Microeconomic Development

Social Lab

Microeconomics driven Development – A Transgenerational 50-year Project

Summary: Facileness Expands too Fast in the World

Microeconomics driven Development is, by definition, a bottom up catalyst driven project that fosters sustainable social evolution.

It is based on the empowerment of the cultural belonging, the value of work, the value of learning, the installation of a second opportunity ethics and the society’s ban on facileness in leadership.

Social Facileness

Facileness expands too fast in too many places in the world. Facileness implies making what one believes, wants or can do prevail over what is needed to be done. Facileness degrades, marginalizes and kills social evolution.

As is has been researched, facileness is the root cause that underlies involving environments and microeconomic (business) failures.

Facileness profits by transferring risks and cost to others, which installs distrust in the environment and reinforces an extremely individualistic behavior. Facileness needs to become “socially banned” in a culture to generate sustainable evolution.

The project is based on installing catalysts for social evolution. Social catalysts are accelerators of social and microeconomic evolutionary processes which require being based on the archetypes of cultures and their institutions empowering their functionality.

The unicist evolutionary approach fosters evolution and minimizes facileness by managing the unified field of social and business functions. It works as a generic social catalyst to generate sustainable growth.

It is a 50-year transgenerational project that is based on taking advantage of the adolescent rebellions to catalyze those values which are self-evident when evolution is a value.

We invite International organizations, State organizations, private companies, non-profit organizations, think tanks and individuals to participate in a transgenerational 50-year project to establish sustainable economic catalysts that foster growth and well-being while they minimize economic crises.

This is a non-profit activity that needs to be financially self-supported by the activities of the participating organizations to ensure the evolution of this project for 50 years.

The Context: The Era of Conceptualization is Here

The 4th Industrial Revolution introduced the conceptual mindset to manage adaptiveness in the business world. Conceptualizing implies being able to have an adaptive behavior driven by the capacity of apprehending the nature of what one is doing as well as the operational aspects of the actions.

Industrial Revolution Mindset

Industrial Revolutions foster and establish dominant mindsets to fulfill their purposes. These mindsets include the preceding mindset as complementary approaches.

Operational thinking is the dominant mindset in the 1st Industrial Revolution.

Analytical thinking is the dominant mindset in the 2nd Industrial Revolution.

Systemic thinking is the dominant mindset in the 3rd Industrial Revolution.

Conceptual thinking is the dominant mindset in the 4th Industrial Revolution.

Conceptualization is necessary to drive proactive actions in the field of adaptive behavior. That is why it applies to individual, institutional and social behavior. In plain language, conceptualization implies knowing what one is truly doing, having the concepts of the actions, which includes knowing their functional structure and being able to transform these concepts into value adding operational actions.

Facileness avoids conceptualization by using analogical approaches to avoid assuming the responsibility for generating results.

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A Must: Managing

Books included in the
Unicist Root Cause Library

The unified field of micro and macroeconomics

Unicist Conceptual Economics

Understanding the nature of social behavior

Ontology based country scenario building

Understanding and influencing social evolution

Developing micro-macro integrated growth
