A living being’s evolution is ruled by its ontogenetic intelligence we call concept. The concept is the functional logical structure of a living being that defines it as unique both in its species and individuality.
Each living being has a central concept that regulates its evolution and describes its purpose, the procedure under which it faces adaptation to reality and the action guide within which it develops the procedure so as not to trespass the limits of its purpose.
The ontogenetic intelligence is defined, on one hand, by a purpose and an action principle that puts the purpose into action sustaining its functionality and evolution or involution.
On the other hand, the same purpose is sustained by the energy conservation principle that complements the purpose to avoid it being changed by the action principle.
The concept describes a living being’s functionality. It defines its intrinsic concept.
Living beings naturally transfer this functionality to the environment where they act, depositing functions that have the living being’s same logical structure and that generate the existence of extrinsic concepts.
The concept arranges the living beings’ chaos. It is the attractor which structures the chaotic behaviors of a living being’s environment and arranges them to make them operable and functional to evolution or involution, should any be the case. These concepts have the same logical structure but they are not implicit in inanimate beings; they are deposited by the living beings they are functional to.
Access a synthesis on the “Discovery of the Unicist Ontology of Evolution” that is available at the Scientific Dissemination Program. You will find there other syntheses that might be of your interest:
Diana Belohlavek
NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a global decentralized world-class research organization in the field of human adaptive systems.