Envy is the driver of poverty, conflicts and involution

Envy is perhaps the most powerful justifier for human degrading and destroying actions. It is a necessary consequence of inferiority and superiority complexes.

The purpose of envy is to generate pleasure through destruction. It is based on the “greed” individuals feel and is sustained by jealousy driven relationships. The research on the nature of envy used the Buddhist concept as an input.

Envy works at a non-conscious level. The benefit envious people search for is the access to a better place in the world. That is why they destroy by tanking advantage of the envied. When they cannot do it, whatever the reason, they need to deny the envied existence, killing them it by exclusion.

Envy necessarily produces poverty and extreme conflicts (including wars) when the environment resists its degradation or destruction. It is the essential driver of any fundamentalism.

Envy cannot be rationally accepted by the envious. Therefore, it is substituted by the feeling of jealousy or the feeling of injustice and the need of repair.

Over-adapted cultures generate, because of their lack of possibilities to adapt, a context for envy driven actions. In these cultures envy is accepted as a characteristic which is sustained by fallacious myths to avoid its perception.

As it generates involution, the segments of a culture where it is installed as a characteristic are continuously struggling for survival. These contexts suffer cyclical crises that can only be palliated increasing the need for over-adaptive behavior.

Adaptive behavior is the natural context that inhibits the existence of envy.

Access a synthesis on the “Discovery of the Unicist Ontology of Human Complexes” that is available at the Scientific Dissemination Program. You will find there other syntheses that might be of your interest: 

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a global decentralized world-class research organization in the field of human adaptive systems.
