of their own marginality.

This social behavior is based on expansion as a main objective. The creativity to accomplish this allows Brazil a dosage of “marginal” behavior, basis of both academic and technological innovation which is felt today and which was dreamed of 50 years ago.

Social Capital

A country’s development is set by its social capital, political consistency or stability and economic growth.

Out of these three elements, the one that bears most weight is social capital, then comes political stability and last, the necessary, though of least relative weight, economic growth.

Brazil is characterized by its immense social capital if compared with that of other countries in the region, and if compared with those other countries Brazil competes with.

Its difference is outstanding in the region; Brazil has a slightly smaller social capital than the one in developed countries. Society conceives itself as a community.

This community feeling makes the notorious synergy there is among institutions and people possible, while it works as a significant support to political stability and economic growth.

Orientation towards the future

What characterizes Brazil is its orientation toward the future and its great capacity to pay for the price of mistakes.

There are many study centers in this country that are devoted to developing projects, action plans and forecasts of what lies ahead.

This is completely atypical in Latin America, that is why one can say that Brazil is a continent in itself, with own values and a path different from that of the region.

It grows because of its consistent investment in an academic technology model of its own, an acceptance of diversity and an “expansion compulsion”. There is room for everyone in Brazil as long as the rules of the game are abided.

One of the best diplomacies in the world

Brazil is a power with a very strong collective unconsciousness that consolidates in an identity that goes beyond political ideologies.

Consensus to grow is their primary objective, their second objective is to grow, and their third as well. Brazilian culture does not conceive the idea of being worse today than it was the day before.

That is why Brazilians “go crazy” in light of their defeats. Diplomacy, the mechanism to influence outside Brazil in order to uphold such a growth, is settled, and carries a political, commercial and social sense comparable to those of the best diplomacies in the world.

Diplomacy is its main tool to create, almost imperceptibly, a legitimated hegemony in its capacities.

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using a logical approach to deal with evolution and became a private global decentralized world-class research organization in the field of human adaptive systems.  http://www.unicist.org