Transgenerational Evolution

The objective of the research on transgenerational evolution was to find the drivers of evolution and involution of people in their environments and discover the multiple pathways evolution opens for those who are involved in it.

Generational Evolution

Cultural changes occur along multiple generations and are catalyzed by technological changes. The discovery of fire, the wheel and gunpowder are examples of how cultural change is driven and catalyzed by technologies. 

These changes begin being operational and end being part of the collective intelligence of the culture. Therefore, the introduction of structural changes in cultures requires, necessarily, having a transgenerational approach to evolution. 

What became evident clear is that there exist no families that evolve and other families that involve. Different members of a new generation adopt different role towards evolution which defines their own evolution and influences the evolution of the family as a group.

Adolescence establishes a branch in evolution. This branch opens multiple structural alternatives that, on the surface, have infinite operational alternatives.

But there are two possible dominant evolutionary roles:

  1. The Adaptive role, that is driven by the need of personal freedom
  2. The Over-adaptive role, that is driven by the need of personal security

The adoption of one of them depends on the collective intelligence of the environment of individuals at the time of their adolescent rebellion and on their capacity to deal with the external influences. The knowledge of these roles allows catalyzing the adoption of adaptive roles and thus fostering the evolution of people and their environments.

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute has been, since 1976, the pioneer in complexity science research where the Unicist Evolutionary Approach was developed.


The Unicist Sporting Spirit Catalyzes Evolution

The empowerment of the sporting spirit of a society is the driver of transgenerational evolution. It inhibits paternalism because it is centered on the actions of people. Sporting spirit is integrated by the spirit de corps, the spirit of self-criticism and the competitive spirit.

The “sporting spirit” of an individual empowers the spirit de corps and establishes an attitude towards action and conflict management, where the greater good provides a framework that ensures the functionality of actions.

The generational evolution can be influenced by introducing the sporting spirit in children and adolescents introducing some concepts that need to be accepted:

  1. “Today better than yesterday” is not an anarchic approach, it is an evolutionary approach.
  2. Learning from mistakes is basic in life. It requires using self-criticism.
  3. Self-criticism is not a critic exerted on oneself. It is the decision of improving what one is doing without needing that things fail to learn.
  4. Competing with the preceding generations is basic to generate evolution. But the competition has to occur in the real world, not in the hypothetical world of ideas.
  5. Creativity is based on knowledge, imagination is endless.

Adopting a sporting spirit in life is what drives the evolution of individuals and foster the evolution of the environment. It drives people towards an autonomous role that allows true participation and the building of synergy.

Sporting spirit requires sharing a greater good that drives the actions in an environment and provides a sense of belonging. It also requires to be motivated by what is being done. It sustains authoritative roles but leaves no room for paternalism and clientelism.

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute has been, since 1976, the pioneer in complexity science research where the Unicist Evolutionary Approach was developed.


Complex problem solving requires dealing with superior ethical intelligence

The discovery of ethical intelligence unveiled the drivers of human behavior and widened the possibilities of individuals to manage their own future. Ethical intelligence defines how people generate added value, influence the environment, manage time, build strategies and focus on reality.

Ethical IntelligenceThis discovery is the major and deepest discovery in the field of human intelligence made by Peter Belohlavek.

Ethical intelligence provides the structural logic to survive, earn value, add value, acquire and manage knowledge and deal with the nature of reality. It is the “mother” of all the intelligences. It defines the true intentions of individuals that are observable in the consequences of their actions.

The higher the level of ethics an individual wants to achieve, the higher the prices s/he has to pay, not only to achieve such level but also to maintain it.

The notorious aspect is that although being the less conscious intelligence, its evolution empowers the possibilities of the functional intelligences of individuals.

Business Functionality of Ethical Intelligence

The discovery of ethical intelligence opened new possibilities to influence individuals’ evolution. Ethical intelligence in business defines the value adding possibilities, the influence on the environment, time management, strategic planning and focusing.

The apparent paradox is that it is the deepest intelligence of the human mind, but at the same time it is the intelligence that evolves with the maturity of individuals and can be influenced.

It has to be considered that in the business world different activities require different ethical approaches in order to be successful. For example:

Pyramid of Ethical IntelligencesA business is consistent when the individuals dealing with it have the ethics required by the activity.

When the ethics is inferior to what is needed, it necessarily inhibits growth installing a “business growth virus” in the organization.

If the ethics used by individuals is superior to what is needed, they install a “business profit virus” in the organization that increases costs and affects profitability.

Ethics is implicit in everyday actions, including language. Therefore, it can be defined, measured and fostered.

The rational knowledge of ethical intelligence has an enormous benefit for individuals in organizations in order to ensure consistency for growth and profitability.

Unicist Press Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.


Discovery of the Unicist Technology for Trend Building

Trend building is perhaps the most complex process in the business world. It is a paradigmatic example of complexity.

Trend BuildingThe first trend building process developed by our organization occurred in 1981. Since then multiple trends were installed having more or less influential power in the social, political, technological and business fields. The final trend building technology could be confirmed in 2013.

Trend building is a “must” when innovations need to be introduced in a market. Basically, there are two different types of trends:

1)  Natural trends produced in a context

2)  Artificial trends stimulated by human actions

Trends need to have a level of energy to allow using them “as a wave” in order to “surf” on them. Natural waves have a higher level of energy than artificial trends.

There are multiple types of trends:

  1. Produced by new technologies
  2. Produced by the satisfaction of needs
  3. Produced by changes in the gravitational force
  4. Produced by changes in the catalysts
  5. Produced by restrictions of the environment
  6. Produced by the disequilibrium of the functionality of concepts that underlie a given reality
  7. Produced by mutations of conceptual structures
  8. Produced by the influence of changes in homologous fields
  9. Produced by changes in he sub-concepts of a field
  10. Produced by extreme conflicts

Artificial trends are built by installing expectancies based on an authoritative context that provides “gravitational legitimacy” and having the necessary influence to accelerate the process.

The success of a trend building process depends on the capacity of installing the necessary propagation speed that makes this process commercially feasible.

This technology requires using semiotic and semantic objects in order to achieve the necessary propagation speed. Full success will have been achieved when the artificial trend becomes a natural trend.

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.


Unicist Anthropology: functionality of taboos in societies


Unicist anthropology is the description of human social behavior and evolution based on the implicit rules of the ontogenetic intelligence of nature that rule human social action.

Unicist anthropology describes the unicist ontology of human social behavior. Social behavior establishes the context of individual behavior. Therefore it limits it, catalyzes and inhibits actions and works as a dominant gravitational force in social behavior.

About Taboos

Social TabooThe purpose of a taboo is to avoid destruction. Those who do not respect the taboos of a culture endanger the cultural survival, growth or identity. Therefore disregarding the taboos produces self-destruction and/or destruction.

Functionally, taboos provide a secure social environment to allow and foster actions and a secure individual environment to avoid uncertainty.

The paradox is that evolving cultures respect the taboos that are usually implicit in their protocols or rituals to prepare actions while involving cultures do not respect them.

Action requires preexisting protocols that are strictly respected in evolving cultures.

Involving cultures, on the other hand, lack protocols or generate protocols that produce fallacious myths. This means that the protocols disregard the taboos and foster non acceptable actions that degrade the culture.

At an essential operational level, the functionality of taboos requires the integration of the structuring of a secure social and individual environment based on extremely strict rules with a punishment system that includes both social and self-inflicted punishment.

Operationally, the four structural segments of taboos can be described as follows.

Surviving taboos

Surviving taboos are the ones that ensure the survival of a culture. The survival of a culture requires that all members share the fallacious myths that are installed.

Fallacious myths are apparently dysfunctional myths based on fallacies and unreachable utopias that cover the weaknesses a culture cannot deal with.

Surviving taboos avoid that cultures discuss the functionality of their extreme weaknesses. An example of surviving taboos is a culture where people usually express half of the truth.

The other half of the truth is not said generating a polemic on truth that fulfills the self-esteem of the participants. The whole truth is unbearable and those who express it are eliminated.

Conservative taboos

Conservative taboos are the explicit and implicit prohibition of dealing with aspects that might change the status quo. Conservative taboos are implicit in cultures that cannot deal with change.

Dependant cultures need to be conservative because they cannot change due to the fact that they depend on being dependant.

When a culture is dependant it has to be rigid and conservative in order to be reliable to the one it depends on.

In aligned cultures the need for conservation is installed and establishes rules that follow after the dependence has been broken. Conservative taboos imply dependence.

Cohabitation taboos

Every culture has its cohabitation taboos. There are cultures where sex, races, politics and religions cannot be discussed in social meetings.

On the other hand, there are cultures where the discussion of politics is part of their social rituals. This implies that every culture establishes the cohabitation taboos that are functional to its archetypes.

The archetype of a culture requires that some aspects, those who cover unbearable facts, cannot be discussed. This has to be strictly respected because it is part of the culture’s success.

Evolution taboos

Evolution implies paying prices in the social field. These prices necessarily affect people. Evolution taboos imply the avoidance of clarifying the prices a culture is paying for its evolution.

The few, the ones who guide the evolution, know what is happening. But the mass of the society needs to avoid facing the prices and establishes implicit taboos on those aspects that cannot be dealt with.

An evolution taboo implies the “denial” of the fact that evolution necessarily implies that somebody is being left behind. Without these taboos societies could not evolve.


Unicist anthropology approaches human behavior based on its essential drivers which are the taboos of a society that “hide” the expansion and contraction of cultures, the myths that provide the security framework and the utopias that provide the drivers for actions and, therefore, for evolution.

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.


Evolution: The power of a Nation is in its Archetype

The Power of a Nation provides a gravitational force for its external relations in the public and private fields that defines the level of synergy of the culture and establishes the standard for social, economic and political behaviors in terms of their capacity to influence the environment.

The Power of NationsWe are entering in one of the most obscure aspects of social behavior that deals with the power that cultures have and transfer to their members.

Essentially, the power of a Nation is synthesized in its archetype which has a level of energy that allows the Nation to follow a common goal with a natural path to achieve it.

The first obscure aspect is to accept that different countries have a different level of energy to influence the environment to transform nature for the benefit of their members.

Defining these differences is implicitly the explanation of the different levels of development of countries and explains also why the solution towards a higher level of power to influence the environment has to come from the inside and not from the outside.

This work is the result of more than 30 years of researching and forecasting the evolution of countries until the fundamentals that define the power of Nations were refined and proven that they have no exceptions.

At an operational level statistics is an adequate tool for most of the social researches. At an essential level, when dealing with the world of possibilities, the conclusions are 0 (zero) or 1 (one). No probabilities are admissible.

The power of a Nation is in its Archetype

The archetype of a Nation defines its power. But archetypes evolve, and this evolution occurs driven by the elite of a country. Elites have two roles in a country. On the one hand, they are the representatives of the archetype of the culture and, on the other hand, they are the ones that foster its evolution.

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.


Human time drivers condition the apprehension of Evolution

The level of ethical intelligence is what allows individuals to manage time. As ethical intelligence evolves and involves individuals evolve in their capacity to manage the timing of their actions.

Individuals’ actions are ruled by time drivers. These drivers put the described time management into action. These time drivers are:

  • The present
  • The future
  • The past
  • The “here and now”

Structurally it can be said that the present and the “here and now” are the essential drivers of individuals to adapt to universal time.

But the research on time management demonstrated that there are two major segments: individuals with a proactive action and individuals with a reactive action on the environment.

It was also seen that individuals with a reactive action on the environment systematically struggle avoiding involution while individuals with a proactive action fall in that situation when they do not include a minimal strategy to deal with the “here and now”.

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.


The Unicist Ontology of Complex Systems

The Unicist Ontology of Complex Systems was researched and developed by Peter Belohlavek at The Unicist Research Institute based on the experiences and applications in medicine, human behavior, social behavior, businesses and future research. The apprehension of complex systems requires a significant abstraction and integration effort in order to be able to emulate these systems in mind.

Complex SystemsThis unicist ontology provides an answer that ends the open discussion of what complex systems are. It allowed defining the functionality of complex systems and how to influence such systems and build them.

A Complex system is an entity that works as a composite unicist object, integrated by a conjunction of objects, that has open boundaries with the environment.

All complex systems are organized by objects, which allow managing complexity. This is self-evident in a human body where each organ is an interdependent object to sustain the life of the human being. Another example in social life can help to clarify this characteristic of the complex systems: the roles people assume work as objects in society.

At an operational level, the core characteristics of a complex system are:

  1. All the elements of the complex system are integrated by conjunctions without the possibility of the existence of disjunctions.
  2. The openness of the boundaries of the objects that integrate the complex system and the openness of the system as an object itself.

A unicist object is defined as an adaptive system that has a concept to fulfill, has a value adding function and a quality assurance process to sustain the purpose of the system. The concept is defined by having a purpose, an active function to put the purpose in action and an energy conservation function to sustain the achievement of the purpose.

The complexity of a system is intrinsic, which means that it does not depend on the perception of an individual. But in order to apprehend a complex system it is necessary that the person emulates the system in mind, which fully depends on the individual.

This requires that the individual needs to be able to go beyond a dualistic thinking process in order to be able to apprehend the conjunctions implicit in the system and needs to have the concept of the environment in order to be able to deal with the open boundaries of the system.

There are fields that are generally accepted as being complex such as: Life-sciences, social sciences, anthropology, political sciences, economic sciences, behavioral sciences, medicine, psychology, education, businesses, ecology, meteorology.

The Ontological Algorithm of a Complex System

The driver of a complex system is the concept that regulates its unified field to generate results. This driver is what generates the emergence (results) of the complex system.

Ontological Algorithm of a Complex SystemThe system needs to add value in order to influence the environment to sustain the openness of its boundaries. The fulfillment of the purpose of the concept is sustained by a quality assurance process that needs to manage the influence of the environment.

The maximal strategy is based on managing the conjunction of the objects that integrate the complex system. It requires identifying the objects that integrate the system and how they are integrated.

The integration of the objects is given by their conjunction including them following the rules of the double dialectical logic. This logic defines that each object is integrated with another object assuming a complementary or supplementary role and their integration builds an object of superior order of complexity.

Since these interdependent objects that have biunivocal relationships are integrated, it is necessary to apprehend them as a unified field using the unicist logic, which emulates the ontogenetic intelligence of nature.

The functionality of the biunivocal influence works as the catalyst of the functionality of the complex system.

The minimum strategy that sustains the functionality of the complex system is built upon the management of the open boundaries based on the adaptive behavior of its elements. Such adaptive behavior implies that adaptiveness is sustained by the influence that is exerted by the system while the influence that is exerted by the environment on the system is managed.

The influence exerted on the environment is based on the complementation of the complex system with the environment. This complementation requires covering two different aspects:

  • An asymmetric complementation with negative slope in order to have an influential role.
  • A symmetric complementation to establish a participative relationship with the environment.

The influence exerted by the environment is based on a competitive relationship, which implies the existence of supplementary roles between the system and the environment. This requires paying the prices of sustaining the objective of the system within the boundaries established by the influence of the environment.

Adaptiveness is the final goal of the minimum strategy and requires managing the biunivocal influence between the system and the environment.

Levels of Complexity Management

Unicist Ontology of Complex SystemsThe complexity of a system is defined intrinsically by the characteristics of the system. The more objects that integrate a complex system, the higher the level of complexity of such system.

Five levels of complex systems have been defined:

  • Level of Complexity 0 – Over-adaptive Complex System
  • Level of Complexity 1 – Influential Complex System
  • Level of Complexity 2 – Reactive Complex System
  • Level of Complexity 3 – Proactive Complex System
  • Level of Complexity 4 – Adaptive Complex System

Level of Complexity 0 – Over-adaptive Complex Systems

These are entities that have adjacent roles to the environment which makes them work as “hygienic” entities.

They have no internal complexity because they follow the environment which implies that they establish an asymmetric complementation with positive slope. Over-adaptive systems are not complex.

Level of Complexity 1 – Influential Complex Systems

These are the complex systems that participate in isolated niches of the environment having the capacity of influencing the environment by providing elements that are perceived as necessary by the environment.

They are integrated by few interdependent objects and the open boundaries deal with a restricted isolated environment. Their level of complexity is given by the need to build complementary roles.

Level of Complexity 2 – Reactive Complex Systems

This level includes the complexity implicit in the previous level. These are complex systems that are organized to manage the influence of the environment without over-adapting.

These system are extremely efficient in their peripheral structure, which allows them to respond to the influence of the environment without losing their purpose and functionality. Their level of complexity if given by the need to manage the influence exerted by the environment.

Level of Complexity 3 – Proactive Complex Systems

This level includes the complexity implicit in the previous level. These are complex systems that exert an active influence on the environment in order to expand.

They are expansive entities that have developed a superior capacity to manage processes in a competitive environment that is basically defined by the biunivocal relationships they need to manage. Their level of complexity is given by the need to manage biunivocal relationships with the environment.

Level of Complexity 4 – Adaptive Complex Systems

This level includes the complexity implicit in the previous level. These are complex systems that adapt to the environment that are driven by their capacity of building bridges between apparently incompatible needs.

They manage the capacity to build complementation at a superior level when the lower level fails. They are innovative entities that manage the conflicts with the environment by generating additional added value. Their level of complexity is given by the need to manage the future of the environment, the possibilities of the system and its complementation in changing environments.


All complex systems are organized by objects, which allow managing complexity. This is self-evident in a human body where each organ is an interdependent object to sustain the life of the human being.

Another example in social life can help to clarify this characteristic of the complex systems: the roles people assume work as objects in society.

This has several consequences:

  1. A complex system is, by definition, constituted by interdependent objects.
  2. When researching a complex system what needs to be researched are the objects of the system.
  3. When a human built complex system has no established objects, it is transformed into an over-adaptive system.
  4. To apprehend complex systems individuals need to be able to emulate their architecture in mind, which requires being able to deal with open boundaries and conjunctions while leaving aside the disjunctions implicit in value judgments.

Unicist Executive Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.


Discovery of cultural over-adaptation and its consequences

Over-adaptation implies stagnation. The stagnation is a consequence and over-adaptive behaviors are the drivers that generate stagnation.

An over-adaptive behavior is part of any expansive (adaptive) process.

Cultural expansion requires being able to influence the environment and then use the over-adaptive behavior in order to save energy.

It requires being able to influence the environment in a way that generates growth.

When this influential attitude does not exist, whatever the reasons, the over-adaptive process has begun.

This necessarily generates stagnation in the environment. Standing still in an environment that is evolving produces involution measured in terms of the vital space that is being occupied in the context.

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.


Discovery that complementation and supplementation rule nature

The research on adaptive systems drove to the conclusion that nature has only two types of relationships: complementation and supplementation. The use of a unicist double dialectical thinking approach is necessary to apprehend them.

The elements that are part of an entity in nature are integrated by supplementary and complementary relationships. There exist no other types of relationships in nature.

These relationships can be perfect or imperfect. When they are perfect the entity evolves in a stable way, when they are imperfect they generate a high level of entropy.

The purpose, the conservation function and the active function of a concept are integrated by logical rules which sustain their unity.

While the purpose and the active function are sustained by the supplementation law, the purpose and the conservation function are integrated by the complementation law.

Access a synthesis on “The Homology between Unicist Concepts and Stem Cells, Atoms, Biology, the TAO and Electricity” that is available at the Scientific Dissemination Program:

Unicist Press Committee

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in using the unicist logical approach in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems. It has an academic arm and a business arm.
