
80% of the Startups fail, avoid it

80% of the Startups fail, avoid it

80% of the Startups fail, avoid it

Manage the Nature of your Business

by understanding its triadic functionality

by understanding its triadic functionality

by understanding its triadic functionality

Peter Belohlavek’s Lectures on the New Stage

The activity is part of the Microeconomics Driven Development Program, a non-profit project, sponsored by The Unicist Research Institute.

There is nothing in the universe, which is part of a system, that does not work with a purpose, an active function, and an energy conservation function. This structure defines the concepts and functionality of things.

All the lectures are just “drops” of the unicist functionalist approach to support people who are interested in contributing to the expansion of their countries through the expansion of their own activities by increasing the value they generate in their environment.

Every Wednesday at 1:00 PM ET (20 min + Q&A)

Next Lecture:
The Matrimony between Innovation and Capital – 06/16/21

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Counseling Room

Peter Belohlavek is the discoverer of the intelligence that underlies nature that made the functional and evolutionary approaches to adaptive entities possible.

He is the founder of The Unicist Research Institute where the unicist functionalist and evolutionary approaches to adaptive environments were developed and applied to economic, social, and business environments. He introduced a paradigm shift in science that allowed a scientific approach to adaptive environments with open boundaries. 


The Unicist Innovation Center

The innovation center gives access to the scope of researches and innovations that were developed at The Unicist Research Institute. It provides the basic information that allows integrating the know-how and the know-why of social, economic, and business processes. You have free access to up to three downloads.


The Unicist Library

The unicist library is a functional knowledge repository that gives access to the ontological structures of business functions and processes. It provides the information of the fundamentals that are the input for the use of unicist functional design and functional research. (There is a 30-day free trial available).
