The Unicist Theory

The Unicist Theory: A Paradigm Shift in Science

The Unicist Theory, developed by Peter Belohlavek, is a paradigm shift of the scientific approach to complex adaptive systems. It substituted empiricism by a pragmatic, structuralist and functionalist approach and replaced knowledge falsification processes with destructive testing processes.

This theory provides an approach to complexity based on the use of the unicist logic that emulates the intelligence that underlies nature. It integrated complexity sciences with systemic sciences in a unified field.

The Unicist Theory allowed understanding and influencing the evolution of living beings and artificial complex adaptive systems. This influence is exerted by using unicist logic based and object driven technologies, which is now a worldwide trend.

Some of the companies that use objects are: Airbus, Amazon, Apple, BBC, Boeing, Dassault Systemes, Dupont, Ericsson, Facebook, General Electric, Google, Hilton, Honda, Hyundai, LinkedIn, Lufthansa, Mapfre, Mayo Clinic, Michelin, Novartis, Open Text, P&G, Pfizer, SAP, Siemens, Tata Motors, Toyota, Unilever, Walmart, Walt Disney World and Youtube.

The Unicist Theory to deal with Adaptive Systems

The Unicist Theory was developed at The Unicist Research Institute to deal with complex adaptive systems and their evolution.

Unicist Theory

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There are fields that are generally accepted as being complex such as: Life-sciences, social sciences, anthropology, political sciences, economic sciences, behavioral sciences, medicine, psychology, education, businesses, ecology and meteorology. The research began in 1976 and the expansion of its applications is still ongoing.

The Unicist Theory comprises the following discoveries:

  • The Ontogenetic Intelligence of Nature, which describes the essential structure of nature that drives its functionality and evolution.
  • The Unicist Ontology, which is a model that allows emulating the ontogenetic intelligence of nature in order to make it apprehensible.
  • The Unicist Logic, which allows emulating in mind the triadic structure of the ontogenetic intelligence of nature using a unicist double dialectical thinking process.
  • The Unicist Conceptualization, which establishes the process of apprehending the concepts that represent the unicist ontology of an entity using unicist logical thinking.
  • The Unicist Ontology of Evolution, which establishes the basic rules of evolution and involution.
  • Ontogenetic Maps, which describe the unicist ontogenetic algorithm of complex adaptive systems.
  • Unicist Objects, which are adaptive systems that integrate complex systems to drive their functionality.

Scientific Evidences of the Unicist Theory

The objective of the scientific evidences of the Unicist Theory is focused on:

  • Confirming the existence and functionality of the ontogenetic intelligence of nature.
  • Confirming that the unicist ontology emulates the ontogenetic intelligence of nature and allows defining the structure of complex systems.
  • Confirming the functionality of the unicist double dialectical logic to go beyond dualism, which hinders apprehending reality as a unified field, in order to be able to emulate the intelligence of nature in mind.
  • Confirming that concepts are defined by the ontological structure of an entity and, as Immanuel Kant already discovered, have a functional meaning that is the framework of any possible action.
  • Confirming the functionality of unicist objects that are built emulating the objects in nature like the organs in the human body.

The scientific evidences of the Unicist Theory that confirm its functionality to deal with complex systems are:

  • The functionality of amino acids
  • The structure of atoms
  • The structure of biological entities
  • The nervous system
  • Similarity between natural and social objects
  • Unicist concepts as stem cells
  • Thinking processes and the functionality of electricity

You can find the complete document on “The Unicist Theory, its Applications and Scientific Evidences” at:

The Unicist Epistemology to deal with Complex Systems

The Unicist Epistemology is based on the development of the logical foundations and the empirical justifications to sustain human knowledge. This epistemology is a pragmatic, structural and functionalist approach to knowledge.

Knowledge is such when its use allows individuals to better adapt to an environment. To be used, it needs to be stored in the individual’s long-term memory.

The credibility of knowledge depends on having found the fundamentals that integrate the concept that defines the nature of an entity and having the necessary empirical justifications that make the acceptance of knowledge tangible.

The Unicist Epistemology was developed to build reliable knowledge to deal with complex adaptive environments.

Access an introduction to the Unicist Epistemology at: