Peers in the World Program

“Peers in the Word”: A Change of Habits for Undergraduate Students

Facileness is one of the consequences of not having the concepts of what one is doing. The knowledge of concepts drives towards simplicity, the lack of knowledge fosters facileness. Concepts allow understanding the root causes of things while facileness drives towards managing shortcuts.

The goal of the Peers in the World Program is that the participants apprehend the guiding idea of using a conceptual mindset and a strategic approach to better adapt to the environment.

This program fosters that the future leaders of the community take “their” place in “their” world by managing an evolutionary approach.

It is the initial stage of the 50-year Microeconomics driven Development project and fosters the empowerment of the future generations of leaders.

The development of a “Peers in the World” attitude requires promoting a strategic approach to reality among young leaders of the environment in a way that they can perceive short-term results while a long-term approach is introduced.

It implies introducing a value adding strategic approach and conflict management in an action-reflection-action learning context.

Minimizing facileness is a basic condition for development. Social and economic development requires that the leaders of the environment be “Peers in the World”. They do not need to be dominant, submissive or oppositional to evolve.

Leadership requires having an adaptive attitude, which means that the leaders feel they can influence the environment while they are influenced by it.

The “Peers in the World” program is fully sponsored by The Unicist School and The Unicist Research Institute.

The Unicist Evolutionary Approach fosters Growth

A fully Sponsored Program:

1) The Unicist Evolutionary Approach
2) The Sporting Spirit
3) The Use of Unicist Riddles and the Practice of “GO”
4) The Use of Conceptual Mapping
5) Going beyond Dualism

Adaptive Evolution

Competitive role driven environments generate evolution. Laughing at oneself simplifies the management of the conflicts produced by competition.

In adaptive environments, the new generation competes with the preceding generation upgrading its functionality by solving its functional weaknesses.

In these adaptive contexts, the competition adopts multiple shapes and is sustained by the existence of discriminated relationships with the predecessors, parents or authorities, in a framework of unconditional affection. Adaptive evolution generates sustainable growth. Competitive roles are vocation driven.

Characteristics of the Program

1. A Fully sponsored program
2. The coordinator of this non-profit program is Peter Belohlavek
3. Fully sponsored ebooks
4. Access to documents on Facebook
5. Optional discussion forum on The Unicist School´s site
6. An ongoing program

Core Concepts of the Program:

1) Solution Building: The Unicist Evolutionary Approach

The core aspects of the unicist evolutionary approach allow managing the root causes of things, understanding the unified field of what one is doing, defining what is possible to be achieved and developing actions to grow and ensure survival and developing pilot tests to ensure results.

It is based on the use of a conceptual mindset to infer the future and manage the possibilities of the present to develop personal strategies to grow and ensure survival.

As this approach is evident to anyone, it can be defined as “condensed” common sense. There is no need to study, it just requires focusing on the development of solutions.

2) Empowering the Sporting Spirit

The sporting spirit allows managing the good and facing the bad with the same mood. It drives people towards success no matter the challenges that need to be faced. It just requires having something worth to believe in, being able to improve things and having a competitive spirit to face threats.

The Sporting Spirit includes:

1) “Today better than yesterday” is not an anarchic approach, it is an evolutionary approach.
2) Learning from mistakes is basic in life. It requires using self-criticism.
3) Self-criticism is not a critic exerted on oneself. It is the decision of improving what one is doing without needing that things fail to learn.
4) Competing with the preceding generations is basic to generate evolution. But the competition has to occur in the real world, not in the hypothetical world of ideas.
5) Creativity is based on knowledge, imagination is endless.

It doesn’t require study, it is developed through teamwork.

3) The Use of Unicist Riddles and the Practice of “GO”

Unicist Riddles

The use of unicist riddles and the practice of GO develop abductive reasoning. GO is an ancient eastern strategic game that empowers thinking by giving participants an extreme level of freedom to develop their own way.

Unicist riddles have many solutions. They empower the management of the unified field of things and solution thinking. In the Far East, riddles are used to develop internal freedom.

The practice of GO is based on the nonexistence of hierarchies within the game, which paradoxically generates the development of hierarchies in the mind of the players.

The practice of GO develops abductive reasoning which empowers creative, strategic and conceptual thinking. It allows extrapolating the experience to all aspects of life. It is available on Internet and can be played with other participants of the program.

4) Introducing Conceptual Mapping

The concepts people have in mind drive their actions. The concepts that underlie things define their essential functionality. The levels of personal freedom are fully associated with the levels of conceptualization an individual has.

Having the concepts of what one is doing allows to be extremely effective and flexible. That is what is made possible by the degree of freedom an individual has. Freedom allows managing concepts and concepts make people free.

The knowledge of these concepts drives to the understanding of the fundamentals of things and allows minimizing the effort to achieve results.

To understand concepts, it is necessary to begin by getting the idea of something. This idea requires knowing: what is it?, how does it work? and what is it for? The use of an open system on the cloud drives these actions.

5) Going beyond Dualism

Unicist Strategic Thinking

The world is neither black or white nor good or bad. These are dualistic abstractions that establish limits to hinder dysfunctional actions.

Understanding one’s evolution, and the evolution of things, requires going beyond dualism and being able to integrate a triadic approach that allows emulating the intelligence of nature.

All what needs to be done is being able to reflect on the evolution of the real world without filtering with value judgments. Discussions on Internet News drives these actions.
