Daily Archives: July 3, 2014

Unicist Approach: How and why do social catalysts work?

Social catalysts are unicist objects that accelerate human driven action processes. As catalysts, they are not part of the system, they are external entities to influence it.

The influence that catalysts exert is not based on an authoritarian impulse but on the adding of an energetic stimulus that accelerates a human action process. The use of drums to accelerate walking is a simple example of a social catalyst.

Social Catalysts work when the fundamentals of their ontogenetic map overcame the threshold that is needed to influence a specific human action process.

A social catalysts needs to fulfill a latent need that satisfies a basic human need.

The stimuli of catalysts need to be perceived as having a superior ethics, measured in terms of the value they add, which build up their authoritative and influential role.

But the influence of the social catalysts needs to be subliminal, meaning that it cannot be rationalized. If it is not subliminal, it produces a paradoxical effect.

Another example of social catalysts is the flag of a country. Depending on the functional context, the flag of a country works as a gravitational object, as a catalyst or as an entropy inhibitor.

Consider how flags are used in Olympic Games or Schools and you will be able to identify the different functionalities of the same flag.

Social catalyst building requires dealing with a superior ethics to influence the environment, but the use of social catalysts only requires understanding their functionality.

It has to be considered that catalysts are necessary to expand the boundaries of an activity and that if their energy does not suffice, they work as inhibitors.

Social and economic growth and maximal strategies in general, require the use of catalysts.

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.
