genetic engineering processes

The Unicist Ontology of Biological Entities

The unicist ontology of a “biological entity” defines its structure and functionality in an environment.

The understanding of the ontology of “biological entities” helps to follow the laws of nature when dealing with genetic engineering processes and use it to apprehend the nature of beings with “artificial life” such as institutions.

The genotype defines the genetic structure of the entity that rules its evolution and generates the phenotype of the being.

The objective of the genotype is to ensure the permanence of species, it reproduction and production.

The phenotype defines the morphologic, behavioral and materialistic characteristics of the entity. It defines the functional characteristics, the functional power of the entity and the functional assurance.

Functionality defines the effectiveness of the phenotype measured as the consequence of the adaptation of the biological entity to the environment. Functionality is measured in the capacity of adapting and growing, on the one hand, and surviving, on the other hand.

To apprehend the dynamic of a biological entity it is necessary to manage the unicist double dialectical logic. Dualistic approaches only allow making static observations of a biological entity and/or making disruptive interventions on its evolution.

Peter Belohlavek

NOTE: The Unicist Research Institute was the pioneer in complexity science research and became a private global decentralized leading research organization in the field of human adaptive systems.
